
akoozam Game profile

New Member

Jan 14th 2014, 14:32:01

you want your cake. you want it and you want to eat it all.

fluffes love cake.

akoozam Game profile

New Member

Jan 11th 2014, 23:53:16

ooohh ... ima join a netgaining imag!

...if i held a truly higgghhh rank such as (lord of dance)mazooka or possibly master would have to be lord of dance.

/me river dances on this threads face

akoozam Game profile

New Member

Jan 9th 2014, 1:33:05

well I'm not teching yet so is all good.

akoozam Game profile

New Member

Jan 8th 2014, 0:13:38

oh hi! message sent. instead of starting a new thread. I'm all pacts open atm. maybe someone else is looking for allies? hit me up =) I'm mazooka but new boards ate my name. true story =( new boards suck bad on my phone.