
OneMansArmy Game profile


Jan 4th 2013, 1:16:42

Let the poor techers get that money! =D
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Jan 3rd 2013, 4:34:08

Don't worry, seems like Primary can accommodate lots of Industrials and Cashers, but not so many Farmers or Techers.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Jan 2nd 2013, 0:27:32

Well done everyone at the top! I thought I would do better myself, but I know I screw up on a few things. I did beat my previous score by about 12mil, but I only gained 3 spots on my best rank, which is now 36th.

When I got my best rank of 39th three sets ago, to get into the top 40 you had to break 30mil networth. This set to get into the top 40 you had to break 40mil networth.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Jan 1st 2013, 4:25:33

Never underestimate the importance of a good SPAL..
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 10:06:07

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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 30th 2012, 22:18:21

Last country standing wins, get to warring everybody! =D
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 29th 2012, 23:41:29

About five to six hours apart from each other seems to be working for the two hitting CROATIA #208 for his RoR's on them.

I would hope that so long as there is no communication between the attacking countries, it would not be considered coordination. If your attacking at the same time as the other person each day it would seem a little suspicious. However, I don't think people should be required to even check the news before going to war with someone who provoked it.

I don't believe the countries should be able to communicate and coordinate their attacks on a common enemy. This is a solo server and if you are going to go to war it should be because you think you can do it on your own. You don't even have to win the war, but if you do enough damage to his networth, maybe he will re-think his strategy next set. If he has provoked multiple countries to war him, then he should be left to fend for himself so long as they are not communicating with each other IMO.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 29th 2012, 5:30:59

Originally posted by AmosMoses:
Then why should anyone be able to msg. at all in Primary?

To find allies, because not everyone uses the forums.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 29th 2012, 3:46:29

Originally posted by Marshal:
food is ~25 and oil is maybe same, 500 is techs autobuy price.

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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 27th 2012, 23:45:43

The technology percentage for countries is determined by the following formula:


In this formula, what does the EXP stand for?
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 24th 2012, 7:06:06

I don't think everybody checks (or should be required to check) the news before they decide they want to lay waste to some guy who has multi-hit.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 24th 2012, 1:53:13

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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 22nd 2012, 21:38:32

Looks like someone with a 200mil+ food stock decided to unload today?
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 20:29:41

Thank you for the responses. I ask because my stock at this point in my calculations (which probably aren't that accurate) tell me ill only make about 7-8mil more networth if I don't convert to MBR, and destock on my private later in the set. I am at 100 BPT, so I am close, but next set will I be aiming for 125.

The reason I asked about the reselling is I am going to try to cover that 6-8mil difference by reselling in the last few days of the set.

I didn't know you could sell bushels for $36 still after converting to MBR because I thought MB's decreased your private sell price?
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 20:20:45

Apparently I was the only one allowed to retal him and get away with it.. =P
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 5:05:44

What is a good BPT for converting to MBR at around 30k acres of land? Also, what kind of networth gain can a Democracy with 30k acres hope to get by reselling in the last days of the set?
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 21st 2012, 4:15:30

His days may be off, but his message seems more or less correct. The average peak bushel price for this past year has come a little later than the peak in this set seems to be.

However the peak price of bushels has not normally been ~$60. And has not been this high according to eestats since the 02 March 2012 set:

It would seem that the higher the bushel price peak is, the earlier people choose to destock their countries.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 20th 2012, 23:24:01

Well, if you can reach ~$54mil networth you can get beyond 4x his networth and stop him with humanitarians..
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 19th 2012, 6:12:52

Originally posted by bstrong86:
when is an appropriate time time to switch to TMBR ??? ithink i may have fluffed my set up...

"If there is X turns left in the reset, then you want A = B to match

A = (Stock + future stock gained over M turns)
B = (Amount of money it takes to buy out your PM over N turns of regen)

where M+N = X."

This helped me, Thank Xinhuan.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 18th 2012, 21:33:49

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
some demo must be playing the market with that much food being sold, or am I wrong?

Would you make more cash as a Demo with no market commissions by buying and then selling bushels each day at a higher prices, using each days sale to buy more for the next day. Or stocking all bushels up and selling them at some price you think is as high as it will, go or when you need to destock?
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 17th 2012, 22:03:12

I still just want to get a top 20 spot and/or beat my previous 39th place record :)
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 17th 2012, 7:09:02

Well done KoH! Looks like you get away with about ~4250 acres!

What strategies were the countries that got deleted btw?

Edited By: OneMansArmy on Dec 17th 2012, 8:04:19
See Original Post
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 17th 2012, 1:16:59

Don't take your attacks out on RVP #268, that is exactly what they want you to do. You wanna mess up their plan, hit the guy they are trying so hard to boost in networth. Virgin #199 should be the guy you are trying to destroy to ruin their plan.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 16th 2012, 20:25:16

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Game on, fluffes, i hate cheats! RAWR MOTHERFUKER!!!!!!

Please tell me I didn't just ally with you so you can get into a big war and I end up losing a lot turrets..
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 6:11:06

Oh I know who my target is.. I land grabbed him once and he sent over 20 steal tech ops as a retal. Almost half failed, but he still took a decent amount. He isn't in GDI anyway, but I figured he was protected against my harmful attacks because I am in GDI. If I understood whats being said here though, I get to launch my missiles at him before jumping out of his range on destock.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 6:06:44

Its not the top feed that makes him look like an A-hole in my book. Its the RoR for a hit he should have expected to get retaled for in the first place. If I was going to go around top feeding, I would damn sure be expecting them to hit me back at least once.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 15th 2012, 3:32:07

Originally posted by Requiem:
stealing tech does void GDI for you.

