
The Cloaked Game profile


May 14th 2014, 1:07:03

landtrading is idiotic in its current form. it would be far easier if everyone just landtraded within their own tags. It would be easier to organize, and there would be less FR issues. I hate the idea of trading, even if it's with allies. I mean, the only people I'm not competing against are my own tag, so they are the only ones that should benefit from everything I do.

The Cloaked Game profile


May 11th 2014, 0:15:45

A) mehul designed this game in a pique of boredom in 96 I believe. It took him 6 weeks. He didnt have high speed internet and thus couldnt stream porn.

If you played 1a he got rid of missiles on the market in 97 and added tags in late 98. The theo govt was added in 99. Basically everyone on these boards started in 97/98. I think the only new players from since then are named vingthor or play ffa.

b) this is bullplop. I hope rage trolls lcn for the next year. If youre gonna blindside someone do it to make it fun. Post fs rage is outnumbered what? 23 to 8? Thatd be like laf blindsiding lcn. Thats just a lopsided week.

now if laf blindsided md and sol THAT would be brilliant fun.

-rage should troll lcn, hard.

The Cloaked Game profile


May 9th 2014, 16:09:35

I get where sam is coming from. Landtrading is lame already combine that with low def and you got a recipe for lazy victory.

but by redistributing acres as he did, specifically by gifting 25k acres to one of the server's most active land traders its not like he disproved the weakness of the strategy. All he did was piss off a bunch of people.

internet trolling 101

The Cloaked Game profile


May 8th 2014, 2:20:33

LaF is the best alliance at both netting and war. A good chunk have been in the alliance for atleast a decade. As someone who has played maybe 15 sets im a newcomer to laf.

Though ive played this game on and off for 16-years. More then half my life.

Regardless of the strat you want to play we have the people to show you how to rock it. Though the fast tyr-tech market whore is a specialty of LaF. Though because of its difficulty we dont normally have new people play it.

all alliances openly recruit. I think we still interview, but no one turns down news players out of hand. Not even LaF. And, as I said before, we are the best.

apply at

The Cloaked Game profile


May 8th 2014, 2:01:17

You guys are aware that imag likes war, right? Even if you beat imag you wont be retal capable and are going to be farmed into the ground.

The Cloaked Game profile


May 6th 2014, 21:33:52

In most situations Angel I agree with you. But all the Canadian cellphone companies are scumbags. They hold you to their contract, but will never follow it if they can get away with it.

they will lie, cheat, steal, overcharge, under deliver, and then divert you to a dozen different customer service levels. On the customer facing side they don't care remotely about customer service. Within the retail and customer service framework the customer has absolutely no leverage besides paying massive cancellation charges and buying the exact same contract from the guy across the hall who charges the same price for the same service and will treat you the same way.

The telecomm industry in Canada is much like the banking and credit industry in much of the states. Widely reviled as a corrupt evil monopoly that cares only about the bottom line.


Though that doesn't sound like the real issue here. I always thought cellphone sales in Canada are primarily through dealers. Like buying a car. Sounds like the salesman told you one thing about the rules to close the sale and the actual rules are different. Or, when you tried to return it the agent accepting the return told you some other BS to run out the clock to save the other guys' commission.

My best bet would still be to bomb social media and the email of a bunch of executives. Even though it isn't their fault they will just give you a refund to end the issue and save potential embarrassment. It's not like accepting the return should hurt them. They probably just send it back to the manufacturer.

The Cloaked Game profile


May 6th 2014, 20:14:23

from a legal standpoint you are the winner.

but the barrier to arguing your point is higher then the $200 you paid.

though even if you had paid with a credit card you probably would lose a chargeback because you agree that you agreed to the purchase. most companies would brush this off as a merchant dispute and refer you back to the service provider.

I agree with Symac though. Your best bet is always an executive email carpet bomb. It's one way atleast to guarantee an actual response.

Though don't discount regulatory complaints. I used to work in the financial/credit industry. A complaint received through the BBB and the regulatory agencies counted harder against agents and middle management then lawsuits did.

