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EE Patron

Apr 9th 2012, 16:01:24

I hear ya, ViLSE!

The link i posted upthread is to a podcast from Seth Andrews, a former christian broadcaster now producing video and internet radio content as youtube user TheThinkingAtheist. In that particular 90 minute podcast he talks with Dan Barker, former evangelical preacher and christian musician who, after deconversion, founded the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

They speak of The Clergy Project. The podcast provides a thoughtful discussion of the issues facing religious leaders that have, over time, come to dismiss their supernatural beliefs. Before judging active clergy in this very difficult situation you should hear the other side of the story. Again, the link to that podcast:

Relevant links:

btw I know many (perhaps all) of you will not make time to listen to that 90 minute podcast. Sadly the entire story cannot be told in a 3 minute sound bite. So I submit a sampling of 3 to 5 minute videos by Seth Andrews found at his youtube channel:

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EE Patron

Apr 8th 2012, 15:38:01

Pastors Who Don't Believe (The Clergy Project)

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EE Patron

Apr 1st 2012, 21:31:16


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EE Patron

Mar 24th 2012, 16:16:09


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EE Patron

Mar 14th 2012, 17:42:51

^ +1 for hypocrite ^
Originally posted by Boltar:

TSO understands that all the server desires is a true team server. Where multiple teams no longer pick smaller ones.

Next reset we will be officially policing the server to keep it a true team server. That means retals are only to be done by the team that were offended. If war occurs, it can only be done with the equal amount of teams. No outside assistance to any team what so ever.

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EE Patron

Mar 14th 2012, 17:22:14

blah blah you're a moron boltar

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EE Patron

Mar 14th 2012, 17:19:15

Boltar came to this server assuming things without evidence and has to dearly hold on to those false assumptions in an attempt to deny his own ignorance.
It's what dumbasses do.
Especially true for the kind of dumbass that looks to find "courage" in an anonymous online game.
And more so for dumbasses that never outgrew their adolescent obsession with their own genitalia.

TeamSex is quite fitting actually, as a bunch they can all go fluff themselves. Certainly, their rectums have the capacity to accommodate multiple five man teams.

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EE Patron

Mar 12th 2012, 0:38:18

To receive your weekly bonus of 4 points, you must post in the next 22.2 mins

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EE Patron

Mar 4th 2012, 23:36:42

To receive your weekly bonus of 4 points, you must post in the next 1.4 hours

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EE Patron

Feb 26th 2012, 19:25:00

To receive your weekly bonus of 4 points, you must post in the next 5.6 hours.
My work here is done

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EE Patron

Feb 13th 2012, 13:43:49

Not exactly what your looking for and not yet available for the nook but still a worthy read:

Asimov's Guide to the Bible: the Old and New Testaments

from wikipedia:
Asimov's Guide to the Bible is a work by Isaac Asimov that was first published in two volumes, covering the Old Testament in 1967 and the New Testament (including the Apocrypha) in 1969. He combined them into a single 1296-page volume in 1981. They included maps by the artist Rafael Palacios.
Including numerous black-and-white maps, the guide goes through the books of the Bible in KJV order, explaining the historical and geographical setting of each one and the political and historical influences that affected it, as well as biographical information about the main characters. Asimov treats the secular aspects of the Bible with intellectual instead of theological commentary. His appendix "Guides to the Old and New Testament" include biblical verse, footnotes, references and subject indices.

Amazon has new hardcovers for $100, used from $13.50.
I still have my separate editions purchased in the 1970s; just a couple years ago i found a single edition copy in very good condition at a used book store for $5

Excellent read :)

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EE Patron

Feb 12th 2012, 11:13:46

Speaking of heroism and cowardice in the context of an anonymous online game is yet another insight into your level of maturity.

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EE Patron

Feb 12th 2012, 0:40:21

Why did #90 go on Vacation?

bye Team Server

+Bonus elsewhere

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EE Patron

Feb 6th 2012, 0:41:58

Originally posted by Detmer:

I am not saying no higher-being can be disproved. It depends in the details of the higher-being. If you invented a new god that has the same basic story as my God then yes, I would acknowledge the possibility (in a logical sense) of yours. My faith excludes the possibility of the existence of other gods however.

but.. but.. You are an atheist in regards to all the gods that have ever been created, but one.
I just believe in one less god than you

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2012, 7:08:08

The tunnel vision of TSO leadership is not encouraging for the future of this server. They seem to think they can gain respect with these actions but to a lot of us long time players your actions breed only contempt.

I'll explain with a calm rant..

I'm an older player. I have a full life. i have wonderful, vibrant girlfriend. I have 3 grandkids, the oldest about to enter his teenage years. I have a 95 yr old father that needs his only son (me) to help out with all kinds of stuff from 1800 miles away. I have a demanding job as a senior metallurgist, and also consult and field test/tweak for a small startup with my 'extra' time.

