
breeze Game profile


Oct 5th 2015, 22:18:41

If you like to war come over to Imag.

breeze Game profile


Oct 4th 2015, 3:02:23

45 fluffhead

breeze Game profile


Sep 30th 2015, 4:22:53

If you like netting then join Monsters. They are a good group of guys. If you want to kill stuff and don't care about the other idiots here then join us at Imag.

breeze Game profile


Sep 28th 2015, 21:30:32

Originally posted by Marshal:
fluff you imag would be great countryname trend on next set.

Or how about Marshal the **** sucker

breeze Game profile


Sep 28th 2015, 20:36:26

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by breeze:
Classy move there. So myself and your FA agree to let things drop and then you FS us. Real class right there.

Actually it was classy. Our leader took the time to listen to you despite your comments on here, brought it back to our membership noting he had spoken with you, and then let us decide.

The fact that you're surprised by the LCN response is what amuses me.

That's not how that all went down. I said Id let my guys know no more hits or anything. Scribble told me basically the same thing back. There was never any mention of taking it back and letting the guys decide. It is what it is. So be it.

breeze Game profile


Sep 28th 2015, 0:31:34

Originally posted by drkprinc:
don't do it! it's a trap!

hahaha you are 100% correct

breeze Game profile


Sep 28th 2015, 0:11:50


breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 22:26:32

Classy move there. So myself and your FA agree to let things drop and then you FS us. Real class right there.

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 20:10:12

elvesrus is correct

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 14:19:07

Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by trumper:
Originally posted by Dutchy:
Somewhat, yes.

Although in my humble opinion, if you're going to have 30k + acres, you should have more than 5M turrets.

Landgrabbing v harmful spy ops... hmmm. Which is worse?

So you never answered me.

Someone is wrong to hit you guys post-war, but simultaneously someone else is wrong for failing to carry enough defense. How do you simultaneously justify it?

Complain to the FA on harmful ops. Complain after the original grab if you guys were so wronged. But don't proclaim some sort of moral supremacy through hypocritical nonsense.

or to put names to that he needs to yell at me to yell at LCN

Or he could adopt one or the other policy to avoid the hypocrisy.

I mean really, I find it hilarious that Imag lectures Ford on not carrying enough defense while complaining they were grabbed.

hahahaha no one from Imag complained until ford came on AT and cried that he was land grabbed. No Imagger started any AT post about that. Lets twist everything around like usual on AT.

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 6:17:31

hahahaha communication is the word. who did he say 72 hours to? Wasn't me or Imags FA.

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 6:07:47

Actions speak louder than words

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 6:05:54

Originally posted by mrford:
Because your dumbass member has promised to keep grabbing us.

I know it is hard to control a whole 7 members, but try to act like you aren’t incompetent.

Has the Imags member sent the attacks or is it just a message?

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 6:04:29

Originally posted by mrford:
and your member has promised to keep grabbing LCN as recent as a few hous ago

why would i trust someone who promises FA relations when none have been proven?

i like you, but your clan appaently isnt on the same page as you are.

Well your FA hasn't responded to the last message that was sent. Talk to your FA about communication then

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 6:01:34

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by mrford:
If your tarded member hadn’t sent an in game message specifically stating that it was a cross retal, that might have been a valid point. Unfortunately the intentions were documented.

Cross retals are not allowed in any first world alliance. If you think imag isn’t first world, then you admit they will probably die of some incurable disease because they are too stubborn or poor (read stupid) to get/accept the cure. Read cure as socially accepted norms.

hahahahahaha Still blame the in game message. Blame your member for the first attack asshole. We haven't bothered LCN until your member bothered us. So now Imag is to stubborn or poor and we will all die from an incurable disease? Now are you saying we will die from this in real life? If you are talking real life you are one said human being.

Can. You. Not. Read.

I have already talked with my fellow member. But that doesnt change that the butthurt started with your member. He had no right to grab me, and LCN FA's probably would have worked something out.

You are a garbage clan. You need to change or go away.

as for me talking about you dying in real life, well, you just displayed your stupidity. it is called an analogy. google for a while and get back to me.

