
ibujke Game profile


Feb 20th 2011, 14:49:36

You dont have to have an OS intalled.
You can put that HD in a PC that has another HD with an OS and read the music then.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 17:22:13

Who said we are doing it to gain respect?

And maybe I missed it, but I didnt see iMag calling NA sub-standard. it appears to me the only ones that call NA that are the ones that are defending it (or attacking iMag more likely).

ibujke Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 1:56:47

that ttt was stupid, sorry

ibujke Game profile


Feb 19th 2011, 1:56:18


ibujke Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 22:23:47

Originally posted by Detmer:

Best War Declaration: LCN on Rage
LCN on Rage - 8
iMag on SoL - 7

Worst War Declaration: iMag
iMag - 8
NA - 7

Isnt that a bit contradictory? Not trolling, seriously asking. I realize that the same 8 people that voted for LCN on Rage voted for Worst Dec iMag, but isnt it kinda silly to have only two nominees, and have one or both of them repeat in both categories?

Otherwise, thanks Detmer.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 16:15:24

O I C!

I was joking too! Yes, I was!

ibujke Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 15:14:00

Originally posted by anoniem:

Monsters are South Korea because they are always close to being FSed by iMag

Erm, no.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 14:24:55


ibujke Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 12:38:39

Erm, you dont get to join OL, if thats what you meant.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 2:46:20

Then stop posting and go help them.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 18th 2011, 0:44:33

You know mrford, if I cared about a clan as much as you do about NA, I`d go and help them.

Why did you leave anyway? Why not go back for a set to help them out if you care so much?

Or are you just trolling?

ibujke Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 13:47:02

Look alive!

ibujke Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 12:51:09

Sell readiness and buy oil.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 16th 2011, 11:40:33

Get more spies.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 20:09:02

Originally posted by Detoxxx:

(800 turns = 800 attacks for you? where you been man?)

He said the set lasted for about 800 turns until now. As in, a single country got around 800 turns to play. Since the start of the set. Until now.

He was telling you that at the time of the FS iMag countries played 240 (less than 240) turns less than NA countries. Because iMag countries played about 560 and then stored while NA countries played full 800 turns (or about).

Edited By: ibujke on Feb 15th 2011, 20:12:19
See Original Post

ibujke Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 17:11:29

Originally posted by aponic:

You are our allies you dipfluff. I question SOL all the time. Am I now responsible to comment on every thread because I commented on this one?

You obviously wanted to open and comment on this thread. I was merely asking why you didn't want to do the same on SoL vs iMag thread? A simple 'I didn't feel like it' works fine. Then I`ll just have to wonder to myself why did iMag vs NA deserve your attention and SoL vs iMag didn't.

I didn't question you as an ally or your objectiveness. Perhaps it seemed that I did, I apologize if that is the case.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 14:00:11

Maybe I misunderstood your post, but what you wrote was:

"In terms of strat building you [iMag] clearly have NO IDEA how to build any type of country. 0 SDI, around 10 SPAL"

I cant claim for sure but that seems like not respecting your enemy.

Trolls. It`s nice to know you have a degree in troll recognition. Either way it`s still not respecting.

I could say, "It is a fact that NA is a bunch of no good losers. Merely stating a fact." I bet you would find it disrespectful. You will probably challenge that saying that it is no a fact, but as long as I believe it is it works. Just like you feel it is a fact that iMag cant run a country and I dont. That didnt prevent you from classifying it as a fact.

I hope this explains why I find your statement disrespectful.

"What where? Did the active posters here from iMag became suddenly less aggressive in their posting than usual?"

I really dont get what you are saying there. Are you saying I`m less aggressive than usual? If yes, I dont see how it matters.

For the end:

"Not saying what they are actually write about this, because I'm not here to undermine your ability to lead. "

But you are implying that they disagree with it. That is undermining our ability to lead. Thanks.

I do feel our members are treated with more respect and have more info than most other clans. I could be wrong of course.

"Declaring a war with 40 countries versus 30 with no turns and netters?"

You said you were expecting the FS with +-2 days. Why no turns?

Edited By: ibujke on Feb 15th 2011, 14:11:32
See Original Post

ibujke Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 12:32:20

Originally posted by Detoxxx:
At least have the decency and honor and respect YOUR opponents.

Is kind of ridiculous to say that after you wrote:

Originally posted by Detoxxx:
I swear iMag has the most trolls in this whole game and the only thing they were good at lately is recruit. Other than that, nothing excuses the fact that with FULL TURNS they managed to kill 4 countries, while in the CS 1-2 hours later we killed 2 without turns and the most of us switching.

In terms of strat building you clearly have NO IDEA how to build any type of country. 0 SDI, around 10 SPAL

Originally posted by Detoxxx:
I already explained earlier, but i don't think you guys got THE BIG PICTURE. We could have NETTED THIS SET AND YOU COULD HAVE CONTINUED DIEING. Instead we chosen to accept you FSing us ... ESPECIALLY SINCE WE KNEW IT WAS HAPPENING 10 DAYS BEFORE, WE JUST HAD AN APPROXIMATION OF + - 2 DAYS. Isn't it right iBujke? I could dig for the convo if you will.

