
highrock Game profile


Jan 10th 2011, 3:12:39

lol Angel1, you beat me!

clearly we are the best =)
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Jan 10th 2011, 3:12:04

formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Jan 9th 2011, 21:15:30

i can confirm for a fact that it does. Screwed me out of a landgrab in FFA because I didn't realize the country had been GSed with DHs.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Jan 9th 2011, 4:04:54

yes it does, although i don't know why...seems like it's just made for abuse
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Jan 6th 2011, 6:08:14

Originally posted by oats:
I don't know why this is acceptable to anyone while RD gets blasted for inter alliance farming. Nor do I understand why ICN wouldn't farm one another. This is the exact same thing.

With the new landgrabbing formulas and building generation it is well enough for people to do their own retals.

Also, the tyr hits take more empty acres but dict hits gain more total acres when you include buildings. It makes no sense to retal with tyr if you want to gain the most acres. Retalling with tyr just cheeses people off while retalling with dict is beneficial to all.

But why not just farm within your alliance? You do it openly now.

in terms of total acres, tyranny still always gets more than dict. you just get a higher proportion of built acres as a dict...
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Jan 6th 2011, 4:52:26

Originally posted by Junky:
I've stopped caring about inter-clan farming long ago... just be happy they arn't farming clanless countries and making people leave the game... I think its a lesser of the two evils...

i'm not sure it's the lesser of two evils. not talking about getting your land back from a retaller, but inter-clan farming to generate land via ghost acres is a downright abuse of ghost acres. sooner or later, all clans will have to do it to keep up...and i think that will lead to the demise of ghost acres, if not the game. i think that's way worse than farming suiciders and untagged vets with grudges (let's face it, none of those untags are noobs).
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Jan 6th 2011, 2:14:38

umm ICN is hardly the first clan to do it...another clan has been doing it all reset...
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 23:22:25

Originally posted by locket:
Ford it was a 7600 acre retal by sanct.

And slagpit I am sure you are just trying to get a rise out of him but neither of you are coming off as exactly professional :P

that was definitely a LG and not a retal by sanct...
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 21:28:56

that is quite funny...i wonder how many spies he actually lost in that...

the more you fail the worse it gets because you lose so many spies per fail.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 6:04:09

so the largest alliance in the game gains another 20ish members?

we should just have a draft instead.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 22:19:19

i dont think they even want one...they are still grabbing while at war...
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 25th 2010, 6:48:12

thanks santa! just what i wanted!
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 24th 2010, 22:33:18

Originally posted by Steeps:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Why is SOL topfeeding while at war and while another tag is policing for them? You requested a war DNH from netting tags then thanked those tags by topfeeding them while still under "don't hit" status. I hope the next time SOL wars everyone ignores your war DNH request and farms the piss out of you.

SoL does not recognise topfeeding. Read the thread and stop trolling.

even if SOL doesn't recognize topfeeding, it shouldn't be grabbing while at war...
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 24th 2010, 5:03:37

somebody needs to pull a wikileaks
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 22nd 2010, 9:36:05

Originally posted by Thomas:
This game needs computer made landfarms that are 100% random in their playtimes/attacking. Will never happen. But on could wish.

i thought that was something on the todo list?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 19th 2010, 0:14:42

lol ouch
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 18th 2010, 2:17:06

formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 20:53:08

Originally posted by NOW3P:
oh boy...

It *would* be fun to have, but yeah, the potential for abuse is just too big. Imagine a suicider letting loose on an alliance with max stored bonus points....

hmm that is true to a certain extent, which is why i suggested maybe a ghost acres bonus instead, which presumably doesn't hurt the target as much.

also there's really a limit seeing as how you can't have more than 16 bonus points at one time.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 20:41:45

Originally posted by Marshal:
you want to take portion of enemy's military after you've grabbed him/her? why on earth?

yes i meant more acres/food/cash.

but interesting, maybe we can capture some military units and hold them captive for ransom!
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 17:46:08

Originally posted by joedro:
I have dibs on him!

