
SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 29th 2016, 6:41:02


SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 29th 2016, 6:28:57

Forgive my ignorance, but what is a shadow ban? Sounds spooky!!!!

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 27th 2016, 18:20:55

archaic, you are letting the terrorists win, which means you are clearly against us rather than with us, which means Rick Perry has to kick you out of Texas now.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 26th 2016, 13:10:35

Originally posted by Rook:

Elevating yourself above the two party system is a popular and fruitless effort. Yes, the two party system is non-ideal. Yes, it dilutes and conflates issues that might otherwise get fair forum. Yes, it fails to give us exactly the choice we want, when we want it. Sometimes we even get a whole two uninspiring choices. All two choices, completely uninspiring. Time for us to go cry in our tea.

But it is our political system, and we choose to make something of it. You want to tout yourself as a Gary Johnson devotee? Put a Galt Life sticker on your bumper? Enjoy the sidelines, and be sure to make frequent mention of how the prevailing political system doesn't suit your fancy so you can appear and feel to be above the entire structure of elected office in the United States. Ok buddy.

The two party system which is giving us worse and worse choices each election cycle only exists because people are afraid. Afraid that, as you said, their desires will be left "on the sidelines" if they don't pick between team red and team blue. The only thing that makes it impossible for someone from outside the two major parties to win, is the false belief that it is impossible. I believe that this year could be a banner year for people who hold liberty dear. The choices that the two "mainstream" parties are going to give us are SO terrible this time that while we may not see a win for the Libertarian party, we could at least see it gaining enough voters to blow this defeatist argument out of the water going forward. Or maybe we'll see team red or team blue realize that what the majority of Americans want is liberty.... and actually move in that direction. Either way, a vote for a third party candidate - especially this time around - is not a wasted vote.

Originally posted by Rook:

The reality of the situation is that ideas are in the field and progress is being made, whether you and your ego choose to participate or not. Setting up a false equivalency between the two political parties is worse than pointless, it is counterproductive, undermining the potential for constructive debate before it can even start. These two parties, all the microscale and interpersonal relationship intricacies notwithstanding, are at war with each other Scott. Do you not see billions of dollars in play? Do you see "no discernible difference" between the two opposing forces anywhere in the wide range of issues over which there is bitter disagreement and intransigence?

Progress is being made? I suppose that depends on your definition of progress.

For people like Scott and myself who hold liberty above all else in politics, the equivalency between the two current major parties is not false at all. Both parties love tyranny when it will gain them more votes. Yes, they're at war with each other, but what are they fighting over? They want power, plain and simple. They want to RULE - not represent - the American people.

The only progress I see being made lately is back towards feudalism. We've replaced the term "lord" with "senator", but we are moving closer to that failed system today and further from the constitutional republic this nation was set up to be. More and more over the last century, we've declared that the fruits of your labor do not belong to you. They belong to your lord, who will decide how they are best spent. Of course, he will let you keep some. He doesn't want you angry enough to turn your pitchfork on him. But ultimately, it is his choice, not yours, how you will live and what you will believe.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 25th 2016, 15:28:50

He's acting socially retarded. Seems totally appropriate to call him a tard.

I know a dozen others have said it already and it won't do any good, but seriously braden, you need to seek help. You used to be cool and funny. I used to look forward to opening threads if you were showing as the most recent poster. But you haven't been anything other than ridiculously annoying in a very very long time.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 25th 2016, 3:59:24

I vote we top this thread daily for at least the next 4 years.

EDIT: May 25th, 2016 is taken care of

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 25th 2016, 3:45:30

Originally posted by Rook:

Now answer the question. It's just for fun. Who do you think would be more likely to vote Nazi, given a different time and place? Sanders supporters? Clinton supporters? Trump supporters?

Honest answer, I'd give Sanders and Trump supporters about equal odds of being swept up into such a movement. Both campaigns are about hate, jealousy, scapegoats and anger. Trump makes foreign people the scapegoat, Sanders makes the wealthy the scapegoat. Both tactics are evil.

Clinton supporters are not far behind in my estimation. Because seriously... if you're willing to support somebody as dishonest as her - no matter how many times she proves her dishonesty - you're probably willing to follow her into just about anything.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 23rd 2016, 3:58:03

Originally posted by Garry Owen:
A power-mad criminal vs an ego-maniac

It is a sad time for the Republic....

