
ZDH Game profile


Apr 17th 2011, 6:51:34

lol very detailed report.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 17th 2011, 4:28:38

Well IDK...The country hasn't got enough jobs for the population. With thousands of jobs in other countries. Thats bad buddy.

The country is going broke more and more year to year. Do you see that as a success?

ZDH Game profile


Apr 17th 2011, 4:26:00

pfft all business in the front PARTY IN THE BACK!

ZDH Game profile


Apr 16th 2011, 23:46:35

If it's going to make the entire country go bankrupt and no one be able to get a job...uh duuuuh yeah I think that would probably be a smart choice.

If it's broke...FIX IT.

It doesn't work obviously gotta try something else. Or you can force them to pay them US minimum wage. But it has to be made not worth it to make US companies on foreign land.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 16th 2011, 23:34:52

Off topic I heard Europeans don't take a bath everyday is that true? (may be stupid but j.w)

ZDH Game profile


Apr 16th 2011, 18:26:31

N will FS GDI. And GDI will DIE! With a battle cry FOR CRYSTAL CARNAGE!!!

j/k Dragon ;-)

ZDH Game profile


Apr 16th 2011, 18:11:59

Originally posted by Foobooy Evolution:

Originally posted by ZDH:
I say we put large taxes on all American companies on foreign soil. If those people want to start sweat shops in Mexico thats all fine and dandy they are still going to have to pay the same so all in all wouldn't it just be cheaper to bring that plant back to America make the same amount of money and give Americans more jobs. Win:Win.

And such companies will close shop completely in the US and become wards of Ireland or whomever will foot them the lowest combination of tax rates, regulatory interference, and fees. It is easier and easier to move these days.

Then they would loose all American customer base. Because what i'm saying is we don't tax them for making the stuff we tax them to bring it back into America. So lets say since Nike has been caught for running sweat shops. They are making Jordans if they make the Jordans in Mexico paying people 10 cents a day when ever they try to send it to America to sell it they tax the sht out of it. Thus making it no different then paying American citizens instead of sweat shop workers.

Or IMO they should just stop allowing this all together.

BTW about the taxing the people who made more money is kind of lame. I made 40k last year...but worked 100s of hours of overtime and work in a factory breaking my back. All to have Uncle Sam send me a smaller income tax check because I made to much...thats stupid as fluff. I paid in so I would make more back. But instead I made more money paid in more money but got back less.

If you want to know exactly how many hours of overtime I worked I make $14.30 an hour and made $40k. Every hour over 40 is time/half. Sunday is double time but that would be hard to figure in because I don't know how many Sundays I worked. I would like to know actually lol. Tax people based on what they do tax the people who sit on their ass all day! :-P

ZDH Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 16:57:17

Could have a fun war and see who is better I know neither one of you can or want to net :-p

Not that i'm a great netter btw.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 16:55:04

hmm thats kind of a cool idea tho Phili...Actually put certain missles into production. And the higher your tech is the less time it takes. Instead of accidently creating a missle lol.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 16:52:25

I would like to vote I didn't know their was such a thing.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 16:21:30

So your wife is your boss...that SUCKKKKS.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 12:35:12

I thought Obama said he was bringing the troops home what happened?

Anyway 67 million a year isn't much lol is that a joke. Ok well since they don't want to give up some of their salary for the better good and a necessary sacrifice (where they will still make more then the avg. American) lets take 67 million from ummm...hmm lets see EDUCATION! Every penny cut is a penny made and saved don't be a retard 67 million is alot for such a SMALL sacrifice those people are rich anyway they don't need all that money.

I say we put large taxes on all American companies on foreign soil. If those people want to start sweat shops in Mexico thats all fine and dandy they are still going to have to pay the same so all in all wouldn't it just be cheaper to bring that plant back to America make the same amount of money and give Americans more jobs. Win:Win.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 12:24:31

Yeah my girl graduated for dental assistant but can't find a job :-\. And it took her months to find a job at target of course her record messes her up lol

ZDH Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 5:39:13

weaker cashers i'm out! Thats my strat :-P

ZDH Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 5:35:53


ZDH Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 5:09:20

spy ops suck bro :-p. Once your in the middle of a kill run stir rebellions is pointless. It almost never succeeds. And all the other spy ops are far to weak.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 5:03:01

Jobs arn't always that easy to find dude even McDonalds isn't always hiring anymore.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 4:43:22

I'll join SOTA for supreme ruler title...

