
The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 28th 2017, 3:51:00

I just googled 'a new game.'

the japanese are weird.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 27th 2017, 1:26:35

lol, no. Mehul gave up and spends his days serving lattes in texas.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 25th 2017, 1:32:30

Originally posted by Requiem:
Jolt even put way more into Utopia than Earth.

pretty sure Earth was always an afterthought. Jolt didn't even want it.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 23rd 2017, 22:07:17

Well, they had a bigger player base from pretty close to their beginning. Also on the surface it was a more complicated game, more thought out, far more regularly updated and supported. Most of all the social aspect of it was supported ingame. So once people were in it was easier to get them in deep.

Earth's only real trump card was the public market.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 20th 2017, 21:22:09

LaF is not at war with SoF and Elders.

Blech, fake news is everywhere.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 13th 2017, 14:55:29

As an official representative, I endorse this thread.


The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 12th 2017, 4:37:26


The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 28th 2017, 7:09:38

Yah man, it's really LaF/EE's loss.

You're the best dude. You played with care, passion, and integrity. One of the best dons in the 10 years I've been in LaF and the close to two decades we've spent playing this game. All the best in real life bro.

The Cloaked Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 8:01:59


The Cloaked Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 4:35:02

Lame on SOL.

The Cloaked Game profile


Jan 18th 2017, 5:51:27

"The incentive URL specified could not be found. Please contact your game admin."

The Cloaked Game profile


Jan 12th 2017, 5:51:45

thumbs up and take care.

The Cloaked Game profile


Dec 27th 2016, 7:38:37

Just to add:

IMO, all of these stupid surveys: happiness, rankings, best for old, best for young etc etc etc, are all pretty subjective and really just dedicated to getting headlines and eyeballs. At their heart, for 'judging' countries, they're utterly and completely useless.

I'm also pretty sad to admit that, because as a Canadian we tend to do really well on all of those rankings and have since people first started posting that crap in the 80s.

The Cloaked Game profile


Dec 23rd 2016, 22:37:00

whelp, in general I disagree with ford and heston as crazy internet 'people.'


a) 'free' trade and the modern financial order is an american construct built in the aftermath of ww2 that to this day is funded and enforced by the usa.
b) trump isn't gonna build a wall
c) the whole thing about popular vote is a strange thing. the truth is that the goal is the electoral college, not the popular vote. claiming otherwise is kinda like saying that a 5 to 0 hockey game should've been a tie because both teams took an equal number of shots.

Just some of my takes on everything:

If Trump actually did everything he said he would do during the election the USA would be in for a crazy(bad?) ride. But, I've started to think of him as a sales guy(albeit the greatest salesman in the world). He got attention to policy issues he wanted to address by starting out with a crazy high bid(build a wall, ban muslims, leave nato, fluff china, fluff nafta). Now that he's elected he has all the room in the world to start moving on those things.

What if instead of banning muslims he can negotiate firm limits and rules on immigration? Instead of leaving NATO he makes the 2% of GDP military expenditure mandatory? Instead of fluffing(embargo) China he forces them to open their markets to american products and ends the theft of IP? Are any of those bad for anybody?

Because the truth is the middle point between Obama/Bush/Clinton/Bush and Trump's campaign on almost all those issues is probably desirable to the vast majority of Americans. And I think Trump and his people know it. And while I don't think he had a plan a year ago, I'd bet my left testicle that's the plan now.

It might also explain why he hasn't said AS much about medicare/caid, that's mostly congressional republicans. He knows that both what is running now and all the 'solutions' being proposed are garbage. My bet is that's a problem for his second term.

Personally, I'm Canadian so I have plenty of skin in this game. Basically every decision the us government makes can effect us. Like most Canadians, if I were an american, I probably would've voted democrat. Though normally Republicans are better for the USA/Canada relationship.

