
alexzap Game profile

New Member

Apr 13th 2015, 13:03:25

Jets are dropping from $179 to $130 then back to 160 - 170.

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Mar 30th 2015, 8:33:24

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Just remember, no matter where you go......there you are. And, a wet bird never flies at night.

After reading this I honestly feel like there is hope in this game after all!

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Mar 30th 2015, 8:28:43

Good to see you back!

Stones got wacked by sof and sol (who would of seen those 2 pairing up 4 sets ago???)

Server arranged war was arranged, then fell apart. Then got put back together again but was only patched. Started even and then Sparta destroyed.

Rival tag killed imag with an fs an nobody go to witness it, it was that quick.

Everyone else sitting on sidelines netting away...boring boring

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Mar 17th 2015, 11:58:18

I can't see a post about it but It saddens me when checking the clan page that there Is no more clan DANGER. It's a sad time in the game to say goodbye to a bunch of stranger dangers.

There are so many good post over the sets. Anyway i don't have a bad word to say about them and wish them all the best in R/l.

DANGER you will be missed.

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Mar 8th 2015, 21:55:25

War ok, but don't drop the acres that just plain stupid. Such a waste. That's like when an untag goes nuts and grabs your alliance ss/ps. It's like doing a kr without getting land back first.

How many acres are we talking here? 10k + I think.

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Mar 8th 2015, 21:50:39

What the... I didn't even get to watch any stats.. That fluffed!!

Imag where here last time I logged in, and now there not.. Sigh.

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Mar 6th 2015, 20:08:41

Wow would never of seen this coming, what a turn of events from just a few sets back. The server is evolving ;)

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Jan 17th 2015, 7:46:35

We have finished our retribution with DANGER.

There was an early set exchange, issue resolved, apparently not and you suicided our member on his way to a commie ee record. We were more upset that the suicide was after we agreed everything was resolved and weeks later when said member was at 70k acres.

Anyways we are done and would prefer to go back to netting and setting our own noob

TITANS nobody

Edited By: alexzap on Jan 17th 2015, 7:54:20
See Original Post

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Jan 17th 2015, 7:40:43

Sam not 100% sure why superfly jumped in here but i just logged in now to run turns to finish you off.

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Jan 7th 2015, 21:16:03

Damb furious always the party pooper taking free land away from us TITANS. Lol

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Jan 7th 2015, 21:14:44

@locket - agreed. Don't know about rival but I've started stocking bushels now and running turns to dump overpriced bushels on the market. If you get hit then, your completely blindsided.

At the end of the day tho who else should of imag hit? The server is too small now, RAGE even tried to get help and nobody put their hand up?

It totally sucks. There is literally no other tag close in size? Stones maybe but that's 17 v 9...

At thw end of the day there is no even war, most tags are netting to keep members.

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Dec 31st 2014, 20:20:35

Okay thanks, and what about cash? Is it 2bil?

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Dec 30th 2014, 22:28:25

Tech % is based on acres as well yeah? So if your not stocking get and still gaining acres you'll need to keep buying tech to keepax levels.

alexzap Game profile

New Member

Dec 30th 2014, 22:26:17

It's probably been asked so many times but how much bushels can I keep on alliance server before I run decay every turn?

I want to know at what point do I atock them on market at crazy prices ?