LOL were you the one that tried to enforce 2:1 retals on a LG with me because we weren't "pacted"?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 17:45:16

Originally posted by Twain:
Here's the fun part though. His big giant post about all the hits we did was 10 minutes after he accepted a 4-day DNH that I offered him to let things cool off.

Our guy probably shouldn't have done 4 straight hits on a 1-man tag, but then again, I challenge every large clan to look through their news and have news that DOESN'T involve such farming of untaggeds/1-man tags.

Furthermore, running countries that have 80% jets is fine for retallers, but with 3 off. pacts to 2 def. pacts, the PS bonus, and every other advantage that is thrown towards the offense in this game, it's truly impossible to defend your land. Most of my countries have very high breaks as I've been playing this set to try to avoid getting grabbed, and for the most part it's worked, but at the same time, if someone REALLY wanted to break me, I'm sure they could, seeing as it wouldn't be terribly difficult.

highrock, since you're airing most of the news publicly right after we made the agreement, I'll air what I said to you as well. Big clans don't like being told what to do by 1-man tags. I reached out, because I respected that while you posted this originally, you didn't call out anyone specifically. Since you've now called us out specifically, I've lost that respect for you. However, I will honor my word. But if you do anymore top-feeds with all-jetters, I'll do just as others have said here, and I will farm and destroy your entire string.

you're right...i shouldn't have made it public...but i was only responding to Oz's very public threat to continue to farm me. he's the one who started this whole thing for you guys. you should really rein him in, both in game and on the boards.

to be fair, PAN, although the most egregious, is not the only clan that has members pushing it a little.

Edited By: highrock on Dec 17th 2010, 17:48:17
See Original Post
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 6:48:46

Originally posted by Pain:
highrock i just spied one of your countries. it had a lot of land and a relatively easy break. i was tempted to grab you but i felt like it would be a douchebag move lol. i felt like we would have both made out after the retal but opted to just explore for 100 turns instead.

haha actually i wouldn't mind too much if you hit me like that if we both come out ahead...that's actually how i've been getting about 90% of my land...i only mind when guys in the same clan hit me 3 or 4 times in a row.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 6:45:42

Originally posted by Havoc:
Indeed.. the main reason we were so worked up about that 'topfeed' was that the guy you hit with had 8m jets/2m turrets.. Pretty frowned upon.

haha i actually only had to go so jet heavy because some Sanct guy tried bottom feeding me so i had to buy up about 6M jets to make the retals
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 6:43:21

yep that's batch for explore bonus and building cost bonus
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 4:58:52

thats exactly the way the bonus is supposed to work...?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 1:55:29

Originally posted by DeDLySMuRF:

You've came out ahead this set with your old retal policy. Why change it? No clans seriously farming you. No clans killed anything of yours. You've gained alot of land. Just keep doing what your doing, instead of stirring the pot. i said selective enforcement...probably very selective to clans that are going to abuse me...but PAN and i have worked things out for now =P
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 1:40:02

Originally posted by KeTcHuP:
Ill admit HR is a decent guy from ingame messages. When he did something that pushed TKO policy a bit i sent him a long message which somewhat explained it and more or less confused it more and we worked it out and we havnt had many issues since.

If he grabs me a few times through the rest of set hes still ok in my books =)


LOL ketchup aren't you in Omega this set? i'm trying not to grab fellow Omegans (that's why Havoc hasn't been grabbed yet =P)
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 1:35:43

i feel like there should be a bonus that is associated with every why not a military capture bonus to increase LGing?

you can capture more from your opponents for any attack (or if that's too strong, maybe just more ghost acres bonus?)
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 1:28:51

just so we're clear on what's going on:

all hits between my tag and PAN since the start of the reset:

LG #1 by me:

2010-12-07 04:41:08 PS hr10 (#258) bc hrock New York (#365) bc PANLV 1461A (2151A)

