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New Member

Mar 6th 2013, 7:21:32

Don't mind reset, would just like continuous play

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New Member

Mar 6th 2013, 7:20:52

Sometimes I will log in and see that the express server is still 9 hours away from starting so I won't log on for a while, and when I do if its between rounds again, I won't play for a while again until I log on when the round is going whether it is in the middle of it or not. Seems kind of silly to put the entire game on hold for two days.

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New Member

Mar 6th 2013, 7:18:12

What advantage would there be for anyone with shorter breaks? Time of day/week when the round starts/ends? Is this something that should be limited because of some players who don't have time on this day or that? I am unavailable at random times during the day, does this mean we can put a pause button in for me when I am busy near start/end times?

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New Member

Mar 6th 2013, 7:14:03

I hate making suggestions, because it usually ends in someone angry. Shouldn't you aim to appeal to EVERYONE, not just people in this time zone or that time zone? Would attract more players. More players = Better ? More targets, more competition....

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New Member

Mar 5th 2013, 16:39:16

Probably the last time I'll ask and seeing how I usually don't get much support I'm going to cut it down to one thing. Could we cut the break in Express from two days down to like 6 hours? Would play other types in addition to express, but it feels too much like a snails pace. Would like to continue promoting the game to my friends and family, but I'm not going to if I don't play anymore.

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New Member

Feb 17th 2013, 5:51:11

This will be, sadly, my last round unless the express is made either a: a little more express (NO WAIT TIME BETWEEN ROUNDS, 2-4 hours max) or b: a few days longer. I have gotten at least a dozen of my friends to start playing and once I stop they will most likely do the same. If the express gets better, I can get WAY more people to start playing. Otherwise, I enjoyed playing with everyone and good gaming!

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New Member

Jan 12th 2013, 15:22:41

Leave the current express server alone. Please. It is the only one I REALLY enjoy playing, and if the time for turns is extended, or the time between rounds is extended, I won't play anymore. Express is the most exciting, and if you don't have the time to play constantly all day..... No big deal? There are other servers you could do better on, express is a blast whether you are on the top rankings or not. So please, if the plan is to alter the current express server please ignore my suggestion and any and all within, but if the plan is to make another express or make this one faster/longer, than please do so.

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New Member

Jan 11th 2013, 21:36:50

Apparently I am a retarded monkey. I figured out the all time leaderboards. Would still be cool to be able to break a billion networth with a country..... Super long express round? Sorry for not reading all the info on the all time leaderboard. I would still have made the suggestion for a really long express round.

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New Member

Jan 11th 2013, 21:34:04

The all time highest scores of the express server could never be beaten in the time frame that we have, no way, unless there is a way to super charge your country or everyone that plays it now is a retarded monkey..... We can barely break a single percent of the top score of all time on express..... So something obviously changed.

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New Member

Jan 11th 2013, 21:32:40

Yea that would be ok, but I mean another express server that lasts for two weeks, or a month, or however long that they used to last for people to break a billion networth.

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New Member

Jan 11th 2013, 15:32:57

Any chance we could get a second express server? Or perhaps extend the rounds of express? I would just like the chance to take a shot at the top scores of all times. I like the way the express server is set up now, with quick rounds to see who can get the highest NW in that short time, but I would also like a stab at the all time scores, and it seems like just as I get my country really rollin', the round resets (And yes, my country is usually visible on the top 25). So if changing the length of the round isn't possible..... Could we get a second express server that lasts longer? I will personally continue to play just about every server....