According to recent polls, the majority of Americans agree with this sentiment. 57% unfavorable for each. Which would suggest that maybe it isn't actually a two way race this time around. I know that's a pretty radical idea to think people might stop voting for candidates that they think are giant piles of excrement, but hey.. I'm a dreamer.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 21st 2016, 2:04:23

Originally posted by mrford:
you are an idiot. i really mean that.

Sorry, but I'm going to have to agree with ford on this one....

Criticizing them for using the "not me" defense?? WTF does that even mean? Clearly, AT LEAST two of them are telling the truth, unless they were all one person.

I think the behavior on these boards is often reprehensible and ridiculously immature, but... come on.. sometimes you just make it way too easy for them, Blade.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 20th 2016, 23:16:21

I knew better than to bother opening this thread..

qz, please fix the ignore button.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 19th 2016, 21:28:42


SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 19th 2016, 20:55:30

Originally posted by Heston:

For decades voting, especially in california, has been for the lesser evil. This is more relevant today than ever for everyone in the usa. It comes down to NEVER HILLARY CLINTON and fluff BERNIE at all costs. There is too much at stake. You want to die a slow painful death or get a kick in the face with some golf shoes? I pick the golf shoes.You pick the guy selling rainbows and end up with a slow painful death. Thats how you helped to elect obama. My friends that voted third party last election, will not this election, you shouldnt either. But hey, at least your precious conscious remains intact if you vote for johnson or whoever. You are clearly open to throwing your vote away...there is no reason not to vote for trump or at least contemplate it.
Logically weigh the consequences of your actions this election.

Logically weighing the consequences of my actions is exactly what I am doing.

There are a number of reasons that I do not believe casting a vote for freedom equals "throwing my vote away".

As I've mentioned before, I live in Washington state. I can see absolutely no scenario where my vote for someone honest could directly result in a victory for HilLiary Clinton. The last time my state gave it's electoral votes to a Republican was in 1984. Seeing as I was only 13 then, my vote for President has NEVER been heard. Being from California, you're in a similar position. Not since the first Bush has your state gone to a Republican. If either of our states are going to go red this year, it will be because the election nationally is a landslide Republican victory. And seeing as how Trump's personality is just about the polar opposite of the last person to achieve that feat (Reagan) I don't see that being realistic. You could vote for your dog and have as much effect on this election as if you voted for Trump. Your dog would actually probably make for a better President, too.

I'm also not convinced that the Libertarian candidate will pull disproportionately higher numbers away from the GOP candidate. Democrat voters who identify that way because of their views on social issues match up quite well with the Libertarian party. Not every Democrat is a socialist (thank God). Just like not every Republican is opposed to or gives a damn about gay marriage. It very often comes down to choosing your "side" based on which issues you care more deeply about - which issues you believe have a more direct impact on you or the people you care about. I know it doesn't seem like it most times, but there are Democrat voters out there who would prefer a freer market. They just don't care as much about it as they do about the other "marquee issues"

I believe that in deep blue states like yours and mine, a vigorous and well publicized Libertarian candidacy could even possibly pull more Democrat voters than Republican voters.

I could go on and on about why I believe the best choice for me is the Libertarian candidate, but in the interest of being a little less long-winded, I'll close with this one: I no longer believe that the Republican party represents my views. We had 8 years of out of control spending and massive increases to the national debt.. and then we got Obama. Republican politicians claim to care about the things I care most about, but their actions don't match their words. In 2010 they PROMISED that if we gave them the House, they'd stop Obamacare. The reneged on that promise. They also caved on spending and the debt. It seems the only issues that Republicans are willing to go to the mat on are things I really don't give a damn about. They lost me in 2011 when they proved that they really didn't mean what they were saying.. And Boehner confirmed that for me when he openly admitted after stepping down from office that they never had any intention of following through.

They're not getting me back now by nominating a circus clown. If they want me back, they're going to have to PROVE, through action, that they really do want to start to tame the monster that our Federal Government has become.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 19th 2016, 9:05:48

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Heston:
Bill clinton 1996 sotu vs trump


Mindless retards will still argue that trump is wrong and Clinton was right. Virtually same message, by now they need votes for their party...

Same load of bullfluff different party. You get what we have now, no matter who the fluff is the potus. Focus is historically on marquee politics, womens rights, slavery reparations, abortion, gays, the bullfluff war on drugs, the absence of a secure boarder ect. Then when the consensus adapts, boundries are continuously pushed. Its to keep it fresh for folks like blade. Society has evolved the fight one step at a time. We are on fluffting atm.
Then the real fluff comes when the government wishes to push healthcare or fluff sucking socialism, patriot act and unbalanced federal gun laws then run them on some bullfluff patriotic love your neighbor platform. Then double down with the most outrageous fairy tale lies.

