
Ravi Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 7:33:10

Okay so sellings weapons is bad because people use them to kill themselves and using sanctions don't work and can actually make the situation worse. I happen to agree. However I'm still not understanding why America is responsible? I guess I'm not seeing the resonsibility put where it should be. I see America being used as an excuse. You really don't know where I've been coming from with all this have you?

Originally posted by Ravi:
Refusing to trade is bad?

"Don't get where this came from. Refusing to trade with countries that contradict our so-called principles is bad, yes.

"I know where this is going to lead: "But every country doesn't share our exact principles, so we'd be refusing to trade with everyone."

"No, what I mean is trading with countries that continually abuse human rights (*cough* Egypt *cough* Jordan *cough* Tunisia...etc). We can't completely stop trading with everyone, but limiting it would sure help those countries change their policies"

What do you mean you don't know where this came from? Trade is an interaction with another country. You seem to be blaming the USA for deaths in other countries based on our interactions with them. Trade is such an interaction. Any trade item can be used for a military purpose. I sell or trade you food and you use it to feed yourself so you have the stregth to stab Detmer. I sold you the food in good faith to feed yourself. You killed poor Detmer. I may have even sold you the knife you used to stab the bastard. I thought you were going to use it to protect yourself from Zen.

But trade is still good. True. But is there a right amount? I mean if I trade too much and you are a bad country I must be enabling you. If I trade too little I may be bordering on sanctions. Man this whole world thing isn't easy.

Ravi Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 16:59:03

As for ElBaradei, he doesn't seem to answer to any country. That might just be a good thing in this case. But him being out of the country so long may be a problem. Who knows.

Ravi Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 16:57:10

Young man, I am quit aware of the amount of military sent to the Shah and Saddam. I was alive then. Your point? See I'm missing something here. Did the Americans use those weapons on those respective peoples when those bad guys ran those countries? There were a lot of Russian T Tanks and AK-47 assault rifles in countries run by some awful people. The Soviets were not to blame for what those countries did. Americans, as well as other countries, sell arms to alot of countries. Heck I believe the French sold arms to both sides during the Iran/Iraq war. I would hardly blame them for the war or the resulting deaths.

And I'll state it again since you ignored the comment. Would it have been better for the US to just not trade with those countries or try to get a point across and use sanctions? I've heard people, perhaps yourself as well, complain that our sanctions against Irag caused the death of innocent civilians.

So weapons are bad? Sanctions are bad? Refusing to trade is bad? Supporting dissidents, revolutionaries and the like against bad leaders is bad too. Regime change?...oh no let's not touch that one. Not getting involved at all seems to have caused people to complain as people on the old Mehul earth forums screamed that the US had to get involved in Bosnia. Then they screamed when we did. And of course shame on America for waiting so long to get involved in WW2.

I don't know what the answer should be in regards to how my country or any other one should or shouldn't react. However what I do know is that what these bad leaders do is on them and it is up to the peoples of those nations to do something about it. We are seeing that now in Egypt. I hope whatever ends up happening makes their lives better.

Ravi Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 16:12:37

Alana, If you surrender you have to head over to Charlie Sheen's house.

Thomas, you might want to consider a new line of work. All you accomplished with this was total failure. You would have lost anyway but you blew what little load you had on the wrong tag and did little to no real damage. If you are gonna plan something like this you need better ears to the walls. You went in blind and dragged a lot of people with you and all you accomplished was dying multiple times.

You had no element of surprise. AB'n war countries is a questionable strategy..especially when your target isn't a bunch of Commies.

Ravi Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 14:55:46

As the real power in SOL I must inform you that your retal period has expired. Any further hits on SOL will be treated as land grabs on an escalating basis.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Detmer.

LCN Big Mouth
RM President
FBI President For Life
Maki is a POS
Maki's Owner

Ravi Game profile


Jan 31st 2011, 14:46:53

No, America was not responsible for the blood caused by the Shah and Saddam. The Shah and Saddam were. Every major power on earth supports and or trades with a nation run by a ruthless leader. If we didn't support a said leader and refused to trade with that nation and/or placed an embargo on them you would also accuse us of being responsible for the deaths of the peoples of that nation.

"ElBaradei (who is a secularist and American puppet who has been living outside of Egypt for the last 40 years)"

He must not have been a useful puppet. He came out against the US invading Iraq. That was 8 years ago. If he was a puppet he certainly wasn't one since then.

I was also against invading Iraq but not for the reasons most others were.

Ravi Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 14:46:18

I'm guessing Zen was very drunk and you were wearing a wig Maki. It's an honest mistake. A Euro male is as close to being a woman as you can get without actually being one.

