
Patience Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 16:53:57

If anybody hit me that many times, tagged or not, I'd move heaven and earth to destroy them. I'd call every friend I'd ever had in the game and have them turned into a smokin' hole in the ground.

And whoever you are, guy that hit her 65 times - you seriously need a spankin'. No wonder the player base is non-existent now. Yeesh. Get off yer ass and pick more than one target next time. :p

Oh. And as a long-time former alliance leader... if any one of MY people ever pulled a stunt like this, whether on an untagged or not, I would feed him to the pigs one tiny chunk at a time and probably even untag him to allow my own alliance to cannibalize him after the wronged party had had their fill. I think it's pretty disgraceful to defend someone who does that, personally.

Edited By: Patience on Jan 21st 2011, 16:56:44
See Original Post
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 16:33:17

Hey, anytime. Good gawd, you're still a new member. POST MORE!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 16:21:46

Y'all stop slinging childish insults and talk like men. :p Nothing's worse than an interesting conversation being buried in 'asswipes' and gradeschool insults.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 15:15:32

Isn't RD being anywhere in the top 5 a sign of the apocalypse? They're ahead of schedule by exactly 11 months... slow down, fellas!!! :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 20th 2011, 15:25:52

Hahaha... hi Tigress!!!

I still have it... it's languishing in my shoe cupboard right now, but it probably won't be long before I drag it out and start pew-pewing again. *grin*
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 19th 2011, 20:20:47

'bout time you wandered back in here... ;)
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 19th 2011, 20:19:50

lol Hiya Hoss!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 20:58:23

What is this - your personal message board? :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 19:35:53

Hehehe... I named all those divisions. :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 18th 2011, 16:44:47

NOW3P - Best show ever, really. I saw the HIStory world tour at Wembley in London, just before I moved back to Canada. HUGE doesn't begin to cover it... and the dancing was incredible. I liked his stuff, but wasn't a huge fan - but I gained a whole new respect for him after seeing him live.

Garth Brooks was also an AMAZING show - saw him at Croke Park in Dublin, with about 50K other people. If you look very carefully in one of his videos, I can be seen about 3 rows back from centre stage. I pulled out all my good Alberta cowgirl gear for that one. *chuckle*
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 17th 2011, 21:56:14

I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 17th 2011, 21:52:36

OH! I saw both of them too! lol
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 17th 2011, 21:41:48

lol... I'll tell him you were thinking of him. :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 17th 2011, 21:40:14

Pat Benetar
Corey Hart
Bon Jovi
Michael Jackson
Garth Brooks
Barenaked Ladies
Rankin Family
Billy Joel
Elton John
Eric Clapton
Jan Arden
Celine Dion
Billy Squier
Def Leppard
Iron Maiden
Huey Lewis
Great Big Sea
Tom Cochrane

Oh hell, probably a dozen more - but I'm old (as evidenced by the first few acts on that list) and that's all I can remember. :D

Edited By: Patience on Jan 18th 2011, 16:38:08
See Original Post
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 17th 2011, 19:51:30

It's been done - it was called Pimp Wars. :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 22:40:56

lmao... *smacks Kya*
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 22:39:32

Tirol... holy crap. Sorry it took this to bring you back, but welcome! <3
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 22:36:45

Wow... there's a blast from the past. Hey, big fella! :)
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 22:35:50

We won't shoot you... perhaps a public flogging on the steps of city hall, though. ;)

Personally I've never heard of it - but good luck with that!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 2:40:05

You were only one of a MILLION trolling clowns. That trip through the archive was a real eye-opener. lol
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 15th 2011, 3:38:58

*chuckle* I was surfing through the archive yesterday and found the first time I outted you as Snugglebunny - remember, you dared me to and I did it? :p Never dare the mama...
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 17:16:46

*shifty eyes* Or perhaps I just made you THINK I did nothing...
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 17:15:12

lol SHAMMY!!! <3 <3 I didn't even see your post in there. You gotta start using <BOLD> tags - I'm gettin' old!!!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 17:04:30

I started at 32... and I just turned 46.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 17:02:07

I don't think they forgot there were other victims, kemo... but a child's death is especially tragic. You don't expect a child to die, especially like this, because you do everything you can to keep them safe. You teach them to look before they cross the street. You hold their hand in parking lots. You watch them, you train them, you yell when they do something dangerous in the hope that they won't do it again - and as parents, you are pretty much solely responsible for their safety. So when something completely unforeseeable and unusual happens, it's a special kind of tragedy.

