
TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 3rd 2012, 10:16:31

Originally posted by Pride:
The #'s were even not sure how you get much more fair then that? I think people were saying there is no such thing as a "fair war" which is probably true, the only thing most people will agree on is if the #'s are even.

Laf was prepping for a war but, they were prepping for a later one. In that aspect Evo/Sol outplayed Laf. Which is a tactic.

(This is in no way a diss just an opinion) If I were in Laf's shoes I would call Sof in too, Sof wanted to war and there was probably no way they were staying out anyways.

You guys won a good war this set, I hope most of us can let these wars die. Congratz to Sof/Laf.

The thing I have been most impressed with is your membership count. Its a true victory and I hope you guys can keep it up. (I'm going to call Sov to recruit for me lol)

PS MD will be taking Avg NW next set (Sorry Laf no triple crown :P)

best of luck pride and md my favorite out the 5 definitely.
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 3rd 2012, 10:13:30

Originally posted by locket:
The war wasnt fair. Dont be fluffing ignorant. Laf started at a huge disadvantage. You really need to stop lying to yourself. It is unhealthy. Laf had no turns saved and was not prepped. If you expect a week 7 war and it is week 1 does that count as war prepped to you?(Just an example, as Laf obviously didnt expect a week 7 war) fluff.. PDM logic is fluffing terrible. No wonder you are so bad at this game.

Oh and I am pretty damn sure Laf as an ALLIANCE took what those on our side felt was a fair punishment and turned down help in order to do so. A 1v5fight isn't something we do for no reason. So yah, pretty sure Laf as an alliance HAS taken responsibility. I don't call all the random people in NA cheaters because of their past because 95% of them didn't cheat. Just like I'm not a cheater just because someone else did in Laf :)

don't stoop to their level locket we've left those 5 alliance in total devastation, we made parking lots out of them, they know not to mess with us again all they need to do is look back on this set and see how we devastated the battlefield with our share military brilliance and political wizardry.
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 3rd 2012, 9:56:49

you ignorant fool, how is it our fault we have the number go and recruit more members we worked hard to get our numbers up where as you guys didn't sol knows how to recruit just because you sit on your arses and do nothing thats your own fault. RD had there own beef with MD the timing was good for RD so they punched holes in MD, just like the set before when evo jumped LaF when it was md and sol vs LaF fair numbers, plus you guys had 2 out of 3 of the fs's you blind shot LaF we hit sol/evo in fdp, md and pdm hit us in fdp. so 4 on 2 alliances already a gang bang, so we call in one other to make it an even playing field then you bring another one to try and tip the scales, but you called rage in who did sweet fluff all, they were just added to the dead tally.

and it was definitely total domination go check out the war stats and cry yourself to sleep, we served you an ass whipping with a cherry on top.
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 3rd 2012, 9:14:19

Originally posted by Drow:
TaSk1: you forget the turning of the tide for your side by RD.

no worries just remember it was 3 alliances vs 5 alliances, oh and we won ... via TOTAL DOMINATION!
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 3rd 2012, 8:08:21

please update sol,pdm,evo,rage,md's page for this reset losing a war to the SoF/LaF WARMACHINE!
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 3rd 2012, 7:59:42

congrats to bolto and warny well deserved.
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 1st 2012, 17:19:45

Originally posted by Kalick:
Originally posted by Zahc:
Correct me if im wrong but you guys are the one that started all this trying to run laf out of the game.

You are wrong.

that's not what the meeting logs tell us, kj maki and arseanal the found out secret society.
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 31st 2012, 2:16:56

sov is jewish and speaks excellent hebrew.
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 29th 2012, 10:41:51

grats trixxy all the best mate!
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2012, 1:31:50

The mighty IX
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 26th 2012, 7:08:13

Congrats md all the best arseanal
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 22nd 2012, 9:36:48

floyd for prez!
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2012, 1:17:35

Another member to my fan club, and it's not called flaming we are not trying to reinvent the wheel here you tool, it's called sledging you stupid little man.
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2012, 12:53:01

confirmed KO is a REHAB ;)
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2012, 12:50:01

Originally posted by anoniem:
ttt for task1

why are you ttt for me? no wonder your sides losing you should be spending less time on at and more time in your war chat trying to conjure ways of bouncing back from such humiliating loss at the hands of a superior coalition.

Originally posted by TaSk1:
if it's not next set or the one after we will get pdm too.

