
breeze Game profile


Aug 6th 2015, 4:03:02

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
Originally posted by locket:
The brow and the literal beating others give you?

I agree 100%

Message sent.

breeze Game profile


Aug 6th 2015, 3:58:40

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
Originally posted by locket:
The brow and the literal beating others give you?

I agree 100%

Its time to get over your problem with Imag. Ive asked you a couple times to msg me your problem with Imag. Are you not man enough to step up and do so? You are part of the problem with the game. Since you wont step up I will. Message headed your way.

breeze Game profile


Aug 6th 2015, 3:26:37

Originally posted by Warster:
No problem, we have enjoyed the little bits of banter ingame

I agree 100%

breeze Game profile


Aug 6th 2015, 3:25:56

Originally posted by locket:
The brow and the literal beating others give you?

No locket its time to stop and quit stirring the pot. This type of crap isn't what Im talking about.

breeze Game profile


Aug 6th 2015, 1:40:22

Please direct your FA's to elvesrus.

breeze Game profile


Aug 6th 2015, 1:38:43

oops sorry elvesrus :)

breeze Game profile


Aug 6th 2015, 1:37:17

Id like to thank Monsters for the war we have been having. Its a nice change from the brow beating others give when they war. You all have my utmost respect. No slurs or attitudes. Its been refreshing.

breeze Game profile


Aug 5th 2015, 22:43:51

Originally posted by Buch:
How do I join ifag

Never heard of Ifag.

breeze Game profile


Aug 5th 2015, 22:42:58

Originally posted by New Member:
How do I join Imag?

breeze Game profile


Aug 5th 2015, 22:42:29

Originally posted by dangerousdan:
need your FR contact

elvesrus is the FA for Imag. Or you can contact iTarl or myself.

breeze Game profile


Aug 2nd 2015, 20:32:46

So what were the rules violations?

breeze Game profile


Aug 2nd 2015, 20:17:44

Originally posted by Cerberus:
I much prefer to look at it from a very simple perspective. He had a privacy fence around his "back yard" and a pool, and a young daughter. His daughter was being "watched" by this drone over his back yard, thus invading the privacy that he put the fence up to achieve, and could possibly be used by unscrupulous actors to "scout" out a potential victim of crime, either for kidnapping the little girl, or burglarizing the house, or perhaps taking photos and videos through the bedroom windows, whatever it might be, it's dead wrong, he was well within his rights to shoot the sucker down. He used birdshot for the load, the chances of that seriously injuring anyone is slight. The danger to others was minimal.

100% correct

breeze Game profile


Aug 2nd 2015, 3:58:53

We war at Imagnum.

breeze Game profile


Aug 1st 2015, 16:28:23


breeze Game profile


Aug 1st 2015, 16:26:55

Congrats :)

breeze Game profile


Jul 29th 2015, 3:32:01

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
that too but since that jackass leader breeze took over, imag IS definitely on alliance's spam list.


hahaha was just talking about you an hour ago oh great peanut gallery leader. Lets just say you're less liked than I am. I think that's funny. Im glad I get under your skin as well as Untagged morons skin. :)

breeze Game profile


Jul 28th 2015, 21:16:42

Originally posted by Shweezy:
All netting alliances are spam tags. War or gtfo.

I agree hahahaha

breeze Game profile


Jul 28th 2015, 21:16:16

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by Marines Suck:


Most spam tags got above 50 actually.

The tag and pass were spammed via ingame messages...

that too but also if tag had under 10 members it was seen as spamtag.

that too but since that jackass leader breeze took over, imag IS definitely on alliance's spam list.

MSG me ur beef or STFU

breeze Game profile


Jul 28th 2015, 3:28:50

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
IMAG is a good example of a SPAM tag. They love to suicide on other small netting clans just because they can't net for fluff.

We don't try to net. Who in the hell ever said we tried to net. We play as a war game. Im my 10 years at Imag there has never been any talk of netting.

breeze Game profile


Jul 28th 2015, 3:24:57

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
IMAG is a good example of a SPAM tag. They love to suicide on other small netting clans just because they can't net for fluff.

What is your beef with Imag. Just cut through the BS and say. As a matter of fact instead of saying it on AT msg me and get the BS off your chest or move on. Im tired of reading it on AT.

breeze Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 23:48:35

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
Originally posted by breeze:
I don't like the ewpp at all.

We don't like your spam tag at all.

We huh. Got a turd in your pocket. Quite frankly I really don't care what you think. You are nothing to me or Imag.

breeze Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 23:45:19

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
They are a spam tag

Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
BTW, imag is classified as spam tag.

Originally posted by elvesrus:
still waiting to hear how you justify iMag as a spam tag considering the circumstances noted above which you conveniently ignored.

although imag may not officially meet the definition of a spam tag according to the EWPP, their asinine behaviour and pisspoor leadership judgement(both traits that ALL spam tags have in common) place imag at the top of the "spam tag" category.

