So you guys want to use a site built by someone who has shown that he has no qualms with abusing personal information that he can find? That he really has no morals or sense of a line that shouldn't be crossed?
My theory is he is such a self centered fluff, when he goes back and uses peoples old posts against them out of context, he doesnt want anyone returning the favor.
That is just a working theory though. With Celphi's social handicaps it really could be anything.
I would be careful using these tools. Celphi has already expressed a willingness to misuse people's personal information. If you have a disagreement with him he will not think twice about crossing a line and using any information gathered against you. Real life included.
Guys, celphi is proven wrong so often on these forums that he really needs this win. Let him have this win so he still thinks he is good at something. Even if it is hiding.
you are participating in an action that is not helping the server grow by killing a tag that does not want war and refusing to let them surrender since they had nothing to do with the agression.
why are you still talking about rules? you are like a robot that needs to be re-booted. i said nothing about breaking rules. there is no way you are actually this hard headed.
It has nothing to do with the rules! lol what is wrong with you! im not saying you broke a rule. Im saying you are a hypocrite, as in you say you want one thing but you act in a manner that says otherwise. Like killing a tag that doesnt want to war but saying you want the server to grow so killing smaller tags is bad.
we both know your "provocation", while technically correct, is bullfluff.
Hey- I get it. The group in violation of the rules wants to slander the person sticking up for the rules. No problem. It's completely logical. Unfortunately, name calling hasn't worked on me since 1985.