
ebert643e Game profile


Aug 23rd 2014, 8:04:43

I hope there is someone every round named cyrus... ill be warring every round until that name is not used... low life scum is running it now :) love people... not... anyway ill be warring for the next inconclusive rounds thanks all!

ebert643e Game profile


Aug 17th 2014, 6:01:17

seems people are getting on board and play is getting smoother? less top feeding and funny business? please let me know your opinions.

ebert643e Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 7:19:06

Message from Pregnant Yoga fluffes (#14) sent on Jul 23, 7:16

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let's hope nothing happens to your other country on the primary server :)

quite sad to have someone who cant fight back who has more net worth than you and has to be pathetic and threaten another server. I thought we had people with honor, but it seems true colors shine when your a noob :)

ebert643e Game profile


Jul 16th 2014, 23:55:35

please remember im not "Ebert"... even though my name has it in it lol so when u post "Ebert" mean him :P i'm Ebert643e :) TY

ebert643e Game profile


Jul 14th 2014, 9:50:11

so arkuss you should just admit you are 123... then we all would understand y u keep siding with "the victim" lol sad and funny, but sad...

ebert643e Game profile


Jul 14th 2014, 9:47:11

there is no solid evidence... I did not coordinate with anyone, I was freekin out of state on vacation playing from my phone rather than my normal laptop... I played at odd times when ever I was awake... I slept a lot of my vacation... I spoke to 0 players other than the idiot I hit... he whined like a baby, then pulled the BS coordination card... I was warring under GDI... cant coordinate that the same idiot would chose to hit 2 players then those players never speak, but they both decided to hit back as would be expected if you double or triple tapped someone. then those players got deleted... I don't speak to anyone on anything outside earth, I only in game communication, cause I don't know anyone from here... I feel a lot of players are from UK.. im not from there... its just frusterating that people cant check spy opps of players under suspicion and as well all things those players have been doing... cause I moved right from the 1st player who triple tapped me to the player who double tapped me, I tried to hit the other guy not #123, but it told me he was dead lol.. so I moved on to next idiot. but CLEARLY me returning hits on player who dbl or trpl tapped me is coordination if anyone else wanted revenge. I beg the MODS to be sure there is coordination, cause this greatly deters me from playing and I do like this game, but not if I didn't cheat in any manor and I get deleted for cheating... thanks all!

ebert643e Game profile


Jul 13th 2014, 23:15:31

Only thing I got came from the person I was hitting.. Whining that dogmolk was hitting him. I loled and said good .. Easier on me to hit u.. That's what u get for double tapping people.

ebert643e Game profile


Jul 13th 2014, 21:51:17

I agree and I'm pissed.. Looks like they decided against me and kept me deleted.. I can only create a new country... This is really annoying when I did 0 things wrong... I was in GDI.... Looks like I'll take a break from this game then if mods ban for nothing . Have a good couple months people.

ebert643e Game profile


Jul 13th 2014, 19:45:44

I'm hoping they fix that, cause the deleted both of us, they prolly thought it was coordination lol but if they read hit logs ... The same guy double tapped both of us and was paying for his mistake... I'll hope it gets resolved.

ebert643e Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 21:01:06

who the f is pogo? im not pogo and don't know them... I am my own name thanks!!!

ebert643e Game profile


Jun 9th 2014, 19:49:13

muf.... you are sad and pathetic... im always up for warring... please let war next 100 rounds... ill stay RR pick a name or be a little child and don't....

ebert643e Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 19:20:36

yea ur funny.... just waiting on a mod... hope they can help...

ebert643e Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 18:43:35

so why is it that I cannot report a big bug? bugs/whatever are locked? smart... and frusterating...

ebert643e Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 6:13:38

a good example of you hitting someone after you retal them... search RussianRoulette... :)

ebert643e Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 21:00:33

you all are morons. please please check our IP ADDRESSES... we are not the same ppl kiss my big fat butt in da hole! thanks!

ebert643e Game profile


Jan 19th 2014, 4:23:08

u guys are idiots... I hit ppl that are good looking for land grab... I don't check history of who hit you b4 I do, grow up. that's like saying ur ally is expected to never land grab anyone you hit... what pathetic thinking on your end.

ebert643e Game profile


Jan 19th 2014, 4:18:58

reptile ur a moron.... I didn't attack you in express due to u being an ass in tourney... weather we war in tourney... I don't care each separate game were in unless u hit my hit you radar for a good land grab.. I wouldn't hit you in one game for what u do in another... id just follow u in that game type and ruin ur sets till im finished... so don't thnk ur special that I would hit you in express over tourney... ur just a moron who is looking to ruin other games im playing cause ur losing the war lol grow up and stop whining!!!

ebert643e Game profile


Dec 16th 2013, 8:01:19

its my last name... no relation that i know of... maybe his last name too... i use it cause i thought it was unique... RR is my name everywhere too in other games i have played in past... it is odd he and i share a name.. but i will guatentee... we dont live together, nor never shared IP addresses lol we are 2 people and any mod could verify never haviong same ip address... much less who knows where he lives or i live... either way.. here to have some fun adn cause couse ruckus on old farts who hold unwritten rules as written rules "or else" lol

ebert643e Game profile


Dec 12th 2013, 14:39:52

silent wolf.. be aware me and ebert are 2 differ ppl... im not the ebert everyone refers to as ebert.

ebert643e Game profile


Dec 9th 2013, 22:34:11

not crying... just saying maybe mods should give u a 24 hour reserve on ur name if u usually run it every round... weather im a good, bad poor or ok player... makes no differ... if you use the same name over and over... u got balls... cause easily u make enemies and friends, ppl know you. but now ur friends ally spoofers... just not polite. ill hope a mod agrees maybe a 24 hour hold on ur name you use would fit..

ebert643e Game profile


Dec 9th 2013, 7:03:34

why is it that idiots take peoples names they have every set.... FYI RussianRoulette is a spoofer now... real RussianRoulette is the true one. ill hope people who have no respect for anything, they need to steal names grow up.. thanks!

ebert643e Game profile


Nov 22nd 2013, 4:10:03

lol gotta love being new to the forum...

ebert643e Game profile


Nov 21st 2013, 5:13:00

I am?

ebert643e Game profile


Nov 21st 2013, 5:09:59

any clues?