
Observer Observer

New Member

Oct 2nd 2018, 4:16:47

Oh, another ISW/Rival/RD/MD and probably many I am forgetting guerilla warfare suicide clan. Kind of sad from LCN but so original. I mean you aren't the 11th to do so, I don't think. Maybe 5th - 8th for larger alliances? So original.

Observer Observer

New Member

Jun 17th 2014, 22:04:07

Originally posted by Earth Observer:
Originally posted by Alin:
fu you dumb fluff cheaters suporters full of fluff alliance of EE.

This guy is a confirmed cheater.

so droll to bring attention to cheating

Observer Observer

New Member

Nov 26th 2013, 5:40:28

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by Watcher Observer:
I am curious what mdevol's position is on the fact that sol has a well known and outspoken cheater in the alliance?
Is there some reason that he hasn't been booted?

Before you continue to fluff on RD's doorstep, I suggest you clean your own. It makes you look foolish.

I have a position on this and I will gladly post it on this forum when you have the balls to fluff on SoL's doorstep with your real nick, not an alias.

Yet another attempt by RD and its apologists to discredit the people asking questions they don't want to answer.

I wish I could. I am Symac of LaF. You may call me your doom. I am no RD apologist and I don't give a fluff about their "answers". There is no them. The sentence was handed down by the almighty Pang and his icons of creation and moderation. Nothing else matters.
Now what is your reasoning for having a known cheater in SoL and why are you trying so hard to distract the community from it. If I had my way I would ensure that SoL dies every set until this scumbag and all the leaders that allowed him to stay are removed. It appears I have had my way for going on 2 years now.

If you want to be the hardcore cheat police, judge, and executioner, you should expect to be held to those same standards.
I have one additional question that you will answer. How far beyond death do you believe it is possible to beat an already dead horse?

Observer Observer

New Member

Nov 26th 2013, 3:04:39

Originally posted by MArs47:

you want battle?

Observer Observer

New Member

Nov 26th 2013, 1:53:35