I don't hold it against Zen. In fact I hope he made you hurt. But my guess is you enjoyed it. Good for you.

Anyway, the only server you could pull off a top 100 finish would be in one of those 40 player tourney games you POS!

Ravi Game profile


Jan 29th 2011, 14:30:33

Zen has any dictation perms towards stones that he sees fit.

I see Zen being very reasonable here and you seem to be trying to provoke FBI. That is not acceptable to me, Zen, Nazar, Tirol, Barak Obama, the protesters in Egypt and a whole bunch of others.

Let's not get too silly here Sparky.

Ravi Game profile


Jan 28th 2011, 15:19:21

"i don't want it to end, and neither does the team. we are not here to net."

That is good news to hear since you probably won't be doing much netting on this server going forward.

Assuming you did want to surrender and were able to fulfill RD's surrender prereq's you would still have to deal with FBI's.

They include:

1) Giving Assassin a sponge bath
2) Take in Trife as a member
3) Listen to Japri give a play by play summary of the previous evenings "Dancing with the Stars"
4) Make Soviet your president
5) Write a 500 page report praising Zen and how he has influenced your otherwise meaningless lives.

We reserve the right to add additional prereqs at any time. You reserve the right to follow them. Or you can just ignore them as we are an easy going bunch. But we will kill you anyway. However Detmer may just AB you.

Ravi Game profile


Jan 27th 2011, 15:43:45

Maki is the ultimate POS. However I won't missile him. I too enjoy playing alongside people I may war on other servers. Back when we did the RM set we were mostly LCNers and IXers. LCN and IX were bitter enemies at that time in alliance. But we had a blast. Maki was enemy #1 back then in alliance yet he and his AoDT alliance provided the "muscle" for RM then.

So in conclusion I can't missile Maki.....unless you all say I should. Since these forums are full of some of societies greatest minds who am I not to listen to you all.

Ravi Game profile


Jan 24th 2011, 18:15:14

RD is tagged FBI

FBI is tagged RD.

But some RDers are tagged RD

You might want to contact RD so you avoid any unpleasant situations as the real RDers have done nothing to you and I have learned in 100 years of playing this game that it is best if they remain doing nothing to you.

Ravi Game profile


Jan 24th 2011, 5:31:06

Zen, please make sure we kill Lord Tarnava. It is in the FBI charter that he has to die every set. Him and Ghall have to die so that others may live.

kwmi, reason #5 is very important to us and Han....more so for Han but you get the point.

Ravi Game profile


Jan 17th 2011, 6:43:12

Thomas, it was my idea quite a while ago for FBI to switch tags with RD for a reset for fluffs and giggles.

You get the fluffs and we get the giggles since you hit the wrong tag. You basically hit an alliance that has never done anything to you. Now you have even more tags to worry about. You will be set to farm to the ground next set. I am disgusted that players like you have to ruin it for the rest of us on this server. We were happy just doing our own thing and not bothering anybody else. But you had to drag us into your hateful world.

That is my command as I am the Mighty President of FBI. Your clans will provide FBI it's land next reset.

FBI Bestest President Ever

Ravi Game profile


Jan 9th 2011, 2:22:04

"and STILL were so scared of Rage you sent untagged suiciders and allies to grab and harrass Rage before the war"

This is not true. If we had suicided you beforehand we would have done far more damage. If you have proof that this was done by a roque LCNer then please send Purpy, Imperial or Trife the proof and it will be dealt with. That person or persons will be booted for not knowing how to suicide properly.

Ravi Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 0:22:16

Maki you POS, Zen's war dec for you was better and I will consider that the official SOL declaration.

LCN Troll
RM President
FBI President
Maki is a POS

Ravi Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 16:12:31

LCN sucks

Ravi Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 16:11:53

I thought Omega was in it because Alicia craved the FBI LCNers large NOSTRA peni?

Ravi Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 16:10:21

I grant IX and RED a war DNH

Ravi Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 16:09:11

Yes LCN called in Han last set. They are the masters of the stealth attack.

Sorry I am late Zen...

Maki is a worthless POS.

That is all.

Good luck to LCN, Rage and SOL.

Please set the Avengers and CWG to "farm" while the other alliances settle their differences.

Ravi Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 0:56:30

You guys got it all wrong. You think it's all fun and games in FBI. It may appear that way but the books need to be in proper order. Venders need to be paid. Salaries must be paid. Sleazy motel bills must be paid. The list goes on and on.

It's not easy having a large peni.

Ravi Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 0:43:13

I'm not Lord hummungus's keeper. Frankly he scares the bejeebers out of me. But admitting you deserved it shows you take responsibility for your actions.

