
deepcode Game profile


Jun 15th 2011, 21:08:48

Set your tax rate to 35% and your industrial production to 100% spies.

Sell as much of your technology as you can so you can fund some changes (except business/residential tech - keep those)

destroy all of these buildings:
- military bases
- research labs
- farms
- oil rigs

Rebuild the rest of your land evenly between enterprise zones and residences.

When you are done, land distribution should look something like this:

bpt: 92
enterprise: 850
residences: 850
industrial: 100

Then continue selling off technology, buying business and residential tech.

Then you will be a casher. Cashers produce only cash, and buy everything else they need off of the public market. Tech/Military/oil/food, etc. All of your turns should be spent either exploring, attacking, building or spying.

The exception is spies: you can't buy spies, so you always have to have some industrials set to produce spies.

deepcode Game profile


Jun 11th 2011, 22:24:10

HI DIBS!!!!!


deepcode Game profile


Jun 9th 2011, 16:52:34

99$ bushels suck.

Thought these servers were all about low commodities :P

deepcode Game profile


Jun 9th 2011, 3:01:28

Left it in the first time cause I thought it wouldn't show my tech levels :P

Yeah, i got grabbed, while i was online running the last of my turns before buying more D hehe.

Haven't play tourney in a long while so trying to decide on the best course for defense. So many things to consider, Gdi, humanitarians, tank levels, etc, etc. :P

deepcode Game profile


Jun 7th 2011, 21:38:13


Those military levels are pretty accurate lol.

deepcode Game profile


Jun 7th 2011, 21:30:46

That's gotta be a joke right? Those puny little houses sell for over a million bucks? They are nice alright, but hardly a "mansion" in size or quality.

deepcode Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 22:44:36

Meh, if I haven't, I did today sooo luls. Won't let him make one at work now :P

deepcode Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 21:31:35

Lcn contacted you yet?

deepcode Game profile


Jun 5th 2011, 0:26:34

rabble rabble rabble...

edit: ? Score sheet seems to disagree.

Evolution Evolve 49 $5,789,660,910 $118,156,345
LaFamiglia LaF 45 $5,288,294,224 $117,517,649

deepcode Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 12:54:34

Got a co worker that I'm trying to get playing, so gonna push him to make a country at work, we both use these computers, though I don't *think* I've actually logged into my country at work, just the forums. Would we get deleted for this? Give me some info please?

deepcode Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 1:39:10

Make everybody happy, and they'll complain about being too happy :P

deepcode Game profile


Jun 4th 2011, 0:01:38

I don't agree with firing the girl. Some punishment, docked pay or a suspension, but not firing. Some of us no doubt have done many stupid things on the job, there should be some leniency, especially for a first offence.

Also, I do think the girls an idiot. Should never risk your paycheck on anything unless you have a backup plan already in place. 4 years things can change, lose your job and you can lose your home and your well being.

deepcode Game profile


May 30th 2011, 2:42:16

That was pretty good lol.

deepcode Game profile


May 27th 2011, 18:47:12

Started my own clan with other noobs (spam tag basically), then got recruited by kaiser into IX.

deepcode Game profile


May 26th 2011, 0:35:02

who the hell uses semicolons to seperate function parameters!

deepcode Game profile


May 25th 2011, 20:34:15

Conceptually vpn is just a tunnelling technique. You could develop one yourself with the right know how. So I don't understand the server/ip restrictions comments.

Anything to do with crypto export laws on vpn software maybe? Or just vpn vendors being fluffs?

deepcode Game profile


May 25th 2011, 19:37:32

Do you have the cash to rebuy tanks and rebuild the land? Sometimes you don't and have to sell off things to keep momentum going in a war.

Look at all the resources available to you, spies, other military and especially technology. You can liquidate 3/4th's of your goods in around 24 hours if you login every 4 hour period and price it to ensure it sells. (believe the time to market is still 4 hours?)

No cash, no tech, nothing? You're basically a restart, just with more land. Slow and painful recovery o.O

deepcode Game profile


May 24th 2011, 19:20:00

Seems to be okay as is. FS will obviously look incrediby overpowered when a bigger clan drops and tag kills a smaller one within 24 hours, but when the numbers are closer it is a diferent story.

clanA = clanB (#'s): clanA FS goes in with advantage and should, they got the strike off. clanB fights uphill in the war but otherwise needs a good performance & strat to turn it around.

clanA < clanB (#'s): clanA FS goes in and the war turns out to be pretty even, clanB's numbers advantage helps absorb the FS. (see sol v lcn/imag/icn - close war up until the tipping point).

clanA > clanB (#'s): clanA FS obliterates clanB, having number advantage and FS advantage. (sof -> rd ?) In this situation clanB would need to FS instead or call in allies to offset the FS.

