
cronie Game profile


Aug 22nd 2017, 17:47:14

cronie Game profile


Aug 14th 2017, 4:57:58

cronie Game profile


Aug 8th 2017, 2:36:11

cronie Game profile


Aug 1st 2017, 4:30:30

cronie Game profile


Jul 27th 2017, 1:53:27

cronie Game profile


Jul 21st 2017, 17:38:09

cronie Game profile


Jun 29th 2017, 3:37:56

cronie Game profile


Jun 21st 2017, 3:43:26

cronie Game profile


Jun 14th 2017, 13:53:34

cronie Game profile


Jun 7th 2017, 21:42:32

Can octomom have a safe list of 15 accounts?

cronie Game profile


May 31st 2017, 16:29:53

Originally posted by Gerdler:

I also usually dont hit players. I retal ofc, but very rarely hit first unless they have it comming. :)

This claim had to be fact checked and took all of 5 minutes to discover the lies.

Round #388

FS on #9 occurred.

Edited By: cronie on Jun 1st 2017, 23:49:22

cronie Game profile


May 25th 2017, 3:24:47

cronie Game profile


May 17th 2017, 17:10:04

cronie Game profile


May 10th 2017, 23:02:05

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Topfeeding has nothing to do with rank or NW. When scrubs hit top players it is called topfeeding.

I don't topfeed bots when I am lower NW than them, I grab them. Because I am better than the bots. If you grab the bots, however...

Hope this clarifies thing for you.

Why can´t you get t10 without getting up in the middle of the night? Ahh.. got it. You are really bad.

If you try you might get better. I encourage you to do this. I'll even help you if you want.
u sound whiney

top feeding has nothing to do with rank? it has everything to do with rank. when lower rank grabs higher rank, that's top feeding.

cronie Game profile


May 4th 2017, 16:16:46

is this an actual multi leading to delete, or is this a perceived coordination/teamwork leading to delete?

cronie Game profile


Apr 30th 2017, 18:36:28

Originally posted by the Temple:
Hey, Those missles are worth like 1000 dollars each to the netters Cronie.
give em more then

cronie Game profile


Apr 30th 2017, 18:35:12

if you can't have the 'total land' record, maybe you can have the 'single land grab' record.

cronie Game profile


Apr 26th 2017, 14:05:28

it is. just express server stat page is different.

game also keeps track of #K. it has missiles with no other purpose than for warring. how do u explain that for a netting only game?

like i said. ban everything. ps and ss only. jets and turrets only. get rid of everything else so a few cry babies can net in peace.

cronie Game profile


Apr 20th 2017, 0:51:33

Originally posted by Kingme:
I never said any of that fluff you posted. I said your final rank is determined by NW.
Is that true? Yes or No?

r there war stats, yes or not?

cronie Game profile


Apr 13th 2017, 22:29:24

Originally posted by Kingme:

Last time I checked, you're ranked at end of set by your Networth. aka Netting.

So there is no such thing as war stats. The game fits a certain mold and there is only one way to enjoy a game. By netting. By being top 10.

fluff, maybe the game needs a serious overhaul then. Under your directions, we should eliminate all units except jets and turrets. All attack types should be removed except SS and PS. Only intel ops and no offensive ops. No missiles. And with that we can lighten up tech (e.g. no SDI, warfare, etc). GDI is of course not necessary now, so get rid of that too. Lean and mean. Game will be all about out-netting each other and land trading. No wars allowed.

cronie Game profile


Apr 6th 2017, 1:48:11

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Originally posted by cronie:
Or, hey, maybe you could try playing the game with the landscape you've in and quit bltching.

Well, I've played with the current rules and won 3 in a row, soooo...

Griefing is punished by all major online games and I don't see a discussion to allow it, rather a discussion on how to find such behaviour more quickly. So you are wrong in not thinking it is a problem, unless Riot games, Blizzard and such businesses have independently made the same wrong choice and are actually in need of your expertise.

