
cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 2nd 2024, 17:50:33

Premium Bonus 22 hours
Server Cooperation
EE Premium Active

13.6 hours ago
Thank you for being a premium member of Earth Empires! You have been granted 9 bonus points!

1.6 days ago
Thank you for being a premium member of Earth Empires! You have been granted 9 bonus points!

--And on Alliance server:
52.7 mins ago
Thank you for being a premium member of Earth Empires! You have been granted 9 bonus points!

Shouldn't the bonus time be synced as long as I login to both at the same time? (I do)
As I was typing this I went back to check and both Cooperation and Alliance server changed to:
Premium Bonus 21 hours
But the last bonus received on Coop was 13.9 hours ago.
Seems that the bonus timer on the Coop server is counting down the Alliance bonus timer

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 14th 2024, 19:27:07

This game needs an Excuse Generator for when ya DH a bot

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 21st 2023, 3:00:00

Originally posted by Anarchist:
Would be cool to have a bonus section to decrease time to market.

Help Information on Bonus Types

"Luck is the subtlest of the permanent bonuses. Investing in luck will lead to better explore returns, greater missile production, and lower market times. In addition, lucky countries have a greater chance of getting spy ops against countries with better spy networks and a greater chance of successfully attacking when oversending."

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 13th 2023, 9:04:23

Long time earther here.
Once upon a time AT was fun. That's been awhile.

I've grown weary, to the point where I avoid it except when I make my regular stop to look for updates in the Announcements Forum. I'll check there, then come here for a quick scan of the thread titles.
I've found that reading the neverending squabbling on AT makes me want to disassociate from the game completely not just from the handful of people that make this forum so unpleasant.

It was the title of this thread that let me know there was a vote about ClanGDI.

I wondered what had prompted the vote here in this thread, and that's when I read the thread by qzjul "Thoughts and Input" which I'd seen before but didn't open. I didn't want to see more bickering and conspiracy theories.

Unfortunately that was the thread in which the title did NOT mention a vote yet is being touted as the "official tally" while the only thread with the actual word VOTE in the thread title is being discounted.

For someone like me, that doesn't hang out on AT waiting to toss out the next insult or CT, this seems a bit awry..

Edit: Sorry 'bout the novel, Syko_Killa but I think it needed to be said

Edited By: cyref on Dec 13th 2023, 9:19:08
See Original Post

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2023, 16:22:46

Originally posted by BEM684:
That's a side effect of playing a community-based game as if it were a single player game...

I missed the part that says checking into this forum regularly is a requirement to play the game.
Oh wait, it isn't. That's just you trying to be a.. boss?

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2023, 16:11:40

Originally posted by BEM684:
Originally posted by cyref:
It would have been helpful to send an ingame message alert about the vote if you wanted feedback.
"The community" consists of more than the persons that live on AT.

This is the alliance server. Didn't your alliance members notify you? Several of them live here.

You don't know what alliance I am in, and no, they don't live on AT.
Your enthusiasm for making this place toxic is why I no longer visit here.
Announcements, yes. AT, no thanks.
Not since the player base shrunk to what is now the majority around here.
I've no desire to visit a forum with a handful of grown-ass men acting like twelve year old playground-bully conspiracy theorists.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2023, 11:53:32

It would have been helpful to send an ingame message alert about the vote if you wanted feedback.
"The community" consists of more than the persons that live on AT.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2023, 11:45:54


An ingame heads-up that this vote was happening would have been nice.
Ya know, for the people that play the game that don't live on AT

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2023, 9:10:55

so far..
one child
three grandchildren
and one great-grandchild

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 12th 2023, 9:01:30


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 22nd 2023, 15:36:40

Originally posted by HH:
Where are the moderators when you need them? Just delete all off topic messages and keep the ones that actually is about these changes.

Agreed. This is a CHANGESET thread.
qzjul closed his announcement with
"As always let me know your thoughts."

Do you children care that he has to slog thru your personality disorders to find relevant posts?

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 21st 2023, 5:26:06

Viceroy! how ya doing old friend!

EE forum message sent


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2023, 14:48:45

Another Q

Clan A decs on Clan B. Clan B has 48 hours to respond. At the 20th hour Clan B accepts.
Can the shooting start immediately upon Clan B's acceptance? Or do both sides have to wait for a complete 48 hour countdown?

