

New Member

Jun 10th 2019, 12:57:10

Originally posted by Tokyousr:
Freedom is Slavery Without Economic Freedom, and all that pumpkin haired piece of shat has done since he took office is make sure you continue to be a slave.

Healthcare? FU! ill take tens of millions of people off afa just because obama created it.

TAX? FU! ill give the top 1% tens of billions in tax cuts while ill continue to squeeze more and more out of the middle/low class because they're so stupid they wont know what hit them.

JOBS? FU! ill put tariffs on over 10 billion dollars worth of imports from China, the government will squeeze your d!ck harder and tax that sh!t, in the end consumers will pay the price.

Enviroment? FU! im too stupid to understand global warming

Education? FU! im gonna cut billions out of education but I wont stop there. Im gonna put the most unqualified capitalist retard fluff in charge.

Im going to promise you the world and deliver nothing, but you stupid turds will still continue to support me, you know why? because I make white people feel superior, and idiots with low IQ feel smart.
Telling the truth is against the law here in trumpnation. This is strike one under article I section (a) of the sarah sanders decree. Violation of this law is death my khashoggied.


New Member

Jun 10th 2019, 1:24:42

Here for the protection of trumptards.


New Member

Nov 30th 2018, 7:10:34

Originally posted by Gerdler:
this was a big rep casher last set:

-1 when the levee breaks (#92) 180 -$559,560,604 HG MONSTERS

This was even bigger:

-3 careful with that axe eugene (#374) 3 -$777,076,557 HG MONSTERS


New Member

Jul 22nd 2018, 1:08:08

I'm Here..