The Cloaked Game profile


May 4th 2014, 10:15:57

lol no

The Cloaked Game profile


May 2nd 2014, 2:13:28


The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 22nd 2014, 21:17:32

dd from cwg, or dd from boa?

also, did either of you have dreads?

also, am I making both or either of those people up? My memory is getting hazy in my old age.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 21:48:19

haha. I love the idea of a new alliance coming in and breaking the rules.

however, there is an old saying. Something about sowing the wind.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 21:26:50

pizza al taglio. in some parts of italy they have 'pizza' that is kinda like a mega foccacia cut into takeaway strips which they sometimes dress in the weirdest toppings, but more often then not only serve with tomato sauce or olive oil.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 20th 2014, 22:24:10

Originally posted by martian:

For Canada I would have to say (for quality, not service speed or cost/quality)
Pizza Hut > Pizza Nova > Pizza pizza > Dominos> Little Caesars.

oh torontonians, how quaint. pizza nova and pizza pizza are ontario-only chains, aren't they? And they're both terrible.

that said, I have a local store that puts a half pound of bacon on top of their meat lover's pizza. And because I'm not in Toronto where these chains hate their customers these guys will find a guy to drive it to me no matter where I am.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 19th 2014, 16:58:47

I didn't read most of this thread, but:

Pizza Pizza is freaking awful. there's a reason they really don't operate in BC. we don't like eating cardboard smeared in ketchup.

to the americans: Dominos is garbage. But compared to pizza pizza it's fine dining.


In Victoria I live in a small suburb that's considered out of town. I get delivery coverage from all the major chains and a half dozen independent pizza places. One panago closed for renos near me so for two years I was covered by one a 20 minute drive away(just googled, it really is 12-16kms depending on route). And never that soggy end-of-run stuff that people complain about. I tip well and it always arrives steaming.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 19th 2014, 16:43:00

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
The game actually doesn't let you go past -100%. It caps at -100%.

xin lies.

once you get over 120 it does. it's a cheat I had qz put in for me.

try it, you'll be amazed.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 15th 2014, 5:34:47

Originally posted by FailDiegoFail:
who cares about t10....who got #69?

69th you ask?

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 13th 2014, 9:14:24

looks like no one has shotgunned a beer, or traded tequila for beer, cowards.

though I did enjoy bill's voice modifier.

Edited By: The Cloaked on Apr 13th 2014, 9:16:34
See Original Post

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 13th 2014, 6:33:57

the highest province(NS) actually has a min wage of 10.40 I think, though ontario goes up to 11 this summer. Alberta has the lowest at 9.95.

Unlike the US, servers don't get screwed too hard. I think the lowest a server can make anywhere is around $9/hour and even that is changing.

Some additional curious info I learned while googling this:

-About 2.4% of employees in western canada earn minimum wage overall
-about 5.8% of employees in canada overall earn minimum wage overall

to compare that actually means Canadians are more likely to work at minimum wage then americans. Though about 60% of canadian minimum wage earners are under 25 whereas half of american min wage earners are under 25. That leaves the numbers over 25 basically the same.

also these percentages do exaggerate the numbers. Offhand I think less then half workforce are paid hourly at all.

Edited By: The Cloaked on Apr 13th 2014, 6:47:22
See Original Post

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 11th 2014, 6:11:28

Originally posted by qzjul:

I was a student a couple years ago, and barely got by on $1200/month; rent in Edmonton is, admittedly, somewhat higher than many places. A 1 bedroom apartment will run you $950/month on the low end....

It's all perspective. A one bedroom apartment in Victoria runs you $700-1500/mo. But a room in a house costs a fraction of that.

That you barely got by on $1200 a month in Edmonton is a testament to your living standards. Not to the ability to prosper on significantly less. I once spent close to a year in a government funded group living volunteer program that traveled around Canada and had a per person living expenses budget under $400/mo to cover everything(accom, food, utilities, transport, entertainment etc etc) and we prospered. My group spent 3 months living in a suburb of calgary within those constraints. We couldn't afford to buy bread(we made everything by hand), but we lived well. This was while everyone was engaged in 40 hour unpaid volunteer work weeks. And they operated on the same per person budget up until two years ago when their funding was ended.

Now this isn't meant to be an example of how to live, but for everyone who says $1600/mo would have you on the street I like to point out that $400/mo had me kneading bread and arguing marx.

EDIT: I never argued marx. But we had 5 francophones and 6 RoCs. We argued separatism till the sun came up.

And I do agree with you qz that minimum wage is obviously insufficient for a single mother. Reputable licensed non profit childcare will likely cost as much as someone being paid minimum wage earns. But then you're back to fixing a loose screw with a sledgehammer.

I can't find a source I would consider reputable. But the right wing think tanks that come up in google seem to think between 5-10% of all people earning minimum wage are single parents. Definitely not impetus to retool a large part of our economy.

