
breeze Game profile


Jun 1st 2015, 4:02:22

Originally posted by Buch:
Breeze is a tard

Imagine that the drunk responds first. If your referring to tard as meaning a retard, that's not really nice. You should respond as a person who needs assistance, who was born that way. Very harsh as Im sure some on here have children who need assistance. Poor choice of words. Are you drunk again buch.

breeze Game profile


May 31st 2015, 17:57:22

Originally posted by bstrong86:
Originally posted by Duff:
we were prepared to call it a day when we did the 1st kill run. then Severiously DK (#142) (TDK) did another solo kill run
we responded to that. then next thing we know MD tag jumped into the war (would have been better for MD to join in as a clan rather than tag jump) which was a real dirty move on there part but what the hell if thats the way they want to play. never mind on wards and up wards

How do you even believe the shot that comes out of your fingertips.

Scroll back to when you killed exile for following the 200% your guy breeze signed off on.

Well Bstrong86 why didn't you first contact me after your guy was killed? It was a total high school move you made by running and making it public on AT. Im sure we could have worked something out. But no run to the forum and whine like a baby. There were no other attacks at TDK following the one kill until dipfluff Buch with his mighty drunken wisdom decided to attack. No message from you to work anything out. Why is that?

breeze Game profile


May 31st 2015, 17:47:44

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
But they do try to make things right
Same thing with us the past rounds

Thanks Blade. We will work with others and pay reps when we screw up. Now sit back and watch the insults come my way. Whos first :)

breeze Game profile


May 30th 2015, 14:18:24

Was Marshal. That was before.

breeze Game profile


May 30th 2015, 3:36:10

hahaha no we wont OOP war.

breeze Game profile


May 29th 2015, 21:23:30

My guy typed in the wrong number

breeze Game profile


May 28th 2015, 2:25:05

Originally posted by Buch:
I hope the one I got was breeze

hahaha nope it wasn't you.

breeze Game profile


May 25th 2015, 3:19:11

Originally posted by justtaint:
Oh poor imag. You thought you could blindside a small netting alliance, but you forgot about all the crap you've done to people in the past.

People need to get over the past. We didn't blindside anyone into war. WE WERENT GOING TO WAR TDK AT ALL. Funny how no war stats are shown when buch did his drunken dumb fluff.

breeze Game profile


May 25th 2015, 3:13:48

Originally posted by justtaint:
Imag asked DK for a pact, DK said 200%L:L, imag agreed.
Imag hit DK, DK took 200%L:L (3 hits), imag killed the country, and dec'ed war on DK. MD has chosen to defend a FDP by having some of us tag over and assist.

hahahahaha no we didn't decide to war TDK until after drunk ass buch did his stupid fluff. Funny how you don't tell the whole story. Just typical of AT like usual.

breeze Game profile


May 24th 2015, 22:22:20

So tag jumping is ok and allowed. First Ive heard it being ok?

breeze Game profile


May 24th 2015, 20:09:11

Whatever fellas. We don't accept 3 retals within 24 hours plain and simple. 2 attacks within 24 hours is fine. Wait 1 minute after the 24 hours for another retal, then its all good. I know what the 200% is. Like I said we had no intentions of warring TDK or we wouldn't have stopped after the first. So get off that mute point. The tag jumping is bullfluff and you all know it. If funny how things died down and became all quiet until jackass buch did his crap. So we killed him and would have killed the rest, until MD had tag jumpers to TDK. So get off my ass and Imagnums ass.

breeze Game profile


May 24th 2015, 18:06:45

mute point. I go by Imag policy. so dead point.

breeze Game profile


May 24th 2015, 18:05:08

Originally posted by bstrong86:
Asse getting whooped because we dont war. And when we do it kills our membership. So, yeah. You kill my guy, my friend. We make sure you die as well

That's funny cause you aren't doing the killing. You have MD guys doing it. What logic you have there. WOW pretty stupid.

breeze Game profile


May 24th 2015, 18:02:06

Originally posted by bstrong86:
What os there not to understand about 200%want to fluff about it, take it up with breeze.

and whats not to understand 3 retals in less than 24 hours. Not acceptable by our policy.

breeze Game profile


May 24th 2015, 17:54:02

Originally posted by bstrong86:
Dont get mad now? You killed my guy for following pact stips, that you, breeze signed off on

I know what I signed, but not for 3 retals in less than 24 hours. So that's a dead horse. There was no intention to war with TDK until, dumbass buch got drunk and went stupid. So wipe your tears and move on.

breeze Game profile


May 24th 2015, 17:50:09

[quote poster=Untagged Hunter; 36228; 656361]Who would police for imag? Bearcat? Haha [/quote

HMMMMMMMMM a 6 on 6 war. There shouldn't be any policing dumbass. Also its not about the policing. Its about tag jumpers. Not acceptable by any alliance and you all know that. Quit making Imag out to be the bad guys all the time. TDK was getting their ass whooped plain and simple, and some jackasses couldn't stand that. So hey lets tag jump. Bullfluff and you all know it. Not acceptable by any clan.

breeze Game profile


May 24th 2015, 17:00:17

I will do that tellarion Thank you :)

breeze Game profile


May 24th 2015, 16:43:52

piss off suncrucher. You weren't work a fluff in Imag and still aren't.

breeze Game profile


May 24th 2015, 16:41:48

No respect for either clan now.

breeze Game profile


May 24th 2015, 16:40:17

Originally posted by justtaint:
Imag, payback is a fluff. This is in return for what you did to DK, and what you continue to do to netting clans.