ZDH Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 4:33:42

poor decision by the second company :-P

Bet you couldn't do that in America atm lol

ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 16:34:05

Why not is a question...Why NOT use cash to buy readiness.

Then make it where tyrannies can't buy readiness then ;-)

ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 14:18:39

Could make it twice as expensive for Tyrannies to buy readiness tho.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 13:37:16

ooh don't take that Ketchup FS CC!

ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 13:36:19



ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 13:35:43

I only sext sorry.

ICQ succccckkkks

ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 13:32:28

So basically you drink that crap whenever your hungry and take a laxative in the morning and night???? I don't think thats healthy bro lol.

"Green smoothies are like drinking a glass of healing"

I vote that diet as the gayest diet EVER.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 13:09:50

LOL during that speech the vice president fell asleep. I guess it wasn't a BIG fluffING DEAL.

"We have to live within our means, reduce our deficit, and get back on a path that will allow us to pay down our debt," Mr Obama said in a speech at George Washington University.

Comming from a guy that had a 2 trillion dollar health care plan? LOL ooookay.

The ballooning US deficit is set to be a top issue in the 2012 election campaign, and in recent weeks, Republicans have laid out their own plan to cut it, based on big reductions in healthcare and social programmes for the poor and elderly and in education spending.

lol what exactly did they propose cutting? Poloticians are known for lieng ya know can't beleive everything they say. I would cut housing and foodstamps in half. If you've been on food stamps and housing for over a year without finding a job...your abusing it. As for education spending didn't Obama already cut this?

btw if you increase the taxes on the rich aka the people giving you your job...who do you think is going to get their pay cut to make up for the higher taxes...yeah thats right buddy the employee. Either way the poor man is gonna be paying it lol.

And if i'm not mistaken the Republicans plan would cut it by loads more then Obamas. Some sacrifices have to be made now we've just let this debt build and build and build we gotta do some drastic things. Also where they need to cut is government office paycheck.

Salary of the US President...$400,000. Salary of retired US Presidents...$180,000. Salary of House/Senate...$174,000. Salary of Speaker of House...$223,500. ...Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders...$193,400. .......................................Average US Salary...$33,000 to $77,000.

Thats where they need to start cutting.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 12:54:38

Yeah the suckstirs with the best record in the game atm beyatch!

ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 12:31:14

Good Guys
tag hits kills hpk defends deaths hpd
N 5163 22 235 473 2 237
Total 5163 22 235 473 2 237

Bad Guys
tag hits kills hpk defends deaths hpd
STONES 473 2 237 5163 22 235
Total 473 2 237 5163 22 235

My HPK was much better but he got on and walled last night maybe he is improving lol. But to late buddy :-p

lol don't be impressed by his 2 kills 1 is only a little bitty tiny restart.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 5:38:47

Back on subject the racism topic irritates me. Not because I hate anyone because of their skin's your crap lazy ass culture that gets on my nerves.

Dragon you could always loose weight the easy way...drink Ex Lax after every meal :-P

ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 5:35:44

Originally posted by mrford:
i just search the internet for fluff that backs up my points.

i dont simply search the internet for fluff that disagrees with everyone. If i want to make a statement that is contrary to someone elses, i generally wish to provide support for that statement. wouldn't you?

No I don't care enough to :-P.

What you talking about racism for Bsnake...Rico? I am guessing his post got deleted? Speak out about what things? Racism is just black peoples excuse to not get a job. Or if they don't get their way "RACISM". The little stint they did as slaves was no worse then what any other civilization has done to people.

Emperor Nero crusified thousands of Christians

Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Nice fellow by the name of Hittler I think he enflicted a TEENY TINY bit of hardship upon the jews </sarcasm>. Hell and the English where selling them to us so blame them anyway make them give you your reperations....and WELFARE. Thanks alot a-holes.

umm shall I continue...Or do we all get the picture ;-P

ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 5:13:03

Originally posted by grumpy:
good luck, hope it last a life time

why would you say something so evil grumpy :(

ZDH Game profile


Apr 14th 2011, 5:11:15

lol by the commercials it looks like basically old jersey shore people.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 17:45:23

why are those captcha things sometimes hard as hell to read?

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 17:35:51

pfft IDK about you all but I wish Bush woulda stole the Iraqi oil. Gas prices are BS!

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 17:31:43

lol I thought you would go find something on the internet saying I was wrong.

But where I got it from was my aunt who was studying to be an RN...and actually had it in one of her college books she was studying when she told it to me.