Why are you still so whiny then? Right, you started whining when that one time you thought you could do well but didn't, because you evidently didn't join GDI that round too. You're like a baby crying to mom in a toy store because you didn't get your way when she said one toy is enough.

What a load of bull.

Each game has their own rules in place about what you can or cannot do and what the spirit of the game should be. In FPS games, things like TKing is not allowed as those sorts of games may involve teamwork, and TKing is purposely intended to disrupt gameplay. Tking is griefing in those games.

In this game, there are no rules against 'being attacked multiple times without provocation'. Boo hoo. Cry me a river already.

If this game was all about 'netting', then why do they have missiles? Why have offensive ops? Why have AB, GS? Why have any other units other than jets and turrets?

The simple truth is you play to net. But that's you. That's not what this game "is about". The game should not have rules molded around benefiting the few special interests who prefer "netting". It is a strategy game with human players and it involves netting and warring.

Guys like you will mine tiberium only all day in C&C with zero units. And cry when someone rushes you with tanks. "Boo hoo, C&C should be about mining tiberium. The other team attacked me without provocation. I want to win with more resource points because I mined the most tiberium."

Edited By: cronie on Apr 6th 2017, 1:51:58

cronie Game profile


Mar 30th 2017, 5:19:09

Originally posted by Gerdler:

In every way the game is much better, except the players. 80% of all players are great, like they always have been. 20% of the players are still toxic and since knocking over sand castles is significantly easier than building them, your success depends only on not attracting them.

More self serving BS from a self important ahole.

Toxic = mean to me.

Trolling = saying things I don't like.

Illegal behavior = anything that hurts my game play.

Legal = anything that most benefits my style of game play.

Bots need to be changed. Rules need to be changed. Certain behaviors need to be banned. Game is not perfect. People are not perfect. Hey, how about you invent your own game if you're so good? Or, hey, maybe you could try playing the game with the landscape you've in and quit bltching.

/weekly post... bones

cronie Game profile


Mar 23rd 2017, 19:18:01

cronie Game profile


Mar 16th 2017, 22:16:54

Originally posted by Gerdler:

Wow, that's your comeback after 5 days?

I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

May your soul be condemned by God and swiftly sent to the cauldrons of hell.

cronie Game profile


Mar 15th 2017, 22:07:14

Originally posted by sinistril:

tldr; get on my level
Says the guy with HS level education.

cronie Game profile


Mar 9th 2017, 2:10:31

Originally posted by sinistril:
yap yap

You talk a lot but say essentially nothing at all. You deflect and distract. Use ad hominem. Throw in a good measure of strawman arguments. Its almost as if you post for the sake of hearing yourself speak. Maybe your ego was bruised. But it just comes off as you trying very hard to appear intelligent. Tough day at work? You know, it takes people with real pedigree and brains to be in charge. It's very hierarchical, but you know that. Scrubs will continue to take orders from those that bark them. So get used to it. Sucks when you're not tough enough to do a man's work, and not brainy enough to be in charge. Stuck in the middle. Behind the scenes. Ouch.

cronie Game profile


Mar 8th 2017, 1:11:38

What a load of strawman bull.

Originally posted by sinistril:
in practice every socialist regime has been authoritarian, which stems from the fact that socialist systems are by definition totalitarian.

No it's not. Cite a source that states "socialist systems" are "by definition totalitarian". For a self proclaimed well studied academic on the topic of socialism, you seem to BS quite a bit.

Your general tone demonstrates how hell bent you are on arguing semantics and take a stance against practical and non-traditional non-academic usage of terminologies. It's your beef right now. Yet. socialism at it's core says nothing about totalitarianism. At it's core, it is an economic system. Now, you can find different philosophers who incorporate socioeconomic ideas to socialism, but socialism, at least in simple dictionary definition, at it's core is equitable sharing of resources for all. So tell me where "totalitarian" of socialism comes in, "by definition" too no less, professor.