The all mighty great one of the peanut gallery has spoken. Which means nothing. Go crawl back under your rock. Your opinion is a mute point. I will be waiting for your glorious response oh great one. That is all :)

breeze Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 15:26:52

I don't like the ewpp at all.

breeze Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 4:57:47

Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by Untagged Hunter:
BTW, imag is classified as spam tag.

iMag meets the following criteria to not be a spam tag

Originally posted by tellarion:
--Any alliance without formal relations to another alliance in the game

--Any tag under 10 members by day 7 that has not played the previous set

which are the only definitions that have been written down, so how are we a spam tag?

Exactly 100% correct elvesrus

breeze Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 4:56:04

Originally posted by Warster:
Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Used to be that way Reckless
But the netters changed the rules so now it's the eewp thing which punishes oop attackers by allowing any eewp tag to attack them.
So much for grudge wars

Not true, this was made by a collection of alliances both netters and warrers

In saying that, as netters, monsters didn't care for the ewpp

It still covers everyone whether you signed it or not.

breeze Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 2:57:52

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
You need to DIE! I will be looking for Imag blood next round. :) Freaking panks can't leave the peaceful alone thus you need to be killed right away.

They are a spam tag. Ewpp doesn't apply to spam tags.

OK stupid there is your quote moron. Now learn how to read idiot. You're right its from left to right SHEWELL. Now LISTEN dumb ass EWPP doesn't consider us a SPAM tag. You clearly don't know what your talking about. Now say you didn't say this. Again here is your quote They are a spam tag. Ewpp doesn't apply to spam tags

Wow Shewell that is so sad. Since you clearly don't get it. You made the comment about Imag being a spam tag. I didn't make the comment YOU did. You clearly don't know what your talking about. Maybe you should read the ewpp pact. Its from left to right. If you cant find it, I can provide it for you. Your photobucket picture is ignorant. This is not the first time you have talked about people with special needs. You are disgusting and an arrogant idiot. Have you ever in your pathetic life had any contact with special needs people? I have as I help the special Olympics every year for the past 15 years. You call them retards and Im appalled. You are truly a fluffING idiot. You disgust me.

I spell it out for you tard

I already clarified that I was trolling you tard... if you would read you would see that. Instead of raging out like a homicidal woman on her period.... read. You are so fluffing stupid. You must be a woman.

Put your bicycle helmet on and go play in traffic.

You definitely have anger issues Shewell. Life is hard for you Shewell and I guess its really hard for you when your that stupid. Troll does that make you the butt ugly guy that lives under a bridge. I bet your really the guy who tried to be a bully growing up and kept getting your butt whopped. Crawl back under your bridge troll boy.

breeze Game profile


Jul 27th 2015, 2:51:02

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Every thread that Shewell chimes in on goes to crap in a hurry

Isnt that the truth Blade. The thing is he is to stupid to realize this.

breeze Game profile


Jul 26th 2015, 4:29:27

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
You need to DIE! I will be looking for Imag blood next round. :) Freaking panks can't leave the peaceful alone thus you need to be killed right away.

They are a spam tag. Ewpp doesn't apply to spam tags.

OK stupid there is your quote moron. Now learn how to read idiot. You're right its from left to right SHEWELL. Now LISTEN dumb ass EWPP doesn't consider us a SPAM tag. You clearly don't know what your talking about. Now say you didn't say this. Again here is your quote They are a spam tag. Ewpp doesn't apply to spam tags

Wow Shewell that is so sad. Since you clearly don't get it. You made the comment about Imag being a spam tag. I didn't make the comment YOU did. You clearly don't know what your talking about. Maybe you should read the ewpp pact. Its from left to right. If you cant find it, I can provide it for you. Your photobucket picture is ignorant. This is not the first time you have talked about people with special needs. You are disgusting and an arrogant idiot. Have you ever in your pathetic life had any contact with special needs people? I have as I help the special Olympics every year for the past 15 years. You call them retards and Im appalled. You are truly a fluffING idiot. You disgust me.

breeze Game profile


Jul 26th 2015, 3:24:06

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
You need to DIE! I will be looking for Imag blood next round. :) Freaking panks can't leave the peaceful alone thus you need to be killed right away.

They are a spam tag. Ewpp doesn't apply to spam tags.

OK stupid there is your quote moron. Now learn how to read idiot. You're right its from left to right SHEWELL. Now LISTEN dumb ass EWPP doesn't consider us a SPAM tag. You clearly don't know what your talking about. Now say you didn't say this. Again here is your quote They are a spam tag. Ewpp doesn't apply to spam tags

breeze Game profile


Jul 26th 2015, 3:15:36

Originally posted by Warster:
Monsters doesn't care about the EWPP as we never signed it :)

WE didn't either and it still applied to us.

breeze Game profile


Jul 26th 2015, 2:07:29

Originally posted by ssewellusmc:
Originally posted by Cerberus:
You need to DIE! I will be looking for Imag blood next round. :) Freaking panks can't leave the peaceful alone thus you need to be killed right away.

They are a spam tag. Ewpp doesn't apply to spam tags.

