
RD Watcher

New Member

Jun 13th 2013, 13:11:18

Originally posted by smlandau84:
10 minute lag would be great for the game ;)

RD watcher... I'm of the opinion that SOL received significantly more aid than RD last set. I don't even think it was close.

Maybe you should change your name to SOL Watcher?

Did my restart have more NW than your entire alliance at the end? I never checked.

I think you are pretty renowned for being a bit slow, but you're one of the many idiots on AT that just posts dribble without actually doing any research.

Try here first:

No war in the history of the game has looked like this. RD was outkilled, outhit and out-hit-per-killed. Yet miraculously after two weeks of stalemate their networth skyrockets. Please find one war that has ever resembled this.

What you are looking at is the biggest whoring out of a netgaining reset possibly ever done in the history of the game. RIVAL should be ashamed and the numbers should be revealed. LAF were also FAing RD although in drastically less amounts.

RD made a crowing thread about 'getting the tagkill' but they didn't mention how they got it. Weak as piss. Just like it's weak as piss to take the name of the biggest cancer the game has ever seen and revive it - RD.

RD Watcher

New Member

Jun 13th 2013, 12:52:15

Originally posted by martian:
first of all sending FA is not against the rules nor is FA'ing someone into a better rank (in team/alliance/FFA).
I personally think that keeping FA (and spy ops) covert makes the game more interesting.
I think running the news on a 10 minute lag could make the game even more interesting although kr's would have to be slower:P

This attitude is exactly why I'm glad martian's influence extends to bitter forum lackey. martian spent the first half of his earth 'career' as a shameless spammer now expects to garner respect due to whatever lengths he had to stoop and beg for his forum moderator title.

Not happening.

Just to rebut you usual drivel - spy ops are not covert if you fail. There is no reason to hide an FA trail at all. The only reason you would hide an FA trail is if you want to hide dodgy behavior. LAF obeying their leader (often a convicted cheat) like lemmings and FAing them into 1st place is dodgy behavior. RD excepting such levels of FA as to ruin an excellent 1v1 war is dodgy behavior. You are the dumbest, most biased poster on this forum. Maybe if you come up with a legitimate reason why FA should not be revealed (like EVERYTHING else is revealed) after a reset is completed, then please.

Until then, shut up.

RD Watcher

New Member

Jun 13th 2013, 8:33:45

I assume you are still running scared from SOL or their allies.

Your puerile attempt at claiming a victory last reset gives me much mirth.

If the administrators of this game released FA every reset between alliances, it would cut out a lot of the crap you indulged yourselves in last reset.

I don't think RIVAL would have put up such a disgraceful 'netting' reset if they didn't funnel 200-300M networth to your cheat and cheat-apologist infested alliance. Maybe they really are that fluff - I don't know, but I'm guessing not. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt despite the fact they are as spineless as you, albeit with a slightly better record of playing clean.

You still, as an alliance, have many more recorded years of cheating as opposed to 'clean' resets, although that too is up for robust debate.

33% of you fluffbags are running Commies, you probably have an FA whore lined up - the question is are you scaredy cats or are you going to blindside someone, take millions in FA and claim victory despite getting your ass kicked in hits and kills again?

We wait.

RD Watcher

New Member

May 23rd 2013, 14:57:44

qz - when you revelaed those grubs who screwed you out of a top 10 (1??) spot.. That was amazing.. If you are prepared to stoop to the disgusting levels that RD/LAF + co are prepared to stoop to - fine. Name and shame the fluffers.

RD Watcher

New Member

May 23rd 2013, 2:09:56

Apart from the fact 'that is the way it has always been'.

If you FA one of your alliance mates into the top 10 - other alliances should be able to see that. It is certainly not against the rules of the game, and should not be, but name and shame them. Give credit to the players who can survive in Alliance without being FAed.

Similarly, reward the alliances who fight wars without FA from alliances not involved in the war. Every time an alliance gets mass FAed, they claim they aren't doing it, or the other side is 'getting it too'.

Simple solution - like reset ending rankings, include reset ending FA report. I expect RD leaders to support this request, if they believe their own bullfluff. Maybe not RIVAL.

RD Watcher

New Member

May 22nd 2013, 14:24:32

RDP = Remote Desktop Protocol.

It is RD's new weapon of choice. Open your PC up to remote connections, hand over your IP address and a login, create a shortcut on your desktop - hey presto.

Completely undetectable babysitting. The bad thing for RD is - when the rumors start - history shows in this game that the evidence is never far away.

RD Watcher

New Member

May 22nd 2013, 13:25:16

This is a serious and relatively new issue that is threatening to completely derail this game. There have been many, many rumors floating around lately about RD and their use of RDP to circumvent the various security checks in EE.

Is there any way to stop it? What would you like to see done to RD if and when the evidence comes out? (hopefully within the next week or so..)

You have an alliance completely devoid of moral ethics that routinely FAs countries into top spots, hits their own tag for ghost acres and had a history of cheating that is unsurpassed. They attract players that hide behind fake aliases, and if you are a clean player in a clean alliance, they probably have at least one spy or mole reporting on your alliances movesd.

Would you really be surprised when they get caught for this latest attempt to cheat at this game?