
ZDH Game profile


Jun 25th 2015, 3:01:41

1. You cheat at football.
2. Cowboys > Patriots.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 24th 2015, 21:08:26


The whole reason for the Civil War. The ACTUAL reason. Also the whole damn reason we wanted to break away from the British.

Taxation without representation.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 24th 2015, 20:58:17

The KKK could turn around and adopt the black panther symbol tomorrow...what a small group of individuals do shouldn't effect the whole damn country.

Just like a half jewish man adopting the Swaztika to be over his prison gang.

The KKK is irrelovent to the discussion. It's been abandoned for 30+ years i'd assume it might still have a few hundred "claiming" membership if that.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 24th 2015, 20:51:08

The USA is just full of a bunch of pussies now days that want any little reason to be offended.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 24th 2015, 20:30:29

And just to add on the AB the founding member is half as you can see no matter who or what you are you can adopt any symbol and use it anyway you see fit.

That shouldn't effect what the original flag meant. And fighting to keep not the original meaning. When the war started they never where being threatened to have slavery taken from them.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 24th 2015, 20:27:31

If I saw someone representing the Swastika I would think they where a member of the prison gang...Aryan Brotherhood. Which is a prison gang so as you can imagine they aren't the brightest.

A Confederate flag flying of a memorial for soldiers that died there is not racist.

So, if the KKK adopted McDonalds golden arches as their new symbol...would we then have to ban that?

ZDH Game profile


Jun 24th 2015, 20:18:56

Originally posted by TipDaVampire:
The orange flag with the "X" bars isn't the actual Confederate Flag. The true Confederate flag was very similar to the current US flag. The "bars and stars" flag flying over the South Carolina capital, and on the Duke boys (etc.) was one that originated in Virginia and Tennessee some years later, and was adopted by the KKK.

IT originating years false. THat flag is the official flag..the stars and bars was the battle flag like I said.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 24th 2015, 20:17:27

The stars and bars flag that your talking about was the battle flag for the Confederate army on the battle field.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 24th 2015, 20:11:59

No braden...The north did not want to end slavery. The emancipation was a tool to end the Civil War. When Lincoln first tried to push it through it was just a bluff a untimatum. If all rebellious states laid down their arms they would be allowed to keep slavery but they didn't. So when it went into effect in 1863 it didn't free all slaves only the ones south of the Mason-Dixson line. The slave owners that fought for the Union stil had slaves.

And don't forget Lincoln signed the emancipation also to keep the French and British from coming to aid the Confederacy. And so he could legally enlist black men as soldiers and use them to suicide attack Confederate forts. Check the movie Glory out and see how "not" racist the people of the north really where.

Not to mention the Union was powered by Irish slaves (not captivity) but economical slaves.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 19:07:04

Those that do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it. Is the saying I think your looking for.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 17:15:41

Anyway I gotta go to sleep for real peace out girl scout! <-- sexist

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 17:12:27

persecution wasn't what I meant. More like being made to feel everything we say is racist. Which is annoying.

I saw a quote on FB one time that said
"If you woke up this morning and you are white...your racist"

and that's pretty much how the minority feels even though they ignore the racism in there own culture.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:52:22

political correctness kills democracy.

So it's ok to stomp and burn the American flag. But it's not ok for you to have a Confederate flag. This country confuses me.

As long as you aren't a white/male/Christian you can do and say whatever you want.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:45:50

Originally posted by mrford:
yeah, uh, canada has done some fluffed up fluff in the past as well. ask the indigenous.

there isnt really a country without blood on its hands, but that isnt really the point being argued here i dont believe.

I'm just saying if you want to remove every symbol that could be considered racist or prejudice you would have to remove every single one.

I don't know anything about Canada honestly I was just making a joke about that.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:42:45

No isn't :-P

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:36:04

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by mrford:
while your point may or may not be valid, your execution and analogies are extremely disappointing. i know you can do better than a Nazi flag at a cemetery or monument that has little to do with nazis and more about americans.

i know, but so is someone saying that war was fought not over slavery, but states rights

i was going for the fact that both groups thought certain other races/religions were inferior than their own. as a result, a lot of folks tend not to like the symbols associated with each group. just like those assholes and the ISIS flag. just when you thought i couldn't step it up a notch, i bought ISIS into the confederacy/nazi mix!


yeah, uh, while the north was moving away from slavery, they in no way thought black were equal for quite some time after the civil war.

The movie 'Glory' comes to mind. And lets not forget what General Sherman did in the south allowing Union soldiers to rape women and burn civilian homes. Because your all mighty Union was so righteous...Oh wait they forced Irish immigrants to fight for them.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:34:09

Oh and some white supremists use shamrock symbols we need to get rid of those as well...Even though they have nothing to do with their cause they just adopted the symbol.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:31:34

The Canadian flag would be like the only symbol we could use...and do you really want to live in a world where we all have to be Canadian? ZING

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:29:46

Trife you do realize almost every major nation historically has had therefore almost every historical symbol would have to be removed. Mongols, Chinese, Rome, Britain, Greek, Egyptian, American (the American flag would have to go as well), French, Spanish....ect ect ect...

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:25:07

Blah I gotta go to sleep i'm working night shift! Later.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:22:38

BTW just to throw this out there.

FORCING someone to remove a flag. IS that or IS that not a violation of freedom of speech?

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 16:02:02


ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 15:48:00

That is true. But like was said it should be up to the state to vote.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 15:21:15


ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 15:09:52

I could go on and on about this. I could continue with did you know in the south there where free black men that owned slaves? There where a lot of freed black slave owners in America. At one time or another all 13 original colonies had free black men that where slave owners. In the 1700s they could even own white men as slaves.