Retal by PAN (should have gotten a lot more, but they chose to retal with a Monarchy not really close to my NW)

2010-12-07 04:54:14 PS Isengard (#459) bc PANLV hr10 (#258) bc hrock 631A (874A)

2 LGs by PAN by the same person

2010-12-08 00:20:15 SS White Christmas (#1326) bc PANLV hr8 (#256) bc hrock 808A (1138A)
2010-12-08 00:15:19 PS A Christmas Carol (#1327) bc PANLV hr10 (#258) bc hrock 1284A (1787A)

2 retals by me (friendly messages exchanged)

2010-12-08 01:19:35 PS hr3 (#251) bc hrock A Christmas Carol (#1327) bc PANLV 1535A (2248A)
2010-12-08 01:11:13 PS hr10 (#258) bc hrock White Christmas (#1326) bc PANLV 720A (1053A)

4 LGs by PAN (Oz) in one day

2010-12-08 05:31:26 PS Kamikaze (#561) bc PANLV hr12 (#260) bc hrock 301A (499A)
2010-12-08 05:31:23 PS Kamikaze (#561) bc PANLV hr12 (#260) bc hrock 373A (689A)
2010-12-08 05:31:21 PS Kamikaze (#561) bc PANLV hr12 (#260) bc hrock 394A (717A)
2010-12-08 05:31:17 PS Kamikaze (#561) bc PANLV hr12 (#260) bc hrock 416A (746A)

4 retals (which is pretty lenient by me i think)

2010-12-09 08:34:14 PS hr5 (#253) bc hrock Kamikaze (#561) bc PANLV 1342A (1822A)
2010-12-08 08:30:57 PS hr1 (#249) bc hrock Kamikaze (#561) bc PANLV 1372A (1810A)
2010-12-08 08:25:24 PS hr4 (#252) bc hrock Kamikaze (#561) bc PANLV 1252A (1774A)
2010-12-08 08:16:40 PS hr8 (#256) bc hrock Kamikaze (#561) bc PANLV 1629A (2317A)

** Oz threatens to farm me more here **

2 LGs by me (not at the same time, although within 24 hours)

2010-12-11 06:59:35 PS hr4 (#252) bc hrock Carolina (#1227) bc PANLV 433A (433A)
2010-12-10 20:06:57 PS hr3 (#251) bc hrock NEW YEAR (#1268) bc PANLV 1440A (1521A)

2 retals (they get their land back and more via ghost acres)

2010-12-11 20:03:07 PS Praise God (#1231) bc PANLV hr4 (#252) bc hrock 980A (1425A)
2010-12-11 07:12:06 SS JOSEPH (#1281) bc PANLV hr3 (#251) bc hrock 523A (769A)

1 LG by me (the supposed "topfeed", which actually doesn't exist in FFA, if you can't defend your land, it's your fault)

2010-12-14 00:39:20 PS hr3 (#251) bc hrock The Human Kite (#64) bc PANLV 5905A (8715A)

Oz grabs me again:

2010-12-14 01:54:50 PS Kamikaze (#568) bc PANLV hr15 (#263) bc hrock 1478A (2128A)

1 retal:

2010-12-14 02:21:39 PS hr14 (#262) bc hrock Kamikaze (#568) bc PANLV 1931A (2559A)

Oz grabs me again:

2010-12-14 03:07:58 PS Kamikaze (#556) bc PANLV hr13 (#261) bc hrock 2094A (3207A)

Another 1 retal by me only:

2010-12-14 03:27:01 PS hr11 (#259) bc hrock Kamikaze (#556) bc PANLV 1520A (2056A)

Retal for my "topfeed" (they get almost all their land back, so it's not really even a topfeed...)