Your butthurt is not my concern nor do I care. So since you have talked to your fellow member why does he continue to send harmful spy ops at us?

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 5:51:38

Originally posted by mrford:
If your tarded member hadn’t sent an in game message specifically stating that it was a cross retal, that might have been a valid point. Unfortunately the intentions were documented.

Cross retals are not allowed in any first world alliance. If you think imag isn’t first world, then you admit they will probably die of some incurable disease because they are too stubborn or poor (read stupid) to get/accept the cure. Read cure as socially accepted norms.

hahahahahaha Still blame the in game message. Blame your member for the first attack asshole. We haven't bothered LCN until your member bothered us. So now Imag is to stubborn or poor and we will all die from an incurable disease? Now are you saying we will die from this in real life? If you are talking real life you are one said human being.

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 5:42:07

Originally posted by Marines Suck:
Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Marines Suck:
Originally posted by mrford:
you literally arnt smart enough to know what it feels like for a flufftard to take 5K acres from something you spent 50 days on through no fault of your own.

i wouldnt expect you to understand.

Its your fault because you choose to be in an alliance with a fluffhead, take some personal responsibility man!

so, by your own logic, it is all of imags fault because they chose to be in a clan with an asshole, right?

No because they did not make the initial grab. It was your alliance mate that started hostilities, for what else are landgrabs between unpacted alliances but a hostile act?


breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 5:40:53

You have no clue what we do in Imag. Logic really????? that is really funny... How about stupidity on your part. Or maybe being a cry baby. So you're telling me that jumping on AT and whining and crying about being land grabbed is ok and not being a cry baby? There is some logic for you to ponder.

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 5:29:38

Originally posted by mrford:
Originally posted by Marines Suck:
Originally posted by mrford:
you literally arnt smart enough to know what it feels like for a flufftard to take 5K acres from something you spent 50 days on through no fault of your own.

i wouldnt expect you to understand.

Its your fault because you choose to be in an alliance with a fluffhead, take some personal responsibility man!

so, by your own logic, it is all of imags fault because they chose to be in a clan with an asshole, right?

hahahaha nice try to twist that mrford. See you're an asshole

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 5:23:44

hahaha I've been called worse by a better people than you. That makes me laugh. You are still to blind to see the asshole that you are. No the game would be better of without crying pussies like you. As for your statement about my complaint is really funny. They have been assholes since we arrived back as a clan. So what is going to change? Your buddies agreeing that Imag sucks or fluff Imag? Does that give you a rush thinking that oh my cronies agree with me?

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 5:03:10

No I wouldn't have cried and wouldn't have came to AT and acted like an asshole as you have. You're dead wrong.

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 4:54:49

You want to talk about land grabs then talk. Your clan member grab an Imagger first. The imager grabbed you. Big deal. You grabbed back. The only one I see being an asshole and a cry baby is you mrford. Get over it

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 4:50:30

Originally posted by mrford:
you literally arnt smart enough to know what it feels like for a flufftard to take 5K acres from something you spent 50 days on through no fault of your own.

i wouldnt expect you to understand.

NO I could care less about your country. Oh I understand all of it asshole.

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 4:48:17

Originally posted by mrford:
You won’t read the thread, but you expect me to give you a synopsis after your ignorant presentation of an opinion. Lol.

as far as i know, there has been no FA contact. i doube even elves can remove the retard from imag.

WRONG there has been contact

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 4:43:27

Originally posted by mrford:
there is a reason multiple clans think you are flufftarded.

and the problem isnt me

you think i sound like a crybaby, i think you act like a child. funny because children are the only ones im aware of that still use the term crybaby when confronted with a situation like this.

how do you possibly compare a 5K plus acre topfeed on a virtual all-x country with a grab after a CF? how is that logical in your brain? i will even quote myself so that maybe your tiny, tiny brain has a chance at understanding something outside of your selfish views

Originally posted by mrford:
To tell someone to just shake off a fluff move made after 50 days spent on a netting country that hasn't grabbed a single player is pretty stupid. Just because you don't care about your country or finish doesn't mean I lose the right to care about mine. That is idiotic, that is selfish, and that is why players leave.

