
ViLSE Game profile


Sep 23rd 2010, 12:16:25

Yeah on this server I play in Monsters. Very nice place to be for some netgaining.

Over on the team server I play with DBD though. We currently have two teams there. :)

Nice to see you back, not seen you around in absolutely ages!

ViLSE Game profile


Sep 22nd 2010, 12:47:59

Well I am probably the main contact but anyone else in the DBD teams is ok to do their own FA as well. The end result is about the same anyway as we are all veterans from old netgaining tags.

Better with many contacts than none though right?

ViLSE Game profile


Sep 21st 2010, 20:55:54

Thats fine mate, I know lots of people use ICQ but I just dont like it much its too filled with crap for my taste. :)

Anywho I sent you a reply feel free to message me more if you ever need.


ViLSE Game profile


Sep 21st 2010, 17:02:18

Umm, WT.... Loafer what the heck are you doing back around here?


ViLSE Game profile


Sep 21st 2010, 14:01:56

Hey mate,

Dont use ICQ, havent done in about 8 years now.

Feel free to leave me a message using the messages service if you want. If some other of the DBD guys feels like using ICQ then they may contact you but I certainly wont use that program ever again. :)


ViLSE Game profile


Sep 4th 2010, 11:13:02

Hey Foog,

I do remember some of that but cant say that I remember all the details. Cant be bothered to sit and dig through all the old message databases so I will take your word for it. :)

It was good fun back in the old days though, thats for sure!

I think we shouldnt mix the good old days up with whats happening now though, its an entire different set of people. I always liked iMag ever since that first time around but I cant speak for ICN today. I havent had anything to do with them for the last 3-4 years apart from being friendly with the 3-4 or so that I still know. :)

ViLSE Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 16:06:04

Massive Bomb Run?

ViLSE Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 16:05:28

I played a 3v3 yesterday and two of the opponents dropped out very early on and it was VERY hard to win that game even with 3 vs 1.

Quite a lot of fun actually when you can play a fairly even game even when someone drops out. I like how they did that.

ViLSE Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 13:34:46

I say keep it as it is, spies are fun.

ViLSE Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 10:59:45

Yes indeed dixie, iMag are just doing their same old fun-stuff and I quite like it to be honest. They love their wars and thats perfectly fine and how it should be in a game like this.

The fact that ICN were about to hit SOF this reset I thought was very obvious. Same as it is now very likely SOF will return the favour next reset. Perhaps you should just sign youself an FDP (or whatever they are called these days) with iMagnum and then do the reverse next set when SoF hits you. Now that would be hilarious. :-)

Anywho, have fun everyone.

ViLSE Game profile


Sep 3rd 2010, 8:48:24

Bwahahahahah! (Oh my this thread really made me laugh!)

This is so funny, I have to say that if you are using a reason from back in 2001 then you are quite sad. There is almost not a single player in ICN still from back in those old days. Maybe 2-3 at the most.

Sorry to have to say this but it was my decision to smack iMag around back in 2001 and my decision alone. I seem to recall that we smacked iMag around more than once too but I am not entirely 100% about it I would have to go dig up my old databases to verify that. And yes we were very friendly for quite a while afterwards, didnt ICN actually come to your aid as well in a war at a later date?

If you want to do some payback for the stuff that happened in 2001 then you might want to find my country and kill that one instead it would be far more valid than attacking ICN over it. :-)

But nevermind I am sure you dont mean it quite that way and are just doing your same old iMag fun-stuff.

Enjoy your wars guys, just try and keep things in perspective ok?

(Currently playing in Monsters)

ViLSE Game profile


Sep 1st 2010, 22:33:29

LOL thought I was playing Democracy on that server too, my bad. :)

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 14:27:06

Hmmm, so maybe a deli theme next reset... :)

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 31st 2010, 8:48:34


Yesterday and again today I noted something strange on the market.

On my private market I can buy tanks for 556, on the public market there was some tanks for sale for 526. Naturally I thought I would boost up my tanks a bit and buy the ones that were available for 526 (just 16k of them).