But for our FBI records I need more clarification of your losses. You stated in your first post over 6mil net loss due to various FBI actions. In your last post you state 10mil lost to the FBI guy. Which is it? I need to balance our books. Am I missing something? I am easily confused.

Ravi Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 0:26:43

No you moronic imbecile. I ran CD's on the top ranked Lords country during the last few hrs of the set. I was curious if it was you. That country wasn't going to finish top 10 let alone first anyway.

If another FBI country attacked you you deserved it. But your country doesn't ring a bell and I never authorized any hits on it. But I am only a figurehead. The real power in FBI lies with anybody who isn't me.

Ravi Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 0:12:19

I don't think I attacked you.

Ravi Game profile


Dec 8th 2010, 0:02:54

which country was yours?

Ravi Game profile


Dec 7th 2010, 21:39:25

TIE are good people. I didn't really know that until I got to know some of them here in LCN.

Ravi Game profile


Dec 7th 2010, 1:08:29

I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for an apology Ghall. These Lords are big time racists.

As Assassin, the Alpha Black Male of Earth Empires stated after hearing the news:

"ah, yes, lords as in "overlords." honky fluffs. ima start playing this server."

Ravi Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 23:49:05

Cretinous Morons Unite

Ravi Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 23:44:10

Maki, you anally violate your own members?

Ravi Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 23:38:27

I am even more pissed off at Lords now after Zen was kind enough to show me the FR talks he just had with Aliyah. The lies, racism and no mention of Norman Fell has me very annoyed at the moment.

Where is Dragonlace? Does he have a well stocked low defense country on some server that he doesn't care about that I can suicide on?

FBI Ruler
RM President
LCN Suicider
Maki is a POS

Ravi Game profile


Dec 6th 2010, 20:40:28

Let us not forget Norman Fell either. This isn't only about Ghall.

Why do people insist upon hating FBI and our affiliates because of our large peni:(

Ravi Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 16:42:35

he choked on a ham sammich

Ravi Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 15:59:52

It's always been that way Pang. I've heard in the 1800's candidates slandered each other much worse than now.

The ads you see pander to the candidates base to get them out to vote. Those of us who do not belong to either party tend to laugh and ignore them.

The only problem I have with it is that that money could be spent better elsewhere.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:43:25

You are more to blame than your own suicider SS.

That being said you have an open invitation to be Head FA if RM does a set. Sorry Assassin but even you can't get this primitive: "get off your fluffing horse you cum guzzling butt munchers." I find it refreshing. Not the butt munching..unless it's a hot girl who practices good hygiene.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 6:16:23

No DL, it's SS fault. You have the logs. My paraphrasing was too kind. Twist as you may. I've been in this game longer than most. SS basically told LCN to fluff off. Reread the logs Trife sent you. In fact why don't you post them here and let AT be the judge of it since I know you are incapable of putting the blame on Rage's awful initial FR.

This doesn't happen if your guy doesn't suicide
This doesn't happen if SS at least strung Trife along

I posted on this thread the messages Trife sent me about GS'n and the post he made on the FR board. Make of them what you want. It is of no concern to me anymore what your relations with LCN are.

Ax, Ravi left LCN already. And it wasn't Snoop. It was Puff Daddy! We wents to high school together.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:35:28

Yes two seconds of silence is appropriate

Ravi Game profile


Nov 23rd 2010, 5:25:16

"as rage/lcn Fa's didn't properly deal with the reps issue in time."

Umm Dragonlace, Trife dealt with this just fine right after your guy suicided. It was Silent Sentinel who did not deal with it properly at first. His solution was to allow us to farm the Rage suicider and then kill him. When pressed if Rage would kill him off and pay reps SS said he didn't think any of them would want to break away from their netting. So basically it was "deal with it on your own LCN". That was cowardly DL.

After seeing those FR convos posted I was livid. It seems SS had a change of heart and messaged Trife about paying reps. Too bad I had already suicided before Trife got the message. I assume he had a change of heart after thinking...geee maybe LCN will FS us over this or one of them may suicide.

So Thomas is not perpetuating any myth. Rage initially refused to pay any reps or deal with their suicider. Had you dealt with it the right way to begin with my suicide never happens.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 14:22:58

Detmer, although I am no longer in LCN I cannot comment on the LCN/Collab conspiracy to take over the server. I am sworn to secrecy and all. But I will share this convo from the secret shared LCN/Collab forum:

Trife: okay we are all here right now.

Thomas: is LCN on board to take over and rule the server with us?

Purpy: We're in.

