
Patience Game profile


Dec 7th 2010, 18:30:35

Bear in mind that if you use Current/Former, you're going to rely on a lot of editing to keep them straight. ;)
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 30th 2010, 22:11:36

KJ KJ KJ! <3
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 27th 2010, 4:50:32

OMG, I'm old. lol
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 27th 2010, 4:49:59

lol I'm pretty sure I'm the reason the TIE/RoCK merger didn't work out... Inferno was going to merge because he didn't have the time or inclination to keep leading, but he didn't have anyone to take over. So he asked me, and called off the merger when I agreed.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 15:01:17

Junky, there are certain things that are just over the line... I mean WAYYYY over the line... and that video is one of them. ARGGGHHHH. WORST SONG EVER.

And I asked for turkey, not cheese! :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 14:55:33

lol Ahhh, I miss the days of cheaters being outed on AT... *sigh* It was so much fun to surf the boards back then, and if you missed a day you missed a hundred new threads.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 26th 2010, 1:05:02

OMG. I had a heart attack just watching the video. So let's see... that would be a BacPorkBacTurBacDuckBacQuailEn?
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 25th 2010, 17:56:46

Depends. Can you FA me a turkey dinner? Or a Ferrari? :D
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 25th 2010, 16:35:13

Uhhh... how do I put this? If you sent me several reports of inappropriate in-game messages in Alliance and didn't see any action, I wanted to explain. I totally share your concern - but at this point the only options I have are to ignore or to delete the country. I didn't feel it was worthy of permanently turfing the guy's whole COUNTRY, so I had to choose 'ignore'. :( But I totally agree, he was out of line.

We've asked for some other options so we can at least issue some kind of warning, perhaps ban for a limited period of time. So I'm sorry you didn't get any action on this matter, but you at least have the comfort of knowing you helped initiate some useful tools for us!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 19:55:23

No, silly... that was Mama Cass!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 5:34:10

PUPPPPYYYYYYY!!!!! <3 <3 <3
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 10th 2010, 22:23:43

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SEKSI! :D You can't see (or hear) me, but I'm dressed as Marilyn Monroe right now, and am doing a bang-up impression of 'Happy Birthday Mr. President'....
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 10th 2010, 21:56:41

lol That's an awful lot of corpses. You'd better get some friends to help you dig, or your country is gonna smell awful. :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 5th 2010, 20:19:12

*waves* :D
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 21:01:11

My favorite store!!!

But yeah. 'Patience' should be purple. :D
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 3rd 2010, 16:06:18

Err... ummm... *hands it over*

I needed it for last year's Xmas party. :x Sorry!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 2nd 2010, 21:49:39

No, Mick used to tell whippersnappers to get off his lawn. :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 2nd 2010, 21:49:13

*chuckle* See, that's why I could never be RD. I can't be shifty and I can't keep a secret.

I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 2nd 2010, 19:01:55

Imaginary Nads would be a great name for a band. :p </random>
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 2nd 2010, 18:37:19

In that case... *SMACKKKKKKKKKKKKKK* :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 2nd 2010, 16:21:13

HEY! Get back here, you little whippersnapper! I'll hit you with my cane!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 2nd 2010, 16:17:20

Okies, sounds like a plan... I assume it's happening on the Monster site as opposed to here on AT?
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 2nd 2010, 14:29:19

lol Sure, I'd love to Servant... just let me know what I need to do.

*spanks Warster* :D Wow, it's been a long time!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 2nd 2010, 14:28:20

*waves to Dave* :D
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 2nd 2010, 14:27:50

Nobody contacts RD... they contact YOU. *shifty eyes*
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 1st 2010, 19:22:57

I'm here to spank whoever needs it! (Jofel, Hawk, Servant - THIS MEANS YOU!!!!)

Where's the costume contest??? :D
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 1st 2010, 18:59:35

SEE? You're a liar already! Your post count is 101!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 1st 2010, 18:58:05

Shall I close the thread now so your count always stays at 100, thereby ensuring that you are never accused of lying? ;)

(BTW, had After the Sirens playing last night... awesome stuff.)
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 1st 2010, 18:55:52

OMG, I almost had a heart attack. I was thinking I'd have to start a whole underground mod movement to get the pink fluff back, with all of us picketing that WE WILL NOT WORK UNDER THESE CONDITIONS!!!



And while we're on the subject - I think the word 'patience' should be blue. Or purple, cuz purple is royal. Yeah, purple!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 1st 2010, 17:43:01

Hey... that fluff does not appear to be pink. What happened to the fluff filter???
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Nov 1st 2010, 14:36:54

lmao... Totally made me snort. :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 31st 2010, 5:44:59

YAY! I'm back! Despite dumping cookies and clearing my cache multiple times, and despite getting the 'login successful' message about a gazillion times, I've been unable to post until now. lol

I did get a chance to see both the red and blue, and I kinda liked both. So :p~~~~~~ to all you whiners. Nice work, NukE. Don't let the haters get you down.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 29th 2010, 17:31:06

*smacks Trife* Don't even joke about that! :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 28th 2010, 21:43:14

Someone needs a spankin'... :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 28th 2010, 17:44:51

Eeeww... did anybody else hear that in Gollum's voice and get a little creeped out? lol

*huggles* Is somebody pickin' on you? Do I need to ride in on my white horse? ;)
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 28th 2010, 2:04:12

Fatty Fatty Fatty... play nice!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 25th 2010, 21:55:20

I miss !8ball!
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 22nd 2010, 20:25:37

I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 22nd 2010, 19:59:55

Changed. And if you don't want everyone to know who you are, you can edit your post above and take the name out... your choice.

Welcome back! :) And say hello to all the ZTers for me! I don't get out much anymore... lol
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 22nd 2010, 19:58:18

I don't believe I have, Marshal. I have huggled a few...
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 22nd 2010, 18:52:17

I have limited search functions... can you give me the #? :D
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 22nd 2010, 18:47:41

Alliance? Lemme see what I can find...
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 22nd 2010, 18:41:36

How the heck are ya? :D See, eventually they all come back!

Gonna play?
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 22nd 2010, 18:32:31

Originally posted by archaic:
I think its pretty funny that in the TAN v Ford flame war, dagga was tossed out as a mere appetizer when they started slinging trolls at one another.

Dagga, you are mere finger food even among your own kind; veritable plankton on the troll food chain.

Seriously, we need a 'Like' button here. I'd give that quote 3 Likes AND a Dry Hump if there were more buttons. lol Totally made me lol and have to fake a cough to cover up from my coworkers!!! *huggles archaic*

Akula: You know you can get one of those anytime you want. You just have to get here. (Or pay for my plane ticket. I'm homesick for your neck of the woods!)
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 22nd 2010, 18:27:19

Punkus? Really?
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 22nd 2010, 18:26:27

AoS: HAPPY BIRFDAY!!!! *smooooooooooooch* (Although I invented the smooching trend years and years ago, I haven't publicly smooched anyone in ages. You should feel honored.)

You may get your birthday wish, depending on how dagga behaves now. ;) Watch this space.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 22nd 2010, 13:55:39

Oh, and here we go already. dagga, I'm seriously not putting up with this crap from you. I've done nothing to you, so there's no call for you to start fluff with me.

Straighten up and fly right, and stop being an effin' troll because it panders to YOUR ego to see your name in every thread.
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 22nd 2010, 13:53:51

Do not make me spank you. :p
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 20th 2010, 20:58:17

I spent all my money on shoes and had none left for tech. :(
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Patience Game profile


Oct 20th 2010, 20:30:31

Hey you two - get back to your designated thread!!! *smackkkk*
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.