
SOF Watcher

New Member

Mar 19th 2013, 3:17:16

SOF is a funny beast. It does everything in it's power to avoid close fought wars and when it finds itself in one, still begs, pleads and god knows what else to its allies to secure a flow of FA and assistance.

It's almost funny.. if it wasn't so sad. By continually having this mentality they have cost themselves any opportunity of ever being the number one alliance. Doomed to be #2 at best.

Clear evidence of SOF's decision to open its arms to the floodgates of FA is at this link:

This war was even for a long time. Hits, kills, networth all the same and it continues to be (apart from the NW). Around a week ago SOF started screaming foul after they found a handful (2?) of MD countries getting FA. They whined and they whinged. The irony is astounding, considering they have a documented history of accepting FA from ANY source, including certified cheats and game hackers.

So SOF have gone and ruined another fantastic war and again needs to make sure they put other alliances on their xmas card list for helping them win a 1v1. And going by SOF's history of reciprocating the favor, it's about the only thanks they'll get.