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2023, 12:21:19

I have two more questions

- Clans will have a "Defence Account", denominated in $
- Countries in Clan GDI will pay 1% of "GDP" (NW + Expenses), to this account each turn

Does that mean ALL clans will have a Defence Account but only countries in Clan GDI will pay the 1% of GDP?


- Clans >= 5 members can Declare War on other Clans that are >= 5 members (whether or not either are in Clan GDI)
-> the "Defending Clan" will have 48 hours to Accept War or Surrender (after which it is auto-Accepted)

So, whether or not a tag is in Clan GDI, it cannot be surprise attacked? There will always be 48 hours to respond regardless of Clan GDI status?

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2023, 12:08:59

Take your 5th grade school lunchroom battles to another thread.

This is a thread about the damn Changeset, and you are burying my legit question.


I repeat my question

Clans >= 5 members can Declare War on other Clans that are >= 5 members (whether or not either are in Clan GDI)
-> the "Defending Clan" will have 48 hours to Accept War or Surrender (after which it is auto-Accepted)

Where is the ingame mechanism that allows a tag admin to declare war on other clans?

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2023, 11:03:38

Clans >= 5 members can Declare War on other Clans that are >= 5 members (whether or not either are in Clan GDI)
-> the "Defending Clan" will have 48 hours to Accept War or Surrender (after which it is auto-Accepted)

Where is the ingame mechanism that allows a tag admin to declare war on other clans?

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 18th 2023, 23:02:59


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 18th 2023, 23:02:59


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2023, 10:42:10

Derrick luv ya bro but knock it off with the gooey stuff!
i'm a grumpy old bass turd and even moreso as the big 7-0 approaches.

It's true i have withdrawn from interactions in this game but i have other priorities, and I'm more of a numbers guy anyway.

Seeing grown men on the forums call each other cowards over disputes in an anonomous online text based strategy game never amused me but now it just makes me want to puke. I don't find stupidity even a little bit amusing any more and is why i rarely visit AT.

I've been playing all-x for a couple years now quietly setting all-x NW records and even just missing a T10 with one (11th) a few sets back. About 4 yrs ago I had a couple wins with repub cashers and many T10s but yeah no doubt FFO is overpowered and when not interfered by war is the consistant winner.

But botgrabbing is not nearly as time-intensive as you describe. I literally LOLd at your "5000 bot hits" comment but you knew that was an extreme exaggeration. And - important to me - i play my turns when i want to, not at some preset warchat time that most often ends up starting late and eating up over an hour of my time. The days of planning my time around warchats are long gone.

You are right, I'm not that commited to this game any more and could easily walk away but i do want to continue to support this game even if just a little by buying EE coin since the owners did save it from an early grave years ago (2010?)
And I enjoy occasional banter with my tagmates.

So yeah as AT became more rancid and more stoooooopid I became more of an isolationist. Does that really make me part of the problem? And the clans that gang up on a netting-preferred clan set after set after set are not?

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2023, 1:53:06

Originally posted by braden:
Cyref- do as you've been told above and take your rightful place in weedylar!

Heya braden howzitgoin'?

But RM didn't say that. He said i should go play on a solo server. In his world my opinion disqualifies me from any form of Team play.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2023, 1:41:27

Originally posted by Real Man:
Cyref, go netgain on a solo server if you want solo player dynamics. What’s the point of having an alliance to solo style netgain on the alliance server ?

But where did I say I want to play a solo server with solo dynamics?
I was simply pointing out Mehul's intended dynamics where your final NW measured success and war was one of several components that could be used to achieve that goal.

Grudge wars that repeat set after set with multiple tags ganging up against alliances that prefer to use diplomacy and commerce (also components of the game) to compete for the NW title are by their very nature harmful to the player base. It used to be, there was a reason for a war in any given set. That's why the NLS v NM 'bored war' was unique in it's time, and why Imaginary Numbers were different because they DGAF about NW when they went to war.

I too miss the good old days where you had to measure every landgrab against a live opponent; where you calculated to win the exchange even after the retal. But that worked best when there were thousands of countries on the server not dozens.

The neverending grudge wars were not the only cause but they certainly contributed to the loss of players in this game. They certainly contributed to the loss of members in my tag at the end of the Jolt era, when a couple tags with much bigger numbers decided to FS and/or RoR the mostly netting tag I was in with no reason for war and with no concern for their own ending NW.