Bullfluff. Tag jumpers are dealt with by all alliances in the middle of a war. Don't say others here haven't heard of this. If you say that you're a liar.

breeze Game profile


May 24th 2015, 16:29:35

WOW TDK couldn't get the job done so now MD members jump on TDK side to help the pussies out. Well kiss me ass. Say what you want but you all know that's chicken fluff. Now go act big and bad and how you all want to kill Imag. But you all know that's a chicken fluff move.

Edited By: breeze on May 24th 2015, 17:01:22
See Original Post

breeze Game profile


May 22nd 2015, 3:23:44

Things that make ya go hmmmmmm

breeze Game profile


May 21st 2015, 3:37:04

Whether you love us or hate us, Imagnum still exists. Its all good. Imag will carry on as we always have. I couldn't ask for a better group of dedicated players. Maybe its time to wake the old Imaggers and bring more life to this game.

breeze Game profile


May 21st 2015, 2:12:53

m0bzta come on over to Imag

Edited By: breeze on May 21st 2015, 2:14:53
See Original Post

breeze Game profile


May 20th 2015, 4:07:08

There ya go buch. You got your wish. You're dead

breeze Game profile


May 20th 2015, 3:18:46

lol hahahahaha Strange love

breeze Game profile


May 19th 2015, 22:06:52

Originally posted by Buch:
Blow me

No thanks. Im into women.

breeze Game profile


May 19th 2015, 21:27:24

There was no intention on warring with DK. Never has been. But I guess things happen.

breeze Game profile


May 19th 2015, 2:37:57

breeze Game profile


May 19th 2015, 1:32:05

Imag haters I say... and we like it....:)

breeze Game profile


May 18th 2015, 23:44:48

We have no intentions on warring TDK

breeze Game profile


May 18th 2015, 23:41:29

hahahahaha what kind of music is that wow. Im glad you love to hate, and it sends chills up and down your spine. lol

breeze Game profile


May 18th 2015, 23:07:11

Lots of hate towards Imag. That's ok we like it...:)

breeze Game profile


May 10th 2015, 13:54:31

Double tap and a 3rd hit in less than 24 hours from #225. Unacceptable

breeze Game profile


May 8th 2015, 0:55:16

hahahaha we like to war :)

breeze Game profile


May 8th 2015, 0:50:09

Good luck to both.

breeze Game profile


Apr 11th 2015, 2:54:10

If interested contact me or iduff

breeze Game profile


Apr 8th 2015, 1:39:37

Pm sent

breeze Game profile


Apr 2nd 2015, 0:04:30

I need to speak with your leader. Thanks.

breeze Game profile


Mar 22nd 2015, 5:59:37

Originally posted by En4cer:
ill keep a look out for ur application there mate

breeze Game profile


Mar 21st 2015, 3:25:54

Originally posted by Marshal:
I've been using Marshal all that time I've played earth (2025 and ee). Either Scode or Suni or or some1 else deleted my account or it vanished during some lks crashes (there's been "few" during years).

HMMMMMMM maybe Scode or Suni did delete it. I know I didn't delete it. I had no clue you were once in Imag and I have been in Imag for a long time. Not doubting you were, I have no reason to doubt it.

breeze Game profile


Mar 20th 2015, 23:41:19

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by breeze:

hahahaha well since you're such a loser Marshal, why don't you come apply for Imag.

i was in imag years ago when scode led it so nothing to see in there.

And what name did you go by then? I didn't see Marshal on the members list anywhere.

breeze Game profile


Mar 20th 2015, 0:41:50

Originally posted by Marshal:
imag wars always and loses always.

hahahaha well since you're such a loser Marshal, why don't you come apply for Imag.

breeze Game profile


Mar 12th 2015, 23:24:19

Originally posted by Souly:
I never thought i'd say this in 1 of this Rival threads but watching OTH sweep the flor with you breeze just asks for it soooo:

/me popcorn :))))

Hi Souly how ya been. Glad to see ya come out of the hole you were in.

breeze Game profile


Mar 12th 2015, 23:23:21

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by breeze:
I never ordered a KR and my guys hit. So shut up and what do you care anyway? Why don't you go crawl back in your hole and mind your own business. Has it affected you no.'re the one that shot his big mouth off with these comments and laughed about it in an effort to belittle Rival:

Originally posted by breeze:
I find it funny all the GS on me and a untagged suicider gets the kill. Awesome hahahahahaha

Originally posted by breeze:
Not bragging about dying, but find it funny Rival beat me down and an untagged got the kill. Great work finish the KR if your going to start one.

therefore the country that you must have been playing was Headbangersland #482

you're just too stupid to realize that the situation you found so funny was also reversed. 4 out of the 5 Imag countries (including Headbangersland #482 the country you own ) ran over 146 hits on #40, failing to get the kill only to find that an untagged suicider got the kill a mere 8 minutes after imag gave up hitting #40

You really need to think before shooting off your big mouth.

