
UBer Bu Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 4:00:49

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UBer Bu Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 15:11:41

Originally posted by blid:
I think JJ set the fascist record totally legit, and I think he's good enough to do so. But yeah after seven deletions anything he does will come with some doubt. I've never seen someone get caught cheating at ANYTHING so many times before, haha..

How can somebody with so many deletions have enough benefit of the doubt left for you to call him "good enough"?
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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 26th 2011, 4:44:36

Yes, nice battle there at the end.

This might be a dumb question, but how about an all-explore top 10?
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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 25th 2011, 23:46:39

Merry Christmas, don't forget to destock!
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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 14th 2011, 16:52:39

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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 13th 2011, 18:08:34

I refreshed 8 times on the explore page, nothing showed up. I did a batch explore, and the tutorial was there. It was there for every subsequent refresh.

Does this help?
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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 12th 2011, 5:44:01

Yes, considering the latency of a mobile device it is extremely useful to have the next break point visible on the same page. I noticed it missing immediately.
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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 10th 2011, 22:25:24

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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 10th 2011, 20:18:23

I'm a little confused as to what you mean, could somebody please clarify?
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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 9th 2011, 16:18:55

Clearly, slagpit won a bet.
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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 5th 2011, 21:55:52

Oh god.
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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 4th 2011, 22:16:03

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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 4th 2011, 20:34:27

You are the only one talking about 'forced equality'. I understand the notion that you only want your tax dollars to benefit yourself, and your neighbor has to earn everything on his own. The problem is, you live in this collective noun called society. As a result you use things like roads, paid for with taxes. Other people use these roads, and these people use other roads, maybe roads you don't even know exist.

The notion that you can only be responsible for your personal slice of society is utter fantasy. You benefit from its shared aspects, as much as you may stamp your feet in protest. You are free to work hard and to succeed as a result of your effort, and not be encumbered by providing for common needs on your own (fire protection, fresh water, so forth). If you don't put forth the effort to succeed in a place like Canada, your life still sucks. It just sucks a little less, since things like a seasonal flu or a toothache aren't going to go untreated and possibly kill you.
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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 3rd 2011, 14:01:08

I never said the rich pay the same, but I do welcome your objective source for claiming America has anywhere near the best public education system, most effective health care, or greatest economic opportunity (I presume you mean socioeconomic mobility). Your cunning use of namecalling has me questioning my beliefs, so please help set me straight!
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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 3rd 2011, 3:53:46

A rich person paying the same income tax rate as a poor person isn't 'punishment for success'. Yet, any proposed change from our current regressive tax code is construed as class warfare.

Equal protection from the law under a government-provided police force isn't 'forced equality'. But I guess equal protection from communicable disease is!

"These Americans have the best education, health care and economic opportunities in the world." Not even going to touch this one.
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UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 2nd 2011, 7:55:32

Capitalism is the unquestioned cornerstone of our economy, enough good things can't be said about it. To me, the problem is that capitalism remains the driving force in industries where human beings are the commodity. At some point, it becomes impossible to sustain growth, increase profit, etc. without marginalising people relying on that industry to some degree.

The government (at various levels) has oversight and responsibility for roads, utilities, public safety and so on, all of which are things that could endanger people if they were the responsibility of profit-driven private businesses. Why bother spending money maintaining some remote road that may only see ten cars a day? Healthcare falls squarely in this category. What motivation does a pharmaceutical company have to cure a disease, when selling treatments is a much stronger revenue stream?

So then comes the classic argument that the government can't do anything efficiently. You know what? That's OK! Do you want the military to only be trained and equipped for the most reasonable needs, as determined by maximising efficiency, or do you want them prepared for absolutely anything, with a plan to follow and trained people ready to act no matter what unpredictable thing happens? Do you really care about MPG when you're buying a sports car? Of course not, you can afford a sports car, so you're going to be damn sure yours is the fastest, and that everybody around you knows it.

The same thing goes for healthcare. I don't care if BCBS can provide reasonable care for customers and still turn a profit. I want my country to be the fittest, strongest, healthiest, longest-lived society on the planet (just like I want my military to kick the most ass). And you know what? I don't care if that means some of my tax dollars may end up benefiting others more than it benefits me. Part of my taxes already go to the fire department, but I'm certainly not complaining if I never see a direct personal benefit from those dollars.
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Dec 2nd 2011, 3:27:52

-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 27th 2011, 18:46:37

-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 25th 2011, 5:18:03

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UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 16:14:42

I thought standing orders did't go through the instant the goods come on the market, meaning somebody camping could snap them up first. Could that be what happened here?
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UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 16:12:31

You people are all wrong.
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UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 16:10:44

America has all the fuel we need to be energy independent. Problem is it's all coal -- so if one is serious about energy independence, they by necessity should be seriously in favor of electric vehicles and supporting infrastructure.