Think i have time for warchats set after set after set?

Since 1997 i've played the game to avoid conflict, treating others with respect while maintaining a competitive nature.

That's not to say i've never warred. But i won't stay around long if it looks like war set after set for no reason whatsoever.

Some players will go on and on about this being a war game.
That's only one aspect. After all, to this day it is NETGAINING that is used to measure success.
Friendships, conflict resolution, diplomacy (in its many shades) treachery, and warfare are all means by which to attempt to achieve success measured by the networth of individuals, teams, and alliances.

If you are going to war my alliance/team for a good reason i'm fine with that. I'll war my ass off and have fun doing it.

But to war without provocation, w/out reason, forcing me to war when i played to netgain and no amount of diplomacy or ethics or gamesmanship will change your mind, well then you are not respecting my time spent in playing my turns.

Doesn't take a lot to ruin a netgainer's set.
You like to war, and war every set. That's your choice.
But how exactly does that give you pleasure, to blindside netting teams for no reason?

You can always force me to war (or try to force me, thus ruining my goal of netting anyway) but how am i to force you to netgain? by warring you?

You become not much different than the punk ass kids that vandalized my garage with a couple cans of spray paint. No reason, no respect, no ethics.

No gamesmanship.

I've always sought out home alliances with a similar approach. With time being such a valuable commodity for me personally, i play this game trying to respect the time others put in as well.

But here you are, TSO, masturbating each other while you tell yourselves (and anyone else that will give you the time of day) how great you are, and now how you will 'fix' this server by killing the server.

I often find myself with too little time to play the game the way i would like, To be a top netgainer really takes more than five or ten minutes a day. But i enjoy doing the best i can with the time i have. And i happen to do pretty well on the netting leaderboards given the time i put in.

But this TSO BS has taken away the challenge of tempering competition with gamesmanship and diplomacy.

What you are telling me, TSO, and others like me, is that there is no place for us on this server.

At the end of the day, what are you really contributing?

Looks to me like all ya got is an empty can of spray paint.

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EE Patron

Jan 29th 2012, 21:38:13

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EE Patron

Jan 20th 2012, 0:20:09

I saw this posted about a week ago, and it was removed while i was posting my response. I thought someone had regained a bit of sanity over there.

Guess not.

My response is the same.

fluff YOU!

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 15th 2012, 18:30:35

Originally posted by Jiman:
This thread is really telling me the truth behind peoples names.

Some people I am proud to play with.
Others I am not only disappointed in but horrified to be associated with.

Sickening attitudes.

Couldn't agree more.

Seems we've revisited The Dark Ages, but with really impressive toys.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 8th 2012, 1:56:27

JJ.. you seem unaware of your surroundings.

In today's game of Earth Empires cheating is just not accepted, no matter the server. In addition it's not even cool, in a 'dark side' kind of way.

It's just stupid.
And it's a big deal.

Seriously.. even if i went out on a bender and created multiple accounts during a blackout and found myself purple the next day and then it all came back to me, i'd be so fricking ashamed that i don't even know if i could face the ppl i've met in this game the past 14 or whatever years.

But you are chronic, and have no shame. And seem completely unaware of your surroundings.

You really don't seem to play well with others.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 31st 2011, 13:48:19

wait.. JJ23 is in xMx?

Then the Q really is, will we see purple countries here soon?;z=back-to-december-283

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EE Patron

Dec 25th 2011, 12:36:28

Reasons Greetings!

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EE Patron

Dec 4th 2011, 22:10:39

To receive your weekly bonus of 4 points, you must post in the next 2.8 hours

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EE Patron

Nov 20th 2011, 22:01:59

"To receive your weekly bonus of 4 points, you must post in the next 3 hours."

my work here is done

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EE Patron

Nov 7th 2011, 9:04:27

just name your country santorum, it fits your bubbly personality as evidenced by teh google

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EE Patron

Oct 31st 2011, 10:29:32

Happy Birthday Monsters Old and New!

be careful with those bday cake candles, they're adding up!

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EE Patron

Oct 24th 2011, 15:57:36

run like hell! There are MONSTERS about!

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EE Patron

Oct 23rd 2011, 3:26:51

drink it.


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EE Patron

Oct 18th 2011, 23:14:21

Originally posted by Ivan:

but id definately call what #565 and #216 is doing abuse and if its called learning how to grab when the break is like 30k PS id say that they should up the breaks a bit so they actually get to learn how to calculate a break

..hmm someone seems to just about crossing the line of an ACTUAL rule..

Earth / Alliance Talk / Forum Rules of Conduct

Author Posts
Posts: 1,433 Apr 6th 2010, 20:50:55
To keep things nice and clean on our forums we will be having some rules regarding to what you can and cannot post!!