The Civil War is an interest of mine. I do not have a Confederate flag. Am not racist. Am not a white supremacist ect ect...

Just someone who reads up on Civil War stuff and enjoys the history of it. Also non of my family that anyone has ever heard of owned slaves...we where all poor :P

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 14:56:28

Fact #7: The Emancipation Proclamation helped prevent the involvement of foreign nations in the Civil War.

Britain and France had considered supporting the Confederacy in order to expand their influence in the Western Hemisphere. However, many Europeans were against slavery. Although some in the United Kingdom saw the Emancipation Proclamation as overly limited and reckless, Lincoln's directive reinforced the shift of the international political mood against intervention while the Union victory at Antietam further disturbed those who didn't want to intervene on the side of a lost cause.

Fact #8: The Emancipation Proclamation paved the way for African-Americans to fight for their freedom.

Lincoln declared in the Proclamation that African-Americans of “suitable condition, would be received into the armed service of the United States.” Five months after the Proclamation took effect; the War Department of the United States issued General Orders No. 143, establishing the United States Colored Troops (USCT). By the end of the war, over 200,000 African-Americans would serve in the Union army and navy.

This form of slavery was dying world wide. And i'm not saying it was right. But if the south would have surrendered before the emancipation proclamation then the south would still be allowed slavery.

Fact #1: Lincoln actually issued the Emancipation Proclamation twice.

Abraham Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation on September 22nd, 1862. It stipulated that if the Southern states did not cease their rebellion by January 1st, 1863, then Proclamation would go into effect. When the Confederacy did not yield, Lincoln issued the final Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863.

Basically slavery was just a bargaining chip for the North
1. Kept the south from gaining foreign allies.
2. Allowed them to legally enlist blacks.
3. Or just to get them to surrender altogether.

I don't support slavery at all that's not what i'm getting at...i'm just saying there is more to the story.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 14:46:55

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Let us also remember that the emancipation proclamation only affected slaves in the south.

emancipation didn't come until 1863. The war started in 1861.

The original bill Abraham Lincoln proposed was newly formed states would not have the right to vote on slavery. It had nothing to do with the states that already had slaves.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 14:25:46


It's a part of American and the states history. The Confederate flag wasn't used as a racist flag and if you actually looked into the Civil war you'd know the south wasn't fighting to keep their slaves. They where fighting to keep state rights.

Lincoln wanted to keep new states from having the right to vote on slavery. He was never abolishing slavery...until Gettysburg because he wanted to legally be able to enlist black men into the army to win the war.

Skin heads and this kid are just a fluffin bunch of retards.

And just to add the USA still profits from slavery today...we just call it 'free trade' so it doesn't sound so bad.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 23rd 2015, 14:06:28

Didn't read all of this its a tragedy no doubt.

But to the people talking about Obama speaking about gun control...remember Obama had to apologize for selling guns to the Mexican cartels j.s

ZDH Game profile


Jun 22nd 2015, 19:35:46

btw free healthcare and food stamps to all illegal immigrants!!!

ZDH Game profile


Jun 22nd 2015, 19:35:14

Thanks buddy :)

ZDH Game profile


Jun 22nd 2015, 15:31:32

^This is true.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 22nd 2015, 15:30:26

Oh yeah well all your useless military jobs and dr ect ect...

I'm the first black/muslim president of the United States so suck on that losers.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 22nd 2015, 13:52:35

Originally posted by archaic:
It's Canadian foreplay

Next they will rub hockey sticks,

Then they will watch old episodes of 'you can't do that on television'

Finally they will make hot passionate love while listening to Celine Dion

Do not question them, for it is their way.

Ooooh. Ok. Now I understand.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 22:48:22




just happened?

ZDH Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 17:49:01


ZDH Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 15:35:56

Ooooooh it's ON!

ZDH Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 14:38:03

Originally posted by tellarion:
You don't need provocation to kill someone. You DO need it to justify entering an existing war. And to make it clear again, ingame actions determine if a tag is still at war, not posting here. MiM just killed a book country today. They're still at war in my *puts on sunglasses* book.

So as long as you have a reason you can enter an existing war?

Is Celphi being a dumbass reason enough?

ZDH Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 2:31:19

MiM: 75 hits
Book: 30 hits

Not even close to being considered a war.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 2:29:18

Originally posted by Celphi:
Just FYI, book & MiM are at war still. So unless you want to be deleted I'd pick another target.

You are not at war because you are not considered actual teams. And your "war" is complete bogus BS anyway.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 2:27:05

Originally posted by braden:
tella is in talks with qz to end gs or br or missile deaths on the server. enjoy it while you can.

uh what?

ZDH Game profile


Jun 21st 2015, 2:20:03


Just happened.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 20th 2015, 23:25:34

<3 was fun.

PS: Go cut yourself Celphi.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 20th 2015, 17:50:36

You mean the mini google box?

ZDH Game profile


Jun 20th 2015, 17:43:30

I don't play either one so I really don't give a fluff. I have a life outside of the google box.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 20th 2015, 17:39:31


ZDH Game profile


Jun 20th 2015, 17:36:51

Originally posted by mrford:

Math that out for me. I'll see what you came up with when I get back from being angry on my boat catching some angry beer while I drink some angry fish.

Yeah Celphi and while you jack off to everquest trolls buddy.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 20th 2015, 17:24:44

Originally posted by mrford:
I would rather be angry than stupid.

And I would rather be drunk then sober...FACT.

ZDH Game profile


Jun 20th 2015, 17:17:04

yeah yeah yeah. stfu

ZDH Game profile


Jun 20th 2015, 17:14:43

Celphi...hes an asshole and your an idiot.

Fair enough?