Task1, I no longer get angry reading your posts, I actually began finding them extremely amusing and entertaining once I realized that being Sof's court jester was pretty much the extent of your existence. Please hurry back to this thread and flame me, the anticipation is already building . . . or maybe its gas, I can never tell. [/quote]

You pdm fool, you blind sided us with md this set of coarse we will want to get ours back just wait and see UNLESS you pact out next set then things might change, but then again that's pretty much waving the white flag and in true cowardly form that wouldn't surprise me if you did. pdm are just like evo they ride the coat tails of sol and md because if they went against the LaF and SoF WARMACHINE they would be wiped from existence.
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2012, 12:33:27

that a boy flamey! get em'!
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 19th 2012, 10:03:58

yip LaF is way more rounded then SoF agreed. MD is way more rounded then evo, I'd put sol above evo to only because sol's legendary, they have a good members base and can scrap. I think top 5 atm is:

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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2012, 12:03:05

You should rate nm dagga let him know how much of a waste of server space they are
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2012, 2:33:32

lololol pdm cry baby
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 17th 2012, 0:51:20

Originally posted by wanttokill:
yes yes.
Once i met this guy during a glory hole competition.
(I did 5 guys in 3 minutes)

Anyhow, it came to my attention he ran a clan that liked filthy hot dogs.
Sooo filthy, so i started a real looooooooooooopsided war with him.

Thats that.

hold on wait are you a chick or a dude? I only ask because one time in warchst galleri said she was a chick ... turns out shes got a pair bigger then mine...
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2012, 17:57:31

Originally posted by Pride:
I think we're ALL tired of this war regardless of what people say.

I hope peace is an option for next set.

We are not tired of warring but know you are tired of dying.

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by Son Goku:
I've always enjoyed our netgaining competitions against Evo, despite your belief of us trying to "stop you from winning triple crowns".

It isn't just my belief. LaF dropped countries at the end of the Aug 5-Oct 4, 2011 reset, with the express intention of not letting EVO win another triple crown.

I won't even dignify locket's drivel with a response. Nothing I or anyone else can say will placate his stupidity. And my lunch hour is over, so I won't be trolling for a while.

And responding to TaSk1 is like talking to a bacterium through a microscope.

Good ol' NukEvil and his "aliens are real! I have the anal probe to prove it" stories, you should write a children's fictional novel may be they will believe the rubbish you talk.

Originally posted by anoniem:
Angel1: What was the purpose of this thread?

And yes I agree the omega must want an fs from both sides!
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2012, 17:25:39

Don't worry about NukEvil sg he's ill informed and delusional
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2012, 16:02:49

good I'm glade your happy being such a sourpuss.
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2012, 15:48:51

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Man, I'm glad I quit Alliance when I did.

See, when a leader of an alliance is caught cheating in the most egregious method available--affecting just about all the alliances, basing their new membership benchmarks off of cheating, and continuing to reign in immortal supremacy--and about 1/3 of the server doesn't even care (yes, I'm speaking to you "neutral" alliances), it makes me glad to know exactly what will happen once the cheaters and their supporters finally have no resistance to their rule left on this server. You "neutral" alliances will cease to be "neutral", either by your own paranoia or by theirs. When the time comes to fight, you won't have a choice. Or a chance.

For me, it's a choice between fighting pointless wars in a dying server, and making top20 in Express simply by existing. I think I'll try to keep my countries alive from now on, thanks very much.

^go pick flowers some where else, alliance server is thriving EE is definitely increasing numbers it's just a shame the game has delusional negative cynics like yourself.
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2012, 15:11:47

it's not our fault blame your recruitment team, sol knows how to recruit they got their numbers up a few sets ago, can't say much for evo people just don't want to play for them I guess.

why do you keep blaming us that we have a strong membership core or a good recruitment team? you should just get off you arse and recruit it's as simple as that. you want to whine and moan about numbers all the time.

You want to talk fluff all the time anon and take on the big boys when your half the size of us that's your own fault your biting off more then you can chew you should just learn how to keep your trap shut and we wouldn't have to rip you and your alliance to shreds.
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2012, 12:22:50

Originally posted by thefloyd:
good job? all they did was die

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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 16th 2012, 10:16:31

Not acceptable rd should destroy that idiot
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 15th 2012, 15:40:42

If Maki and Arsenal come to the cease fire table we may see an end to the war, but we still want kj's head on a stick and if it's not next set or the one after we will get pdm too.

md will have a go at rd.

Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 15th 2012, 4:55:03

lol he pretty much spat in your face on this post servant, how humiliating, it's like he's saying your a nobody he only comes out and plays for people with clout.
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2012, 4:50:35

how come nm didn't get a ranking anon?
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2012, 4:38:34

Originally posted by iScode:
good rankings, do have to agree with PP n the no 10 spot, that would be a hard choice, but ill take it :) (though i dont think monsters could take us 1:1.)

Task, if anyone ether asks you, please say you are not from New Zealand, say Australia, like Dagga, cause well your now well and truly EXACTLY like him. infact you could be even worse...
You are an embarrassment to your alliance, your leaders and your allies. Oh btw, most of the crap you spew is also wrong.