Just some thoughts in my head.

deepcode Game profile


May 20th 2011, 17:10:53

iMag -30
SoF 33
LCN 48
LaF -20
Evo 21
Omega 29
RD -20
Sanct 24
ICN 15
PDM -15
Monsters 20
fluff 12
WoF 13
NA 1
SoL -73
m0m0 11

deepcode Game profile


May 18th 2011, 21:27:11

Welcome back dolphin!

deepcode Game profile


May 16th 2011, 21:07:29

Good for him :)

Hope he pays us a visit in the future.

deepcode Game profile


May 11th 2011, 0:15:28

Originally posted by Evolution:
We were worried at one stage that our breakers would be lemming'd down and killed. We were a bit surprised when our vunerable breakers were left untouched at the peak of the war.

6 days ago I made an internal post about this exact subject...

The opportunity passed us :(

deepcode Game profile


May 8th 2011, 22:16:51

Isn't the maximum ally support dependent on the mil strength and not on actual military?

a non-rep, with no mods doing an SS with 1mil jets can only get a max of 1mil jets support.

a dict, 1.5% weaps, 1mil jets, PS.

1.25 * 1.5 * 1mil * 1.5 = 2,812,500

Max ally support 2,812,500 (double your own) for a total power of 5.6mil jets/turrets equiv. ???

deepcode Game profile


May 6th 2011, 16:00:35

Freeze up first, snap out of it, then fist punch to wall. Depends on proximity though, I find one on me and I'll flail around like a girl swatting it until its off me then start stomping around like a madman to kill it.

The worst ones are when you spot one on the wall while taking a shower.

Phobias really make you act weird.

deepcode Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 20:35:30

lol, love how he's being called a dictator, what rubbish.

Dictators can't be voted out of office by the people when they've had enough.

deepcode Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 17:49:47

I don't like that he did that parliament thing.. prorogue? Also don't like conservative social views. Seems very "religious", ew.

I do like that he wants to focus on economy and crime. I can't speak for most people, but those 2 things matter most to me. We need jobs. Bills gotta be paid, people need to live.

He's got his opportunity, who knows, if things start to get better, I might just vote for the first time in my life when the next one comes around.

deepcode Game profile


May 1st 2011, 0:19:11

I'll kill them on site if they are near me in my home. I won't torture them or anything, just flat out, fist to wall smoosh-job.
But that is only because of a terrible fear I have of the little buggers. If I didn't freeze up, panic or go nuts when I saw them, I'd probably leave them alone.

I'd think it cruelty if you harmed it intentionally for your own amusement or by neglect when an animal is in your care.

deepcode Game profile


Apr 28th 2011, 3:55:09

iScode: same.

I don't know yet if this is a good idea. Will have to give it time.

As alex said, the speed of the hits were frightening. The question is, do we want the hits to come in like this? Is this the type of gameplay that players want?

The last time I saw kills this fast were with IX during the big block wars...

deepcode Game profile


Apr 27th 2011, 23:16:20

Hey, were not uncivilized..

Mobster code is to have a sit down first. Then we take you for a ride to "the park" and stab you in the back fifty times :P

deepcode Game profile


Apr 26th 2011, 1:53:28

i clicked this thread twice you bastage!


deepcode Game profile


Apr 24th 2011, 21:33:04


I'd be inclined to have some sympathy for companies if their practices and way of doing business weren't so dirty and underhanded. I assume that much of it is because of inefficient red tape and flat out greed.

Have you tried to cancel an account with bell at all? I did, at least three times and received bills from them for half a year after the first.

If you don't pay? They send it to collections agents, who are, of course, wanna-be gangsters that threaten you and your family until you pay back every dime that they claim you owe them.

Hell, they don't even care if the person they are threatening is the person who actually owes them money.

That might sound like a totally separate issue, but ordinary non-business type of people flat out don't care. Treat us right and we will be glad and happy to support those companies and pay for extra services.