I'm going to go against my better judgement - and history - here, and try to engage in a serious discussion.

Heston, you confuse me.

The items you take issue with in the above post seem to indicate that you recognize both major parties as frauds. Further, it seems to me that you would tend to agree with libertarians on a vast array of issues.

Why then, do you belittle people who would suggest that it is time to vote your conscience rather than just voting for Team Red or Team Blue?

I'm guessing you'll probably just call me a dumbass, but hey.. its worth a shot.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 18th 2016, 18:37:32

Originally posted by Atryn:

The broader question would be whether the game dynamics on an Alliance server without untaggeds would lead to more or less players, in the long run.

This one is easy.

Disallow untags on alliance server: Fewer players
Continue to allow untags: Fewer players.

Player numbers have declined to the point that only aggressive marketing by either the admins or remaining players has a chance of reversing the slide

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 16th 2016, 1:58:04

Serp, wtf is with you getting farmed so hard already this set? Somebody trying to make sure you don't win again?

Also, uggh... eestats down again? Figures. I finally decide to give Primary a try again, and the one site that I won't play Primary without goes away. Hopefully it won't be down for weeks or months again.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 15th 2016, 21:53:30

Originally posted by mrford:
Don't farm them into the ground and they might stop seeking revenge.

While I agree with the general sentiment here, the country which prompted Forgotten to post on this subject was not farmed by LaF. It had been killed as part of a policing action (after ABing two different Stones members). We then killed the restart, but not in an organized fashion, allowing it time to AB two of our members.

I've been playing in LaF for about a year now, and can honestly say that I'm impressed with the efforts (mostly successful) of the leadership to get people to NOT farm real players. A couple of members routinely ignore the leadership on this issue, and when one of their victims hits them back, they're on their own. The "suicider" (which I would call a retributioner) does not end up on the kill list if he only hits back at his tormentor.

Originally posted by mrford:
If you can't tell the difference between a bot and a real Player, you shouldn't be grabbing. It is stupid easy.

In the vast majority of cases this is true. However, we've noted a couple people so far this reset that were doing a pretty good job of imitating bots. If the bots' patterns are easily recognizable, that also means it is possible to imitate those patterns.

Now to Forgotten's point.. I've long held that "suiciders" are good for this game, and I still believe so. It is ridiculous for countries that will be ending with 250+million net worth and 80k+ acres to be running on less than a million turrets and 0 tanks. Lone wolves should not be eliminated IMO, but there are some things that should be changed:

Humanitarians: They're pointless on this server. If you need protection, you tag up. There should not be a dynamic present on this server which allows people to stock up for an assault in absolute safety.

Networth-based attack results: I've hated these ever since Mehul implemented them. If a successful AB takes down 3% of one country's buildings, it should take down 3% of any country's buildings, regardless of the victim's and attacker's relative networths. There should not be a case where a country is able to level 3% of his victims' buildings per attack, but when he is hit back with the same attack type, he loses only 1%. That's just stupid.

"Suiciders" don't need to be eliminated, but neither should they enjoy any kind of special protections.

I agree with Untagged Hunter that ghost acres should be eliminated. They kill competition and I think contribute greatly to the boredom that chases many people from this game. But eliminating the free land sources that make this game little more than a spreadsheet exercise would do nothing to eliminate "suiciding". In fact, I'm guessing you'd see more people going rogue without these lame dynamics, as alliances would once again be forced to take a risk and take land from other real players.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 13th 2016, 0:05:48


SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 12th 2016, 4:58:47

Takers is policing for stones?

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 9th 2016, 17:51:16


SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 9th 2016, 15:52:51


SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 9th 2016, 15:52:03


SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 7th 2016, 17:26:47

Originally posted by martian:
I read somewhere that clinton's strategy is now going to be to try to orient the democrats to appeal towards moderate republicans and push the party further to the right. What is the point to two Republican parties?

That type of strategy hasn't really worked out so well recently for many center left parties around the world.

We already have two parties with the same goal here in the US. All either of them cares about is increasing federal power over the subjects... I mean citizens.