I have tryed it though and it worked for me whether web md says it's wrong or not I got full faster and I do it from time to time it always works the same.

"no it doesn't, not after one day. not significantly like you are attempting to state. after one day your appetite just goes insane and you gorge yourself making it worse."

That is true though you will want to eat like a mofo but thats where your will power has to control what you shove into your face hole ;-). .

My girlfriend also saw something on Yahoo front page saying the origin of the name Washington was from Africa...She brought it to my attention because we saw a black guy on TV with the last name Hill (which is my last name) and she was laughing saying I was related to them I had to explain to her how blacks in America got some of their names from slave owners ect...(p.s. my family did not own slaves). But yahoo said that was a myth to...

So mrford maybe you can go search the internet and clear that debate up for us :-P (sorry for off subject)

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 13:38:05

I was wondering why they had so many myself didn't think they where cheating thought they where just hiding in all different tags.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 12:40:10

Ok all the nerdos argueing over what EXACTLY a calorie is stfu :-P.

If you starve yourself for like 1 day your stomache will shrink don't argue it mrford I don't need to reference everything I say that is a fact. It will take less to make you fill full. So once you have achieved that you can eat less and still be not be starved to death.

"also soda, Light, aint bad for your health (doesnt contain any calories) only for your teeths."

News has been saying light soda is no more healthy then regular soda here. And if your trying to say soada isn't bad for your health your retarded. Or you just got different sodas then we got lol.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 7:21:52

Actually I heard more then just the Myans predict this. I heard something about the Hopi indians as well.

And someone was telling me Nostridmos (SP???) also predicted it.

And another group called Rosenal Christians don't remember the first word they beleive something like solar flares will come from the sun and whipe out all but around 200M people. I saw it on the history channel was only half ass watching. But anyway...

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 7:00:47

Originally posted by Bsnake:
I wad no different thank u very much...played my 15 and was polite on the boards...........

yeah rrrrrrright. ;-)

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 6:55:37

What strat do you run with yours? I'm always rep/cash.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 6:29:10

I know Bsnake but hey their easy fast and they work. Rockman plays his more serious he's tryin to get me to play them more seriously to. I guess next set I will but for this set old school shoot em up!

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 6:10:37

Bsnake whats the strat suiciders use? I've been using the same strat for my killers since FFA very first opened LOL.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 5:46:40

We are not a team asshole find your own targets.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 5:40:55

Snipe another kill I dare yah.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 5:17:15

Originally posted by Bigwiggle:
Paulie if you can give me one more Braveheart speech about standing in defiance of tyranny .. I will rise up against the British oppressor with you. And we can beat up Twain too

I'm Irish/Scottish douche bag. :-P

ZDH Game profile


Apr 12th 2011, 18:56:31

We had stopped hitting you paulie and I log in for the past 2 days you've been hitting my country mostly with spy ops now with BRs it really doesn't matter your countries are to small to finish me off i'll be doing another kill runs tonight.

When you stop i'll stop but i'm getting the last word if you want to restart all set thats fine i'll continue to murder you until you stop trying to hit me. Honestly I hope you don't stop ;-) I enjoy killing. As for us hitting a small tag when this little "war" started (which i'm sure no major clan in this game gives a fluff about.) STONES had 91 countries tagged not my fault you recruited newbs. We had 32. OBVIOUSLY we know how to play this game much better then you and with that you should bow down and SUCK MY fluff.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 12th 2011, 8:14:50

Originally posted by Dragonlance:
a real liberal democratic party needs to form down here and take the name liberal back from the usurpers!

America was founded as a Republic correct? Where each state had the right to govern themself. The whole reason we fought the Revolutionary war over was to stop a foreign ruler from controlling our lives.

IDK about you but I don't think Clinton/Bush/Obama knew anything that was going on around me. I don't think Bush Jr. knew what was goin on at all. And I think Obama is to big of a gambler. Clinton was cool got his fluff sucked...anyway.

Why/How did Democracy take over. And whats the difference between Democracy and Republic?

ZDH Game profile


Apr 12th 2011, 8:10:47

When I think conservatism I think of the way our government spends it's money.

But IDK much about politics not my thing.

LOL Conservatives want to have all the wealth to themselvess...

Really where do I sign up?

ZDH Game profile


Apr 12th 2011, 7:32:05

If you just wanna be safe...Archive it.

ZDH Game profile


Apr 12th 2011, 7:25:26

He played Earth 2025

This is Earth Empires...He's an idiot. Theres no way you would get into trouble for not posting that fluff.