


May 21st 2012, 5:59:54

Originally posted by mdevol:
hmmm. still a bit silly, to flame and not play to back it up.

im playing now, now that summer has come. i study at my uni and would much rather spend some time now when i dont have any social arrangements planned to keep me distracted. nows a great time to join in the earth festivities with actually playing a country past a startup instead of being forced to watch from the sidelines. plenty of earthers just read the boards and get involved at random times of the year, look at orkinman in alliance as an example. or should i not know that hes playing? should i not know that hanlong and tc from lafamiglia were caught cheating because according to sublime i wasnt playing! oh boy am i confused as to whats allowed and not. should be a set of rules ^_^



May 21st 2012, 5:53:47

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Necrophilly_Lilly:
an XI member started this thread, can you go and get another ally? i'd hate to think a 2v1 with NBK killing whoever it wants is enough!

No need, next time you don't want the police to take you out, don't tag up 6 days later, and if you do join a clan at war and wish to join the war, all you had to do is contact XI leader(s) and make arrangements, if you would of done so, you wouldn't have been killed by our police, we wouldn't of minded you joining, but you did it wrong, sorry it turned sour :(

noooooooooo! koh dont be sorry please. you arent a bad person i know! ^_^ i meant allies like the IMP involvement. they started killing original ROME members with chems, their choice to display some sense of strength or something. they are like that. XI letting them in to kill countries that werent mine is taking an insult. IMP is saying that you cant war a clan of netters on your own. NBK had the right to kill me if they wanted, i see no police for ROME who would be able to intervene. the only problem seen here is that NBK switched its stance on late additions to the war from a month ago and its making my head spin!



May 21st 2012, 5:43:30

where does it say we have to play to post? where does it say we have to play to read? where does it say we have to play to see the politics that are made public? where does it say we cant be in a clan site without playing a country? you and your alliance are hardly administrators or moderators to tell me how or when to play. even though you didnt bother to read my other post, i am responding to you now. the fact that others dont bother to post on this game has nothing to do with me. they can choose to spam like the top forum posters or they can choose to not say one word. what makes you think you are so interesting to talk to when you are identical to every other pro-IMP speaker? the only time i see a non-IMP member speak positively about your clan its the same tone as well.



May 21st 2012, 5:33:14

first time back on this server yeah. i didnt get the whole account to control all servers thing since thats a new thing to the new earth. but that not only is none of your concern, but not something you deserve to hear. like i said, continue getting those IMP deletions and petitioning to have the entire alliance safelisted for primeval's dog, cousin, and 24 top students to get onto the game ^_^



May 21st 2012, 5:29:58

lol, go get more deletions for IMP and leave me alone pleeeeease. i dont care to talk to cheaters or those who side with them. click on my name up in the corner and you'll see how long i've been on the new earth ^_^

also theres nothing of quality to post on these boards since there aren't any old school FFAers. even rico doesnt sound like he used to. i doubt these boards would be the same if we had xmach and mapi and simpsonator around. but thats asking for a better crowd than you can offer.



May 21st 2012, 5:27:14

an XI member started this thread, can you go and get another ally? i'd hate to think a 2v1 with NBK killing whoever it wants is enough!



May 21st 2012, 5:25:31

ive been here since september. i have played in old ffa with halfdead with vince. what fake name do i have to hide behind? i am lilly, always have been. sorry if you dont know me, but i dont know you and couldn't care less! ^_^



May 21st 2012, 5:18:46

then you sent him to take them down from the inside! thats not fair play!



May 21st 2012, 5:16:34

and im not saying im rubbed the wrong way, if there ever was such a thing =D--- but rather that the H word that pain brought up is critical in evaluating a clan i'm not in. you cant just change your mind every few weeks as to what the definition of fair play without being called out on it. you all started complaining to TKO (warster came to your aid in a jiffy!) and FOcuS first, hence why it was brought up. if you stayed true set after set with word after word, heck i'd love to join your way of thinking. i cant do that in all honesty knowing you'll switch at the drop of a dime if it isn't convenient anymore ;)



May 21st 2012, 5:11:56

1) fixed, thanks! ^_^
2) cant say i know what a fore-fill is but yeah i like zombies, you wanna fight over them?



May 21st 2012, 5:08:29

Originally posted by Dizology:
Me specifically? That never happened.

"Whining the exact opposite" - Sorry?

"crushed 3 sets in a row" - Perhaps you need to read a page out of NBK's books? Where is SF now? 3 players went inactive, 200 countries disappeared and the remainder merged.

what makes you think they disappeared? you think everyone agreed with aquaview running SF? a clan is usually a group of mates. everyone got along with walding and his leadership skills, not to say the same for aquaview. you embellish and presume victory in an area in which you had no idea the controversy unless you had a spy. much more internal strife took down SF than beating on NBK set after set.



May 21st 2012, 5:02:26

Originally posted by Dizology:
^^ either way, the countries got killed. Pissing and moaning does nothing. Not that I was one for pissing and moaning. I actually told our members to delete their countries - which is a major hindrance missing out on the restart bonus which you will take advantage of.

i have no problem dying ^_^ im glad for it. dying for friends is the best possible move. i just was wondering why NBK went from being Earth2025's top dog clan to what it was today. makes me miss vincey and HD. there i could net in peace or war with classy people.

Edited By: Necrophilly_Lilly on May 21st 2012, 5:10:56. Reason: edited thanks diz^_^
See Original Post



May 21st 2012, 4:42:11

that one was directed at IMP. but still sad that you whine to the entire server to feel pity on you for taking an FS from a fair clan, then go and have KWA do what it did, then have IMP do what it does... all to end up here whining the exact opposite. you wonder why you had to be crushed 3 sets in a row?



May 21st 2012, 4:40:45

hurray for bringing in IMP to help you win a war when you have 3x the nw lol. and having NBK killing legitimate countries who were untagged is depressing.



May 21st 2012, 4:35:44

and 'ure' not using the English language at any rate above a 3rd grader, get off the boards



May 21st 2012, 4:33:07

still sad a 3v1 sounds about right for the newly fallen NBK and always classless IMP/XI



May 21st 2012, 4:28:01

nevermind, looks like IMP is declaring on us?



May 21st 2012, 4:26:58


is a number created AFTER XI declared on ROME. you are saying they may not have new members? but look at how IMP and NBK both grew to over 100% their FS size. almost too sad to think this is how you all are nowadays.



May 21st 2012, 4:24:21

bstrong---- way to be pathetic keep it up!

pain---- thats absurd, that NBK would be hypocrites, you know with the late taggers for IMP and whatnot ^_^



Sep 18th 2011, 9:52:54

this is helpful information. thanks to those who answer these types of questions.