
RickyBobby Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 20:38:00


RickyBobby Game profile


Dec 20th 2012, 9:21:40

Originally posted by Boltar:
along the way u was farming the xmas tag.. in doing which, u more or less pissed off 2 guys who care even less about team server then i do. so they came to me. wanting some of u if i was gunna hit u.. i told them sure.. when and where.. and away the crying is going and has begun.. enjoy.. we will.

hit that nail on the head, could not care less about team server :) Plus we both like killing when it comes around

Edited By: RickyBobby on Dec 20th 2012, 9:25:33
See Original Post

RickyBobby Game profile


Dec 16th 2012, 23:02:33


RickyBobby Game profile


Dec 8th 2012, 1:26:26


RickyBobby Game profile


Dec 2nd 2012, 17:15:27

What alliance are you in?

RickyBobby Game profile


Nov 29th 2012, 19:54:51

Nuketon and I (Natural) are in LCN

RickyBobby Game profile


Nov 27th 2012, 6:33:37

How does it work where you work? I'm sure the owner/guy at the top makes the most money also.
To be a part of the BBB you pay an annual membership fee, you don't pay for your rating.
I'm sure just changing the description from "pyramid scheme" to "MLM" definitely erased all the skepticism from people who are involved in MLM businesses.
I do my research also, but instead of reading blogs and articles of randoms on the internet I actually call companies and get in contact with people who actually know what they are talking about.
Anyways, good luck with whatever she does Red X, I won't be commenting on this post anymore

RickyBobby Game profile


Nov 27th 2012, 5:13:54

Originally posted by ColoOutlaw:
Haha be cautious on what information you listen to Red X. If kids like RickyBobby try and correct unaudited revenue estimates you know they have no idea what they are talking about. Their own company website doesn't even claim they earned that much. If he did know what he was talking about he would know that most of the revenue comes from outside the United States. It will be hard to get in the game if you live here but if you live in markets like China, Malaysia and Russia you could potentially have a good shot at making some good money. Part of the reason is it's been here in America for a while. These newer markets contributed a lot to amway sales recently and the most beneficial part of a pyramid scheme is at the top, not the bottom.

I never said it was all done in America. In addition to the countries you named, also Korea and Jamaica have contributed greatly to the growth in the last few years. You should probably figure out what a pyramid scheme is before you go throwing that term about (key point is they are illegal). You should check out who chairs your US Chamber of Commerce. BBB gives it an A+ rating. But I agree with you on one thing, people should really be cautious of who they get their information from.

Edited By: RickyBobby on Nov 27th 2012, 5:40:52
See Original Post

RickyBobby Game profile


Nov 27th 2012, 2:55:53

Originally posted by ColoOutlaw:
Well a ponzi scheme is a tad different than a 10 billion dollar pyramid company. Considering the fraud and what not, one is illegal while the other is legal.

11.7 billion in 2011. And the only one who had a good clear factual response here was Nuketon. Top notch products (or they probably wouldn't be doing so well). But if your looking to get involved with it as a business don't expect a get rich quick thing.

RickyBobby Game profile


Nov 19th 2012, 1:33:52


RickyBobby Game profile


Oct 27th 2012, 21:47:02

Originally posted by MADMARK:
Even i dumped 40 odd missiles with no intention of killing!

personally i dont fire off even 1 missle without an end goal of killing the target. seems pointless otherwise.

but mainly this post was for my BONUS

RickyBobby Game profile


Oct 16th 2012, 2:35:54

thought id point out an awesome theme

Alliance Clan: La Cosa Nostra (LCNostra)


RickyBobby Game profile


Oct 15th 2012, 22:40:24

Originally posted by Dissidenticn:

But I do not believe they are christian, as such... And many Mormons feel they are not christian either

I was raised Mormon, I am a Christian. When Romney started his campaign bid I read an article on a news site about statistics surrounding Mormon beliefs. Im going to try to locate the article for you but it polled several thousand LDS members and either 97 or 98% considered themselves Christians.
Blows my mind sometimes the things people throw around.

Reminds me of when people started wanting to change some words in Canadas national anthem. Another poll of several thousand people showed it was about 4% of the population that actually thought it should be changed and the group behind it was saying that it was the majority.

