
cronie Game profile


Feb 21st 2017, 21:53:07

Originally posted by Nerrus:
Btw cronie, how about giving GDI to bots? Or would that disrupt the playing field as well?

Who cares if bots have GDI.

The only thing it does is maybe throw some bot farmers off in terms of bot hunting. But still, who cares?

Nobody, even the most bored of trolls, will bother KRing bots. Much more fun is derived KRing humans to troll them I'd assume. Bots don't need GDI. Bots are also there to be farmed to keep the heat off other humans, which is the driver for why people tend to get butthurt around here when they get LGed or multi tapped. So actually, putting GDI on bots, making it harder to bot farm, is actually detrimental to player count in that sense as the LG and multitap of humans will drive even existing players away.

The idea of adding GDI to bots seem to counter your objective of increasing or really, retaining, player numbers.

Edited By: cronie on Feb 21st 2017, 21:55:08

cronie Game profile


Feb 21st 2017, 21:50:55

Attracting new players? I don't know, maybe via advertising? Word of mouth? Honestly, this is a text based game. I assume its mostly only old timers who's had internet in the 2000s that are still here playing an 'obsolete' game. Nowadays, the instagram selfie loving gen Z crowd, I'd assume, are not attracted to games of this sort.

The lack of players has nothing to do with GDI though, much less lack of free GDI which is what this topic is about.

cronie Game profile


Feb 21st 2017, 16:53:18

That's a socialist move. Forcing people to do XYZ.

Your entire idea behind the merits of 'permanent free GDI' seems to hinge on the fact that you become forgetful to join. If people remember to click join GDI at the start, then what difference does it make?

Again, since GDI costs are applied to everybody, it makes no difference. Its like reducing everybody's explore rate by 10%. Who cares, everybody gets hit. So that argument is moot for why GDI has to be 'free'.

Even playing field. So it doesn't matter. The only question now is remembering to join GDI.

cronie Game profile


Feb 21st 2017, 0:27:27

not that i'd understand the code, but where can you find out the bot codes? or even how the game formulas work?

it seems more like a black box unless somebody spent time to systematically reverse engineer it?

or is all of this already open source?

cronie Game profile


Feb 20th 2017, 13:42:20

More options are better than less.

What is this so called "free" GDI anyway? It makes no difference. Just a pointless talking point. It reminds me of "raise minimum wage to improve the economy" argument, when all it does is lead to less demand for workers so less people become employed. It's circular and it's zero sum.

Those that want to join GDI, can already do so. Those that want free GDI, can do so after saving bonus points. Everybody gets an even playing field. If it costs you X amount of resources because of GDI, well guess what, it costs that much for everybody else too. What's the difference? The key is nobody gets additional benefits. That's the most important.

And finally, you can go no GDI if you want. At your own risk of course. There's that option too.

cronie Game profile


Feb 20th 2017, 1:10:50

how do you get the empty names?

cronie Game profile


Feb 19th 2017, 23:29:55

Naming and shaming is part of the lesson.

cronie Game profile


Feb 19th 2017, 22:44:41


cronie Game profile


Feb 19th 2017, 22:14:20

Let Darwin set them straight.

If they double tap. Or ROR. Maybe they get away with it. Maybe they don't.

cronie Game profile


Feb 13th 2017, 14:28:03

i c tx

cronie Game profile


Feb 13th 2017, 13:16:26

Say you max out your missile tech. I find that after you have discovered a certain amount for your given land size, the odds of getting more seems to slow down. But if I increase land again, I discover more missiles.

What is the formula? Is there a 'maximum' of missiles based off land size, despite the search term stating say "4.8% chance per turn"?

cronie Game profile


Feb 12th 2017, 13:44:02

Originally posted by drkprinc:
Simplest way to keep expenses down in GDI turrets:jets = 1:3 first 36 hours, 1:1 36-72, 2:1 72-96, then last stretch you shouldn't need any more jets and should be selling them and buying turrets with the income. No need for troops/tanks or high SPAL/SDI or any other tech but your income tech as you only single tap countries.
What about SPAL? How much do you keep and when.

cronie Game profile


Feb 12th 2017, 12:34:24

Originally posted by commandos:
F that farm them to the ground and just keep a lot of tanks around. Quad taps daily to keep them in DRs! lol
Sure. Buy tanks.

Have a high SPAL too.

Have high SDI too.

All of the above are expensive to maintain and don't actually benefit your country's netting growth. Meanwhile people stay in GDI, piss few people off and buy turrets and jets only, keeping costs down.

Turrets need to be high too because they might tailor production to your defenses.

Not to mention lots of troops, because your productivity grinds to a halt once they deplete your population with GS.

All of a sudden everything need to be high.

cronie Game profile


Feb 12th 2017, 1:13:05

Originally posted by Ratski:
I made an effort to not double tap but I did hit C R O A T I A, 83, twice and one other , a bot I think I hit just about everyone, getting hard to find a target I haven't hit. Its hard to not break GDI

The strategy becomes 'when' to do a LG. Maybe you shouldn't have LGed the country back when they were under 2 mil networth and under 10K acres, as you could have just as easily explored it all yourself without pissing anyone off. Maybe wait until they are larger, do you then use up your single hit on the country.

Or maybe it's the game telling you you've gotten enough land and to venture out more by double taping increases the risk to you exponentially.

cronie Game profile


Feb 11th 2017, 16:51:34

Only a few countries have been ABed or BRed into parking lots as of late.

-Castles Made of Sand (#55) for double tapping Aphsinx (#66) (I assume this is commandos)

-stoner (#99) by Blitzville (#39), although he didn't start it and #39 did. Then an unknown entity, likely with intent to troll, piled on out of the blue.

