May 11th 2014, 13:36:31
Suicidal, if you are the one that I played with in Rage, then you have lost my respect.
Maybe I do not speak for the whole of Rage, but I doubt we are a whiny alliance.
Blindsiding an alliance that was netting, more than half without any troops/sdi and theo/demo IS the downfall in the game. Most of us in Rage are here for the community. I for one would not be back if not for the community.
Life has changed for most of us. We no longer used to be the teenagers with no life and can be behind the computer 24/7. Some of us has serious jobs, kids, family to look forward to than this game.
If the EE community is going to sustain for the long run, this whole blindsiding has to change. I still remembered fixed war being fun and enjoyable. Not like this.
As you said, it's just a game. Hence the community is much more important, and that is keeping people IN the game.