Yes we have natural gas and oil, but it's peanuts compared to what Canada, Russia, the mideast, etc. already have.
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 16:01:24

Originally posted by bertz:
They're getting rid of relations on those servers I guess.
So no need for that

Where'd you hear this?
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UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 16:00:49

The sample size is kinda small, I'd repeat the experiment a few more times before drawing conclusions.
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UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 21st 2011, 21:44:14

Making information easier to find has nothing to do with what the player actually does with that information. Thanks for trolling though!
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UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 21st 2011, 18:00:52

Yes, but 'just 1 click' can be time consuming, especially when on a mobile device with the added latency. This is a great suggestion in the same family as adding oil levels to the military page, land levels to the explore page, etc.
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 21st 2011, 13:18:33

Uh he was already a parking lot before you came around!
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UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 18th 2011, 23:18:36

Who needs to run searches, just wait for bounced spyops and let the targets find you!
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UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 17th 2011, 18:23:11

Yes, but on the mobile site I can see land/NW for all countries / servers at once. On the regular site I need to click down in to my profile each time. It's tedious.
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 16th 2011, 23:58:24

This is topical -- thanks for changing it so ignored posters disappear completely!
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 15th 2011, 22:48:01

2.1m ago 40,000 Jets bought for $105
2.2m ago 3,000 Jets bought for $105
2.3m ago 500 Jets bought for $105
2.4m ago 50 Jets bought for $105
2.5m ago 1 Jets bought for $105
2.5m ago 40,000 Troops bought for $117
2.6m ago 2,000 Troops bought for $117
2.7m ago 600 Troops bought for $117
2.8m ago 50 Troops bought for $117
2.9m ago 3 Troops bought for $117
3.0m ago 80,000 Turrets bought for $105
3.1m ago 200 Turrets bought for $105
3.2m ago 70 Turrets bought for $105
3.3m ago 1 Turrets bought for $105
3.4m ago 70,000 Tanks bought for $460
3.4m ago 35,000 Turrets bought for $105
3.4m ago 8,000 Tanks bought for $460
3.5m ago 30 Tanks bought for $460
3.6m ago 1 Tanks bought for $460

-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 15th 2011, 18:09:21

Speaking of, is there any chance of a bored admin going through and updating the formulas in the wiki?
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UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 15th 2011, 14:19:46

Networth = Troops*0.5+Jets*0.6+Turrets*0.6+Tanks*2+Spies*1+Tech*2+Land*45+Buildings*35+Money/20000+Food/1000+Missles*2500+Pop/6+Oil/100

Watch the market, track how many are sold at that price between score updates, and see whose country dropped the corresponding amount in NW.
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 10th 2011, 22:15:53

Originally posted by blid:
Commies are stupid

Fixed that for you!
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 8th 2011, 22:47:11

This is another quality of life suggestion -- how about a confirmation button or screen before grabbing a country a second time if you're in GDI on the Express server. Sure, it could be argued that it's the player's fault for being ignorant, but on more than one occasion I've read about somebody getting AB'd because they accidentally clicked the attack button twice, or thought they lagged out and attacked again. I think it goes in the same category as confirming CS destruction, where a brief lapse in judgement (or connection) could ruin an entire round for that player.
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 6th 2011, 12:41:33

Holy hell do you take this whole thing way too seriously.
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UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 6th 2011, 4:25:52

Capital letters = truth!

Bonus = post!
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UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 4th 2011, 2:57:08

On the other hand, the mobile portal page shows rank/land/NW while the regular portal does not. It'd be nice to see from the portal if NW has changed without needlessly resetting the 12/18h timer (or logging in to an external site to check)
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UBer Bu Game profile


Nov 2nd 2011, 22:55:01

Thanks for this!
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Oct 31st 2011, 13:24:24

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by UBer Bu:
You guys have all been misunderstanding dagga from the start. What he really means to do is present a compelling case for an ignore feature being added to the forums.

That feature has been available for months. Click on the user's name in a post or in User List to get to his/her profile, then click the little green check to ignore (or click the little red 'X' to unignore).

Sokath, his eyes uncovered!
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UBer Bu Game profile


Oct 31st 2011, 12:00:33

You guys have all been misunderstanding dagga from the start. What he really means to do is present a compelling case for an ignore feature being added to the forums.
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Oct 30th 2011, 14:29:19

You know the dropdown mobile menu can (and should) be disabled, right?
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UBer Bu Game profile


Oct 25th 2011, 23:10:00

Originally posted by Pain:
i think this has been discussed several times but the 50% rule should be added to express GDI. nobody 50% your size either way should be able to hit you. this would prevent tards with 4m all jet countries from conducting legitimate retals on the last day.

Fixed that for you!
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Oct 25th 2011, 17:44:44

Coincidentally, 10 years ago today was also the retail release of Windows XP.
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UBer Bu Game profile


Oct 25th 2011, 12:34:56

The intent of GDI was to remove unprovoked suiciding from Express, not give netters carte blanche to run without adequate defense. That said, maybe adding unprovoked 3+ SS/PS protection might also be in order.
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Oct 25th 2011, 12:02:11

Actually, 10 years ago was the first day recorded in Wazmo's old archive. It's been even longer D:
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UBer Bu Game profile


Oct 25th 2011, 11:57:20

I've had issues where bounced ops happen right away, but successful ops take so long that the mobile browser times out. I imagine caching recent successful ops would be hard to implement, but that would be a nice convenience on top of addressing this issue.
-take off every sig.

UBer Bu Game profile


Oct 23rd 2011, 3:27:02

Do these suiciders have some way of bypassing GDI?
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UBer Bu Game profile


Oct 21st 2011, 10:03:43

This might be a silly question, but what's the point of maintaining lots of jets if one isn't attacking a lot?
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UBer Bu Game profile


Oct 19th 2011, 8:51:08

A building that does the same thing as a technology? Preposterous!

*builds farms and buys agri tech*
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