
PraetorNLS Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 12:57:51

Edited By: PraetorNLS on Apr 4th 2011, 13:00:33
See Original Post
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Apr 3rd 2011, 22:24:24

yeah .. about that crazyserb, it was 1`000`000 , not 1$ , im sorry if my in-accurate punctuations (1.000.000) threw you off, no harm done, ill wait for the rest :)

PS You have until monday 2pm GMT or the bunny gets it
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Apr 3rd 2011, 22:21:06

If all these bets on Omega is real, i will gladly chemkill a few Theos or just their 200m nw Demo to cash in >:D
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Apr 2nd 2011, 14:23:23

Money: $837,578,037

12.6 hours ago
You sold 6,948,056 Bushels for $270,974,184.
No more Bushels remain for sale.

12.6 hours ago
You sold 11,223,448 Bushels for $437,714,472.
6,948,056 Bushels remain for sale.

12.6 hours ago
You sold 11,223,448 Bushels for $437,714,472.
18,171,504 Bushels remain for sale.

12.7 hours ago
You sold 11,223,448 Bushels for $437,714,472.
29,394,952 Bushels remain for sale.

12.7 hours ago
You sold 11,223,448 Bushels for $437,714,472.
40,618,400 Bushels remain for sale.

12.7 hours ago
You sold 11,223,448 Bushels for $437,714,472.
51,841,848 Bushels remain for sale.

12.7 hours ago
You sold 11,223,448 Bushels for $437,714,472.
63,065,296 Bushels remain for sale.

12.7 hours ago
You sold 11,223,448 Bushels for $437,714,472.
74,288,744 Bushels remain for sale.

12.7 hours ago
You sold 10,559,084 Bushels for $411,804,276.
85,512,192 Bushels remain for sale.

am i stupid or am i missing alot of cash ?
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Apr 2nd 2011, 0:02:15

Decent startup, dont be afraid do have negative food, all cashers have this.

keep getting more land and build only res/ent at the rate caff suggestes, dedicate a large portion of your left over cash to get res/bus tech , use the standing order to get the most tech for you dollars.

also set your indy production to 100% spies, everything else can be bought.

Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Apr 1st 2011, 23:58:46

ok, as a casher your primary source of income will come from running turns and cashing turns, you are supposed to have negative food every turn, you are running what is refered to as a rainbow, where a player builds some of everything to try and be self-substained, while this works in the beginning, its not effective, to maximize the output of your country you need to specialize, having choosen casher you need to have only enterprice zones and residences, a few industrial complexes set to 100% spy production and keep on turn build worth of farms and oil rigs for earthquake protection, also set your taxrate to 35%, some population will leave at first, but you will regain this quickly.

After having teared down all buildings and rebuildt as a pure casher (do it one turn worth , your current BPT is 42, so 42 buildings at a time for max gain, or be lazy like me and do it all in one go, the first will get you better income while doing it, labs can be teared down at once regardless of BPT.

You do not want to do any teching whatsoever at this point (some cashers do tech starts, but this will come later) buy all your tech (bus and res tech) from the market, use standing orders to utilize your cash to the max.

Next point would be your BPT, but this depends on your landgoal, but i would say get it up to atleast 50.

Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Apr 1st 2011, 18:58:11

the location in releation to your current location is open for discussions pending the size of the inital investment, the opening investment is set to the content of your piggybank (the real one under your bed, not the one in the living room with foregin currency)
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Apr 1st 2011, 14:56:21

Hi Galandy
Im opening a new Llamabell resturant, do you prefer to donate cash/cheque or bank transfer ?
PS Western union works aswell.
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 31st 2011, 1:19:43

Me too, need to pwn LI
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 27th 2011, 19:49:03

Get on the SOL bandwagon today, todays offer is free time with Suni and swampy ;)

Originally posted by Bigwiggle:
+1 omega because god we rock
-1 sol because I love bandwagons

imag -4
sof 8
lcn 21
laf -15
evo 10
omega 14
rd -1
sanct 9
icn 9
pdm -13
monsters 10
fluff 1
wof 8
na 1
sol -41
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 25th 2011, 22:58:35 port 6667
#sol is the public
#solfr for an FR contact
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 24th 2011, 1:29:10

That you cannot compare Iraq and Libya with regards to WMDs , as Libya is proven to and have admitted to having WMD programs.

And just for the record, Mustard gas is a chemical weapon, not a biological.

Iraq did have WMDs, they even used them the most documented is March 16, 1988 Halabja when they used Sarin to kill 3200-500 and injure 5000-10000 (est) kurds.