I can confirm that you told me the same thing yes.

If you could have netted, why are you here yelling? You obviously chose to war, you said so yourself, so why are you bashing us if you wanted it?

Originally posted by Detoxxx:
I dunno if we're gonna win this war, but the fact that we have 25% LESS countries than you and we're already inflicting damage on you 12 hours after your FS is fine to me.

25% shouldnt matter against someone who "clearly has NO IDEA how to build any type of country". If you lose, you lost to nubs. Thats what you said.

Originally posted by Detoxxx:
An advise for you guys? PLAY THE GAME in a way that doesn't bother others. That's a common sense thing and it can be done.

We play the game in a way we find most enjoyable as long as it is in accordance to the rules we all agreed to. I suggest you do the same.

Originally posted by Detoxxx:
@ iBujke: the other day you called me a hater on irc. Dude, like I told you, I don't hate you. I just am disappointed. Why? No point in explaining if you can't figure it out by yourself. ;) <3

You attacked me the other day, called me a liar etc. I have no idea what you meant then, nor do I now. You refused to explain. If you want to talk to me, do it in IRC, not here. Thanks.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 15th 2011, 3:23:58

Originally posted by aponic:
I just find this whole thread ridiculous. NA is in rags. Who gives a fluff if they were going to FS imag? Are you guys trying to say you felt threatened by NA? Are you trying to say it wouldn't have been more fun had they hit you?

Very laughable.

This thread is supposed to be ridiculous. I hope.

Do I give a fluff NA is in rags? Does NA think they are in rags? If yes, did they do anything to not be in rags?

We give a fluff if they were going to FS iMag.
Your questions are laughable.

EDIT: Where were you with your questions when SOL FSed iMag two sets ago?

Edited By: ibujke on Feb 15th 2011, 3:26:25
See Original Post

ibujke Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 23:41:12

Ok, yes. I`m not saying Rekuyu947 did nothing. There was walling. I`m just saying it doesnt appear to me as such a great effort.

Especially not good enough to bash Soviet about it who, after all, managed to kill it in only slightly more hits than necessary.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 14th 2011, 23:25:56

Rekuyu947, I`m not sure I understood, but if you are saying that you walled and managed to take 236 hits total before dying, thats really not that much.

A non-casher country with 7.6k land and no tech takes at most 288 hits to kill without walling. And about 190 minimum.

I`m pretty sure you had above 7.6k land.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 13th 2011, 14:22:48

So, this is a lie?

Originally posted by DJ Disaster:
I talked to Aponic before the FS and he said to let him know when to post. He agreed to it...

ibujke Game profile


Feb 11th 2011, 3:43:46


Why do you capitalize the i in ibujke?

You wining the war by any means is perfectly fine. Like I said, I wish you killed all KA countries.

You not positioning yourself above others... that`s just not true. By the very fact that you are threatening to kill all untaggeds that don't report to you (and that's what you said in your first post), you position yourself above them. Because you have a stronger tag.
Which is also fine. Except for the first part, because it`s not true.

Your point #6 is saying: "We would kill all untaggeds but it`s easier not to." Again, it shows you position yourself above other players. And again this would be perfectly fine if you didn't pretend that you don't.

I agree with your point #3, it is highly likely that you killed the right ones. It`s not who you kill that I disapprove, it`s your attitude you showed in your first post (and point #6)

"Dear Ibujke you are Dagga's female counterpart with a more sophisticated tongue."

Why female? Is that supposed to be a witty insult? Are you using Dagga`s nick in a negative context there? Not nice to see a leader fluff on his members.

"Oh and you can spin or post or do anything with I what posted ;) I won't respond. This is what we think about it :-P and that's our 1 and only response :-)"

You started ignoring me several sets ago. I still don't know why, it kinda came from out of the blue. If you remember, I was trying to get you to explain to me why you did what you did and you kept talking to me about how you rule and have a super spy network.
Don`t know if you noticed, but before you refused to talk openly with me I never made a single negative post regarding you. You really gave me no other choice but to consider you a hypocrite that pretends he has some kind of moral code (and that rudely ignores people).
I`ll remind you again that I never said anything bad about you or your clans in public before you so blatantly started ignoring me. If you said, "Dude, you bore me, stop bugging me" I probably would. At least that would be honest.

You say you wont respond. Just like back then. I question your methods and you go "/ignore". I don't think I`m unreasonable. I never said you shouldn't do something, I did say you shouldn't pretend you are doing us all a favor when all you do is selfishly (which is perfectly fine) advancing your own goals.

We? Who`s we? "I won't respond. This is what we think about it." Assuming its other CC leaders, can some of them confirm that? Also think about what? Me questioning your actions?

Thanks for calling me a troll. That was really nice of you.


Btw. couldn't help notice that you didn't comment on the quote. I thought it is quite fitting.