2010-12-15 13:41:58 PS Iron Maiden (#1746) bc PANLV hr3 (#251) bc hrock 3480A (5024A)

4 LGs by PAN (the same person)

2010-12-16 06:30:37 PS Lions Den (#2021) bc PANLV hr6 (#254) bc hrock 2165A (3183A)
2010-12-16 06:29:01 PS Lions Den (#2019) bc PANLV hr8 (#256) bc hrock 2860A (4209A)
2010-12-16 06:25:34 PS Lions Den (#2020) bc PANLV hr12 (#260) bc hrock 1273A (2146A)
2010-12-16 06:22:01 PS Lions Den (#2018) bc PANLV hr14 (#262) bc hrock 1865A (3072A)

3 retals by me (1 more pending)

2010-12-16 06:55:21 PS hr12 (#260) bc hrock Lions Den (#2020) bc PANLV 2016A (2827A)
2010-12-16 06:51:29 PS hr12 (#260) bc hrock Lions Den (#2018) bc PANLV 2023A (2791A)
2010-12-16 06:40:45 PS hr2 (#250) bc hrock Lions Den (#2019) bc PANLV 2489A (3403A)

Oz grabs me for the 7th time this reset:

2010-12-16 14:46:46 PS Kamikaze (#554) bc PANLV hr12 (#260) bc hrock 3236A (4760A)

Again only 1 retal by me:

2010-12-16 15:59:03 PS hr4 (#252) bc hrock Kamikaze (#554) bc PANLV 2743A (3991A)


LGs by PAN: 13 (7 by Oz)
LGs by me: 4 (including one supposed "topfeed" where they got back all but 900 acres)

So what am i doing that's so wrong?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 1:16:25

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
Well I agree with Oz on this one. If someone topfed me... fair game, I had it coming. But don't expect a free ride after that for you.
I will not kill someone over something like that by a long shot. But I can and do have the capability of grabbing back... when I am not being hit by missiles, spy ops and other various destructive things :P

so what do you do after somebody hits you 4 times in one day with the same country as Oz did out of the blue and then threatened to farm you more?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 1:12:21

Originally posted by OrigOzzyB:
Mate, us at PAN are only starting to hit you more because you topfed our big boys.

i "topfed" you once...after you yourself hit me 6 times...
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 17th 2010, 1:06:43

Originally posted by snawdog:
Originally posted by highrock:
also i will be enforcing this selectively. some clans would send me to detah (don't wanna die), so i will just let things slide a little. I will biatch smack the little ones.

Fixed that for ya..

haha if you look at my news, i wouldn't exactly call the clans that have been grabbing me "little".
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 16th 2010, 22:39:37

also i will be enforcing this selectively. some clans haven't really grabbed me all that much (much props to them), so i will just let things slide a little. others are much more grabby.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 16th 2010, 22:37:36

@Fiat: yea 16 countries is hard to maintain haha

@Gmann and others: thanks for the offer. i've gotten offers from many people to join them, but it's more fun to be out on my own.

@Twain: actually i would say 90% of my land has been from me getting way more on retals than people who grab me. That is why I run all jets. I've only "topfed" probably 3 or 4 times this reset total.

formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 16th 2010, 20:47:31

if i didn't expect to be killed, i wouldn't have run 15 tyrannys =)
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 16th 2010, 20:30:18


to control the increasing number of grabs on tag hrock, here is hrock's new policy:

1. each tag is allowed one grab on any country in hrock, which will be retaled 1:1.

2. more than one hit from a tag in 24 hours: each hit above the first one will be retaled 1:1 officially plus one unofficial "topfeed" on another country in your tag. you may retal those hits 1:1.