Really... Well had I known I could respond with missiles.. Now I got something to look forward to at the end of the set! =D
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 14th 2012, 23:52:56

Holy crap this set is turning bloody!

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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 13th 2012, 23:39:43

Originally posted by theannonymousone:
Which one................. I can change, I swear.

haha, not you buddy. I got a notice from my other top 10 ally that he is looking to replace me. So I am looking for another.

KoH i PMed you.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 13th 2012, 22:44:52

I will be losing one of my allies shortly and need a replacement.

I am in the top 20.
I have 16mil turrets.

Looking for someone who has at least 8mil turrets, preferably more.
PM me with your country # and turret count please.

Edited By: OneMansArmy on Dec 13th 2012, 22:50:37
See Original Post
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 12th 2012, 5:46:24

I would be happy just to hold onto my top 20 position. This is the best I have ever done so far at this point in the game. I am now realizing my destock calculator needs a major overhaul to help me better predict future stock as a techer and what destock options are best given my expected stock.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 11th 2012, 16:26:49

Originally posted by AmosMoses:
How do you know if they're allies or multis. Earlier this set I grabbed a guy for a measly 120 acres or so. In no time flat, the country # right ahead of him launched 3 missiles at me. WT#? I got the last laugh though as I'm now about 4 times their size.

If you join GDI and only do one land grab per country then you don't have to worry about missiles or a lot of the other more harmful attacks. Must join GDI before making any attacks though.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 10th 2012, 6:11:54

Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 19:30:33

One of the things that sucks about a techer is the price ranges. In a 48 hour period, prices of tech can change by hundreds of dollars. Techers try to undercut each other by more than they probably should, which might lead to lower tech prices faster. It is hard to know the right price when your gap between the minimum and maximum prices are so wide each day.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 9th 2012, 4:48:05

Originally posted by blid:
Which begs the question, are tyrants much better at doing attack runs than other gov types? Their attack turns are less but their morale exhausts more quickly. I've been wondering about that.

Does military tech and military bases help with readiness?
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 8th 2012, 23:09:33

Thanks Marshal!
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 8th 2012, 21:53:56

Where does the number of tech points, that it says your allies get, fall into the equation of how much they actually get?

I know that how much tech allies can get is based on their own tech levels. So for an example if I tech all my turns for the day and it tells me at the bottom: "Your allies gained 50,000 tech points from your research". I am guessing that each ally doesn't actually receive 50k tech points.

I am wondering if that number is split between the allies and then based on how much tech they have they get their portion of the split?

Or maybe that 50k number is the base for all the allies, and then depending on their own tech they get their portion of the 50k?

I could also be nowhere close in these assumptions..
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 8th 2012, 21:42:04

Thanks Xinhuan, I am a Demo so that makes sense now.
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 8th 2012, 21:16:55

I thought there was always that 1% chance to fail an attack even if you over send?

Also, how accurate is the readiness percent? Ive sent portions of my military out on strikes and it still says I am at 100%. I usually don't trust this and end up running a turn or two just to be sure its back at 100%.

Edited By: OneMansArmy on Dec 8th 2012, 21:18:55
See Original Post
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 7th 2012, 3:39:35

I just need my turret prices to go back down..
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 7th 2012, 2:40:37

Better invest in some weapons tech so you can use less oil per attack! ;)
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 5th 2012, 2:39:17

Originally posted by LATC:
lol OneMansArmy, you hit both guys who are warring each other? The saying goes, 'My enemies enemy is my friend'.. hopefully they don't team up against you

I figure they would both be too preoccupied with each other to notice me.. =p
Other than Earth Empires I also play Battlefield games:

OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 5th 2012, 2:37:39

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
You make $17.6m a turn OneMansArmy? (25k x $2000 x 1.06)/3

So you have a 40k acre country? lol

Alternatively, you are a techer at ~8k TPT (24-25k land).

Second option would be correct, i am a Demo Techer. Almost at 30k land, but I haven't been good about keeping it all built as research labs. Plan to tear down and rebuild the extras as labs in the next day or two.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 5th 2012, 2:15:21

Just some food for thought about just HOW open your options are to retal, even if GDI is in play. Last night I made a land grab against a country 3x smaller than me. I logged in this morning to find out the lil thief stole 25k tech points from me through espionage attacks. I don't really plan to do anything about it, since this is only 3 turns to get back, but I am sure it made him feel better about getting grabbed.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 5th 2012, 0:33:47

Not saying I like it, or recommend a month late retals either. Unfortunately I was hit with 2 different month old retals 2 sets ago. I decided to make a war out of it since I had no hopes at a top 30's finish anyway and a stockpile of missiles. For my own retal policy, I generally use about a week for a retal window.

I was just saying, if you are relying on GDI protection and plan to stay inside of that protection, the window is technically the whole set. And its totally up to each individual how they want to respond.
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OneMansArmy Game profile


Dec 4th 2012, 23:58:33

All depends on who your hitting I guess. Someone who is not in GDI and double taps is probably not likely to care about the chances of getting hit by missiles or other harmful attacks against. These people probably wouldn't think twice about retaling a late retal.

But if you are in GDI, and you don't want to chance being hit with missiles or other harmful attacks that could mess up your set even more, you may reconsider retaling a "retal" no matter how late. According to GDI, any country who has hit you more than twice is fair game for anything, regardless of how spaced out those hits are, or if they are in response to hostile actions.
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