I see this thing every day at work. I give good service to people, they buy more things. I treat them fair and don't gouge them and they keep coming back to our company. I'm honest with them and they choose us over the others, even if the top people make it difficult as fluff for the low level guys to do their jobs.

Treat your customers right and there wouldn't be a problem.

deepcode Game profile


Apr 23rd 2011, 1:12:32

We don't like it. We can't do anything about it, we work for the man! We'd like the man to change his rules, but he won't. He makes money, we get paid to play by his rules.

We can quit of course, but then we don't get paid. The solution? Become the man and make a new set of rules.

Ahhh, but then now your into business, not working the line. Now ya gotta play the political game. Don't screw up, or your fluffing bankrupt yo and all your workers don't get paid.

deepcode Game profile


Apr 20th 2011, 22:08:03

I have no math skills whatsoever, but I've always been a firm believer that infinity is equal to one, unity.

Don't know why, it just feels right.

deepcode Game profile


Apr 20th 2011, 21:59:58

I want more snow.

This summer thing is getting old. Leave the heat and brightness to the people living in the south.

Any canuck who doesn't like snow needs a good shinkick.

deepcode Game profile


Apr 20th 2011, 3:46:20

pci changes, it grows and shrinks kind of like population does.

deepcode Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 17:06:32

Clearly the awnser is 42.

deepcode Game profile


Apr 15th 2011, 14:18:49

crtc making the decision to allow our internet companies to bill by bandwidth or somesuch, whatever it is, it means more greedy companies gouging people.

deepcode Game profile


Apr 7th 2011, 17:52:07

Shows how much I know about politics.. hey there, so that's who my MP is?

Voted and whatnot, though I'm going to be honest, I don't think anything will be done about this.

deepcode Game profile


Apr 6th 2011, 16:07:24

Posting for bonuses.

deepcode Game profile


Dec 12th 2010, 22:31:31

Just as I finished typing something up on it.

Please kindly /kick it back, thank you :P

deepcode Game profile


Dec 11th 2010, 0:33:17

Oh snap, I see what it did now. Added a link at the bottom to list LCN'ers.

I'm new to this wiki thing :P

deepcode Game profile


Dec 10th 2010, 23:55:08

Nothing happened. Is nothing suppose to happen? Did I break it? Can I go do other stuff now?

deepcode Game profile


Nov 29th 2010, 22:08:16


Now where's my pie?

deepcode Game profile


Nov 29th 2010, 22:02:21

I thought Earth has done very good things for me personally. Learning about politics, perspectives and of course, money management. Stuff about investments/savings/expenses and all that jazz.

Look at the concept of stocking bushels, I never had thought about money/wealth in such a way. Learned more about economics and politics from this game than I ever did in a school.

deepcode Game profile


Nov 29th 2010, 5:51:19

"Why do warring alliances get a free pass"

Because the mechanics of the game allow it and, in my opinion, war clans have an innate advantage over the politics and general freedom of mixed and pure netting clans with the games current mechanics.

All of this talk is aimed at creating a less tense atmosphere(?). Where war clans play by a netting clans credo? Or war clans trying to dictate that netters carry more defense than what is necessary to protect themselves against heavy DR untaggeds, is absolutely pointless.

You cannot dictate how a game is played without heavy moderation that results in countries getting deleted for violating these unwritten "rules", and in that case, you may as well put it into the games core mechanics instead.

That's the bottom line. You cannot change how the players play the game from outside the game, at all, ever. Players will do whatever gives them the greatest advantage in the competition, or the greatest entertainment.

The only way to change how the game is played, is to change the actual mechanics or rules of the game itself.

deepcode Game profile


Nov 27th 2010, 3:57:01

um... /sign for netting? Not that I think it would ever happen. If imag did try to net, would every other clan in the game actually sit back and let them?? I don't think so.

deepcode Game profile


Nov 13th 2010, 0:08:24

Man made laws and concepts of "justice" have screwed our development as a species.

This evil that exists practically everywhere in the world is a product of our advanced civilization of law, order and science.

The alternative could be just as frightening :S

deepcode Game profile


Nov 11th 2010, 3:27:46

deepcode Game profile


Nov 10th 2010, 3:20:00

51 was the highest I saw. With 50 being the top average before climbing down. Which totally shoots down what I thought would happen :P

deepcode Game profile


Nov 1st 2010, 5:17:02

Shouldn't there be some code to seed the generator somewhere? to stop repeat sequences from cropping up.