Flamey, you are wrong on Rival, Tie are clearly the better alliance, Rival are resorting to down right dirty tactics to win their war, and luckily for them its not going to work, Tie will still have a higher nw at the end and countries that Rival cant break.

I would rank Rival below tie any day of the week.

how dear you scode!

come out and attack me who do you think you are? I have no dispute with my leaders, my allies love me I turn up to hit daily, I FA on a regular, I call my brothers in arms to stone when I'm the only one alive in chat,I have restarted when I've been killed, I pull my weight around this camp mate, who are you? a complete outsider someone nothing to do with this war what so ever to knock my patriotism? what part of my posts are you referring to scode or is this a hate crime, dagga and I are passionate about our causes I don't have a problem with dagga I respect his loyalty and passion to his alliance its what every soldier in this game should be like! absolute love for your alliance. If you think we should just sit here and listen to dagga, alin, kj and anon dribble about how they hate us and laf, we are not, we are a blazing inferno ready to burn the house down at a moments notice.

from this dsy forth I wash my hands of you, I shall not hold my tongue around you, you are nothing to me you black sheep...
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2012, 4:03:26

Houston ... Servant has a Pablum lol
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 20:15:58

omg your so nasty anon, I bet you were a school bully or some thing ...
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 20:12:50

uh it's ok pride I try to fight the tears back every time they try and hurt my feelings, but it's true without sol and md you have no political stance anon then you go and rank yourself above them, that doesn't make sense and you damn well know LCN will chop you in small fine thinly sliced pieces in a one out.
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 20:02:13

Originally posted by Flamey:
I like how he says SoF has little quality when we've put out the most hits and most hpm and if I remember rightly the last time we netgained we won TNW... so we can't be that bad....

I'd also argue that Evo's lack of resiliance (hardly putting out hits now), political weaknesses and the probability of more Evo members losing interest from innevitable future war defeats ranks them below SoL/MD.

SoL/MD are hard to rank, because they have very different warring styles. I'd rank MD slightly above though, mainly on country building.

I'd also rank PDM under Rival/TIE. During the last few resets PDM have struggled to get enough members in a war room to even complete a kill and have had no stock when fighting. I'd rank Rival the highest in the trio, because they are now at 45 members opposed to TIE's 30.

now that someone from the winning side broke the ice, evo is ranked to high, I'd put LCN and md above you and sol as well only for the fact without sol and md evo wouldn't have a foot to stand on. LCN will destroy you ... again, but you would have a good scrap for tnw, in saying that does evo even remember how to net? we haven't seen you in action for a while, if that's all you have is past memories of your former glory then I'm afraid 6th is the only fitting rank for evo.
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 19:25:51

that's fair good stuff anon!
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 19:20:32

Why don't you like me servant? why are you gunning for me? what did I do to you? I don't even know who you play for? and I don't really care.

I may have to kick you out of my fan club if your going to be so rude to me.
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 13th 2012, 18:06:40

yea rank it dagga rank it lets see what you've got for us, make sure sol's not ranked to high!
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2012, 13:24:11

I'll man hug you ninny i miss your mug!
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2012, 9:45:26

it's called sledging all professional sports do it, this is our sport.
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2012, 9:38:37

Naw nothing wrong with it competitiveness brings the best and worst out of everyone, it's healthy for the game passion injected war makes it ever so sweeter ... especially when your winning.
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2012, 9:10:43

my life is great thanks for your concern, I have money to burn a beautiful girlfriend that swallows, I love my alliance and it's allies and I love dealing the death blow to yours! the fact is I pity you because my life is awesome :)
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2012, 9:00:49

you were never IX bert stop playing yourself you were never part of the elite, you were thrown off the side of a cliff at birth with the other disregarded and weak ...
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2012, 8:54:21

or it could be your on the losing side of the war table lol cry us a river you joke, we love slaying evo. easy kills!
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2012, 8:43:44

shut up Alin you sore loser, take your loss like a MAN!
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2012, 6:50:17

sore losers wipe your tears away! there is always next set to redeem yourself over such an embarrassing loss.
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2012, 6:37:56

lol our intellectually handy caped retarded half breed cousins found a home comfortably in evo. kj the muppet master leads his stray sheep to a slaughter at the hands of SoF and LaF WARMACHINE!

kj how does it feel to be slaughtered mate? how does it feel leading an alliance that is on their knees?
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2012, 5:00:56

yea our intellectually handy caped division went to evo.
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TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2012, 4:59:39

all the best llaar, may karma bring you good fortune and may karma be a fluff to the cowards.
Witness the fitness!

TaSk1 Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2012, 4:57:07


If you can't be stuffed loading war stats page here is the crack, sperm is losing ... miserably ... lol
Witness the fitness!