Originally posted by breeze:
I never ordered a KR and my guys hit

with a comment like that,you're trying to leave us with the impression that your guys did the hitting.
Whether you ordered a kill run or not is irrelevant.....the bottom line is that 4 out of 5 imag countries making 146 hits in a 24hr period against #40 is a killrun attempt. AND YOU WERE ONE OF THE PLAYERS DOING THE HITTING!!!

You certainly took a page out of iscode's playbook. Like you, iscode too had a problem of shooting off his big mouth, even when he was wrong and he always had to get the last word in even if it was babbling nonsense like you're sprewing out in this thread.

I stand corrected I did run turns on #40.

breeze Game profile


Mar 12th 2015, 3:27:17

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by breeze:
Not bragging about dying, but find it funny Rival beat me down and an untagged got the kill. Great work finish the KR if your going to start one.

You have heard of offline targets before right? Jesus. Take your pride where you can get it but Id consider it insulting to be killed by an untagged personally. If it takes so long he can get you then you have walling problems.

Have you heard of working for a living locket? Its a game not a way of life. If you have time to sit around and play EE all day then you are certainly a loser.

breeze Game profile


Mar 12th 2015, 3:20:45

Originally posted by Over The Hill:

you are a complete imbecile breeze!!!!!!!

did iscode leave you his "stupid" book for you to read

listed below are just a few of the KR attacks imag made on #40. For a complete list of attacks imag made on him bring up the country on boxcar.
Imag countries #478,480,482,486 all made attacks on #40 during this KR

you try and tell us that #40 was too small to kill off yet the untagged country managed to kill it off using only 23 attacks a mere 8 minutes after...I repeat...a mere 8 minutes after Imag country #480 spent 26 attacks trying to kill #40 really need to read the news on these countries before you open up you big mouth and insert your foot in it.

Mar 10/15 2:30:10 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 9 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:41 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:40 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:38 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:36 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:35 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:33 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:31 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:29 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:15 PM CM Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 25 C/24 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:07 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:05 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:04 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:02 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:29:01 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:58 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:57 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:55 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:54 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:53 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:52 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:50 PM BR Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/3 B
Mar 10/15 2:28:21 PM CM Last Hurrah for the Commies (#416) () sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 38 C/26 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:57 PM CM Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 63 C/27 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:49 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:48 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:47 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:46 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:45 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:45 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:44 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:41 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:37 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:36 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:35 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:35 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:34 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 10 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:34 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 11 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:33 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 11 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:33 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 11 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:32 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 11 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:31 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 11 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:31 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 12 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:30 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 12 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:29 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 12 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:29 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 12 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:28 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 12 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:26 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 13 C/2 B
Mar 10/15 2:20:25 PM BR Rival Fights Only 4 To 1 Ratio (#480) (iMagNum) sausage fingers (#40) (RIVAL) 13 C/2 B

You know OTH or as I call you dumbass I never ordered a KR and my guys hit. So shut up and what do you care anyway? Why don't you go crawl back in your hole and mind your own business. Has it affected you no.

breeze Game profile


Mar 11th 2015, 22:30:09

Originally posted by Over The Hill:
Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by danzigrules:
Originally posted by breeze:
I find it funny all the GS on me and a untagged suicider gets the kill. Awesome hahahahahaha

Kinda like how that same untagged guy killed #40......

Oh wait, I'm supposed to go hahahahahahahahaha

And you guys let him kill #40. Had we known that we would have killed #40 after we restarted the other day. But he was way to small. We had eyes on another target even if we just restarted. Good thing you guys killed us again, cause to be honest I spied on a lot of your countries after I restarted and we knew who we were going after. But its all good.

Originally posted by breeze:
Not bragging about dying, but find it funny Rival beat me down and an untagged got the kill. Great work finish the KR if your going to start one.

breeze finds it funny that Rival beats him down and an untagged gets the kill but when the situation is reversed and imag beats down #40 and an untagged gets that kill it's okay. LMFAO
Great work imag. Finish the KR if your going to start one

breeze..... you are a complete make no sense at all

No dumbass we never started a KR on #40. Get your head out of your ass and read. Never once did I say we tried to kill him or started a KR. He was to small. If you cant read have someone read it to you, then maybe you will understand.