
Xelah Game profile


Jul 26th 2012, 8:24:47

Originally posted by galleri:
Xelah apparently has won this thread.

I win all threads. Sometimes I deign to inform the rest of you on a thready by thread basis.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 26th 2012, 4:19:31

Clearly I am going to have to settle this for everyone.

I have the largest penis. You can all stop arguing now. You're welcome.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 25th 2012, 21:38:25

This thread went from zero to merit free in record time.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 25th 2012, 3:41:50

if only we could get it hot enough to like cook bacon by holding it out in sunlight that would be totally badass and to keep cool we could all like live in igloos and stuff and then like we could raise pigs in another igloo and just toss one out in the sunlight any time we got hungry but we would need like spiderman to build the igloos because it would cook us too if we were out in the sunlight just like slather some sunscreen on spiderman and then just watch him go because spiderman could like swing into the shadows and not cook unless we could figure out a way to build the igloos at night but that would be hard because we cant see at night but all of our tv shows would have to change and mtv would make one called pimp my igloo but nobody would watch it because what the fluff are you going to do to make an igloo fluffing slick because you cant repaint the motherfluffer and you cant put rims or anything on it not to mention what the hell are you going to watch the show on because you cant mount your plasma screen tv on the wall in an igloo because it is made out of snow and ice and fluff so you would have to put in an entertainment center that takes up your floor space and that would mean you would have to take out the stripper pole and that is what in laymans terms is called a deal breaker because my pimped out igloo is having a stripper pole and a hot tub and like a full bar but that means we will have to like grow the plants that they make liquor from in igloos too so the sun doesnt burn them and spiderman will be so busy building igloos that we will have like this ridonkulous crime problem and like uncle ben will be telling him son with great power comes great need to build more igloos so move your ass spidey and then uncle ben gets shot because some thug breaks into uncle ben and aunt mays igloo because he hasnt built enough for everyone yet and people are desperate and like spiderman goes on this crusade to build more igloos so that he can go back to fighting crime
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 24th 2012, 8:35:49

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Xelah Game profile


Jul 22nd 2012, 5:48:40

Sue me. I spent months pulling sick marine life (including sea gulls) out of oily water after the BP rig went kaboom in the gulf. Forgive me for not finding wanton slaughter of wildlife amusing.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 22nd 2012, 5:43:06

fake. that kills the birds, it doesn't make them crap all over everything.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 21st 2012, 21:21:30

touche' sir
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 21st 2012, 10:38:29

I am not god's gift to women.
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 21st 2012, 10:34:08

/me humps Sifos
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 21st 2012, 3:52:15

Surely we'd have somebody throwing out USGov. I got so landfat farming them years ago that I actually got paranoid and bought proper defenses.

Incidentally, RSquad represent!
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 11:35:42

Bring spare pants. Brix will be shat.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 14th 2012, 15:09:11

except for the "were" part. I don't think some of us ever got past that point
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 12th 2012, 7:38:32

Originally posted by iNouda:
Originally posted by voltron:
I am quite disappointed in Imag's post.

Scode please let the girls of your clan keep doing the war decs the are the best. =)

Unfortunately iMag's hottest girl, Xenomorph no longer plays so there won't be any more hot war dec pics :(

Isn't Xenomorph a chinese dude?
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 12th 2012, 1:32:40

Originally posted by Alliance Observer:
Originally posted by iScode:
ummmm not good at war.

I would like to see any other alliance produce the hit stats imag just put out in the first 24 hours of war. And we still have a couple of hours to go...

74 hpm when a couple of countries are inactive and 1/3 of the alliance is new members new to war, along with the actual target selection and running of this war has been nothing short of impressive.

You seem to be still buthurt bye imag if you cant recognise that fact, yes NA was not warprepped, but those stats, even against a netting alliance not warprepped are not something many alliances could achieve imo.

The simple fact is the FS has been devastating.

You are trying to be funny, right? You blind side innactive netters and call that good at war? Your alliance ain't fluff, mate. Glad you have fun but don't try and include yourself with legitimate alliances. Imaginary numbers is a clan. Rename it Imaginary skill.

Don't take it liek I am just busting your chops. Whole bottom count is fluff. Just rank top 5 cause no one else matters.

You've made some pretty bold posts considering you don't want anyone to know who/where you are.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 3:21:28

that's like a sport... right?
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 1:08:50

I dunno, locket's is pretty good from my point of view.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 0:41:06

They make pills for that you know.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 0:23:09

fluff that was epic!
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 9th 2012, 22:33:23

Originally posted by INVINCIBLE IRONMAN:
MPG part deux??

Give me a little more credit than that. We've actually been able to handle our retals and kill something.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 9th 2012, 10:22:16

Originally posted by bertz:
Can be abused by suiciders

Anything can be abused somehow. You have to draw a line in the sand somewhere on how you're going to keep new people vs the largely stagnant player base.