I don't have kids. But I definitely feel the tragedy more when a child is involved - because they haven't even lived, and their parents will never have the chance to say, 'Okay, we did what we could, and now we have to trust them to take care of themselves.'
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 16:55:04

Well, in that case... ***SNUGGLEBUNNY!!!!!!*** lol Nice to see your name on the boards again - welcome home!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 16:51:43

Normally I wouldn't see this because I have sigs turned off, but a perfect storm of circumstances allowed me to see that N0W3P's last post about being good at press releases has a sig of 'I wrote this with my penis'. Oh, the irony. lol
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 2:31:30

Originally posted by Pang:
I'm with netters

that will be confusing at a basketball tournament... or if worn on a fishing boat.

lol... Second time tonight I snorted Coke out my nose. :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 2:28:32

Lifetime Patron status for all mods and ex-mods. :p Unless they were summarily dismissed for cause. Then they should get a special status that does not allow them to post at all. lol
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 2:23:49

Thorny... <3 <3 Welcome back! And Jiggly-Puff too, even though I talk to you all the time it's nice to see you on the forums again. :D
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 2:22:27

What... no Deep Throat jokes? Y'all disappoint me... :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 2:20:45

Hahaha... okay, I need to wear my glasses. I swear I was looking at the index and thought the thread title said 'LCN Tagkill Patty' - and I thought, 'What the heck did I do THIS time?!?!?!'
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 2:14:47

Galandy: MARRY ME!!! lol It's even better with the animation!!!! <3 <3 <3

NukEvil: I snorted Coke out my nose at that comment - CLASSIC!!!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 14th 2011, 1:29:49

If that's not really you, I'll be handing out a spankin'. :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 13th 2011, 19:36:55

lol... AoS!!! Long time no see!!! <3 <3 <3 How've you been?
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 13th 2011, 17:48:39

Yeah, Junky... that's the problem. They pick the one picture out of a million that makes him look like Charles Manson, and that's the one they use. :-\ I didn't know the guy well, I had a couple of run-ins with him on the old Swirve boards and had to smack him back into line - but he was more disruptive and nonsensical than threatening. He was obviously angry and he'd just escalate until he got a DA/ban. But I don't remember ever considering him threatening.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 13th 2011, 17:16:20

AHAHAHAHAHA NukE!!!! I was just talking to RaVeS and he sent me this:

We totally cracked up!

braden, you're absolutely right. It IS the whole world. But you still have to find a way not to become jaded. ;)
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 13th 2011, 16:49:04

Oh man... after 14 years, I've learned:

...that you can almost always get a near facsimile of what you want/need by treating people with respect and by using the appropriate negotiation skills.
...that I have a place to stay almost anywhere in the world (except maybe Malaysia or wherever Elitez and Espion were from - lol). to work a help desk (which ended up changing my career path).
...that, despite totally sucking at math in school AND being blond, I can do math with the best of 'em and almost win a text-based strategy game.
...some pretty incredible leadership and coordination skills, because getting almost 200 people from all over the world to fight together for a common goal AND keeping them in line takes some serious SKILLZ. :p
...that people lie more often than not, and no amount of giving them the benefit of the doubt will change that.
...that you still have to give people the benefit of the doubt, even if people lie more often than not.
...that no matter what question you have, a community like this knows the answer. Sure, you'll have to sift through a hundred sarcastic and derogatory posts to find it, but someone here knows it and will help you out.
...that communities like this are inherently helpful in other ways too, like when you're in a bind at work and need something done in a hurry. :)

So basically, I've learned that most of you are awesome and I wouldn't trade any of the time I've 'wasted' being a part of this community. (Okay, maybe I would trade some of those 20-hour days spent on the computer while I was leading TIE, because that was just stupid... but meh. lol)
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 11th 2011, 15:05:05

Detmer - are you talking about Sir Balin? He had a band called 'After the Sirens' that was very good (I bought their CD). Might you be confusing the song he sent you?
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 9th 2011, 21:24:54

Well... holy crap. I've seen some instability around here in my 14 years in the game, but I never would have expected this. :(
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 9th 2011, 21:20:38

Amen, oats. Let's not be part of the circus please.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 7th 2011, 19:40:13

... explosion in the general vicinity of his ghall, and he rushed frantically to save...
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 7th 2011, 17:45:23

Given that my alliance's IRC channel was stolen out from under me once, I'd say that should be your chief concern. ;) You have to be very careful about who the owner is and what permissions are given out. But yeah, what a great idea!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 7th 2011, 17:18:48

WH!!! <3 <3 <3 *huggles* How the heck have you been?

Tonight I'm making a lovely coconut chicken curry. Yummy! What time will you be there?
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 6th 2011, 20:39:11

lol I think I might have... but it was fun. Certainly made Xmas shopping difficult though - I started and finished my shopping on Dec. 23. And then I had 8 people over for dinner on Dec. 24. And then I went to some friends' for dinner on Dec. 25, and got sick on Dec. 26.

And New Year's Eve was spent on my couch, watching the festivities on TV - because I didn't want to spread my germs around. :(

How was yours?
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 6th 2011, 17:46:00

He is also available on Facebook and Gtalk. :D
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Jan 6th 2011, 17:35:45


Hey... you didn't have a space in your name before... did you? :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.