No I know you are a cry baby because you came right to AT and started crying. Enough said fluff for brains.

breeze Game profile


Sep 27th 2015, 3:02:50

mrford you sound like a child throwing a temper. As for you other cronies for jumping in. You all sound like idiots. #328 started all this. If its ok for him to hit why isn't it ok for my guy to hit? OH because he sent a message that it was a retal from an another attack from a LCN member. Big fluffing deal. Get over it fluff. One of my guys was grabbed by a GiLas member after a CF took place. No one from Imag got on here a threw a fit like mrford has. You're a joke and a cry baby. Now this #328 is defusing missiles. mrford why don't you fluff at him for starting this in the first place. Get over it.

breeze Game profile


Sep 26th 2015, 3:59:13

Originally posted by mrford:
You call it being a fluff; I call it expecting people not being an asshole to a virtually all-x country for little reason other than they are too lazy to retal or go through FA channels. Grabbing the largest country you can out of spite is being an asshole. On what planet is a random 6K acre retal okay? How is it a comparable responce? You know it isn’t, stop acting like you would be okay with it if the roles were reversed. Then again the roles never would be reversed because you can't net your way out of a paper bag so what do you care if you fluff on some netters?

Your clan does nothing but asshole moves, it is why you get fluff on every set.

I call it you being a cry baby. As for netting we could care less about netting. Do you ever stop fluffing and whinning? You got land grabbed. You got your land back. Wipe your eyes and move on. Suck it up be a man and stop acting like a spoiled brat child.

breeze Game profile


Sep 26th 2015, 2:16:12

Originally posted by mrford:
stop doing stupid fluff for people to have to get over.

accept responsibility and quit blaming others for reacting to your stupidity.

or go fluff yourself. it makes no difference to me. ill be happy to farm you to the ground if that is what you want.

that's right tell your team mate to stop starting stupid fluff and land grabbing a clan that just got out of a war. That's what started the whole thing. My guy gets land grabbed by a team mate of yours who was over doubled his size. Big deal my guy grabbed you and made it worth it. Quit being a fluff. OH let me run to AT and cry.

breeze Game profile


Sep 25th 2015, 23:47:26

Had an LCN not sent the PS in the first place this wouldn't even be a thread. I believe the retal is pretty much even now. So quit whinning. Get over your problems with Imag.

breeze Game profile


Sep 25th 2015, 3:00:22

So let me get this straight. LCN makes a PS on an Imag country first. Imag country sends a PS at a LCN country back. So its ok for an LCN country to send a PS, but a Imag country cannot. Unbelievable.

breeze Game profile


Sep 23rd 2015, 2:09:21


breeze Game profile


Sep 19th 2015, 13:57:34

Originally posted by ChokeMOut:
It's just sad when the losers thank the winners.

Whats sad is when others don't realize its a game.

breeze Game profile


Sep 19th 2015, 4:48:57


breeze Game profile


Sep 16th 2015, 0:45:07

I am Headbanger

breeze Game profile


Sep 14th 2015, 2:27:46


breeze Game profile


Sep 12th 2015, 4:02:30

Cease Fire now in effect. Thanks GiLas we enjoyed ourselves :)

breeze Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 21:10:00

Message sent Kat

breeze Game profile


Sep 10th 2015, 3:21:25

Would the president of GiLas or FA message me. Thank you

breeze Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 2:47:24

Originally posted by Buch:
Just wait I'll be back soon

Buch you probably would have been if you would have just messaged me, if you would have just read between the lines on previous posts. I said I wouldn't discuss anything with you on AT. You are not the ex Imagger I was referring to in the above post.

breeze Game profile


Sep 9th 2015, 0:40:47


breeze Game profile


Sep 7th 2015, 5:19:39

Shame on an ex Imagger who we had trust in. You are no longer welcome on LKS.