The alliance server is where the most players interact with one another, but it is also the killing fields if you're a noob. We can't slaughter noobs forever and keep a functional game.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 9th 2012, 9:54:08

In any event, all countries we've retalled for have tagged up and the merger time is over.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 9th 2012, 2:32:59

You'll have to be a little more specific. What tiny ants? . . . What country/continent/region are you in?
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 9th 2012, 2:28:01

Yeah, kinda like extended protection, but it's only there until they join a tag.

Pondering how this could be abused, it might be worth it to also restrict FA to countries with this protection active.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 9th 2012, 1:00:27

I logged into my old Kingdom of Loathing account the other day... it's also a turns per day game that has some pvp. There's an item in game that everyone starts with called a hippie stone that prevents you from being involved in any pvp, either attacking or defending. Once you break it, it's gone. Forever. You can attack other players, other players can attack you.

Being that farming of untaggeds has always driven away new players, I had an idea for something that might give them a better chance to stay.

A few days ago, I read somewhere on the forums where someone suggested putting a way to restrict attacks on one another until like 2 weeks into the set. While I didn't like that idea because it prevents early game shenanigans between tags, it shaped my idea a little.

Have something like the hippie stone for all new accounts... maybe make it a peace agreement with GDI that restricts attacks until 2 weeks worth of turns have passed. Joining a tag rips up the agreement and enables full military use. Once the agreement has been ripped up, it is ripped up forever (for that server). You don't get a new one at the beginning of the next set.

Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 8th 2012, 21:14:18

Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 8th 2012, 21:06:00

Originally posted by ebola:
It's been over 24 h and several of the countries you retalled for.have yet to tag up... Just saying that that is a sure way to trouble...

And I'm just supposed to know which ones are active and which ones are not through psychic powers? No. I said we're covering the tag. That means the whole tag until the time is up. Anything in KOTG after the time is up is not my responsibility.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 8th 2012, 3:09:58

*smacks kyle*
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 7:21:39

Originally posted by justtaint:
Who was runninng KOTG?

Posts: 39
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 2:36:04

Death Knights will be handling retals for both tags for the next 48 hours. Please update your embassies accordingly if we do not have a pact specifying that I am to contact you personally. Leadership responsibilities will be shared and we will update our contacts on the wiki shortly. Undertaker will confirm.

Also, more importantly: bacon. That is all.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 21:37:33

Death Knights, not because we're in any way superior to any other tag, but because ponies!
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 21:31:27

Ah, nevermind. You're not Erikill. :(
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 21:30:45

Erikill? If that's you, this is Thor. We should talk.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:20:25

Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 8:38:03

Originally posted by abomb:
Make it engaging

How do you propose this be done?
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 6:16:23

Looks like soviet is a kill moocher.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 19:50:34

Originally posted by Deci:
Originally posted by Pain:
how about overcome your issues and make sure your kid is taken care of?

Thank you, Doctor Phil.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 19:38:42

I plan on that, but what I'm asking is how do you get over the shock?
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 19:13:35

how do deal with that mentally? I hate the kid's mom and the feeling is mutual.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 4:01:22

dude, if they could make a man-portable machine that re-oxidizes the stuff, and improve it enough that it worked just like regular breathing, we'd be that much closer to cyborgs!

We've already got mechanical hearts, just attach those two pieces of hardware and you're like 60% there on building robocop.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 27th 2012, 19:00:33

Originally posted by braden:
xelah, what kind of novels are you interested in writing?

Mostly urban fantasy, based in and around Houston. I've also got a steampunk work that can't seem to get past chapter 2.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 27th 2012, 5:07:17

you realize this thread is two years old, yes? If SoL still has a grudge, then I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 27th 2012, 4:30:13

??? I've no particular dislike for any alliance/coalition at the moment.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 27th 2012, 0:42:33

Originally posted by Ruthie:
^ everytime I see your name, it reminds me of Xel-Ha in Mexico :)

lol totally not where I got the name. It's the brand name on a dartboard I had eons ago spelled backwards.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 27th 2012, 0:37:42

Freelance writer / Aspiring novelist / part time cashier (it keeps the bills paid :p)
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 26th 2012, 14:37:10

Dumber things have sparked violence in this game.

My offer was pretty fair, and based on a somewhat generous average of the average server retal policies (It ranges between 80 and 150%). His counter offer was to farm the entire alliance for the rest of the set. If it bothers you that much, tag up met next set.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 26th 2012, 5:21:20

*shrug* Like I said, no idea who it actually is.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 26th 2012, 5:15:01

Originally posted by Kumander Otbol:
why are you guys trying to kill me when all i did was farm your member who sent missiles on me? dammit DKnights! lol. jk. you should've detagged that noob member of yours though. he's making a mess of your tag.

Assuming that is actually you, your negotiating skill leaves something to be desired. Threatening to farm someone over a retal shouldn't be one of your first offers. That's what made me decide to kill you. You threatened the entire tag over some land.

I've been pretty reasonable with everyone when it has come to land up to this point. The farming threat was unacceptable.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 25th 2012, 10:19:43

No idea who is actually running the country, except that it isn't murf.
Death Knights
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Xelah Game profile


Jun 25th 2012, 3:36:48

Yeah, next time I'll accidentally pick somebody from a different alliance.
Death Knights
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