Trump started running away from fiscally conservative / libertarian positions less than 24 hours after Cruz gave up:

Republicrats and Demicans are just two wings of the same predatory bird.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 6th 2016, 16:41:20

That's correct. There is an exemption for active duty military.

Still a stupid law. The 21 age limit doesn't work with alcohol and will not work with tobacco. People who are considered adults in every other way - eligible for the draft, eligible to vote, sentenced as adults if they commit a crime - are not going to obey a law that treats them as children if that law prohibits them from doing something they want to do. I mean, the ridiculousness of something like this is just extreme. A 19 year old can be FORCED by the government to leave his home and abandon his chosen path in life, to fight for a cause with which he may or may not agree - can be FORCED to kill other human beings - but he can't buy a pack of smokes or a six pack of beer. Stupid.

Typical CA fix.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 6th 2016, 16:28:46

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by Rook:
You rebel! I bet you own a pair of jeans with holes in them. And the way you say "Go." So commanding. I don't know how much longer I can stay straight in the shadow of your compelling power. Take me.

Poor LaF. Can't even try to get their land back; they have to resort to killing and nuking. "You'll come back weaker than ever RRRAAAWWWWRRRR". If they'd just waited a few more hours, they'd have had a shot at getting their land back, and then some.

That "wait a few more hours" bit never works. Somebody always jumps in before DR is cleared and adds 3 or 6 or a dozen more hits.

Just look at how deep into DR MD had you.. and still somebody else jumped in a few hours later to add three to the counter. Its pointless to try to reclaim land from someone doing what you're doing. MD won your land lottery, game over. Now our kill team gets a chance to do something. Thank you.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 4th 2016, 21:44:15

I guess you've got me there. Both are extremely frequent liars, both are often extremely obvious in their lies, but both do it for personal gain. So pathological really doesn't fit. They're just lying dirtbags (waiting to be proven wrong with a Wikipedia definition of "dirtbag" now)

BTW, Hillary's behavior does often seem to fit the Mayo Clinic's definition of narcissism that you posted above.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 4th 2016, 18:59:45

Originally posted by Atryn:

"cute" SAM. There is no way you can call Clinton more narcissistic than Trump. In fact, I don't really see how you can call her that at all if you understand what the word means.

I never said she was more narcissistic than Trump. Just called her a narcissist.

To me, the term "pathological liar" would be the bigger insult anyway. And I don't see how anyone can deny that both of these terrible candidates fit that bill.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 4th 2016, 18:16:01

So we have an amoral, narcissistic, pathological liar as the presidential candidate for one of the two major parties....

And for the other party we have Trump.

This could be the libertarian party's year! :)

SAM_DANGER Game profile


May 1st 2016, 0:11:52

Originally posted by Cable:

Post yours and detag the server

I don't think he has that power. Pretty sure this isn't martian, qz or pang.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 29th 2016, 4:29:11

From Marshal's link:

"Tulsa County district attorney Benjamin Fu said he was 'gobsmacked' by the decision according to Oklahoma Watch."

I think the daily mail is taking some liberties with this story. "Gobsmacked'? Really? An Oklahoma attorney used the word "gobsmacked"?

I"m calling BS.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 27th 2016, 23:14:34

I'm from Washington. The electoral college votes from my state will go to Hillary no matter who I vote for. So, I'll go ahead and vote for someone who would actually be a good President, rather than one of the two idiots from the big parties.

You're in the same boat, Heston. Your state's vote would go to the Democrat candidate even if it was Hitler. Why not vote for somebody worth a fluff?

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 27th 2016, 22:25:13

Originally posted by mrford:
west coast is relative.

The Rockies are about a thousand miles from the Pacific. If that's "west coast", then Kansas City is on the East Coast.

Originally posted by mrford:
not that anything west of the mississippi matters anyways

I"d be quite happy if all "East coasters" thought that way and decided to secede (or kick the West out). As long as you guys take California.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 27th 2016, 14:39:26

Originally posted by Red X:
#TaxationIsTheft #NeverTrump #FeelTheJohnson #VoteLibertarian #EndTheTwoPartySystem #MakeAmericaSaneAgain

+1. I'm a little disappointed with Johnson on religious freedom, but he's still FAR better than anything team red or team blue has to offer.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 26th 2016, 23:47:56

LOL oops.. quoted myself instead of editing a couple typos. Still works, I guess. And besides, I'm about the only person worth quoting in this thread anyway :)

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 26th 2016, 23:46:50

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
SevenJones.. specializing is the key. For optimum growth, you need to maximize the production you get out of each acre by matching the tech you buy with the building types you are building. Certain govts are better for some strategies than others.