The Cloaked Game profile


Dec 20th 2016, 2:25:22


The Cloaked Game profile


Dec 10th 2016, 16:08:34

Originally posted by T-irol:
why are you still here? what was that defining moment that made you call yourself an Earth Empires player? Why did you click on this post, old timer? :)

1- Good question, no idea. Although, modern video games bore me.
2- I don't really call myself an EE player.
3- Was going to add a bonus post, and saw your name.

The Cloaked Game profile


Dec 2nd 2016, 2:18:56


The Cloaked Game profile


Nov 25th 2016, 17:29:07


The Cloaked Game profile


Nov 14th 2016, 1:14:28

one of the hamsters(that powers the servers by running in wheels) died.

but qz is cheap and hamsters aren't on sale till later in the month.

The Cloaked Game profile


Oct 30th 2016, 22:12:03


The Cloaked Game profile


Oct 23rd 2016, 8:03:11


The Cloaked Game profile


Oct 12th 2016, 5:06:48


The Cloaked Game profile


Oct 10th 2016, 7:00:07

nice work everyone. congrats!

but yah, top 10 and anw will be lower this set. much lower.

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 23rd 2016, 0:03:22

if i were you I'd FA their enemies.

but that's just me.

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 21st 2016, 8:14:06

I don't know who anyone is anymore. Who were you hitting last set? In all the years I've been in LaF I don't remember you guys ever asking for aid in a fairish fight. We might offer aid unsolicited, but you guys always turn that stuff down.


now if someone is accusing LaF of market manipulation for an ally then that is another thing entirely. LaF deeply, viscerally, religiously, hates all forms of market FA. It's so ridiculously inefficient. Please. There are so many better ways to aid someone(see: relations and foreign aid).

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 21st 2016, 7:54:20

sorry was this thread about Evo cheating or tits?

Cause if it isn't then it's a waste of space.


To be fair, if one side is winning its due to kill runs, target selection, activity, stonewalling, better stocks, better spals, etc. No one is cheating or being a b****.

If anyone can bring proof of either side cheating I'll quit masturbating for the rest of my life. I'm that confident.
(and by cheating i mean breaking the spirit of our little war)

Edited By: The Cloaked on Sep 21st 2016, 7:59:33. Reason: cause i like correcting stuff. don't be a pank.
See Original Post

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 18th 2016, 15:04:34

Originally posted by Ruthie:
so you've done 2 whole war hits and brag about a kill on AT?

I take it you're unfamiliar with req.

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 17th 2016, 14:17:15

dear friends,

i believe this is in reference to the fact that last I saw Req in a fight he sniped away like 50+ killshots in a single set. He started a country yesterday with a primary goal of sniping kills(though secondarily, Req likes mayhem in general).

The Cloaked

PS - MD's mothers were hamsters. And SoF's fathers smelt of elderberries.

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 16th 2016, 15:47:37

your mom had 260 chems launched at her late start that was way behind.

/nailed it.

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 16th 2016, 14:45:57

learn to skip work next time.

yeesh. show some commitment.

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 16th 2016, 6:57:47


The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 11th 2016, 6:26:53


The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 21:50:36


To be honest syko, do you genuinely believe that spending MORE on counter terrorism prevents terrorism deaths? how much money do you think the swiss spend on wars in the middle east? how many terrorist attacks do the swiss suffer? Have you considered the reasons behind the 9/11 attacks? And anyways, of course life has a price. It always has. Its why people die of tuberculosis, starvation, and all the other curable things in the world. It's ridiculous to argue otherwise. The real reason that the Syrian war has gone on so long is the $$ cost of the long term rebuilding of a country and the fact that western lives are worth far more to the west than Syrian lives.

Edit: I don't mean to deride the work that Americans have done in many places. And many places are better for it. Ultimately though I do believe that the isolationist argument is probably better for America, if it isn't necessarily better for everyone.


I'm sorry. I assume English isn't your first language. But the translator you're using is terrible. Maybe post in a language you're fluent in and leave it to us to translate? I'm struggling to understand your argument. Were you saying we should be terrified of terrorism because millions of people in the west are already enslaved by Islam?