3. any excessive farming or retaling will lead to more severe retaliation on any country in your tag.

hopefully this will make things more fun =P
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 10th 2010, 18:54:41

hmm so let me see if i understand it correctly. it works like this:

1. underlying APT is unrounded. bonus applies to unrounded APT.
2. after bonus is applied, round APT.
3. display and use rounded APT as the real explore rate.

so if the unrounded explore rate is 9.5, adding the bonus will make it 10.45. in both cases (pre and post-bonus), it will display the APT as 10 and uses 10 as the APT when actually exploring?
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 10th 2010, 8:03:30

so i was at 9 acre/turn exploring before i activated my 10% exploration bonus.

after i activated the bonus, i was still at 9 acre/turn. is this a possible bug? or could this be due to some rounding error (not sure if acre/turn is rounded)? so i can imagine a situation where the actual acre/turn is 8.5 but rounded to 9, then adding 10% would be 9.35, which still rounds to 9.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 10th 2010, 8:00:03

Originally posted by NOW3P:
hmm...didn't give me any problems last night when I tried it. I even teched turn by turn just to maximize the benefit to my allies. I tried it with the bonus alone and with stacked bonuses, and both seemed to work ok.

i think this happened sometime tonight after Pang got rid of tech batching bonuses.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 10th 2010, 6:29:39

Originally posted by Pang:
I updated the wording to make it more clear how the bonus impacts your teching.

It works by displaying it in the following format (Example assumes I have 65 turns):
You can research 15 technologies per turn (PLUS an additional 3 technologies per turn for the next 10 turns). You have time to develop 1,005 new technologies.

So the 1005 technologies I can develop is equal to 15*65 + 3*10 = 975 + 30 = 1005

Hopefully that is more clear now :)
When you don't have the teching bonus active, the extra info will not be shown.

Thanks Pang! Wonderful as always. I wonder though, whether it would be more clear if the wording were something like:

You can research 15 technologies per turn (18 technologies per turn for the next 10 turns). You have time to develop 1,005 new technologies.

instead of the PLUS 3 per turn. This is so that people don't have to do the addition in their heads. Also, most people don't tech all their turns at once, so it's more helpful to have the turn by turn tpt.

Also, in case you didn't see it, I posted a bug on B&S that you might want to check out =)
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 10th 2010, 5:19:28


I think there's a serious bug that happened when you redid the tech batching. Right now in my FFA countries, when you activate the tech bonus, if you tech less than 10 turns, it will automatically use up 10 turns.

For example, if my tpt after the bonus is activated is 100, if I tech one turn, I get 100 tech points but it uses up 10 turns.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 10th 2010, 4:45:44

lol i did not know that...

formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 10th 2010, 4:42:09

Originally posted by Pang:
I've updated batch teching so that you do NOT get to use the bonus beyond the 10 turns.

tech per turn is calculated on a per-turn basis, so if you tech 17 points with a bonus and 15 without a bonus, and you want to tech for 170 points but only have 6 turns of the bonus left, this will be your tech per turn:
Turn 1: 17 tech
Turn 2: 17 tech
Turn 3: 17 tech
Turn 4: 17 tech
Turn 5: 17 tech
Turn 6: 17 tech
Turn 7: 15 tech
Turn 8: 15 tech
Turn 9: 15 tech
Turn 10: 15 tech
Turn 11: 8 tech

This was done to make the bonus act more like cash, oil, indy production and food production in the sense that you can't "batch" it.


I know it's a lot to ask, but is there a way to code in either a stop or a warning for that? It seems like if I accidentally go over the turn bonus, then I would lose some or most of an extra turn (that turn that I only tech 8 when I could've teched 15). This seems like a "punishment" that doesn't happen with the other bonuses because the other bonuses you actually control how many turns you use.
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 10th 2010, 4:26:05

omega :)

and no i'm not hellrush or whatever he is...that's why i tried not to make my tag hr
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 10th 2010, 3:57:38

Originally posted by kemo:
no i mostly seen his missiles and was waitin to see how he reacted to anyone elses hits :P

lol my retal policy is in my clan name :)
formerly Viola MD

highrock Game profile


Dec 10th 2010, 3:27:45

i am very surprised and impressed at how much restraint most tags have shown in farming my one man tag. seems to be a much better self-regulating environment than alliance server.
formerly Viola MD