Now the strange thing that happened was that it didnt buy the tanks on the public market but it rather went and bought me tanks on my private market for 556 instead. The same happened if I tried again.

I suspect something might need some looking into.


ViLSE Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 16:08:20

Thanks Xanadu at least you give an answer that was all I was really after. :)

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 15:53:30

Hmm, ok many thanks for the non-explanation.

Just seems a bit odd that you say they are 'part of the family' and not to be touched by anyone else. And then proceed and farm (or at least landgrab multiple times) those very same teams.

It is almost like you designated these teams to be your own little personal farms and that does make this whole thing a bit boring. Noone will be able to compete with RD in netgaining either if this is how you can get your land. Already there is noone that can compete in terms of killing so you clearly have the upper hand.

In the end if this is how the server is developing I will leave, it simply is not fun to play in an environment like this.

I was hoping for some sort of understanding but it is not at all necessary.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 13:55:13

Based on the last 6 resets you will have a cut off somewhere between 35 and 39 million in order to get into the top10.

However I would guess towards the higher end of that scale this reset.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 27th 2010, 13:53:18

If these tags are to be protected by RD or part of the family or however you want to put it then why is it that I see you farming them from other RD tags?

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 8:58:56

Oh glorious RD (*bows*) are you perchance OK with the names of "Death By..." followed with a random word starting with the letter D?

Seeing as D is one of the letters in RD I thought id better check!

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 10:43:05

Very true, better do a warstat after 24h or perhaps 48h but its got to start somewhere I suppose. :)

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 25th 2010, 9:39:40

Well to be honest this war was completely expected from day1 this reset. Shouldnt have come as a big surprise to anyone I am guessing?

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 23rd 2010, 8:58:50

Yes I say I would agree with locket on that one.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 21st 2010, 16:52:22

Yes, the point here is that if you hit me you will regret it. I never once said that I was randomly suiciding on people. YOU were making that part up all on your own.

But in order to provide for Slagpits way of playing I suggest we swap the tanks for cuddly bunnies and instead of jets we can have pretty colored dragonflies.

I am sure we can get in more suggestions for cute little harmless things for the rest of the game too!

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 21st 2010, 15:05:14

Im also looking forwards to you going over to the Alliance server and telling people like iMagnum that they are not allowed to play the way they are either.

I am sure we can find more examples, definitely historacally there has been many alliances that has set out just to cause a bit of strife and have some fun.

But oh wait... I forgot fun is not allowed in the world of Slagpit...

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 21st 2010, 10:18:56

LOL you really are acting awfully silly Slagpit.

In primary server it is basically everyone on their own (hence no alliances and no teams etc I am sure you noticed).

I play here for a bit of amusement, basically I might do a LG or two, if I get a few missiles back then fair enough. I might get LGd myself, then I would probably just retal the once and be done with it.
But if someone starts doing anything beyond that on my country I will retaliate with whatever means I feel is funny. I suppose it might depend on my mood on that given day.

I dont quite see the point of having all my missiles and whatever I have built if I cant use them and everything on the server has to be done as nice as possible just incase I agitate a player or two.

You might not get it but I dont play on the server simply to suicide on people, I play on it to have fun. That might be netgaining or that might be trying a new strategy or whatever. It seems to me that you are suggesting I am not welcome to play here so thats fine too, as you are an Admin I will take your word for it and leave the server.

I am sure you are all happier that way right?

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 21:22:35

You play any which way you want Slagpit, and I play any which way I please.

I am fine with you doing whatever, you obviously seem to have some sort of problem with other peoples freedom of playing however they want though.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 10:39:17

People always take a risk when they LG someone.

Especially on this server where it is effectively every man for himself (or herself). If you want protection at all times then go play on the alliance server and to a lesser extent the Team server.