Edited By: ibujke on Feb 11th 2011, 3:49:07
See Original Post

ibujke Game profile


Feb 10th 2011, 9:49:12

Originally posted by mdevol:

what was meant was that because there are none tagged KA that we can hit we are going out and finding untagged KA (the ones hitting us and the rest of those strings or the ones following KA's theme)

And that is perfectly reasonable. But thats not what you said you were doing.

Originally posted by mdevol:

either way ibu, to say that we are not justified to go search for the KA members that pop up from untagged or simply stay untagged only to ambush is is a joke.

I never said that. You never said you are going to look for KA members. You said you are going to kill one and all unless the untagged proves it is not KA.

Originally posted by mdevol:

but not as much of a joke as KA not having the pride or the balls to even join their own tag because they stand no chance if they do.

Completely agree. That doesnt make you right though.

Originally posted by mdevol:

and THEN coming on here complaining we are actively searching for them elsewhere because they aren't tagging up KA while refusing to sign a CF...

I hope you kill all KA untaggeds. That is not the issue. The issue here is that you position yourself above other players that have nothing to do with this conflict and impose a mandatory check up or death. What makes it worse, is that then you pretend you are better than KA, and you are actually the same/worse.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 22:35:33

You make the assumption that i said it based on what?
What original countries?

And if youre gonna capitalize a letter please do it with b, not i. Thanks.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 22:33:51

Spawn, I thought you didnt play 1A.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 21:17:01

Originally posted by mdevol:

not any big enough that the overwhelming majority of our clan doesnt have to drop over 2/3 of thier nw to hit...

"no one is really retagging KA" that`s what was said, and that statement is not true. You only addressed a secondary issue so I assume you are ok with killing any untagged that doesnt report to the mighty CC.

Originally posted by mdevol:
oh...and yes, there are 4 countries alive (if you count the 1 that dropped nw to 1k)

It didnt drop NW on its own, it was KRed by you. Did you try to imply that we are dropping NW to 1k on purpose to keep under humanitarian range?

ibujke Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 18:51:13

I found a nice quote that can be applied here. I think Maki will recognize it.

"These actions are contributing to the decline of the game and the player base. The player base of this game is fragile at the moment and we as a gaming community should not be discouraging new players."

ibujke Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 18:39:00

Somewhat a bully tactic? Should I worry about my test countries? What are you? The world police?

As for retagging, thats an obvious lie, since the KA tag has alive countries in it.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 18:35:27

Just checking. Didnt want anyone misreading it as bullying, thats all.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 18:02:18

By hunting you mean kill all untaggeds unless they read ffat and feel the need to justify their existence as an untagged?

ibujke Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 12:24:32

Desperado, stop the trolling already, please.

Chat times... you really have no clue do you? Galleri is just spreading fluff here.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 0:53:18

Originally posted by galleri:
hrmmm...and so this is not you posting now?

I posted at: Feb 9th 2011, 0:27:21

ibujke Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 0:27:21

Obviously fake. I`m never home between 17h and 18h.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 9th 2011, 0:25:32

Erm, I dont do 1v1. I`m in an alliance in FFA.

Is this a joke?

ibujke Game profile


Feb 6th 2011, 18:49:02

Originally posted by Rufus:
For the record, 65 years later people are still talking about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Is this a flame bait?

Are you comparing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that marked the beginning of the atomic age, with 9/11?

ibujke Game profile


Feb 6th 2011, 13:49:58

The deadliest weapon in the world is an iMager and his waffle. It is your consumer instinct which must be harnessed if you expect to survive in the feast. Your waffle is only a tool. It is a hard heart that eats. If your consumer instincts are not clean and strong you will hesitate at the moment of truth. You will not eat. You will become hungry iMagers and then you will be in a world of fluff because iMagers are not allowed to starve without permission. Do you skinnies understand?

ibujke Game profile


Feb 6th 2011, 10:59:05

If you want to war:

ibujke Game profile


Feb 5th 2011, 11:16:35

Thanks nowie!

Zodiac..... die for not coming to #revolted.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 2nd 2011, 17:20:49

Zip, I disagree.

The country that farmed INERTIA member is tagged ICN. The tag takes responsibility for all countries under its tag. If someone suicided ICN from iMag, you would likely hold iMag responsible, at least to some degree wouldnt you? There arent any innocent countries in a guilty clan. This is alliance server after all :).

That being said, it is not really relevant. ICN did excessive grabbing on INERTIA. INERTIA tried to resolve it peacefully but you refused. At that point INERTIA decided to declare war on ICN as a response to your farming.

Since you were at war, all countries tagged ICN were legit targets for the INERTIA tag. I really don`t see the problem.

Now, if you were saying you will hold a grudge against INERTIA, that`s a different story. One better addressed by someone else.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 2nd 2011, 11:41:48

That is quite ironic.

ibujke Game profile


Feb 2nd 2011, 11:32:42

Spoken to about what?

ibujke Game profile


Feb 1st 2011, 1:01:50

Oh, ok.

I thought SoL cared. Someone must have mislead me. :)