The introduction of bots was an attempt by the current developers to counter that and I wish the bots would be capable of retal be it with spies or BRs or ABs or missiles or anything except just roll over and explore for more land. And the bots are also dumb at commerce and detrimental to the public market play that was the original genius of Mehul's creation.

Why is it some tags _never_ attempt a netgaining set?

Is it because most of their members have no interest in netting? Is it because to them the entire game consists of building a battlewagon and then logging in at the chat time and mashing the attack button when they are told? Yeah well that can be fun once in a while if ya got the time but set after set after set?
Effing b o r I n g !

tbh i see ClanGDI in it's current form as an attempt to provide netters with an alternative to getting run out of the game but ultimately it's an overreaction to what the warmongers have already done to this game.

Derrick has some really good ideas about how ClanGDI could be implemented and I hope they will be explored.

So RM, telling me to F OFF and go play on a solo server is just your way of avoiding the real discussion of what has happened to this game. Yours is not a serious attempt to discuss potential fixes.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 21st 2023, 23:22:36

Originally posted by qzjul:
Originally posted by Oceana:
IS this Not a WAR GAME?

I mean, I would say it's a country game...

I started playing E2025 in '97 i think. I was playing in the randoms and one of my allies there invited me to play on the Alliance server in TIE's 2nd-ever set. I've been around a long time, and this is how I see it.

On the game's splash page Mehul ALWAYS promoted it as a strategy game, of which diplomacy, commerce, and war were all components of the overall goal of the game, to finish at the top in NW. On an alliance server ANW was the goal and declaring war usually meant you were forfeiting the opportunity for ANW in that particular set.

Wars were never meant to last set after set with the intention to drive an alliance and its players out of the game.

There are multiple clans here on the Alliance server now that were also here before the bots were introduced that have had no interest in winning through the only way this game measures winning - final ANW. They 'tired' of warring each other and found more pleasure in ruining the sets of those who prefer to net instead of war.

Seems that warring others that prefer to war didn't have the same thrill.

The conflict in these two playing styles is that a warmonger can always ruin a netter's set and prefers it to fighting another warmonger. A netting alliance cannot force a warmonger to net.

A warmonger disregards the original goal of the game - attaining a competitive NW - and they don't want to war others who want to war. They only care to ruin the gaming experience of those who want to net. That's what gives them thrills.

So who really has changed the game from what it was intended?

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 29th 2023, 16:18:34

What evidence exists to support the simulation hypothesis

As an AI language model, I cannot take a stance on philosophical or scientific hypotheses. However, here are some arguments and evidence used to support the simulation hypothesis:

The advancement of technology: As computer technology continues to advance, it is suggested that the ability to create increasingly sophisticated simulations is likely to improve. This means that it is more plausible that a civilization could create a simulation of our reality.

The fine-tuning of the universe: Some proponents of the simulation hypothesis point out that the universe seems to be fine-tuned to support life. This could be explained by the idea that the creators of the simulated world designed it to support life.

Paradoxes and inconsistencies in quantum mechanics: Quantum mechanics, the study of the behavior of subatomic particles, has revealed some strange phenomena that appear to defy common sense, such as particles that exist in multiple states simultaneously, and waves that collapse in the presence of observation. Some suggest these oddities could be explained if the universe is a simulation.

The limitations of our sensory inputs: It's argued that our senses only provide us with a limited amount of information about the world around us, and that our brains construct a model of reality from that data. If our senses were being fed data from a simulated world, we would have no way of knowing it.

The lack of evidence for extraterrestrial life: Despite the vast size of the universe and the large number of potential habitable planets, there is currently no concrete evidence that life exists anywhere except on Earth. This could be explained by the idea that the creators of the simulated world did not include other intelligent life.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 1st 2022, 3:51:23

boink for bonus

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2022, 3:37:16

Congratz to those in the T10
and also to the T20
and especially those allxers in the T27

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 22nd 2022, 9:34:13

phuque yoo for the +bonus !

and that goes for you too!

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2022, 17:57:52

Originally posted by Requiem:
Maybe that beats all of my all-x sets! But that was pre-bot era so it might be inflated.

Techbot RA's are a definite bump

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 11th 2022, 21:25:53

Congratulations on the win cordy!