I can pretty much guarantee that anyone hitting my country on the primary server is going to regret it, I think thats quite funny myself and thats the whole reason I am playing primary. Others probably play in a different way though and thats also fine by me but they run a risk when LGing and have to live with it.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 20th 2010, 8:58:32

Absolutely right Viceroy! :)

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 18th 2010, 14:47:04

LOL, there were a lot of people probably doing much more than I did anyway. But we did get ICN up to 220 members at the most I think. That was a bit of fun.

But that was when Gary was in charge.


ViLSE Game profile


Aug 18th 2010, 14:31:36

Yep, indeed. The more the merrier basically!

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 18th 2010, 12:51:03

Heh, getting harder and harder to play on this server now. Effectively RD is one third of the server.

I would have to say that I think it is starting to get seriously less fun to be here when things are this way.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 18th 2010, 10:47:08

The two DBD teams are already all in Monsters over in the Alliance server.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 11:59:58

I think that makes it 34 countries in the RD family of teams.

My counting skills has been off in the past though so I might be off by one or two. :)

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 10:11:33

Think everyone has this issue currently.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 17th 2010, 9:45:40

I worked bloody hard to get ICN up above 100 members back then.

Nice little flash back. good fun!

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 10:18:51

No not by any means, but the more organized teams are more likely to take offense than untags etc I would imagine.

All I am saying is that I am not surprised to see FBI do what they did.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 8:21:30

Heh, when some big alliances did this to DBD when we attempted to play in the Alliance server we ended up ruining as many of their countries as we possibly could. It was great fun but didnt really help all that much. And we did have retallers early on but it doesnt help when you are that small as you get hit so many times you simply cant keep up with the retals (plus the retals are being ignored and just hit back even more)

My recommendation is to get a lot of jets and tech and stay small. Then wait a week or two and then attack their fatties that are sitting with low defence and stocking. That way they are more likely to regret farming you in the first place, but if nothing else youll end up having got all your land back and probably some extra as well.

(Of course youll probably die as well but its good fun anyway, its not really anything I would recommend if you want to seriously netgain now or in the future)

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 16th 2010, 8:14:53

Well to be honest it was just a matter of time before they got ABd or worse. Considering the way they are LGing I am not at all surprised to see this thread.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 11th 2010, 8:45:10

My news in boxcar looked like that all of last reset. For quite a while I even had 4 times per each hit in the news.

I posted about it on the boxcar bug forum and I think Pang said he knew what it was and was going to look into it. But that was quite a while ago so not sure what happened.

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 9th 2010, 15:47:24

Thought Id start one seeing as there isnt any currently.

This is our two teams for this reset:


ViLSE Game profile


Aug 7th 2010, 12:13:38

Hey LC good idea! I will do that this round. :)

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 6th 2010, 15:38:26

Well not possible to FA other teams but very easy to organize a buyout of an item and get other teams to push their money through that way.
If anyone was feeling like they needed to boost a guy up that is... :)

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 6th 2010, 9:39:00

LOL yes indeed, that is quite hard to avoid on occasion. I did get quite a few nukes on me but probably I deserved them too. :)

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 6th 2010, 8:08:26

Oh well, I suppose I came in 4th in the end. I am a bit dissapointing but can only blame my poor math skills. :-)

Well done OG, good job!!

At least I ended up being the biggest fatty of the server. Is there any type of award for that?


ViLSE Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 23:33:33

Good plan, make sure one of them is in Monsters. Thats where us DBDers reside in the Alliance server. :)

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 23:12:50

Hey Dragon, come join up in Monsters we are a nice bunch. :)

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 23:11:25

LOL nah my mistakes I will have to live with. :)

Currently have $243,281,757 left and nothing to buy. LOL

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 23:05:44

LOL well I have more money, but sadly I ran out of market. I made a miscalculation which is going to cost me 2M NW :(

But in any event good fun for sure! Well done OG!

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 10:02:49

Thats very cool! :)

Nice work Evo and others!

ViLSE Game profile


Aug 2nd 2010, 19:10:33


We would have had him dead on our own anyway, sadly it seems our kill got stolen. I would most definitely have preferred it to have been our kill but as has already been pointed out they are probably just trying to pad the kill count a bit for fun.