Libya is estimated to have a stockpile of 10 tons of mustard gas, the effects of mustard gas is more longterm than other chemcial agents as Sarin and say VX, as its a blister agent it will target the respatory system and skin, and will traditionaly inure more people than it kill, making it more effective to use on an army to substain a blowing hit to their infra structure (aid stations, medical personal overload, resources etc) than to commit a genocide , but seeing its very low tech is can be delivered by most means, even a rpg or a tank, even if the missile capabilites would be taken away.

I dont belive it will be used, but if we`r debating possibilites and not plausubilites, then its absolutly possible.
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 22nd 2011, 22:27:19

Your Iraq comparisson is voided by the fact that Libya did have WMDs.

On 19 December 2003 Libya agreed to destroy all of its chemical, nuclear, and biological weapons, and agreed for representatives from western inteligence organizations to monitor their destruction.

From :
"During the visits, the team of US and UK inspectors went to 10 sites related to Libya's nuclear effort, chemical stockpile and missile program [other accounts suggested that the team was taken to dozens of sites], but apparently no biological weapons facilities were visited. US and UK specialists invited to Libya found no concrete evidence of an existing biological weapons effort. The team was given access to medical or pharmacological scientists and facilities, and Libyans were questioned about equipment and research that could be applied to biological warfare, but the Libyans denied that a BW program had ever existed."
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 22nd 2011, 20:38:51

Taking out the stash of mustard agents might save alot of civilians..
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 21st 2011, 0:58:18

Well, France is the only NATO country that really has forces to spare, even with parts of the legion tied up in other african countrys and their marines spread thin around the world, the rest of NATO is pretty much depleted and worn out with Afghanistan and Iraq, as in, we can keep up the current force requirments, even if alot of countrys has had to resort to using their reserves and/or homeguard style forces (All creditt to these, but only active units should be sendt to war) it should be denoted that alot of countrys only use these forces for base defence etc to free up manpower in their active units to get more boots in the dirt.

With this said, the biggest strain ist on the grunts, its on the a) the levels above like brigade leadership/staff were you dont have enough to rotate with a decent amount of R6R b) the special forces, like engineers (from combat to IED teams) , medical support personel, Evac teams etc and c) the special operation forces , which are heavily involved in both current theaters and prob alot more countrys that we wont know about until 2050 or never, but they are still a sought after capacity and should we belive rumors, allready in-country.

To sum up, IF there should be a land intervention, alot of countrys outside of NATO would have to dip into their forcepools and send troops, and as any other country, ask themselfs, are we willing to risk our troops and public opinion, IF this scenario should become a reality, it shall be quite interesting to se what units are deployed, it seems the UN as the US and NATO has tried on many occasions lately, belive that airpower will win a war, but history has shown us over and over again that land forces are needed to hold a territory, airpower alone, as overwhelming as it can be, cannot.

I guess we are rooting for the rebels in Libya to pick up arms and themself overthrow the regime, because if they do not succed, the path we have started ends in an landbased intervention.
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 23:26:12

We are doing this in public ? ok

Im glad you have resorted to name calling again, just adds to my point.
And just FYI, i didt boot you.

You were removed for unbecomming a SOLer, this because of :
Your blatantly disregarded the embassy and show no respect for our releations, and we`r not only talking past grabs, but also the constant trash talking of other players, both SOLers and players from other alliances.

Your general attitude and apptitude towards other people that have caused several members to leave the alliance.

Your rash, and childish actions whenever confronted or talked harsh too.

Your claming that you thought everything was fine after cursing out and dropping the f-bomb on 2 of 3 heads makes me wonder what degree of self-betrayal goes on inside your head.

Your actions over the last years have proven beyond any doubt that you do not understand the philosophy of SOL, which upon the alliance is based.

You also belive that LaF dont consider your a suicide threat after you for sets have flamed them on AT and ingame ? please.

Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 21:13:37

Your welcome to spin all you want, you know its not about the landgrab, the landgrab and then dropping the land was just the last nail in the coffin.
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 4:02:58

also, i dont agree with your chart showing NLS as a LaF spinoff/demerger

Mach was in LaF for a very short time and if you need to count NLS as a demerged from someone, it would be EoS, tho we were only there for one reset, and in the words of the great Machaveli : "That was our first and last reset as a division"

But all in all, i would denote NLS as a seperate alliance.