I travel for leisure with some regularity and last year made several trips to muslim/middle east-ish countries. I find that life tends to flow pretty similarly no matter where you are. People go to work, they eat dinner, and they complain about the world going to hell.

Anyways, my mother is my pet sitter and she was always scared when I went somewhere that wasn't 'the west.' I used to try to assuage my mother by telling her the places a Canadian tourist was most likely to be murdered based on the number of nights spent in a country were 1)Jamaica 2)China 3)Dominican Rep 4)Australia and 5)Mexico.

But, numbers be damned she would be terrified anyways. I eventually came to the conclusion that she was hopeless, had too much invested in me, and watched too much TV.

I wish you luck with your endeavor, but god only knows how many people you will convince. To me it seems crazy that someone would be afraid of terrorism in the USA. But to be fair, your media and politicians have done everything they can to reinforce that fear and make sure you are as scared as can be.

Edited By: The Cloaked on Sep 4th 2016, 21:53:45
See Original Post

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 15:36:29

good stuff.

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 4th 2016, 2:21:27

mmmm. ultimately it's an argument for treating terrorism as a statistic rather then as a tragedy. It makes for good policy, but poor optics.

and these decisions are ultimately political. and politics in the USA nowadays is mostly optics. Policy doesn't seem to matter much at all.

The Cloaked Game profile


Sep 2nd 2016, 6:59:53


The Cloaked Game profile


Aug 22nd 2016, 4:27:33

Yah, NLS were allies with like, HAN. They ended up running with the FoG folks at the end of '99. Like the main FoG tag was just Legion(RoCK post bot)+NLS+someone else(avengers?)? Anyways, FoG broke up after a set or two, but the leftovers were just named Legion and I assume that's when Mach went into retirement.

Holy crap that was long ago.

The Cloaked Game profile


Aug 21st 2016, 18:01:09

Haha. I remember thinking you were a douche. You ran NLS, right? More then half my lifetime ago.

The Cloaked Game profile


Aug 11th 2016, 5:21:04


The Cloaked Game profile


Jul 23rd 2016, 7:34:25

screw both. bonus

The Cloaked Game profile


Jun 13th 2016, 7:09:33

no you don't.


The Cloaked Game profile


Jun 5th 2016, 12:47:14

he can't have always done it. did he have a theme before his pickup girls website?

The Cloaked Game profile


Jun 2nd 2016, 5:52:02

truth. if you want to rail against buyouts, play primary.

anyway his best bet is to public destock, no? as a demo with so few acres. so his $9b today in buyout can't be worth more then $30m NW.

The Cloaked Game profile


Jun 1st 2016, 1:43:29

mmm, I always thought that the whole LaF being full of bloated egos was always a little overblown. There've always been a few huge personalities that do a lot of talking. But most of LaF are actually pretty chill cats. Combine that with the fact that many of us have been playing for 15+ years and are now in our thirties and it's even more quiet then it used to be.

regarding the best player ever: there are probably a dozen or so people who know all the numbers and could be the best. The best I've seen in my time in LaF have been xin and hao2(7-8 years? I can't remember if DSG or SS was the don back then). But I'm barely active nowadays and I think en4 and ensh have been dominating all netting for what? a year now?

regarding this sets finish. tarnava, you'll finish very well. i don't think you realize how steep the skill dropoff is nowadays. somewhere between a quarter and a third of the people you think are gonna finish t20 will butcher their destocks and finish nowhere close.

Edited By: The Cloaked on Jun 1st 2016, 1:47:07
See Original Post

The Cloaked Game profile


May 30th 2016, 0:59:59

yall be cray cray.

vote kang, 2016.

The Cloaked Game profile


May 22nd 2016, 7:36:22


The Cloaked Game profile


May 12th 2016, 2:37:34

was that in english?