Industrialist - Builds nothing but industrial complexes (and of course, construction sites). Focuses early tech purchases on industrial. Sells what he produces on the market to fund continued growth. Best government for this strategy is communism, by far. These are - at the start of a reset at least - the fastest growing countries. This strategy is also the easiest to play, but probably the hardest to truly master.

Casher - Builds enterprise zones and residences in about equal proportion, plus a few industrial complexes to produce spies. Focuses tech purchases on business and residential. Best govts for this strategy for straight up production are republic and democracy. Dictator casher is also favored by some for the stronger military (less upkeep expense for the same power) and more acres taken per attack (dict has a "ghost acre" bonus). The casher buys everything he needs (military, tech, food and oil) from the markets.

Techer - Builds nothing but research labs, and a few industrial complexes. Spends all non-growth turns on research, and sells the resulting tech on the market to buy other goods. High number of construction sites is necessary to get any land gained built as quickly as possible, so that you can return to researching. Best govts for this are tyranny (1 turn per attack, plus higher gains) and theocracy (quicker building). Worst are democracy (3 turns per attack) and dictatorship (slow building)

Farmer/Oiler - I lumped these two together, because this is (I think) the only place you can combine two strategies into a hybrid and be successful. Farmer of course builds farms and buys agricultural tech. Oiler just builds oil rigs. The only government that is viable for the oiler (or for the farmer/oiler hybrid) is fascism. Democracy and dictatorship are also popular govt choices for those playing a non-hybrid farmer.

Rainbow - Runs a "self sustaining" country. Builds enough ent/res to keep positive income, enough farms to keep positive food production, enough rigs to supply his attack force, and enough industrial complexes to produce a meager military. May also throw in some research labs and military bases. The worst governments for this strategy are: Democracy, republic, fascism, communism, theocracy, tyranny, dictatorship and monarchy. Best governments: none. When someone spies on you to see if he can land grab you, this is the type of country he's hoping you'll be running, because he knows you'll never catch up to him.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 26th 2016, 23:43:12

SevenJones.. specializing is the key. For optimum growth, you need to maximize the production you get out of each acre by matching the tech you buy with the building types you are building. Certain govts are better for some strategies than others.

Industrialist - Builds nothing but industrial complexes (and of course, construction sites). Focuses early tech purchases on industrial. Sells what he produces on the market to fund continued growth. Best government for this strategy is communism, by far. These are - at the start of a reset at least - the fastest growing countries. This strategy is also the easiest to play, but probably the hardest to truly master.

Casher - Builds enterprise zones and residences in about equal proportion, plus a few industrial complexes to produce spies. Focuses tech purchases on business and residential. Best govts for this strategy for straight up production are republic and democracy. Dictator casher is also favored by some for the stronger military (less upkeep expense for the same power) and more acres taken per attack (dict has a "ghost acre" bonus). The casher buys everything he needs (military, tech, food and oil) from the markets.

Techer - Builds nothing but research labs, and a few industrial complexes. Spends all non-growth turns on research, and sells the resulting tech on the market to buy other goods. High number of construction sites is necessary to get any land gained built as quickly as possible, so that you can return to researching. Best govts for this are tyranny (1 turn per attack, plus higher gains) and theocracy (quicker building). Worst are democracy (3 turns per attack) and dictatorship (slow building)

Farmer/Oiler - I lumped these two together, because this is (I think) the only place you can combine two strategies into a hybrid and be successful. Farmer of course builds farm and buys agricultural tech. Oiler just builds oil rigs. The only government that is viable for the oiler (or for the farmer/oiler hybrid) is fascism. Democracy and dictatorship are also popular govt choices for those playing farmer.

Rainbow - Runs a "self sustaining" country. Builds enough ent/res to keep positive income, enough farms to keep positive food production, enough rigs to supply his attack force, and enough industrial complexes to produce a meager military. May also throw in some research labs and military bases. The worst governments for this strategy are: Democracy, republic, fascism, communism, theocracy, tyranny, dictatorship and monarchy. Best governments: none. When someone spies on you to see if he can land grab you, this is the type of country he's hoping you'll be running, because he knows you'll never catch up to him.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 26th 2016, 4:24:38

Originally posted by Celphi:
.... but there's no denying how well he played post deflate-gate. The whole thing is being blown up. ....

blown up.