-Just Too Bad (#64) by GDI Salesman of the Month (#13) for quad tapping.

-Omeros (#98) by Blow Stock to Retal (#87) for multi tapping.

Edited By: cronie on Feb 11th 2017, 16:54:37

cronie Game profile


Feb 11th 2017, 16:47:28

Originally posted by commandos:
so how do we know if theyre a bot? i was unaware of this unwritten rule you dorks have...please give me the details
No rules. You learn by trial and error. This round you got a lesson. Next round we shall see if you learned.

cronie Game profile


Feb 6th 2017, 3:03:38

cronie Game profile


Feb 1st 2017, 1:54:02

cronie Game profile


Jan 26th 2017, 0:27:07

who cares. its even across the board for everyone. which means it makes no difference. nobody is getting any advantages, and that's the main point here.

those that won't get free gdi because they can't rack up enough bonus, well nobody gets it. which means everyone with gdi is paying for it. its a level playing field.

if in prior games, you got a bonus? well most people got the bonus. so who cares?

cronie Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 13:22:54

cronie Game profile


Jan 23rd 2017, 0:08:52

place 17 should be edited out because that one was dispatched.

cronie Game profile


Jan 16th 2017, 1:27:12

cronie Game profile


Jan 9th 2017, 4:14:56

cronie Game profile


Jan 8th 2017, 18:18:05

Usual suspects?

cronie Game profile


Jan 8th 2017, 18:15:20

Originally posted by drkprinc:
doesn't make sense to steal a kill, it doesn't nothing for leaderboards on express, Only things that matter are land/nw/hit%/def%
lol. There is no 'sense' to anything. Even trying to get top 25. Nothing tangible from obtaining it, so why try?

Maybe not in an official capacity. But I'm sure whoever steals do it 'just because'. Like how NukEvil KRed OP twice without rhyme or reason. Because 'why not?'. Or maybe they keep a personal tally. Maybe their record is 4 KRs on express and they're trying to get 5 this time or something.

cronie Game profile


Jan 8th 2017, 11:48:19

cronie Game profile


Dec 26th 2016, 7:55:44

cronie Game profile


Dec 19th 2016, 6:45:59

cronie Game profile


Dec 14th 2016, 12:43:41

Yeah but normally you would save up to 360(whatever), after having already played 99 turns, and then play all 360 turns in a go if you can as all X, or as many turns as you can before getting stopped out by lack of funds/food waiting for market sell orders. At that point you join GDI right away before you log out. Or you remember to join GDI before a LG, the same way you remembered to do an op before the LG.

It ought to be a routine like going straight to Manage and setting gov type and production %s when you first start a new match.

I get that there can be lapse of judgement and forgetting, but the fact one is forgetting indicates that GDI is not very high on their priority. It is not high in their subconscious as something they are consciously weary of. It is an afterthought with low priority that is often overlooked. That is until one gets trolled. If that becomes the case, then one ought to place GDI higher in their priority.

Edited By: cronie on Dec 14th 2016, 12:49:00

cronie Game profile


Dec 13th 2016, 14:13:22

deano ?

cronie Game profile


Dec 12th 2016, 17:43:17

Originally posted by drkprinc:
the moment you make an offensive attack/op you cannot join GDI on primary/express.

People often think they joined GDI as this reset happens every week and go ahead and start grabbing then realize after and by then its too late.

Yeah I know that's the excuse.

But then they never forget to change gov types. Or production percentages. They never forget to explore land. Or buy CS's. Or buy/sell things on the market. All of these things 'reset' too. But they forget GDI. Sure. Whatever.

cronie Game profile


Dec 12th 2016, 10:57:07

How does one "forget" to join GDI? I hear this so often.

Do you "forget" to buy CS's? Do you "forget" to explore land? Do you "forget" to buy turrets?

And yet people "forget" to join GDI. And then complain when something happens. It's as if what they were really trying to say is they rolled the dice, hoping they are ok, but regretted not having it after getting trolled.

cronie Game profile


Dec 12th 2016, 1:58:11

cronie Game profile


Dec 6th 2016, 23:18:07

cronie Game profile


Dec 3rd 2016, 21:25:34

Originally posted by SupremeU:
Originally posted by cronie:
wrong forum.

there is never anything witty in this forum. it's often just whiney butthurts complaining about being butthurt.

A half-ass attempt at wit... As was this.

That would be you tard.

Look at what was said again.

I said nothing in this forum is witty. I said it in this forum. This encompasses my own post. Then you reply in this forum implying my post is not witty. No shyt sherlock that's what I said. Hence reinforcing my point.

What a tard moron you are. You're the one half assing at attempts at wit, buffoon.

cronie Game profile


Dec 2nd 2016, 22:52:02

wrong forum.

the politically charged and non-PC controversial rhetoric is often found in AT.

there is never anything witty in this forum. it's often just whiney butthurts complaining about being butthurt.

cronie Game profile


Nov 28th 2016, 4:14:23

cronie Game profile


Nov 21st 2016, 3:43:11

cronie Game profile


Nov 20th 2016, 2:41:49

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Is Chelsea for president you too, deano? I find it interesting hes trying to focus my attention on her LOL
If you had to guess based on that country name, I'd say its probably the other loudmouth who talks too much on the forums.

cronie Game profile


Nov 14th 2016, 1:19:08

cronie Game profile


Nov 8th 2016, 14:34:08

cronie Game profile


Nov 5th 2016, 18:11:13

the only sure way to know is if they just failed a op on you and you're online.

cronie Game profile


Nov 1st 2016, 6:25:25

cronie Game profile


Oct 24th 2016, 2:53:20