
iXenomorph Game profile


Apr 8th 2011, 23:19:31

this thread makes me scared...
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Apr 6th 2011, 22:14:03

hey HFA!!!

Go back to your pink department!
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Apr 6th 2011, 22:12:40

happy 50th :P
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Apr 6th 2011, 18:34:09

Originally posted by bore:
i heard all the sucky kr's were run by imags president.

The sad thing is this is actually true. ROFL.

Now check which KR's resulted in the most deaths and you will know which were run by me :P
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Apr 4th 2011, 8:34:30

free turns woot
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Apr 1st 2011, 19:14:48

Originally posted by dagga:
iXenomoron - that is exactly what you have been doing. Don't kid yourself. You fight meaningless war after meaningless war and you never win unless you blindside some alliance that is either in the middle of netgaining or dragged down and weary after some other war.

You haven't got any real allies, you don't appear to try to work at relations you just keep doing the same thing over and over. You're basically glorified suiciders. Now, you know how to fight, but I've seen monkeys at a zoo who know how to work an abacus. There is more to playing this game than beating your chest and saying "we are good because we have done this for 10 years and still exist!". For the length of time you have been in this game your noteworthy moments are unavoidably and damningly scarce. Maybe banging your head up against the wall is something you;ve been doing for so long you no longer feel the sting?

I'd like to think warring is quite meaningful. On the other hand, netgaining is simply looking at escalating numbers and seal clapping the bigger the numbers get. Mmmm... really meaningful. Sorry, I'm not as easily amused as you.

I would assert -- and I'm pretty sure every iMagger feels exactly the same -- that if iMag were to be completely farmed and destroyed every single day of every single set, it would still be infinitely more entertaining than watching numbers churn. I have school for that.

"We haven't done anything noteworthy and so we suck." Mmm. Okay. I like to consider myself a reasonable person. I can tentatively accept your militant assertion. Personally, I couldn't care less if iMag changed the entire fate of Earth Empires, or remained as obscure as your intellect seems to be. It doesn't matter as my only goal in iMag is not fame or reputation, but fun. I will note however that iMag is a lot less likely to commit blatant acts of greed while simultaneously professing benevolence. At least we're honest about who we are. That should be a lot more commendable than some other clans I've heard of.

Netgaining wouldn't exist without conflict. Landgrabs. The whole philosophy wouldn't work without fighting, or if it did, it would be an incredibly boring game indeed. War however, is not contingent upon netgaining. If anything, we are the staple of this game, not netters.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Apr 1st 2011, 2:32:12

Pontius after 10 years of doing exactly the same thing -- That is, warring every day of every set -- for ill or for better, at least that demonstrates a stubborn consistency that I think should be laudable. Granted, if one were to slam their face repeatedly into a wall for 10 years, it wouldn't be quite as laudable, but this is a game. We do this for fun.

I think you need to stop taking the game so seriously.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 30th 2011, 21:17:26

Here, Neil Degrasse Tyson, one of the world's most eminent astro-physicists, describes our possible death by a giant asteroid in 2035. 2012 is bullfluff. If you want worldwide extinction, pray for 2035. Buncha' conspiracy theorist bullfluffers...

And yes, this is actually scientifically legitimate.

EDIT: 2029, not 2035.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 30th 2011, 21:12:57

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Meh, every now and then (not often though) iMag does something cool. And their members generally have a pretty good "moral compass" of which alliances to dislike and which ones to like.

But then they do pointless and stupid stuff like hitting NA or other netters for multiple sets, get killed by SOL and then complain like blah. Not nearly as many people would complain if you hit a warring clan (bigger than you) or someone like RD that does gay stuff like the PDM war. Deficiency in leadership I suppose ;)

I still don't understand why you hate us.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 30th 2011, 9:01:03

In 2012...

iMag becomes a netting clan. Earth Empires implodes. The Earth is destroyed.

The mayans knew it...
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 30th 2011, 3:35:00

Disregard whatever Nouda says, he is a moron.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 29th 2011, 20:01:28

It's funny how Galandy thinks anyone cares...
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 29th 2011, 12:03:45

Originally posted by dagga:
"IXenowhat" SOL has always been on top on this server?

See we were demolished by LCN and Omega in Aug 2010 by trying to defend the stupidity of imagnum. Demolished. The set after that, we took a 60 member LaF to task over their 48 hr retal window and L:L with our 40 members (and declining). We prevailed.

Don't confuse hard work with just happening to be one of the better alliances on the server. It doesn't just happen like that. Maybe imaginary numbnuts could take heed and realise that after however many years you idiots have been alive you have never risen above Ragnarok status? At least they were able to get themselves aligned with a few coalitions now and then that actually made a difference.

Try as I might, the only emotion this appeal can stimulate within me is cold satisfaction. You got destroyed by two alliances whom I both respect for being dependable and internally consistent, as opposed to unreliable hypocrites.