RickyBobby Game profile


Oct 11th 2012, 1:30:15

im loving it. buy my extremely overpriced bushels!

RickyBobby Game profile


Oct 11th 2012, 1:28:55


RickyBobby Game profile


Sep 22nd 2012, 2:08:35


RickyBobby Game profile


Sep 12th 2012, 1:16:19

"according to his logic, i could retal an na country 150 times, if i failed the first 100 hits and then it took me 50 hits to get my land back because of the dr's"

RickyBobby Game profile


Sep 7th 2012, 18:39:45

Originally posted by Sov:

SoF's netting tag will police.

Words no one thought they would ever hear

RickyBobby Game profile


Aug 29th 2012, 2:14:33

Wait, if your currently in ICN, and are looking for a place to net peacefully, does that mean ICN plans on warring this set? Hypothetically of course.

RickyBobby Game profile


Aug 27th 2012, 4:41:00

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:

Actually my understanding is that Mormonism isn't very different from the other christian faiths at all. I mean there are some fundamental differences in doctrine, especially around the nature of god (the holy trinity), but overall they have a lot more in common than they do in contrast.

other Christians see the holy trinity as different aspects of the same entity (god). Mormons believe that the father, the son, and the holy spirit are separate entities that are capable of different perspectives and in some cases different preferences.

Yup. I was raised mormon, no longer go but only because i never liked the going part. Definitely consider myself christian

RickyBobby Game profile


Aug 25th 2012, 20:32:00

Originally posted by lostmonk:

Extremists, whether gay, christian, muslim, mormon, or atheist, are the real problem.

Mormons are christians

RickyBobby Game profile


Aug 22nd 2012, 4:24:44


RickyBobby Game profile


Aug 20th 2012, 2:58:02

[quote poster=SAM_DANGER; 19769; 365439]I'm going to go ahead and drop out of character for this one, because I actually want to be serious for a minute. This is a very rare occurrence only witnessed once before.

If you want to save this war game, stop trying to take the war out of it.

Every time I see the phrase "in order to combat suiciding", it makes me cringe, because what you're really talking about there is finding a way to remove some or all risk from those who wish to engage in aggression against another player in order to grow their own country. I think too often people forget that when you grab a country 20 times over 3 days, there's a person behind that country who you're risking chasing away from the game. Every time you take away or diminish that person's ability to get what little bit of satisfaction he can, you're increasing the odds that he'll just leave.

Some will say, "Or he'll learn to play a better country".. Yeah, he may. And his group of 7 or 8 friends in the tag HEROES or GOOFBALLS or SPANK will soon find out that even if they do play well, they still get farmed. Bill and I were running two of the slimmer countries in the top 20. That didn't stop us from getting hit. We reacted the way we did to LaF because we've been around a very long time and know what comes next. Allow a double tap.. fail to take back as mush as the attacker took... show any weakness.. give even an inch.. and you become the entire server's landfarm. WE knew that going into this.. Not so for the new player who talks a few of his friends from work or school into trying to start an alliance. Bill and I will stick around because we knew what we were getting ourselves into. The newbie will most likely throw his hands up in frustration and go play something else.

For every self-important "I QUIT!" post from a vet that you might save by "combatting suiciding", you're losing dozens of other players who will just silently disappear. Just look at the news for pretty much any major alliance, and you'll see the relentless, vicious farming of anybody who dares to play outside of the big fifteen. And if one of those small guys manages to actually get a blow in on his tormentor?? HOO BOY, the fan is going to be hit by some stuff that doesn't smell good. Now take those same people doing the farming, tell them that their risk has been reduced by 50%, and do you think they'll do it less?

So in my always incredibly humble opinion, the admins should STOP worrying about suiciding, STOP protecting the big guy, and STOP trying to make war something from which both parties can gain. Eliminate or scale back most of the changes which are designed to do those things, and I think you'd have a better game, and eventually more players.

"Ghost acres" that are almost equal to the amount of land taken from the victim country... that's a little ridiculous. Scale back or get rid of ghost acres. "But where will all the land come from?".. I don't know, maybe increase the effectiveness of exploring somewhat.. or maybe there's a different, better way to get land into the system. Zahc may be on to something with the land market idea. But warring actions that benefit both parties are just stupid.