However, discussing the rules of an online game is not socialism. Wanting an extra rule is not socialistic (again, I thought the rule should be taken out not added) either.

Who said discussing a rule is socialist? I always referred back to Gerdler (cough clintonista). Gerdler's intentions were very much socialist in the principles he espouses and in the practical nature of his authoritarian tone. And that is excluding his past rant on "GDI for all" and all the other GDI based rants. I know a socialist when I see one.

His advocacy in this thread alone includes:
(1) So called "toxic" behavior that should be outlawed and punished, whatever 'toxic' means. (i.e. toxic = mean to me)
(2) Land:Land retal as opposed to 1:1 hit/retal is more fair.
(3) Quote "Shouldn't it be harder if it is fun? Why should only one thing be a challenge?" - referencing somehow 'leveling the playing field' between perceived 'skill' involved between 'netting' and 'warring' is further warranted.
(4) Rallying behind the diminished top feeding gain.

At the heart of socialist philosophy is the concept of creating equal opportunity to succeed. Gerdler in his infinite wisdom, misguided by his recent butthurt, felt the playing field was somehow left unfair for players of his ilk. The game needed to be 'more fair'. To 'even the playing fields' some more in this highly unfair system that is currently in place. Rather than playing the game with the rules that were already established, and adapting to it, he wants changes made to enact "equitable treatment". When in reality, he just wants the game to fit a certain mold.

In practice, he sings the same song practical socialists before him have sung. He wanted more rules and regulations to suit his utopia of equitable treatment in this insanely unfair game.

In fact, authoritarianism predates written history.

Give examples where authoritarian regimes have existed before 'written history'.

The idea that you make claim to knowledge and facts of something that is outside of recorded human history, in and of itself should smell funny even to the untrained eye. To argue on and on about semantics and ride on a high horse the entire time while you continue to make illogical and factually incorrect statements left and right is troubling.

I mean, at this point it seems like you're pulling shyt out of your A to sound cool. But I very much would still like to 'learn' from you, what the oldest examples of authoritarianism is, pre-3XXX BC, a statement of facts backed by none other than no actual recorded history.

cronie Game profile


Mar 7th 2017, 21:38:00

Originally posted by Primeval:

I'm being devil's advocate somewhat. All I'm saying is that if someone submitted a report that 2 or more guys were killing him and he suspected coordination, it would be investigated and if things looked fishy, one might risk being wrongfully deleted. Reinstatements are possible through in-game appeals, but a player would still potentially lose out on many turns lost in the process, which is even more important on a server like Express. Just a 12-hour detour from gameplay would cost a player 180 turns (I don't think the game "reimburses you" for this lost time). Coordination can be open/subject to moderator interpretation and is not as often as clear-cut as someone running multiple accounts, for instance. My point is, why risk it?

To answer your question, there is not a rule in being a party to a kill-run with other players specifically. While I do not make the rules, I would not support such a request or suggestion. However, there is a rule against coordination, which is still valid and enforceable. Jumping in on a kill-run randomly because you were camping the news channel seems a bit risky.

I understand you're being a devil's advocate.

Well, there is also truth to excessive and false reports too. Law enforcement deal with that all the time in the real world. False tips. False leads. Fake news. You don't charge everyone just because someone threw in a false tip, maliciously or not.

Maybe one ought to be more realistic to why such behaviors exist in the first place. It's not that people necessarily even need to coordinate against players when they jump onto the bandwagon on a kill run. It's that these players must stick out like a sore thumb.

GDI rules are server side enforced. Which means you pretty much can't mess with people with GDI. Most people have GDI because most people want to net. They derive enjoyment by seeing how high they can get their networth that week and how high they rank. But others are looking for war instead of net as that is where they derive enjoyment. Implicitly, this reality singles out people without GDI that can be messed with, and they thusly become a target. There are only so many on the top without GDI. It seems natural that they become a focal point of attention of trolls.

