

New Member

Apr 18th 2013, 23:35:14

100% agree with Donny.


New Member

Apr 18th 2013, 20:17:08

Left - If I had hit you 4 times including an OVER RETAL, I would have been killed.

Twain - whoever the player that hit me obviously didn't give me any respect, over retaled than decided to top feed with land thin retalers's. It's not like I wasn't well defended.

gambit - it was only 2 grabs, where the nbk player got more in the retals. I play to EE to grab, I don't want to hit myself and if I have to I just won;t bother to play, no big deal. If I haven't played FFA in years how am I suppose to know who the netting tags are and who aren't?

If nbk or other tribes don;t want new players to join ffa server, thats fine ill just stick with express.

pele - when i last played untags have 1 reason and that is to suicide or were bot run we always farmed untaggs. Things have certainly changed here, and its obviously for the worse, take care chum.


New Member

Apr 18th 2013, 17:39:41

Really? 2 grabs results in these actions?

You've just made my decision to continue to play FFA that much easier, don't see the reason to continue playing when clans feel the need to farm a 1 man 16 tag. Was fun while it lasted.


New Member

Apr 18th 2013, 15:12:31

Hey FFA, I just recently started back played for years at Earth2025 mainly in virgin and than Homer, than moved on to 1A.

I just started back by playing express and decided to give FFA a chance again. Seems the politics are much different. Anyways I have some suiciders problems if any killers out there wonna help.

In regards to grabbing have the rules changed? For instance if I grabbed a tag (i.e PANLV once in the last 24hrs) if I grab again 24hrs later is that acceptable? Or will I get killed?

Much appreciated,



New Member

Apr 18th 2013, 14:32:21

I do and am getting suicided.