Did you do that on purpose? If so, well done!

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 21st 2016, 10:48:14

Originally posted by Link:
fluff that.. i vote in the primary if i like a candidate but if they don't make the general election why the fluff would i vote?? choose between aids and cancer? fluff that.. you can force one on me but im not willingly supporting something i hate/don't want. the 2 party system is a fluffing joke and we have one of the worst (and most corrupt) fluffing election systems of all time..

Hilary is a flip-flopping pandering idiot who should be in jail and trump has ruined everything he has ever touched for personal gain. i wont have no part in either of these fluffing morons taking the house.

The two party system only exists because people are too lazy and/or gullible to ever consider voting for anyone outside those two parties. There are alternatives. The presidential ballot in particular always has several choices.

Vote third party. Your guy/girl won't win (in the near future) but every person who gives the finger to team red and team blue by voting third party forces the two major parties to try to figure out how to capture their vote next time. If you don't vote, they just don't give a fluff about your views, period. By not voting, you ensure that the two corrupt parties in power now easily remain in power without changing their ways.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 16th 2016, 5:29:27

Originally posted by Vic:
Originally posted by victor victoria:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
This is a sign that the game is dead, when AT doesn't have threads full of current issues where people yell at each other in.

honest snd curt and worthwhile disscusion gets you banned as a racist.

braden is right on, forgo ... imo that's one of the main reasons. mod censorship + player base is 1/100 what it was = lame AT times

I disagree.

All of the people who fell afoul of of Bstrong's civility rules are still here.. and still usually going out of their way to be as crude/offensive as possible with most of their posts.

Who's absent from the boards now? A lot of people, but notably all of the people who seemed to have the biggest issue with the fact that virtually every thread degenerated into an immature name-calling contest.

The only people who still post about "current issues" here are the trolls, and those who are too stupid to realize that rational conversation is never possible here (I'm including myself in the latter group)

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 14th 2016, 16:23:22



SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 13th 2016, 3:00:58

Originally posted by SakitSaPuwit:
Bacon!!! I Love Canadian Bacon

Canadian bacon is not bacon. You can't just slice ham and call it bacon. Figures, Canada couldn't come up with anything better. Lazy bastards.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 12th 2016, 1:38:49

If the person really threatened to bring his friends into it, report the message (in-game reporting function). If his friends do then join in, he (and they) should get deleted (if there's an active admin on this server these days)

As far as retals go, as Marshal said, if you break GDI, you're taking a risk. A LOT of players will go all out war on you for even just making two grabs on them in a reset. - This site was down for a couple months but its back now. If you have trouble keeping track of who you've hit already, this site can be a huge help. Allows you to color code individual countries. So you can mark everybody you've already hit with a red flag.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 12th 2016, 1:03:34

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 3:08:56

Originally posted by Guthix:


SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 10th 2016, 1:23:07





SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 9th 2016, 14:44:08

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
The definition of "winning the Triple Crown"

is the clan that wins:

A) Total net worth

B) Average net worth

c) having one of it's members finish the reset in the number one position.

This is actually the more logical criteria. Because if you have highest average net and most members, you automatically also have highest total net.

But we still won.

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 9th 2016, 0:09:11





SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 8th 2016, 23:53:03

Originally posted by martian:
it's only illegal if you get caught


SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 5th 2016, 3:25:20

holy fluff that three... what a shot!

Edit: I was referring to NC's last 3.. Sorry about the ending there ford.

Edited By: SAM_DANGER on Apr 5th 2016, 3:29:04
See Original Post

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Apr 5th 2016, 2:59:00

Originally posted by Rockman:
Some of my favorites:

Dominion Oak Stout
Flying Dog Kujo Coffee Stout
Left Hand Milk Stout
Duck Rabbit Milk Stout
DuClaw Sweet Baby Jesus (Chocolate Peanut Butter Porter)
Founders Porter
Keegan Ales Joe Mama's Milk Stout
Ninkasi Vanilla Oatmeal Stout

Hoegaarden White Ale
Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier

Nice selection there.. I see you get Ninkasi where you're at.. Ever tried Oatis? (Their regular oatmeal stout without the vanilla).. Pretty good, IMO. There's some in my garage fridge right now, making me wish I wasn't on the road for the next two weeks.

Rogue brewery makes a pretty good oatmeal stout too. Shakespeare oatmeal stout.. I also really like their hazelnut brown.