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Seems weird regular players can see 457 and 458 are multies alongside the deleted countries but they're still there... I've been playing for 3 sets since 2004 and it was pretty obvious to me.
Send $199.99 via paypal, cashapp etc and I will be sure next time we get on that batchannel for you. LIKE ASAP, LIKE YEARS BEFORE IT HAPPENS! LIKE LAST WEEK!
We volunteer, we are not here all the time, we work and have families. This is not a paid position.
What will not help your cause is messages like this to the game mods/the one and only alliance mod:
From: 87Fresh
6 hours ago
To: Primeval
Hey, uh, can you, like, do your job and delete 457 and 458 when they're clearly part of the multies griefing SoF?
Anyhow let me know how shampooing his crotch is, I need a video. lolololol