

New Member

May 20th 2015, 19:23:26

The Basics
Turns Left 1
Turns Taken 1547
Turns Stored 0
Rank 42
Networth $2,585,018
Land 42
Money $42,887,470
Population 104,304
At War No
GDI Member No

Land Distribution
Enterprise Zones 0
Residences 0
Industrial Complexes 0
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 0
Farms 8470
Oil Rigs 0
Construction Sites 220
Unused Lands 3

Military 160,000 84.0%
Medical 7365 94.6%
Business 190,000 176.8%
Residential 190,000 176.8%
Agricultural 300,000 229.2%
Warfare 7119 0.743%
Military Strategy 288 100.2%
Weapons 5407 104.4%
Industrial 258 100.3%
Spy 10,680 108.2%
SDI 13,678 19.34%
Total 884,795

Current Status
Tax Revenues $863,376
Tax Rate 35%
Per Capita Income $23.65
Expenses $103,132
Net Income $760,244
Cashing $932,920
Food 1,813,147
Production 118,315
Consumption 3242
Net Change 115,073
Oil 0
Production 0
Building Rate 60
Explore Rate 13
Tech Rate 3

Military Forces
Spies 0
Troops 68,861
Jets 0
Turrets 43,872
Tanks 0
Nuclear Missiles 2
Chemical Missiles 2
Cruise Missiles 4

Expense Breakdown
Expenses $103,132
Military $16,202
Spies $3030
Troops $6449
Jets $0
Turrets $6723
Tanks $0
Alliance/GDI $0
Land $86,930
Corruption $0

Edited By: Tofi on May 20th 2015, 19:28:23. Reason: incorrect


New Member

May 20th 2015, 18:38:57

It is updating as I purchase more Military Tech

Now $3,030 with 84% Military Tech


New Member

May 20th 2015, 16:41:17

Alliance server, Fascist, 0 Spies (all sold), SpyTech 108.3% (selling tech) but I still have $3,039 Spies Expenses

Has the formula changed?

Spies (0) * 1.001 * MilTech% * (1 + Networth/40000000) * GvtBonus * Constant (0.61) = 0



New Member

May 20th 2015, 16:31:34