Ah but it does Shewell

breeze Game profile


Jul 26th 2015, 2:05:06

Originally posted by Buch:
If someone is killing them next set pm me I want in

Hey its the drunk again

breeze Game profile


Jul 26th 2015, 2:04:05

Originally posted by Warster:
Imag only like fighting alliances that aren't war prepared

They are war prepared now

breeze Game profile


Jul 26th 2015, 1:58:57

Imag is not a spam clan. We have followed the rules. WE play a war game and we like to war. We do not net. Maybe there needs to be a little more excitement in the game. Some of you lame brains act like this is a life or death situation. Get over it. We wish Monsters the best of luck. We expect a good CS from them. Have fun all and quit being so hateful. That is all :)

breeze Game profile


Jul 25th 2015, 1:52:46

Originally posted by Shweezy:
Xamn you iMag we can bearly afford the oil as is

Sorry man :(

breeze Game profile


Jul 25th 2015, 1:36:34

Imag has declared war on Monsters. Seems like it should be a good time fighting them. They have more members and we were evenly matched in networth. That is all.

breeze Game profile


Jul 23rd 2015, 3:37:11

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by mrcuban:
We had a dnh pact. We broke it with a single grab. We offered reps or drop def to take back land. Member took it before was arranged. We offer 120% L;L, MD have other policy and took PS. I contacted MD to discuss, its our policy vs their policy scenario. I think 120% was fair, they thought otherwise. We ROR'd to bring it back to 125% original grab which I thought was fair. MD did not and said they would take a futher 2 PS according to their policy. We disagreed. And hence our destruction.

I don't buy the "our policy vs their policy scenario" at all

You had a "dnh" pact and there would have been retal terms associated with that pact.

It's the terms outlined in the "dnh" pact policy that matter.

You attempted to offer reps, drop defence and offer 120% L:L to try and soften the retal blow against your offending country.

MD just took what they were intitled to under the pact terms and you had a little hissy fit.

Well here goes the peanut gallery spouting off. The only hissy fit I see is you dumb ass. Oh the mighty great one OTH has spoken. You are nothing but a blow hard. LIke to hear yourself talk. Complete moron you are oh great one.

breeze Game profile


Jul 23rd 2015, 3:29:42

Originally posted by mrcuban:
We had a dnh pact. We broke it with a single grab. We offered reps or drop def to take back land. Member took it before was arranged. We offer 120% L;L, MD have other policy and took PS. I contacted MD to discuss, its our policy vs their policy scenario. I think 120% was fair, they thought otherwise. We ROR'd to bring it back to 125% original grab which I thought was fair. MD did not and said they would take a futher 2 PS according to their policy. We disagreed. And hence our destruction.

Yeah it wont matter what your policy. It seems others wont honor it. I know exactly what your talking about.

breeze Game profile


Jul 22nd 2015, 0:18:47

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by mrford:
lol, i think Osama is a terrible president as much as the next guy, but what exactly is he supposed to do?

Fly down to Tennessee and pee on the terrorists body?

Or would carrying on with your normal life more of an insult to terrorism than reacting to it?

How about lowing the flag to half mass?

Apparently he ordered it today. A little late. The state I live in lowered it to half mass the following day. Just pathetic

breeze Game profile


Jul 22nd 2015, 0:15:57

Originally posted by Buch:
See told ya they are scared

Scared of what? You nor anyone in this game scares me. Its a game, its not life or death outside of this game, unless your a stalker. Then it becomes real. HMMMMMMM maybe you are a stalker buch!!! It seems like you do always show up. Probably drunk again as well. The end Buch. Imag doesn't want you. Your antics are old. Now have a nice day and move on. Thank you

breeze Game profile


Jul 21st 2015, 22:45:29

Imag is looking. Come and join up

breeze Game profile


Jul 21st 2015, 21:31:27

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I love the way this tragedy was quickly swept under the " nobody cares, nothing to see here, isolated incident" rug.

Meanwhile the media keeps adding fuel to their race agenda and the sheeple follow.


Isnt that the truth. I agree 100%

breeze Game profile


Jul 21st 2015, 21:30:10

Originally posted by Soy Sauce:
Buch vs breeze next set show down?

No thank you. I have nothing to prove to him or anyone. He isn't worth my time.

breeze Game profile


Jul 21st 2015, 2:42:45

hahahaha that would be a first

breeze Game profile


Jul 19th 2015, 2:55:23

Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by Buch:

Your not worth our time. So end of story. go live your fairy tale somewhere else Buch. The end

breeze Game profile


Jul 19th 2015, 2:55:07

Originally posted by Buch:

Your not worth are time. So end of story. go live your fairy tale somewhere else Buch. The end

breeze Game profile


Jul 18th 2015, 17:28:05

Originally posted by Buch:
You suck..... Im still alive :)

Still drunk as well I see.

breeze Game profile


Jul 18th 2015, 14:02:58

Very sad indeed :(

breeze Game profile


Jul 18th 2015, 13:59:54

Originally posted by Peanut:
what a war lol

Sides were evenly matched. Same amount of members on each side. Networth was about the same on each side. We followed the rules to a tee. So whats the problem?

breeze Game profile


Jul 18th 2015, 13:56:55

If you like to war apply at We are Imagnum and we war