If I had a wad of cash sitting on the dash of my unlocked car, and it gets stolen. Then I leave cash there again, unlocked, and it gets stolen again elsewhere. Am I to blame or is there conspiratorial coordination by the community at large to steal cash from my unlocked car?

cronie Game profile


Mar 7th 2017, 21:26:19

Originally posted by bamforth:
You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means...

Your superficial understanding of socialism has you thinking socialism is all about economics where it's by definition an economy where resources are shared by public ownership. Therefore you think you're right and almighty by calling me out for the use of 'socialists' when I am referring to the political aspect of socialism, and that is, socialism often begets authoritarianism. Socialism has an economic and political angle.

Pretty much every closely 'socialist' regime in practice was authoritarian. Nazis, communists, etc. You cannot demand that economic resources be publicly owned/shared, and the playing field 'equal and fair', without imposing strict rules on behavior.

Going back to what posters above have been advocating, thus the label. i.e. banning and making illegal certain game play behaviors because it inequitably affects a few (notably himself that one match so it must not be fair). The need for more bots to keep heat off humans and even the playing field for land grabs for all. Land:land retal policy proposed instead of 1:1 strike/retal. Banning 'hurtful' and 'excessive' retaliatory strikes when land grabbed (citing gogy's case in what was actually a double tap). lol. How is that not socialist tendencies? Make everything 'fair' and equitable. To that end, lets have more rules.

Edited By: cronie on Mar 7th 2017, 21:28:29

cronie Game profile


Mar 7th 2017, 20:54:32

Originally posted by Primeval:
General statement: In an abundance of caution, I would strongly advise against contributing to a kill-run that has already started unless you have an obvious reason to be involved.

What rule is being broken by contributing to a kill run? There are no such rules. In fact, such rules are exactly what the others here are advocating for.

Didn't this get hashed out to death earlier? Coordination requires communication and pre-planning by multiple parties. It involves one party communicating with another and expressing intent to collude. Jumping in on a bandwagon as a 'free agent' is not coordinating. News camping is not coordinating. Even if 10 guys gang up on one guy, but each do so independently, or motivated by various reasons, it is not collusion.

Edited By: cronie on Mar 7th 2017, 20:56:50

cronie Game profile


Mar 7th 2017, 17:30:19

Originally posted by sinistril:

I was killed last set and I agree. That said, you should remove the rule from the forum post about rules that says team killing is not allowed before telling people to deal with it. I was most definitely team killed. Three separate countries participated (one got deleted for extremely belligerent messages). I've seen this happen a few times now. It's different on team, alliance, ffa to have multiple people suiciding you, but here it's just lame. How am I supposed to fight back against 3 ppl while following the server rules? Like the other guy that was killed, though, I take responsibility for forgetting to join GDI.

What do you mean? No rules were broken.

There was not TKing like you suggested because this is a solo server with no teammates with which to betray you.

I assume you were Michael Faraday (#59), as it shows as you on the score board. You were ganged up on, but that's the game. It's the natural consequence of the game mechanics and the players. Most of these players news camp and jump on the bandwagon. Last set ( there was a guy called KR Reinforcement (#17) that jumped in to help others finish off KRs. But this isn't a team. This is a pack of vultures picking off a lion's prey.

Frankly, it's been this way for a long time also. Two unspoken community based cardinal rules. (1) Join GDI. (2) Don't break GDI once you join. People in high rank often get into trouble when they break either of those rules as evidenced every round.

Then there are the game rules about cheating. This is what needs to be enforced. If nobody is running multis or outright teaming up with coordination, then there is no cheating.

So many socialists around here wishing for more regulations and more rules and more hand holding by big brother.

Edited By: cronie on Mar 7th 2017, 17:44:25

cronie Game profile


Mar 7th 2017, 0:02:29

Yep. It's clintonista.

Weak strawman arguments are weak.

Finally, you claimed this:

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I would also be a very good suicider if I wanted to. It is easier than being safe from suicides, i promise.