NLS and BoA merged to become ArM
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 1:43:54

Here`s some dates i found browsing thru our archive (that you also have access too, but me doing it makes it easier for you i guess :P ) hope they are of some help even if it is incomplete

SOL was founded in January 1998

May 1998 SOL joins UCN
August 1998 SOL leaves UCN with many other councils among them : ICN, Moon (TMA), Phoenix and Storm

Alliances assosiated with SOL Merge/Demergers :

NLS merges into SOL 22 June 2001

CWG rejoins SOL 3 May 2002

Sparta joins SOL 22 Jul 2002

May 2004 KoH (Citadel) leaves SOL

Nov 2008 SX merges into SOL

Other notes found in our archive (Founding dates of below alliances set to the first day of the respective set in wich they first made an apperance, acctual founding date could be later)

MD is born - 20 august 1998

RAGE and LCN is born - 22 Nov 1998

Sof is born - August 1999

IX is born 23 march 2000

20 July 2002 UCN disbands

17 aug 2003 Sparta merges witg Steel

25 oct 2003 SoF disbands/leaves Earth

May 2005 Arrow Disbands

Nov 2005 Citadel disbands

Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 11th 2011, 23:33:45

What the topic says, so please direct your requests elsewhere.
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 1:41:25

Dear Red X,
You deserve getting farmed for not talking to me on icq/msn for months
<3 SOL
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 21st 2011, 17:59:06

If we are going to be that litteral Galleri, im not an FA either, im a SOL head.

SOL is a triumvirate with 3 heads, IA, WAR and FR.
So by other clanstructures SOL has 3 co-presidents.

But if i say im not a FA cause im a co-pres, i wouldt be elibegible, and that would suck cause ive never won anything on AT before !

+ imperial, <3 , it was from the top of my head, could have rambled on for more pages but it was like 3am and i didt feel like writing longer :P
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 21st 2011, 2:00:55

Cheers Gearhead !
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 20:10:45

I won something on AT !?

Thank you everyone who voted for me !
I would like to thank the following people

Mickster - The one and only
Daxit, Lynn, Stone Princess, Axis, Morpheus, NATO., Stalin2002, Apollyon, Thunderbird, NycEden, Dragon, Allied Spirits, Stewie, TNSe, Martian, Icez, RedX, Marshal (not really but he whined to be in here), Patriot and Orion (i never could tell you two apart) , LC , Class of 2002, Murf, Smurfy, EVS, Ivan, ld, Killa,TheoSqua, Twista, Pele, PrisM, Chervont, Norrit, Yank, OGT, Locura, FC, Dalamar, Colonel_Chaos, Angel, Crystal, Dalyx, Sayian, fru, estel, kansas, Gonzo, Hartung, Lagerboy, iNfeSt, TobyVille, KILLjoy, Johnny_k3nt, DUKE, MFG, Mapleson, Lostmonk, Gary, Solid Snake, Penguin, Roasted_Chicken, James(hisfreta), ShogunSr, Raheel, Wu, Kaiser, Beowulf, Tempest, Floyd, Warrior, Klakun, peterplys, Earthian, Seduction, Bru, Imperial, Jacket, mystic, peki, Dragonlance, Cyb, Loginius, Spitzbart, Hooley, Reignmaker, FreedieDD, Nightwolf, TTM, DagStar, insurgent, Darkmere, Edge, antisocialite, Rave, Kitrji, Lil^penny, Katari, Korhal, RobertLee, Dragun, Dalamar, Raziel, Deisal, al-man, sutler, Mike1, Norcal, Iron Gauntlet, Keppy, NoLimitSoldiers, SoldiersSansLimits and The Sons of Liberty :D

You are all my inspiration !
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 18:23:13

At around 200 members, SOL started to kill my social life :P
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 6th 2011, 16:58:03

Silly ViLSE , we need your character code to add you by nick :P
or email to add without

Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 4th 2011, 21:27:39

Originally posted by NOW3P:

I can't even begin to count how many times I've blown 10 turns accidentally spying instead of SR'ing, CD'ing, or just accidentally hitting the 0 on the num pad after I type in 1 for a spy op!

Awesome change!

From what i understand, this wont affect that, only information gathering ops, setting a success cap on SRs/CDs/Bios etc would in most cases work against its intentions
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 8:22:15

Originally posted by Patience:
Nice to see you back, NorCal. <3 Obviously you're needed here, because SOL are looking pretty much like obnoxious bullies right now. She tried for a DNH, was denied because SOL doesn't give DNHs to untaggeds. Then they farmed her into the ground (one SOL guy hit her what, 65 times???), she got DNHs from everyone but SOL, and was killed the minute she started to take retals.

To say I'm disappointed in SOL's handling of the situation is the grandest of understatements. :p

Your first statment is a lie, do you just swallow what you get served without checking, or do you just not belive me when ive posted twice thats not the case ?

Her country was landkilled : 1/30/2011 18:42:32
She retaled hits by SOL : 1/19/2011 16:11:10

So thats what you call "the minute after" ? i call that an overstatment at best, and it also kinda shows, she didt get killed for retaling ;)

As for the DNH , what makes her country special from the other 171 currently untagged in alliance server ?

Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 8:10:20

Hey emaster :)
We have a few SXers still too
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 3:36:26

Originally posted by hanlong:
SOL: whatever happened to a "i'm sorry"? =(

People that have to demand apologies, and then threaten to get them, do not deserve them, if said people deserved an apology, they would have gotten one :)
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 1:13:07

but if i detag him, and you hit, i wont get to hit someone and what good does that do ME ?
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 1:01:24

I wouldt penalise others for it Maki, killing her would be sufficent
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 0:37:09

Originally posted by Patience:
You go, girl... I'm half tempted to start up and help you retal. :p

I say again, if ANYONE in any of my former alliances had hit ANYONE (tagged or not) that many times, I would have handed him over and helped carve him up. SOL, defending that behaviour is just not right. And now you're reaping the rewards. Enjoy!

You wouldt be the first to try and kill Dragon, and fail, but im sure he will be happy if you try.

As for giving us more targets, im sure you will tire of dying before we tire of killing your restarts, and hit my country as much as you want, lol, your cruscade opts that someone cares, so you lost before you started.



Now how many more threads are you gonna make, or did you not get the attention you wanted, or did we stop your spin ?
by all means, keep it up, you know what they say, all PR is good PR !
If we had wanted to kill you for the retals, you wouldt have lasted the ~7 days you did before you got killed (landkilled ? )

Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Jan 22nd 2011, 15:26:12 is the place to be, even sov wanted to join by his sig disqualified him :/
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 20:45:08

im sorry, ive been at work, and sleeping, my last reply was written 6am my time.

We`r not killing you over legit retals, where you got that idea, i dont know.
Im sure you were not put on the kill list, or got a ingame message about beeing put on it, because thats a FR dept duty, and im the sole SOL FR dept.
so yeah.

Not a single br/gs/chem has been fired on you.

as for allowing unlimited farming of untaggeds, yes , like most other alliances we do, but we also state to our members that once they do the same amount of hits that we would kill for, we`r not bailing them out and they are on their own, so they should choose their targets.

If you are refering to the mass SS, its simply because you sold down to like 30k turret, and with your nw in tech, making you in nw range of alot of people, with a low break, it was the best land / jets spendt around.
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 5:00:02

No, i said that we dont hand out pacts like candy, just because you wanted one/feelt you deserved it, doest mean we have to grant you a DNH.
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Jan 21st 2011, 4:05:28

This is alliance server, you wanted a DNH, ok, if we should grant a DNH to everyone that wanted it, there wouldt be anyone to LG now would there, there are alot of tags that will let you net out in peace and that doest care much about their avg nw, your choice to run untagged, my choice to not give you any spescial threatment.
I also dont respond well to threats about people suiciding on my alliance.

Have a great set you too

Head of FR
Sons of Liberty
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Jan 19th 2011, 22:32:10

I havet seen any message from you anoniem, if yoyr using some wierd nick please state its Earth or your nick so i can single out real requests.
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Jan 15th 2011, 17:54:59

TAN only writes about Hizb ut-Tahrir
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Jan 15th 2011, 17:52:00

Why is this case blown up so big ? There`s wars in the world, hunger, farmine, lack of medicine and proper health care kills people by the thousands daily. We have countrys in the world were there`s a genocide going on as you are reading this.
Woman are getting raped and killed, then dumped in a ditch in africa.
There`s dictaorships that supress their people and opposistion by force, violence, threats and murder.
There`s countless examples of horrible stuff happening in the world today, but here we have over 10`000 views to a thread about a nutjob who shot 6 people ? Shows you where the focus is.
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Jan 10th 2011, 2:48:03

I got some emails from the media aswell, i looked thru his posts in GHQ and they are all pretty innocent, poems about dental hygiene, favoritt books etc, he did rant some on irc from time to time but nothing off interest imo.

Only way they got my email is thru someone here (looks like they pulled it from our site`s public contacts)

I feel the media is searching in the wrong places, but i guess every stone must be turned.
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Dec 22nd 2010, 21:11:32

I Nominate Daxit
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Dec 13th 2010, 23:59:34

It would effect rushing/walling , two rapid clicks gets out 20 hits instead of 2..
make it 5-10 members doing that, and walling is extint
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Dec 13th 2010, 22:52:54


Thank you for policing for us in our skirmish with Imag.

SOL Head of FR
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Dec 13th 2010, 22:32:19

unless your stuck on the pole like sov..
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Dec 13th 2010, 22:24:42

Couldt have waited until i was fully converted eh ? :(
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Dec 9th 2010, 23:58:43

If he does, ill give up my citizenship
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 20:44:23

so.. i have a question :P
If im gonna block explore, and add the explore bonus before i block explore, will it adjust during my batch, or will it act similar as the game does (not adjusting for the lowered acres per turn until the batch is completed)
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.

PraetorNLS Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 19:00:47

Because BobbyATA doest have a function , duh :P
Praetor - disqualified from the human race for being three laps ahead in the second round.