Edited By: The Cloaked on Apr 11th 2014, 6:14:24
See Original Post

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 11th 2014, 4:01:01

Originally posted by elvesrus:
SAM, you'd have more accurate numbers by changing 7 to 6 (really 5.68) although the point still stands. I tend to know that state fairly well for at least regular hourly laws, although I do know laws for tipped employees can be different in some places :)

For 1600/mo most places would only let you rent up to ~535/mo, which can be rather difficult to find in the Seattle area. Here in Colo Springs making the minimum wage at $7.78 the only thing affordable with the 1/3 rule is a studio apartment, and even those can be damn hard to find. Although I do find a McDonald's burger in Washington (9.32 min wage) costs the same as it does in Arkansas (7.25 min wage).

That's ridiculous. A one third rule is for writing a mortgage and is a pretax income measure. And besides that you can EASILY get a place to crash in Seattle for $535 a month. Just look it up.

I was a student just a few years ago and I lived off of $700/month. $350/mo on rent $200 on food and $150 or so on booze and laundry. I had absolutely no financial security, but it was survival and cause I was healthy, it was fine. Just for comparison sake, I don't know how best to measure affordability but if you look at median household income in 2011 where I live(Victoria, BC) was $70k/year USD as opposed to Seattle which is 80 miles away where it is $52k(city of seattle)-$65k(forbes)/year.

Stupid google couldn't pull up US census info for most accurate household income in seattle and I'm too lazy to research it.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 11th 2014, 3:44:45

Hmm, I kind of run a kind of small business.

on a store level we spend about 45% of gross income on salary. Our worst staff earns 50-60% more then minimum wage(min wage is $10/hr i think). But if minimum wage were doubled - unless it led to an immediate increase in sales - we would lay off staff at best, or at worst be forced to shut down entirely.

We just aren't large enough to push the new costs on to customers. You can mock our business model, but we currently turn a profit and pay our new staff enough to live and provide a good paycheque to all our experienced staff.

The Cloaked Game profile


Apr 10th 2014, 7:59:15

I stopped reading after the first 50 posts. In general, I disagreed with everyone.

Is it just me, or is everyone overreacting a little? One side says double the minimum wage. Another says abolish it. And a good half are saying fluff poor people, make em dance. dance monkeys dance.

Is the sky really falling? In my part of Canada, BC, minimum wage is $10/hour. I don't now about mot of the states but I know in BC vs WA, or Vancouver vs Seattle, $10USD in the USA goes a lot further then $10 CAD in Canada. But for most demographics, including that 29 year old average age demo $1600/mo brings home around $1300/mo post tax. The only demo I can imagine that not being a survivable wage is single mothers. If that is the real issue, then just hand out some child care vouchers and birth control pills. Why fix a lightbulb with a sledgehammer?

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 30th 2014, 17:57:06

My recommendation is to play Alliance with a good alliance(see:

learn some good strategies, get some advice from people who have played in primary before, and come back next set and grind some other people's gears.

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 26th 2014, 6:32:47

least favourite part of the game: top 100 arena bonus requirement

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 25th 2014, 7:34:46


The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 18:31:57

everyone is so trigger happy end of set.

missiles! pew pew!

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 20th 2014, 15:19:32

were i you, i'd try joining , THE MIGHTY CLAN [DANGER!]

under the stipulation your name would become DANGERBOLT

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 11th 2014, 4:44:02

thing is the best netters tend to be the best at war as well. It's about being able to follow instructions and show up regularly.

if anyone decided to ruin the sets of half a dozen alliances(betraying pacts to do so) they would need to be prepared for a while of not netting.

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 11th 2014, 2:40:55


The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 5th 2014, 22:06:30

After a while you get used to spotting the fake ones. At a hundred I was at 70% and probably getting 80% of them right.

internet acrony1ms, references to flavour, charginos and simple titles are mostly fake.

The Cloaked Game profile


Mar 3rd 2014, 12:16:18


The Cloaked Game profile


Feb 20th 2014, 23:16:54

haha, idiots.

you missiled me during the day.

The Cloaked Game profile


Feb 19th 2014, 6:42:50

I haven't played in two sets.

that said, I always considered the retal window the whole set. And I always warred anyone who RoRd. And I carried a safe amount of missiles.

The Cloaked Game profile


Feb 19th 2014, 6:37:15

gonna need the poundage to guesstimate.

The Cloaked Game profile


Feb 19th 2014, 6:35:23

my wife is stoked that you guys stopped using me as a missile dump.

getting texted every hour from 2am-6am that I was being attacked was pissing her off. she actually 'accidentally' punched me in the throat.

The Cloaked Game profile


Feb 16th 2014, 19:57:41

does this mean no more werewolf?

