

New Member

Feb 1st 2014, 21:52:22

Originally posted by aponic:
justtaint: It isn't my intention to spin things. It is my intention to make some progress in the areas that I set out to when stepping back into leadership. That is reducing stagnation in the flow of politics on the server and improving relations for SOF across the board. Those are both very broad goals. In terms of the alliances listed in my second post on this thread, I have reached an end point largely in that there is no discussion. The discussion has stopped because there is a constant ultimatum being issued for us to remove parts of leadership. In terms of MD, who is separate from issuing that ultimatum, discussion has stagnated due to an inability for us to contact one another, either due to my limited availability or the limited availability of MD leadership.

If I am missing your point here, please try to spell it out for me so it can be addressed.

Sof dictated server wide policies and imposed their will on any alliance that they perceived to be breaching their rules. In a sense Sof did exactly what they are complaining about they tried to run the other alliances.

For Sof now, to come out and request discussion but also want to dictate what is required for pacts, is remarkbly ignorant of the minimal political clout Sof have. Aknowledge that you have lost and be gracious about it, you no longer have the numbers to back up the arrogance that your members continue to exhibit.

Finally if you can't agree, fight. Sof is supposed to be a war alliance after all.


New Member

Jan 28th 2014, 14:32:28

Originally posted by braden:
noun: culture

the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
"20th century popular culture" "

where you misinterpret the definitions of a) human, b) intellectual and, c) achievement

they'd need to be worth calling human, they'd need intellect, and they will have needed to achieve something.

you forget, we're trying to insult, not define. where ya'll further lack b), i presume from drinking waterborne diseases or having sex with your cousins.

you will not win. my propensity for hatred is astounding.

Circular logic while enjoyable, is hardly confusing. Your propensity for hate, blinds you to the fact that your argument supports my earlier statement. :)

As a proclaimed North American you are unable to conceive the rest of the world thinking of you as a morbidly obese, fast food dependent, war orientated, criminal society who relies on conflict rather then debate to resolve any problem.

You can paint the picture of a worldly intellect with love of the language braden, but we all know you are fat.


New Member

Jan 28th 2014, 9:15:29

Originally posted by braden:
also, i'd suggest learning and understanding the definition of culture. understanding words is, indeed, rewarding.

It is indeed; but before one gloats on how well they understand words they should surely, truly understand them.

Culture is the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Ergo, North America a home of immigrants; neither produces its own culture nor develops it. It absorbs the culture of said immigrants and gleefully boasts to owning it.


New Member

Jan 28th 2014, 7:19:13

Braden you're Welsh, please do not interfere in the squabbling of citizens of Sovereign Countries. None of this Canadian bullfluff either you're Welsh. :D

North America is deemed to be the hub of Anti-Culture(as voted by the people of every other continent!), proliferating the world with homogenized political views and horrible TV Soap Operas. This does not make North America the flag bearers of culture.


New Member

Jan 28th 2014, 6:48:00

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by PRO TIP:
What do you call a Kiwi with a thousand lovers???

A shepherd.

Is that meant to be insulting?

Troll Harder! The only insulting thing here is your lack of intelligence.

Another mind bender for you:

An Aussie bloke is having a quiet drink in a bar and leans over to the big guy next to him and says, 'Do you wanna hear a Kiwi joke?

The big guy replies, 'Well mate, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I'm 1.90 m tall, 125 kg and I played as a forward for the All Blacks."

"The guy next to me is 1.85 m, weighs 115 kg and he's an ex-All Black lock."

"Next to him is a bloke who's 2 m tall, weighs 120 kg and he's a current All Black second rower. Now do you still want to tell that Kiwi joke?"

The Aussie bloke says, "Nah, not if I'm going to have to explain it three times."


New Member

Jan 27th 2014, 17:16:16

Originally posted by galleri:
So does this thread means there some sort of war? I am confused. I read like 3 posts :P

+1 Effective moderators.


New Member

Jan 27th 2014, 16:31:47

Originally posted by Vic:
i think i say public high school because this kind of cool i'm talking about isn't douchey, it's like ferris bueller cool. that's it - i'm looking for ferris bueller cool
so pre neon works too i guess

More like Grease; Starring Vic as Danny Zuko and his leading lady Locket as Sandy.


New Member

Jan 26th 2014, 19:24:55

What do you call a Kiwi with a thousand lovers???

A shepherd.


New Member

Jan 24th 2014, 9:13:05

Originally posted by bertz:
Originally posted by morwen:
Originally posted by eevess:
Originally posted by Racor:
Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by RandyMD:
Originally posted by Taveren:
Sov #1

Sov #1

Sov #1

Sov #1

Sov #1

Sov #1

Sov #1

Sov #1


New Member

Jan 23rd 2014, 13:09:26

1. LOL.

2. n00b.