Oct 30th 2012, 12:51:59
Thanks a lot for details, they will really help me to improve my next set. I will try to keep the mentioned ratio 11/10 ent/bus, it really make sense when you are talking about the food price . Which will be the difference increaisng the tax rate with 1 % (36 instead of 35) in terms of decreasing the cost of food for population?
Even a low no of spies, I was able to spy more than I estimated, probably due to the small no. of acres (I know that there is calculated a ratio beetwen no of spies and level of country when it is decided the succesfull of a spy operation). But you are right, I should try to increase it in the next set, probably to build from the beginning double no of ind or to keep also that ratio of about 5% of total area for ind.
I would really appreciate any other suggestion and I would like to thank you for the advices.
All the best!