
Pain Game profile


Oct 3rd 2013, 23:26:30

Originally posted by Lucifer:
Originally posted by Angel1:
Originally posted by Lucifer:
Hrmmm from what i gather, that SUV almost killed one of the bikers and ran over a couple. I dont know why you would slam the gas and try to kill one of them that's just asking for trouble. He should have just pulled over and let those bikers past.

All of this could have been avoided if that SUV didn't do anything to make the bikers aggressive towards him.

There were three lanes on that road and the bikers decided to be stupid idiots by stealing all three lanes of that public road. This could have been avoided if the bikers have used the brain that their creator gave them and decided not to be insanely stupid idiots. They got stupid and one of them got hurt. Kind of to be expected when you decide to be stupid.

You recognize something very important. There are many of them and so few of you...that and you have a family in that SUV. If i was that SUV driver and had my family with me, my first and foremost priority is the safety of my family. Puffing your chest and trying to take on a mob of bikers is stupid.

Im not saying what the bikers did was right. But any smart person with the right priorities would make the wise move and let them pass and pull over. It really doesn't matter how many lanes there are and whose right and whose wrong. The only thing that should matter in this case is the safety of you family.

how do you know he had the ability to pull over and let them pass? do you have insider info on what happened before the video? all i saw in the video was a SUV surrounded by bikes on both sides and a guy who pulled in front of him and rolled off the throttle and got tapped.
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Oct 3rd 2013, 22:34:46

a nice change would be to add an attack that kills spies, that isnt a spy op. like for example make it so you can BR intel centers to kill spies instead of civs.
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Oct 3rd 2013, 20:56:16

Originally posted by qzjul:
Hm i guess that was vague.

What i meant was:

Either you war later OR you are forced to cripple rather than kill, because killing will be really hard OOP

ok thats more clear, your original statement didnt make that very clear.

as far as tag kills harder, imagine trying to kill a good waller when you cant rush them because their breaks dont drop fast enough to get finishers in before they get on.
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Oct 3rd 2013, 20:10:37

This is intended to steer wars to be either later or OOP cripple wars.

you said intended to be steered towards OOP cripple wars. why would you encourage ANYTHING to be OOP?
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Oct 3rd 2013, 19:59:19

congrats, ruin warring even more. tag kills will be virtually impossible

the fact that you made OOP wars even more powerful proves you have no intention of actually making war better.
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Pain Game profile


Oct 2nd 2013, 23:57:43

grantman the solution is very simple here. feel free to message your allies to attack another country, just dont come here crying when you and your allies log in to a deleted country.

if you still dont understand then read this.
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Oct 2nd 2013, 20:56:16

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Jesus you are all so callous. This was a pretty terrible event all around, but your answer is to immediately start blasting them? That kind of terrifies me...

on what planet was this NOT their fault?

No fluff. You libs have a mental condition. Them bikers got what they asked for... Trouble. You cannot behave like that in a public place.

Again, you guys are misreading my statements. What the bikers did was terrible. They absolutely provoked the conflict, as just about EVERYONE would agree. But I don't think the answer is to pull out a gun and start shooting them. Not to mention that many of those bikers most likely have weapons of their own. Instead of having 1 person crippled and a few seriously injured, you'd have a lot of people dead the moment a gun was pulled...

i agree pulling out a gun and randomly blasting people would be a little over reactive and probably would result in a bigger mess, but certainly not shooting any of the people trying to cause him or his wife or child harm. his reaction of plowing through people was probably the best course of action he could take in the situation
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Oct 2nd 2013, 4:53:22

Originally posted by LATC:
I just think some of these 'coordination' rules are too strict. It turns off a lot of non top 50 players from wanting to play more than a few sets I feel.

its a solo server, the intent is solo play, if you want help from friends go play one of the clan servers as thats what those are for.

i also agree with xin there should only be defense and intel allies. offense and research allies can be abused and takes away from true solo play.
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Oct 2nd 2013, 4:46:52

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Heston:
THEY ARE NOT BIKERS. THEY ARE A GROUP OF COWARDS. Crotch rockets and duel purpose bikes. A fluke gathering of flufftards.
The suv driver was well within his rights to stop his car get out, wait for a couple idoits to engage him, then simply start shooting anyone that looks like a threat.

you can only have 7 rounds in your gun in NY. he was fluffed either way

thats why i have oodles of magazines

p.s. u smell

lies. youre a democrat and therefore hate guns.
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Pain Game profile


Oct 2nd 2013, 3:19:50

Originally posted by LATC:
It is considered coordination.