I can respect a good war, and I can respect people who tag kill us over and over and over again. LCN and Fist farmed us for a month. I respect that more than the swift tag kill you gave us earlier this set. As hard as I try to, I can't respect the "liberty" that you profess to serve.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 29th 2011, 3:19:22

Heya dagga,

To expect us to "win" a war 120 vs 39 is a little shortsighted. Not that we're complaining. We welcome the uphill battle. In fact, the war wouldn't had been as satisfying if it had consisted of us demolishing NA, whom, as we all know, do not make it their business to be acquainted with war anyway. While their performance was poor -- something I don't fault them for because of the nature of their clan as netters -- I have a lot more respect for them then I have for you or SOL.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of people that I like in SOL, but being criticized by someone in a clan that hasn't felt the necessity to fight with any form of desperation because they haven't seen the compulsion to, the need to, because they've always had the luxury of being on top... holds as much water as the teeth my grandmother soaks her dentures in -- which is to say, not much, and whatever water held is defiled and scummy.

It's truly disappointing to see that this is the kind of position the "Sons of Liberty" hold.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 28th 2011, 21:05:00

I'm a pro and didn't get any missiles. SO instead of destroying mine you wasted ops on me.

I am SO pro!!!
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 24th 2011, 1:28:48

and they are...imag.... so their countries were poor, making us believe that SoF would accept us having them (despite imag being SoFs FDP). Martian Deity and Scode all agreed that imag would help WoG in this war.

I absolutely LOVE this quote :D!!!
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 19th 2011, 2:59:28

Very interesting.

While I've always dismissed DH as a retarded troll, that post actually sounded somewhat insightful and reasonable.

Go DH!
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 9th 2011, 5:28:25

This is nothing to be proud of...
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 13:07:38

pre-emptively delete while running out of resources to wall!

can you do that? I've never deleted a country before.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 13:06:26

"The competition got closed down because of people trolling the other babies."

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 19:18:22

Originally posted by LightBringer:
We spam. We netgain.

I was actually intrigued until I read this...


/me moves on to other threads.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:27:36

Don't you wish I was hFA or prez?

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 22:22:33

Galandy, I highly recommend The Witcher.

It's a great singleplayer RPG, on par with Mass Effect/ Dragon Age.

You can get it on steam for a good price, and The Witcher 2 is almost out for release.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 9:24:25

Well you're dead...

we're sorry, as always it's nothing personal.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 24th 2011, 1:04:21

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 22nd 2011, 2:26:39

Originally posted by Deerhunter:
Did we support this? We always support standing by our allis. It is a real shame to have to kill Imag AGAIN but i try to look at the bright side of it. At least i get to farm them too. My country is growing real good now. No need for land exploring. During a war like this i call it ImagExploring.

In all seriousness Imag is doing a fine job of trying to wall and based on how easily they died the last time we killed them they have gotten much better at walling. Good job Imag. This has to be a moral victory for you.

We have a walling contest right now...

Top waller will get pics of all the imag girls, galleri, me, kessie and soviet.

Naughty pics ;)
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 23:02:42

i'd have to see the pics first to decide...
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 22:58:23

yes but guests only are allowed access to the Safe for Work pics... and those are mainly of men :P
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 22:56:59

Originally posted by CaptainTenacious:
you can always send them to me

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 22:54:20

I was going to send you hot pics... soviet thought it would be a nice peace offerring after last set.

but I guess we're through!

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 22:01:36

Originally posted by Steeps:
20% of people unemployed... that's 20% of a nation doing nothing... They could be playing earth instead get recruiting!

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 21:58:56

yes it is... and if you want to know how i'm doing

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 1:37:00

thanks =)
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 17th 2011, 4:55:55

if you want to kill stuff...

if you want to net go somewhere else! and stay out of our way!
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 4:28:33

it wouldn't have made a difference anyway...
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 20:33:10

you guys are so mean... no wonder you act so shocked when there's finally a girl here. you've driven all the other ones away!

and leave soviet alone. I wouldn't be with him if I didn't have my reasons =).

You people will never be able to satisfy me like soviet...
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 19:29:33

Originally posted by Chevs:
xeno is an ugly cow with male genitals i've seen pics

i'm offended!
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 17:16:55

Detox(NA Senate)
NA Head of War

so... i have you to blame for the crap war last set?

/troll =)
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 9:50:14

whats with all your requests gawsh... is it so hard to believe that we have a moderately attractive girl amongst our quaint little gaming community?...

I'll make ya a deal. If NA can kill my country within 3 days I'll post more pics and take requests =)
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 1:43:50

yes that me :)
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 22:55:24

he had a solid basis to work... after getting hit more than two thousand times.

i also like how you had over twice our networth and more members before we fs'd you. the fact that you didn't pwn us let alone get pwned is pretty horrible.
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 22:52:06

I seem to remember HPK last set for NA was about OVER 9000

wow you walled 236 turns big deal *rolls eyes*
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 22:21:15

sorry only imaggers get to request pics!

if you want to apply

you should've seen what i sent soviet on his birthday... ;)
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 22:18:27

so do i get luck?
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 22:12:50

they were preparing to war us already. we just took the initiative.

that or they were running a new netting strategy :0

p.s. that is me!
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 22:08:49

so... you don't like our valentines?
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 22:06:59

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 3:52:37

Soviet farted and scared them off. I don't blame them... he really smells...
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 8th 2011, 4:56:39

"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima

iXenomorph Game profile


Feb 8th 2011, 4:55:02

Halo: First Strike
"Have you ever noticed how a cat is genuinely sad when the mouse they are playing with dies ???" - Prima