

New Member

Oct 8th 2014, 13:27:57

I don't know what i'm doing for the first 100 turns. If I play techer, I build farms and sell food privately, then start building labs (and a couple hundred indies for spies) after my first batch explore which i do at ~1400 acres. Is there a better way to do this? Should indies be incorporated into any startup to get spy production started early?

I do not understand how anyone does a tech start any sooner than that.. where does your money come from before selling tech?

I usually have about $1,000,000 and 20-23 BPT at turn 99, that doesn't leave me with a lot of farms.. which doesn't leave me with a lot of cash as i build up to 1400 acres and then funding the transfer to labs. would less BPT and more farms in the first 100 turns be better for this?


New Member

Oct 7th 2014, 19:04:55

I go out of my way to give fair warning to all about my poisoned soil, yet still I got LG'd!

And I of course taunted everyone who LG'd me with this information, thanks for being a good sport about it Furious999.. playing all-x was lonely and boring otherwise. Not my cup of tea.


New Member

Sep 15th 2014, 0:39:04

I'm happy.. didn't play last 300 t urns and jumped with my meager stock a day early.. good round all and nice conversing with everyone in game!


New Member

Sep 13th 2014, 17:41:01

For the record I'm not 84.. I just saw the news and lol'd


New Member

Sep 13th 2014, 17:34:58

Lol.. was just gonna post this.. don't over farm the farm is the lesson


New Member

Sep 12th 2014, 13:36:34

Originally posted by llamky:
All X wouldn't do too bad atm blid.

No oil to be had and I refuse to pay 400 out of princible....

jokes I had to buy it :(

you didnt HAVE to take that retal on me! :)


New Member

Sep 11th 2014, 18:38:06

sell stuff


New Member

Sep 8th 2014, 16:55:40