breeze Game profile


Sep 7th 2015, 1:22:55


breeze Game profile


Sep 3rd 2015, 22:05:20

Originally posted by Marshal:
more like headbanger.

you are 100% correct Marshal

breeze Game profile


Sep 3rd 2015, 3:07:14

So the president Of Imagnum isn't suppose to defend his Clan? You are a stalker. Way over board here. All of that is Imags business. I will speak my mind as I see fit and you cant and will not stop me. Get a life and the stalking needs to end now.

breeze Game profile


Sep 3rd 2015, 0:39:58

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by breeze:
There you go OTH LAST WORD

A typical response from a 13 yr old child

Typical response from a high school drama queen. Cant keep your nose out of others business. Imag doesn't concern you so why do you keep putting your nose in our business? Why are you so interested in our business? Can you answer or just going to throw out another insult?

breeze Game profile


Sep 2nd 2015, 21:14:09

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
Originally posted by breeze:

"You know what peanut man SHUT UP and who cares about your posts or your bonuses."

awww did we hurt your feelings?

That's really funny that you say that garbage mouth. There is no way in hell that either of you idiots could hurt my feelings over a game. Its a game, and that's how I take it. Not real life. I do believe that Imag has whooped both of your butts a few times. Thus the hard feelings for myself and Imag. Both of you put your noses in Imags business all the time.

Oh Peanut leader (OTH) stay out of Imags posts and business and you wont have to hear what I have to say. There you go OTH LAST WORD

breeze Game profile


Sep 2nd 2015, 3:39:30

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by breeze:
You run your mouth an awful lot

hmmmmmm........the stats show that I made 315 posts since May 21,2012. I post so little that I was forced to make 44 "bonus" posts or else I would loose bonus points.
That works out to 271 posts in 1195 days or 1 post every 4.4 days

your stats show you made 341 posts since Oct 14,2014. You were only forced to make a mere 2 "bonus" posts.
That works out to 339 posts in 321 days or 4.6 posts every 4.4 days

The stats show that you're making 4.6 times the number of posts than me and you have the nerve to say that "I run my mouth an awful lot" LMFAO

I state sprew garbage.

Please don't embarrass yourself breeze by trying to get the last word in this time because the facts clearly speak for themselves.....between you and I, you're the blowhard here.

HMMMM (deep voice and serious) well let me see Ive made 315 posts since May 21st 2012. You know what peanut man SHUT UP and who cares about your posts or your bonuses.

breeze Game profile


Sep 2nd 2015, 2:59:14

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by breeze:
You run your mouth an awful lot

hmmmmmm........the stats show that I made 315 posts since May 21,2012. I post so little that I was forced to make 44 "bonus" posts or else I would loose bonus points.
That works out to 271 posts in 1195 days or 1 post every 4.4 days

your stats show you made 341 posts since Oct 14,2014. You were only forced to make a mere 2 "bonus" posts.
That works out to 339 posts in 321 days or 4.6 posts every 4.4 days

The stats show that you're making 4.6 times the number of posts than me and you have the nerve to say that "I run my mouth an awful lot" LMFAO

I state sprew garbage.

Please don't embarrass yourself breeze by trying to get the last word in this time because the facts clearly speak for themselves.....between you and I, you're the blowhard here.

Keep talking Peanut. Had to dig for your stats did ya Peanut man. Why don't you piss off and mind your own business. You spew crap from your mouth. You're nothing an attention seeking idiot. You are not Einstein dumb ass

breeze Game profile


Sep 2nd 2015, 0:03:15

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
I see the little high heeled wearing drama queen breeze must still always have to get the last word in on every single fluffing comment made.

Well if it isn't the leader of the peanut gallery. I don't know who's worse you or garbage mouth. So what's your business in the GiLas/Imag war? Do you even play this game Peanut leader? You run your mouth an awful lot for a peanut.

breeze Game profile


Sep 1st 2015, 23:01:00

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
Bend over breeze

No thanks Garbage mouth. Don't you have a rock to crawl back under? Are you a part of GiLas garbage mouth. If so what's your country number? If not keep your garbage to yourself.