
ZDH Game profile


Jun 28th 2015, 16:17:46

wow just read the definitions. You are what they fluff out while jacking off...your a little fluff.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 28th 2015, 16:06:28

I killed 22 in 29 hours...on half turns. And didn't use a single missle.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 28th 2015, 16:03:31

You, are a pank.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 28th 2015, 16:00:20

and drinking beer is mine.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 21:35:34

Who are you talking to? Are you calling Elders out?

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 21:30:05

Be the savior of the desperately want to be.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 21:29:02

Well why don't you and Celphi find 3 others and it would be even.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 21:23:14

lol honestly do they have a choice? I can't wait to see what unfolds next reset :)

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 20:13:49

Why when MiM fights book it's 3v3

But when Elders attacks MiM it's 5v1?

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 19:38:56

So, you blind sided you and elders are the same. Except your a fluff.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 19:36:56

SNITCH. that's your action.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 19:35:41

Celphis nut is not milk.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 19:33:09

Nerrus my mom would never mess around with a little fluff nerd like you buddy but have fun dreaming. Kinda weird some little fluff from the internet is jacking off thinking about my mom is what it is.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 19:16:56

Originally posted by Celphi:

You keep talking about surrendering. Surrendering has no relevance to war. None. If I hit you 30x with ABs then say, "I surrender", you're not going to be ok with that.

Fact: book didn't hit me with 30 ABs, but the point I'm making is- surrendering has no relevance to when a war ends. Just because YOU feel it's a BS war doesn't mean it was. It was a 3v3 even member clan warring each other. I gave them a 90 minute warning. Did xBaDx do that for DNH? No.

I gave Elders a chance to war 2v3 2v2,.. they weren't interested. They only wanted a 5v1. How come you're not slandering Elders for hitting/warring the 1 player tags who were netting in peace? (ie brown sauce, lovely dovey) Maybe they did it to avoid DrunkSex? But all these hypotheticals you pardon them from because they're your friends. I get it.

The post was basically about people attacking tags un provoked. I don't know any Elders members. I just hate that you hide behind a BS war because you knew you pissed off someone who was going to kill you. And then snitch when you get attacked for being a little fluff.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 19:09:01

oooooooOOOooOooh good one buddy!

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 19:00:29

Celphi is a douche bag that is a fact.

Why don't you take his fluff out of your mouth.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 18:57:10

Originally posted by id1028s:
Its a good thing to delete them. Good riddance. For now. They are probably the single contributor to why this server has so little people playing. Because they randomly war people too much and then nobody returns. Set after set the playership on team server dwindles. Thanks to people like elders. So the book should be thrown at them at every opportunity. They broke a rule, so delete. Its a good thing.

Didn't MiM unprovoked FS book? A clan that within hours of the FS surrendered. And as Celphi has said it's perfectly accepted within the rules but isn't that exactly what MiM has done here?

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 18:53:35

I think "firing" him as mod is a bit harsh.

But he should use a bit more discretion at times like this I assume he understands that the whole server thinks Celphis a douche bag and with that being said has acquired some enemies. And should have been able to see his war was BS. And treated the tag kill as victory.

But that is my opinion and i'm not Elders and outside of forums never spoken to any Elders members.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 16:11:34

I'd bang that demon chick up ;-)

Bet being evil and all she's a FREAK in the bed!

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 16:09:03

You might actually have gained a smidge of respect if you would have fought it walled their FS to. But NOOOO you had to be a titty.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 16:05:30

What ever douche. Still lame.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 16:00:15

They already asked for surrender you said not until tag kill. Elders waited for tag kill seems like you where open game to *puts on sunglasses and diamond pinky ring* me.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 15:46:01

Deleting Elders because of MiMs pretend war. How much did Celphi cry to get that done?

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 15:05:44

Donald Trump said on TV all Mexicans do is come over here and bring crime, drugs, and rape. I was at work in the break room...full of Mexicans. Thanks Trump.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 12:42:48


ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 2:44:41

So I can't smoke weed but Trife can sadomize his boyfriend and legally marry him?

I am offended!

ZDH Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 2:26:15

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by MauricXe:
Originally posted by BlueCow:
So what your saying is we should be mad that the country is going to hell in a hand basket?

When I look at how this country is run, and by who it is run. I look at the states those officials come from and I don't feel to bad anymore.

California is riddled with drought and plagued with job loss.

Democratic cities are imploding on each other.

And growth continues in Houston.....

Yup sucks to be a southern.

and all the while the southern states are the highest recipients of welfare. You guys should stop taking from the rest of us. Get a job. Bootstraps. Self Reliance. Personal Responsibility.

There is a reason for that but I would be racist for saying it.


ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 17:04:48

Boom. That just happened.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 17:04:48

Boom. That just happened.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 15:59:55

Who cares they are for hire and I hired them!

ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 15:22:34

Satans music!

ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 15:20:08


ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 15:19:04

No buddy but I really couldn't give a fluff less about grammar. Or the proper uses of your you're there their they're. first one I type I just go with lol. If you know what i'm talking about then I got my point across :-P.

At McD's I say I want a burger and fries somehow they manage to fluff that up.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 15:14:35

Trife is viciously murdered ect ect...

ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 13:37:59

I was the first 1 to post and I said FS you are obligated to do so.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 13:36:17

STONES definetly STONES.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 13:33:21

lol my first job was $5.25 at a grocery store the raise was $0.05 a year. I got fired for coming in hung over and passed out in the back...hehe good times. So much responsibility now :'(

ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 13:16:30

Originally posted by farmer:
pay MD workers more and they will get your order right :/

Get fluffing real. Pay MD workers what I make in a factory fluff no. If your over 25 and working at MD it's probably because your retarded.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 2:40:06

none of those things are true :-P

ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 2:24:59

A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me.


ZDH Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 2:20:11

If the Confederate flag goes.

Black Entertainment Television - has to go to it offends me.

Every rap song that talks about them fluffing white women - offends me.

Every black comedian that gets on TV and makes jokes about white people needs to be removed from television and any stores shelves - it offends me.

Black people saying 'black power' at any job need to be immediately fired - that to offends me.

McDonalds cannot get my order right because i'm white - this offends me it needs to be shut down.

Taco Bell doesn't sell hamburgers only Mexican food - i'm offended!

Non of these actually offend me...but this is how ridiculous it's becoming. The shot at MC'ds really is true though I don't know what it is about that place but they employee the biggest fktards.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 15:25:05

The first 2 paragraphs i'm having trouble understanding your point. We are racist because we treat them differently in business/social transactions? But that's ok because we are all ignorant and we will eventually evolve into believing just like you?

ZDH Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 15:23:41

Exactly! Thank you mrford.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 15:12:12

So if a white man flew the Confederate flag and said it is to show my white pride would you consider that racist?

Don't assume he's believes in slavery...I've never met no matter how ignorant or racist a white person that would flat out say I think we should still have slaves...EVER.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 13:19:57

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by ZDH:
As long as you aren't a white/male/Christian you can do and say whatever you want.

That's right! White Male Christians are the real victims in today's society! We suffer continuously at the hands of others! We lack equal opportunity, rights and don't let me get started about how we are treated differently everyday by police, business owners.... the "eyes" on the street that see us with suspicion... The lack of funding for adequate schools for our children! Can you believe that in today's world white male christians are still seen as such a "lesser" people??? WE shall rise up! WE shall overcome!!!!


ZDH - your posts throughout this thread have been filled with exactly the kind of "justification" language that sustains the racist and hate movements. You ignore anything that is against your POV. I don't know where you are from, but I grew up in and live in the South and while you appear to not know what the confederate battle flag means to many people flying it, I have met them and it ain't cultural heritage (unless they are speaking publicly like you are, then it absolutely is ONLY about that).

I wasn't talking about how we are mistreated. But about how everything we say and do is racist. And I live in central Texas and honesty other then kids putting it on their jacked up trucks...I don't see anyone flying it. There is 1 little memorial off 1-35 but other then that I don't really see it anywhere.

And there no more racism in white homes then there is in blacks or Hispanic or Asian homes. Just the minority have some vision of white privilege that everything is given to us. Which IDK about you but nothing was given to me...I moved out when I was 16. Bought my first house (3 bedroom brick house) by 22 with 2 kids and the only parent working. And not a god damn dime was given to help me no welfare no food stamps nothing. So I know if I can do it on my own with no help everyone is capable theirs no white agenda to hold any race down. This is what this generation thinks racism is. White people have some super secret meeting to decide how we are not going to give them jobs and force them to live in the "ghetto".

ZDH Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 13:04:21


ZDH Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 12:38:28

After the war most of the freed slaves stayed where they where and started share cropping so it wasn't a huge difference anyway.

But, what about 'Free Trade' Trife since your such an anti-slavery advocate. What do you think about rich business owners putting factories up in 3rd world countries for almost completely free labor? Whats good about this form of slavery for us is that we get free labor and we don't have to feed or house the employee.

But your cool with that right? I mean i'm sure you wear name brand clothes and drive "American" cars...and watch TVs and sit on furniture and on and on...Almost all of those products made by "slaves" and you don't care because you get them cheap.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 12:23:07

Originally posted by elvesrus:
I'd say cowboys suck.

your face sucks! And the Niners ownership are pretty much dumber then Jerry Jones which I thought was literally impossible :-P

ZDH Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 3:05:31

Aww a fellow Texan and Cowboys I feel bad :(

ZDH Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 3:03:15

PS Jun 22, 14:07 Dallas Cowboys (#47) (xBaDx) TOM SHADY (#7) 223 A
EM Jun 22, 21:06 TOM SHADY (#7) Dallas Cowboys (#47) (xBaDx) DH
CM Jun 22, 21:06 TOM SHADY (#7) Dallas Cowboys (#47) (xBaDx) DH