Ravi: Maki is a POS

Ghall: Where are the white women?

Theseus: Secret forums always end up biting LCN in the ass.

Assassin: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't suicide on PDM

Zen: Where are the white women.

Japri: Um HELLO

So as you can see LCN/Collab are up to no good.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 13:04:39

Rage would actually be an option Spaced. I like you guys and the irony of it would be funny. Plus DL seems to have his stuff together.

I've gotten a few other offers I am considering as well.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 4:58:34

It's less about what Rage has done and more about where LCN isn't right now.

There is a lot of talent and good people over there. It's being wasted. It's easy to blame active leadership but I won't. It's not like those who actually know what to do are stepping up.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 4:40:39

You are correct Thomas. I did not read your sig. I thought you were Trife who is named Thomas. I apologize for that mistake as nobody wants to be confused with Trife. Again I apologize.

Regardless, I think I would have a 100% better understanding of the inner workings of LCN than you would as I have had head level access for over 10 years until a few hrs ago. So yes I would know who LCN is and isn't afraid of.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 3:12:23

Don't worry DL. LCN is so scared of Rage they will kill me themselves.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 3:11:33

You are afraid of rage. Perhaps you didn't read the thread about them on the Heads forum. I can't post it now as I no longer have access, lol

Thomas...if I'm such an "idiot" as you told Dragonlace in your FA talks, why didn't you ask me to stop? I mean you were online while I was making my hits. It was you who suggested the GS's.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 3:04:43

I'd also like to point out that several heads were on while I was suiciding and NONE told me to stop.

I stopped on my own when word got back to us that SS had a change of heart and would pay reps.

I just started again since Purpy felt the need to attack me. The bum cost me 10 mil troops! So his attacks on me are causing more pain for Rage..who I actually like. Oh well.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 22nd 2010, 2:24:35

Actually it was condoned at the time and I ran with it.

"and wouldn't it be rather unfortunate if a LCN member(s) acted rogue and had a personal fun day with rage? Since you know, tags aren't responsible for detags)"

It was even semi condoned once I started:

"again, i'm at a loss for words and not recommending anything, but if 361 has a bunch of bushels on hand, GSes would be bad for him

but i'm glad we decided we waited to discuss this amongst ourselves before we did anything :P "

Those comments are all from the same LCN Head whom I shall not name...cough cough TRIFE. If he wishes to own up to it that is his choice. Trife certainly had no problem telling DL I'm an idiot and how bad those GS's know, the ones he suggested I do and even messaged me about doing:

From: LCNostra/Trife [HFA~XXVii]
To: LCNostra/Ravi [LXiii]
Subject: 361
Date: Nov 20, 2010 10:43 AM
Importance: Medium
500 mil bushels?

gosh, gses would be pretty costly for him

From: LCNostra/Trife [HFA~XXVii]
To: LCNostra/Ravi [LXiii]
Subject: Re: Re: 361
Date: Nov 20, 2010 10:45 AM
Importance: Medium
well, if your little girlfriend japri is going to do something stupid, that would be a fun stupid thing to do

Reply to: Re: 361
From: LCNostra/Ravi [LXiii]

Previous Message:

I know but I'm outta turns:(

Since LCN is now afraid of it's own shadow I am leaving the place. Does Imag need a member? I want to join an alliance that actually has a set of balls.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 14th 2010, 1:31:39

In fact I think I'll take Zen, Assassin, Japri and Jesus and form a new LCN to kill the old LCN. Then RM will kill everybody.

If that doesn't happen we'll just kill Trife every set.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 13th 2010, 22:20:44

Of course my loyalty is with RM. LCN would be the first alliance I ordered us to farm....the 8 of you foolish enough to stay there. You would be farmed and then killed. The nerve of you people to field an LCN tag when I'm not there. You think you know people after all these years. How dare you pissantfluffs. I hate you all. archaic is wise.

Ravi Game profile


Nov 9th 2010, 16:43:46

"would be pretty even"

What the hell are you smoking Trife?

LCN would lose half their membership to RigorMortis. That POS Maki would bring part of SOL over with him. A lot of former IXers would join and we probably get Alicia and a few Omegans. And that's just to start.

LCN would be RM farmland.

You go away now.

Ravi Game profile


Oct 21st 2010, 22:43:57

Thomas, please keep your sickening prejudices off this board.

Helen Keller was not black.

Ravi Game profile


Oct 5th 2010, 17:29:23


Ravi Game profile


Sep 16th 2010, 4:22:12

I was going to ignore you maki....until archaic posted this:

"This place does need some order . . . "

We'll talk:)