Wrong. Joining GDI is all it takes. Barrier to entry is low. It involves not having a shytty memory and clicking a button or two. Quit patting yourself on the back. You have no elusive skill in defense of being trolled other than to join GDI. Which is not reflective of your gameplay abilities. Evidently, you couldn't even do that last set. So what is this skill you speak of?

Maybe you got lucky last set. Look what happened to Michael Faraday (#59).

Edited By: cronie on Mar 7th 2017, 0:12:45

cronie Game profile


Mar 6th 2017, 22:33:05

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Sure and gogy hit the guy once too, not a reason to ruin his reset but I'm glad he took the attention from me I guess.

Just looked at eestats. That's actually wrong.

Here's a quiz: He was in GDI. So why did he get hit with missiles?

cronie Game profile


Mar 6th 2017, 22:21:32

Originally posted by Kingme:
Gerdler, you've hit the nail on the head.

If you don't want to get pulled into a war, then join GDI and only single tap countries.

Let the others play the way they see fit, everyone has a slightly different vision of the game. This war vs net mentality has been going on since the beginning of the game itself. Nobody is going to sway another of their opinion, this horse has been beaten to death.

Gerdler sounds like a guy in Red Alert that only mines resources but has no troops, then complains about being rushed by tanks.

Or the guy in Civilization who has zero troops and all economy and complains about having land taken.

He's the guy in RTS games that always proposes "No rush 30 min ok?".

Boo hoo.

Edited By: cronie on Mar 6th 2017, 22:28:34

cronie Game profile


Mar 6th 2017, 22:17:04

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I disagree in the strongest sense.

If a player gets a rush by ABing or missile attacking players that did them nothing, don't you think there should be a natural barrier of skill involved in doing so? I mean it is difficult to netgain, the explores go down, you get DR fast when grabbing so you can't take all the land etc. If I want to ruin someones reset I just do it, it is fast and easy, I can run a 5 minute country for two days and destroy someones chance to top 10 even if he was set to win.
Shouldn't it be harder if it is fun? Why should only one thing be a challenge?

One of the greatest changes I have seen since I came back was the significant drop in topfeeding gains. It was exactly the same idea. It was too easy to just produce/buy all-jets and hit someone for fluffs and giggles and watch them retal back for 1/3rd of the land. This is why Land:land retal policies had to be invented, in order to balance the playing field that Mehul tilted in favour of the ones who had no intention of doing well.

Getting grabbed without provocation has always been part of the game, getting suicided by multies, or weaker players that were jealous or simple-minded is the reason I and many other players quit the game in the first place. Again, League of Legends have a tribunal that punishes players for toxic behaviour* and it is a hugely successful and popular game with around 100 million active players. Do you honestly think they are wrong in punishing toxic play?

*Anything that corresponds to being obvious about not attempting to win the game is considered a punishable offence in LoL.

This obviously need not be the case in EE. But a tilt in that direction would be very beneficial to the players, to the community morale and to the game it self. Naturally this won't save a dying game as it needed to happen 15-20 years ago.

are you clintonista?

cronie Game profile


Mar 6th 2017, 22:15:26

Originally posted by Gerdler:
It's interesting how easy it still is to ruin someones hard labour. In other games, like League of legends, toxic behaviour, even when not cheating, is a punishable offence. I belive earth should be the same in this regard.

You sound like a good socialist.

Everyone should have their hands held. Big brother is there to dictate what everyone can or cannot do. Cameras installed in all homes. More rules. More regulations.

Yes you can grab bots. No you can't grab humans more than once as it's not nice.

Why does the game have missiles then? Get rid of that too. There is no need for this.

Why have AB, BR and GS? It serves no purpose but to screw with people. So get rid of this too.

Only have Standard and PS.

cronie Game profile


Mar 6th 2017, 2:49:19

cronie Game profile


Feb 27th 2017, 12:36:41