~ and congratz to all the all-x in the Top 33 ~

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 13th 2021, 8:05:43


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 12th 2021, 7:03:03

That's a well-earned win Tmac, congratz!

and t4t, i concur!
Kudos to all the T18!

Jug o’ rum! Jug o’ rum!

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 12th 2021, 4:45:22

Congratz to JB and the rest of the Top Eleven!

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 2nd 2021, 0:46:57


Veritasium just did this

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 26th 2021, 10:58:06

Strangers passing in the street
By chance, two separate glances meet
And I am you and what I see is me


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 18th 2021, 7:05:18


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2021, 3:17:50

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by Requiem:
My country was never deleted, I fooled you all and no one knew my country :)

same. never been deleted. I was netting in monsters last set


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2021, 0:10:11

Originally posted by Primeval:
I already said just a few posts earlier that my interpretation is that using multiple accounts is against the rules.

I'm not sure what else you're suggesting.

Thank you for your insightful interpretation that using multiple accounts is against the rules.
What I'm suggesting is you not blame the honest players for reporting and discussing the cheaters. Perhaps spend more time fluffing at the cheaters instead of the honest players having their sets wrecked by the cheaters.
But that's only a suggestion. You do you Primey.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 1st 2021, 23:17:53

Originally posted by Primeval:
Too bad you guys don't spend half as much time actually playing the game and killing each other as you do trying to get each other deleted.

what a fluffed up response from the Mod Boss. You don't seem to want to acknowledge the very foundation of this game is being undermined by multiple accounts. Don't blame the honest players just because you are handcuffed by the current mod tools
Retract that statement and apologize to the honest players, or tell Pang I'll not be buying any more Pang coins and will advocate that others do the same.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2021, 11:15:19

I don't debate CTs.
I don't debate sock puppets.
I won't do your research for you.
I cannot think for you.

I will however sometimes point and laugh


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 27th 2021, 3:34:30

This seems pertinent

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 14th 2021, 20:20:49

This seems pertinent

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 12th 2021, 22:08:12

Originally posted by Goofy:
The site is back up, but the link ingame to them doesn't work.

This one does work though.

Replace the number 187 in the link supplied by Goofy with your own unique profile number, it'll work.

To find your number, make sure you are logged in, go to the game's Portal page, click on Game Profile, click on any of the server links or on Overall, then look at the url for your number.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 7th 2021, 14:02:18

If you are a Demo your max Military tech is 81.67% but you only need to get it to 81.69% to sell bushels on private for $36
Because of rounding you don't actually have to reach max tech - but it's pretty close.
Base price of food sale on private is $29, with no tech.
$29 / .8169 = $35.50006 and the game rounds it to $36

Use the tech calc here to see how much military tech needed for your acres:

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 15th 2020, 22:50:01

This suggestion has great merit and I would very much like to see it implemented especially on 1A.
I think it would not only help to keep new players around, but help to keep returning players engaged for more than a set or two.

And I agree about Team, should this be enacted there I might even play more than one server again.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 30th 2020, 6:18:28

Right on Derrick. Hooda thunk we'd still be dealing with dinosaurs two decades into the 21st century.

and btw phuck tRump and his death cult

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 18th 2020, 0:42:02

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by cyref:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

*sighs* Believing everything you see online is avoidable dumbfluffery


Chill bro, comedic factor for the win, you think I don't laugh at small hands and cheeto comments? I think it's hilarious!

No prob KoH I'm chilled =)
I laugh at his small hands and bad self-tanning practices too, but they're true. The waving at an empty field is just made up make believe silly crap going viral as fact and when you realize it's bullfluff it's really not that funny, just lame.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2020, 21:50:44

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:

*sighs* Believing everything you see online is avoidable dumbfluffery

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 16th 2020, 0:02:33

pfffft no one got it yet?


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 14th 2020, 23:25:15

Hey mac23 yeah last time we were on the same side we coordinated well together, it was a blast. I see your hint and raise ya with a 'maybe soon' *nudgewink*

Getafix ~ thanks man i'm glad you're enjoying yourself. I miss our music swaps!

KoH ~ thanks! and keep on chooglin'

Req ~ yup it was an especially gratifying win from my pov, and thanks! Good luck to you too =)

Gerdler ~ fluff u too, ya fluffing fluffer!


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 12th 2020, 5:23:17

In celebration of Z's win in his first set with us, The MONSTERS will be tagged MONSTERZ this set.
Good health and happy gaming to all!