Forum Rules:

-Do not post in game information that can only be retrieved by taking an in game turn(This means no spy ops, no military breaks, no attacking results etc etc)


cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 14th 2011, 12:35:51


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EE Patron

Oct 8th 2011, 15:19:04

join DBD we all get +bonus

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EE Patron

Oct 2nd 2011, 16:45:50

To receive your weekly bonus of 4 points, you must post in the next 8.3 hours.
My work here is done.

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EE Patron

Sep 25th 2011, 20:53:08

I concur.
Game servers and forums have been slow the last few times i tried playing turns.
On the plus side, it's easy to save turns. I quickly lose interest.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 17th 2011, 13:53:47

On alliance, still doesn't display turret losses of DAs

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EE Patron

Sep 11th 2011, 21:17:41


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EE Patron

Sep 4th 2011, 22:02:47

To receive your weekly bonus of 4 points, you must post in the next 3 hours.

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EE Patron

Aug 28th 2011, 23:20:33

You have a linked forum account, but have yet to post this week. To receive your weekly bonus of 4 points, you must post in the next 1.7 hours.

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EE Patron

Aug 16th 2011, 4:46:07

Warren Buffet discusses his NY Times op-ed, "Stop Coddling the Super-Rich" with Charlie Rose

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EE Patron

Aug 8th 2011, 10:55:34

I mourn these deaths. Deeply.

And am enraged all the more at the futility.

You see, I did not know any of the people on that Chinook helicopter, and yet i mourn the needless loss of life.
I know they were brave and believed in what they were doing and that they were fully aware the threat of death was with them on every mission. They took that chance every time, and they signed up knowing that.

I mourn most for their families; especially their children. Those kids didn't sign up for this. Every day, they lived with the knowledge that their parent or older sibling could be killed without warning on the other side of the globe. No child should have to live with that stress.
Their worst nightmares have become reality.

In a more civilized world that alone would be called child abuse.

But this is reality too:

That reality doesn't make me feel any 'safer' in my cozy sheltered life in suburban america. If you think we're not fostering future blowback you're delusional. I worry what our (US) military actions of the past (nearly) ten years will mean for my children and grandchildren.

I can guess what my response would be if my neighborhood was bombed by a foreign government. I know how i would respond after my neighbors and family members were blown to bits via remote control, then dismissed by that gov as collateral damage while claiming to have killed one or two low level leaders of a tenuously disjointed terrorist organization.

Osama Bin Ladin is dead. How many more civilians should we kill? How many more brave warriors should die, and for what?

All the lives lost, all the treasure wasted, in response to an attack within the US borders that killed 3000 on 9/11 from nineteen box cutters..
How many more should die?

I'm not here to debate. I'm just here to point out what should be obvious. We (US/NATO) need to get out of Afghanistan.
We're not making friends. We're not bringing peace. We're not eliminating threats. And we certainly don't need to be killing innocent people in foreign lands to insure my right to free speech or make an insensitive statement about another's death.

fluffin' dammit. Declare it over and get the fluff out of Afghanistan.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 1st 2011, 3:37:40

Second time I've seen this in the current set.
Landgrab target is not in GDI.
Regular op indicates expense for one ally (0.2% of NW)
Spy on Alliances op shows zero allies, with one DA Pending.

I took two sets of ops, about 7 minutes apart, with identical results.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 31st 2011, 18:05:39

too close
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EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2011, 5:19:35

TheVoices! thought about it years ago, fulfill your destiny!

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EE Patron

Jul 18th 2011, 17:29:11

Happy Birthday Bru!
55 here, and three grandkids to give me an excuse to play with all those newfangled fancytoys they have now.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 14th 2011, 7:06:36

Heya Detmer sorry about the lack of feedback. I was playing this day-by-day since screwing up my back (again).

I wasn't looking forward to that hour and a half drive but with a couple more weeks of therapy i'll be good to go. Any weekend in Aug except the 27/28th works for me.

I already cleared it with my dominatr... uhh i mean g/f @<@

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2011, 21:11:31

no! make 'em all sell @34

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EE Patron

Jul 4th 2011, 16:54:34

I drive to Madison all the time, just 90 minutes away.. two weekends from now looks good! Let's do another Zombie march @<@

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 3rd 2011, 14:39:35

My first set playing here in Primary and i had a blast!

Congrats to the t10, well played by all.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 20th 2011, 5:30:42

Some grunts around here will war just because they get embarrassed in a grab/retal land exchange they initiated.
They get frustrated, act out in a temper tantrum, and engage in end-of-set vandalism.
Just the nature of some ppl. Excrement occurs.

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 19th 2011, 18:09:52

even on my mid priced droid speech>text is impressive

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EE Patron

Jun 6th 2011, 5:09:57

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
Monsters ain't the same, they do SoL's work now.

dibs you're hilarious! Monsters change over time (who doesn't) but they still boot loose cannons don't they hmm?

LadyGrizz it's been too long! BIG hugz!

cyref Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 5th 2011, 17:02:42

Bonus with a bonus! musical interlude..

double bonus!