BUT IMO this should be allowed. Diplomacy is part of the game and as long as it's all communicated within the game I don't see why not.

then any group of players could just as easily all pact each other, coordinate killing countries outside of the game and send each other messages in game so it looks legit to admins.
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Pain Game profile


Oct 2nd 2013, 1:48:04

Originally posted by Heston:
THEY ARE NOT BIKERS. THEY ARE A GROUP OF COWARDS. Crotch rockets and duel purpose bikes. A fluke gathering of flufftards.
The suv driver was well within his rights to stop his car get out, wait for a couple idoits to engage him, then simply start shooting anyone that looks like a threat.

you can only have 7 rounds in your gun in NY. he was fluffed either way
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Oct 2nd 2013, 1:00:54

typical douchebag bike riders who think the roads and everything on them revolve around them. the guy who got hit first deserved it for being a retard and giving an SUV a brake job.
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Oct 2nd 2013, 0:49:22

smlandau84 is a scammer. i sent my resume and $50 via paypal and he has ignored all my emails!!!
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Pain Game profile


Sep 29th 2013, 17:15:58

thank god for that. too bad you didnt stay gone longer though.
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Sep 28th 2013, 3:13:02

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Sep 27th 2013, 21:36:27

Originally posted by PaleMoon:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
join forces with me DANGER! I want your explosiveness on my team, you can be a part of the bomb squad!!!

Lower case?


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Pain Game profile


Sep 25th 2013, 18:56:36

That video is old as fluff and also as biased as they come. Only a retard would watch that video and be like damn theyre right.

First off they put ONE person with a big bulky gun wearing a big bulky shirt in the classroom and then they sent in a highly trained marksman who knew EXACTLY who they had to shoot right away and claim that its a realistic scenario. Dumb as fluff.
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Pain Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 15:48:48

urinals are kinda gross. i dont pee in them if i dont have to. i also dont poop in public bathrooms unless im about to fluff myself. sucks to be you :P
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Pain Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:31:46

probably not your business?
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Sep 23rd 2013, 2:05:23

i wouldnt say greatest fight of all time, but it was a pretty good fight considering jones usually just runs through guys.
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Pain Game profile


Sep 23rd 2013, 2:03:24

Pang since you dont know the whole story its best if you dont comment.
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Pain Game profile


Sep 17th 2013, 22:14:57

Originally posted by martian:
how much do you think I'm going to notice at 5am:P
tbh I wouldn't bother spending $500 to repair it.

he might be a mactard. those retards spend thousands on stuff you can get with an equivalent PC for hundreds.

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Pain Game profile


Sep 17th 2013, 1:13:40

htpc make the most sense, unless he needs to stream movies while pooping.
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Pain Game profile


Sep 17th 2013, 1:06:16

thats a pretty old laptop. its probably enough to stream movies but core 2s are like 5 generations old at this point so dont expect a "fast" laptop.
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Sep 13th 2013, 3:54:05

hi JJ
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Sep 11th 2013, 0:55:24

yea im sure the cops lied about him firing also sure there werent witnesses there to back up that story or anything.

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Pain Game profile


Sep 10th 2013, 16:45:28

good call lol
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Pain Game profile


Sep 10th 2013, 16:38:47

vic dude, its noon. i guess its 5 oclock somewhere though right. lol

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Sep 9th 2013, 22:30:52

this thread is proof that trife is bad at math.
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Sep 8th 2013, 2:58:45

Originally posted by galleri:
Sov/xyle is the same person, but different people on the forums...we won't elaborate who stole the other nic ;)

way to ruin my troll. jerk
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Pain Game profile


Sep 8th 2013, 2:50:33

Originally posted by archaic:
So, when did KJ become 'battleKJ' ? what has he ever battled besides his gambling addiction?

small penis syndrome
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Pain Game profile


Sep 7th 2013, 18:26:18

Originally posted by KriSatZ:
Are Sov/Xyle different people? I always thought they where the same.

This explains everything.

not sure if youre being serious but they are pretty obviously different people
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Pain Game profile


Sep 7th 2013, 16:36:50

shut up trife. i hate you.
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Pain Game profile


Sep 7th 2013, 15:06:01

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by TaSk1:
evo's just a bunch of restarts no threat to us anymore they just look good red and dead.

PS: I love how Rivals is getting mass-FA, and they also happen to be massively cross-pacted to Sof countries, but Sof isn't getting FA at all :)

they arent getting FA, those are friendship pacts. :P

i will agree with the sentiment that a good netter can build a better war country then a warrer. economy and production are key to having a strong country.
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Pain Game profile


Sep 6th 2013, 22:56:43

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Pain:
you dont ally people because your friends with them lol.

if tella has, for example, a defense ally with someone in PDM, then he is getting aided in the form of free defense so he doesnt get farmed. its still aid

He and I are friends, so we have a pact. He's not providing any assistance to me, and I can't bear to sever our relations.

PS: Are you really trying to say that a def pact constitutes FA? LOL! Wtf are you smoking? If that's the case, Laf is aiding people all over the damn place. By further extension, you are getting aided into a top spot because you have pacts with other RDers. I guess Laf should further FA their countries ahead of you for that?