I think the formulae for missile damage need to be revisited as well. It shouldn't be possible for a country to go without SDI, eat 23 missiles from somebody that he just farmed into the ground, and shrug it off like nothing happened. As I was looking for targets before I was killed today, I was astonished by the number of extremely landfat countries I found with literally zero SDI. If there are that many people willing to take that much risk for the sake of netgaining, then missiles aren't scary enough any more, IMO. Perhaps tweak those formulae so that the limiting factor of the attacker's level of [x] on the damage done is slightly smaller. Or maybe allow for sale of missiles on the public market again. That was FUN back in the day. It got out of hand in a game with 10k players, but we're sub-1000 now. Maybe it could work again.

I definitely disagree with separating special attack DR from landgrab DR, and I hope the admins won't consider it. Zahc, what avenue for revenge would you leave the farming victim? Going down in flames and taking some of the big alliance's land with you is currently about the only effective tool most of the small guys have. Wish I'd done a better job of it today, but I got killed in the 10 minutes that I was switching rooms at my hotel (after doing practically nothing but watching my country for 2 days) :)

Bots are also a terrible idea. Why bother having land at all, if we're just going to make it completely risk free? Might as well just change this to a straight math game and forget strategy.

For the most part, the big alliances aren't stupid. If you want them to stop chasing away your newbies, then stop taking away the power of those newbies to fight back. Sure, a couple of self righteous, arrogant players will quit "because you've ruined the game", but I think the gains would outweigh those losses. Big alliances will adjust their policies, netgainers will have to actually have some defense (but the playing field will still be level because all of them will have to have it), and smaller players or alliances might stop feeling like the game is just pointless. When netters come boo-hooing about how they have to keep defense which increases their expenses, remind them that every single other netter is faced with the same risk-reward trade off.

Another side note: While they most definitely did not work in the favor of THE MIGHTY CLAN [DANGER] this time around, I think the recent special attack changes are fairly close to being just about right. When a player ticks off two other countries his size, they should be able to put a pretty good hurt on him. We didn't really, but we did a pretty piss-poor job of it. From not putting any prep into it (we were full on turns for another batch explore when we got double tapped) to warning H4xOr THE FLAILING CHICKEN in advance on AT, to just plain making a lot of mistakes (I even bombed the jets of country #4 instead of bombing haxor's jets 4 times.. SORRY!), we could have done a lot better. And even with all that, we still managed to take out 1/3 of his buildings and jets. Not great, but a better prepared duo could have done a lot better. I think maybe the new attack formulae are just a little toO heavy at the beginning and ending of the kill/destroy runs, but not by a lot.



SAM [/quote]


I agree with all of that. This would be boring if it was a math game, im here for the war. Wheres the fun in no risk?

RickyBobby Game profile


Aug 16th 2012, 3:17:57

I know im forgetting one or two


Played in Hells Saints in FFA for like 3 resets a few years ago too

RickyBobby Game profile


Aug 9th 2012, 5:00:48

one for me too

RickyBobby Game profile


Jul 31st 2012, 1:42:32

Same thing for me, logged on everyday to at least 1 type of military having not sold. I placed 8th, my first time back in like 3 years and first ever time running a CI, not too bad id say

RickyBobby Game profile


Jul 25th 2012, 3:14:52

Omg I was in KWA for a few sets. That was so long ago

RickyBobby Game profile


Jul 25th 2012, 2:47:28


RickyBobby Game profile


Jul 22nd 2012, 22:16:14

that was the one search i didnt try. thank you

RickyBobby Game profile


Jul 22nd 2012, 18:26:55

the search function doesnt seem to work for me in the at archives, i want to look up old stuff! any have a better link to the archives with the place to search maybe i went to a dead link.

RickyBobby Game profile


Jul 19th 2012, 18:44:36

crop insurance comes from insurance companies not the government :P

RickyBobby Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 2:29:34

I dont recognize your name but i played in the Cult way back. That was my first ever alliance, Societyx didnt really count. But like Nuke said, LCN :)

RickyBobby Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 0:46:06


RickyBobby Game profile


Jul 2nd 2012, 23:01:16

This thread has merit

RickyBobby Game profile


Jun 27th 2012, 3:31:25

Sweet i think I recognize that name. I will go and apply, good to see/hear from you again!