The Cloaked Game profile


Feb 16th 2014, 18:15:02

Originally posted by Riddler:
hey we killed Candyman, thats all I cared about...heh the guy is an asshat to deal with

for an enemy I like the cut of your jib.

though you didn't get him. if you need his country number PM me.

The Cloaked Game profile


Feb 15th 2014, 2:44:39


And here I thought all the crazy had left over the years.

The Cloaked Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 19:05:05

you speak of war, but all I can think of is gnocchi.

I'd fight over gnocchi.

The Cloaked Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 3:06:06

SOL sucks

The Cloaked Game profile


Oct 5th 2013, 13:45:29

well, to quote the most recent update from CNN from SUV driver's wife:

"My husband was forced under the circumstances to take the actions that he did in order to protect the lives of our entire family," his wife said.

"We know in our hearts that we could not have done anything differently, and we believe that anyone faced with this sort of grave danger would have taken the same course of action in order to protect their family."

It was Lien's wife who made the last of three 911 calls the family placed during the incident.

Apparently a member of the group that chased down the SUV driver was an off duty police officer as well.

The Cloaked Game profile


Oct 4th 2013, 1:41:03


I thought missiles had no effect on DR. Didn't know it hit ghost acre DR.

with prices sky high for everything I kinda figgered this set would be a writeoff. Dunno who would pick a fight with someone who has double your spal and 20 missiles though.

Seems reckless.

The Cloaked Game profile


Oct 3rd 2013, 4:50:50

Originally posted by MArs47:
Originally posted by The Cloaked:
story goes:

-biker slams on breaks in front of suv
-suv nudges him- no damage or injury seen on the video
-a few dozen motorcycles surround car with guy+wife+toddler and start pounding on the doors
-car drives off hitting someone
blah blah blah blah

...Wow. Good job. Excellent deductive work from watching the video once.

-Bikers take up all three lanes, and surround the Land rover
-Biker slams on brakes in front of SUV
-Suv hits his back tire causing the bike to fall over breaking the guys leg.
-Bikers start pounding on suv trying to get him to come out of his car
-suv Guy gets scared because his family (wife and 2y.o.) is in car
-Suv slams on gas running over ANOTHER biker who was originally helping the guy with the broken leg
-guy who gets run over ends up in a coma and apparently is paralyzed from neck down
-bikers chase after suv
-suv gets off highway (idk why) and gets cornered
-Suv guy gets ass beat in front of wife and kids

My buddy had members of his club there.

For everyone who says, "Well I would've..." Bullfluff. You can't say what you would've done. No one can. Look at it from both sides. If you would've shown a gun they would've shown theirs. I'd rather NOT take that chance of my daughter getting hit by a bullet intended for me.

I think this could've been avoided in two ways;
1.the suv saw all the bikes coming past and turned on his hazard lights and slowed down enough to let them all pass
2. the bikers didnt pound on the suv after the first guy got hit

The bikers were protecting their guy, the suv was protecting his family.

When I ride with local poker runs and whatnot we're not taking up 3+ lanes; we're respectful to traffic and they respect us. But you best be damn sure if someone hit one of us and tried running we'd chase the fluff after him.

I'm very impressed that you've deigned to take the time to correct my obvious incompetence with your insight.

See, here's the thing. I've read about a dozen news articles about this. Everyone - EDIT: everyone related to Mieses - is claiming that the paraplegic guy was protecting the man who had his leg broken by the SUV driver in the initial accident.

I'm under the impression that Christopher Cruz, the man charged with causing the first accident, was the person who was in the first accident. No reports of his leg being broken. In fact all news articles seem to agree that he caused the accident and was entirely uninjured. As do the police who have charged him with crimes but allowed him to walk out on bail. Feel free to check the AP's photos of him yesterday. He looks fine.

All we have is edward mieses claiming he was helping someone with a broken leg. No reports of any injuries besides his own and the victim with the slashed face.

Is that incorrect? You have insider info so obviously you're unbiased and know everything.

Edited By: The Cloaked on Oct 3rd 2013, 6:07:51
See Original Post

The Cloaked Game profile


Oct 2nd 2013, 21:52:51

I'm a pretty chill guy irl.

But if my wife is in the car and I have people pounding on my windows, people standing in front of my car to block my escape, and I hit the gas and consequences can be damned.

add in the fact that these bikers had knives out and were slashing his tires. AND that he had a 2 year old in the car.

I can't imagine rolling down my windows to politely ask people to leave. Even if my wife isn't in the car, what am I going to do? Politely ask people not to slash my face?

Takes a lot more balls then I have.

The Cloaked Game profile


Oct 2nd 2013, 19:05:39

buncha scrubs/nubs

way too early in the set to midfeed.