Wait a second, that sounds like the kind of justification they would actually use....

so youre telling me having an ally who doubles your offense or defense is not helping you in any way? LOL! WTF are you smoking?

were not talking about intra alliance pacts. were talking about outside interference. you can spin it all you like but my point is still valid.

oh and for the record im not saying youre wrong for doing it. just dont downplay the fact that its assisting you in some way unless its a trade pact and youre not getting FA or res pact with non techer.

I have a trade pact with a PDM country who is not sending me FA because someone threatened to FS PDM if they aided us. So no, he's not helping me in any way whatsoever.

Pain, I told you upfront and I meant what I said. You're usually not this trolly :/

im always this "trolly", it just happens i like you so i havent done it to you much but youve been acting like a woman lately so i cant help myself. i was pretty sure you were a dude up until this set... ;)
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Pain Game profile


Sep 6th 2013, 22:44:24

Originally posted by mdevol:
Just one war that you sack up and take anuphill fight without aid or allies

mike you know were friends but i have to call you out on this. thats hilariously ironic coming from someone in SOL. the fact you ranked SOL above SoF for this proves how truly biased it is.
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Pain Game profile


Sep 6th 2013, 3:34:57

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Pain:
you dont ally people because your friends with them lol.

if tella has, for example, a defense ally with someone in PDM, then he is getting aided in the form of free defense so he doesnt get farmed. its still aid

He and I are friends, so we have a pact. He's not providing any assistance to me, and I can't bear to sever our relations.

PS: Are you really trying to say that a def pact constitutes FA? LOL! Wtf are you smoking? If that's the case, Laf is aiding people all over the damn place. By further extension, you are getting aided into a top spot because you have pacts with other RDers. I guess Laf should further FA their countries ahead of you for that?

Wait a second, that sounds like the kind of justification they would actually use....

so youre telling me having an ally who doubles your offense or defense is not helping you in any way? LOL! WTF are you smoking?

were not talking about intra alliance pacts. were talking about outside interference. you can spin it all you like but my point is still valid.

oh and for the record im not saying youre wrong for doing it. just dont downplay the fact that its assisting you in some way unless its a trade pact and youre not getting FA or res pact with non techer.

Edited By: Pain on Sep 6th 2013, 3:37:35
See Original Post
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Pain Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 1:26:22

you dont ally people because your friends with them lol.

if tella has, for example, a defense ally with someone in PDM, then he is getting aided in the form of free defense so he doesnt get farmed. its still aid
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Pain Game profile


Sep 5th 2013, 1:22:44

of course rankings are a little bit opinion and a little bit bias. the only way you could have a true ranking is if there was a measurable metric to base it on, kinda like TNW and ANW

you can really only rank alliances at the end of each set, because alliances have ups and downs between sets.

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Pain Game profile


Sep 4th 2013, 21:26:18

Originally posted by tellarion:
I have a pact with a pdm country. Pro-tip: this person has not sent me any aid whatsoever.


so uh why do you have a pact then?
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Pain Game profile


Sep 3rd 2013, 21:03:49

Originally posted by blid:
Just FYI, Supertodd says white people should be able to refuse blacks service on the basis of race.

what is the relevance to this thread? stop being a retard blid.
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Pain Game profile


Aug 29th 2013, 1:12:24

america: world police

let them kill each other. who cares. let another country spend money and resources helping a rebel group.
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Pain Game profile


Aug 29th 2013, 1:07:47

the person running that site in a tin foil hatter. its all BS.
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Aug 25th 2013, 14:57:57

Originally posted by Darrian:
LaF hasn't won anything. We hit them back and now they are pissed. They want everyone to fear them. They threaten war. Really? That's original. 84 versus 22. Cool but those odds could be bad for an alliance their size.

Anyway Rage came back In hopes to liven up the game. Apparently it is working now.
Lets not forget, you called your own member an idiot for the hits. Its ok to be a little embarrassed about all of this but don't worry Rage won't look down on you. Much..

if your retal policy is really what candy says, no alliance in this game will accept you extending it 24 hours per hit. you guys got over 1000% L:L back in the standard retal period. this is what being greedy gets you.
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Pain Game profile


Aug 25th 2013, 14:12:23

looks like a case of retal policy dispute and LaF won.
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Aug 23rd 2013, 2:56:26

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Aug 23rd 2013, 2:55:14

LOL if pang is serious
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Aug 23rd 2013, 2:54:40

boss is my middle name
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Aug 23rd 2013, 1:07:20

the problem isnt L:L policies its when alliances/players abuse the xx% L:L on regular grabs, like if your policy is 80% L:L on all grabs and the retaller intentionally make the first retal fall below the 80% threshold and then matches networth and takes a huge second retal to complete "80%" L:L.

i think the policy of 1:1 on regular grabs and L:L on topfeeds (%125 land difference) would make grabbing happen more often. if you cant get L:L on your retal when the guy was within 125% of your landsize in 1 retal you suck at retalling and dont deserve the rest of the land.
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