
juice Game profile


Jul 24th 2014, 18:21:22


More like, you have crawled out of the hole you were hiding in and reconnected with 13,068 civilians. You have found that you still have possession of xxx bushels, jets, tanks, turrets, troops, blah, blah, 2 NMs, and 3 CMs.

(basically, it doesn't mean people are carrying the missiles on their backs, but you know where they are and still have access to them.)

juice Game profile


Jul 24th 2014, 18:18:12

This seems like a decent idea. I think we should avoid the actual kill shot and spread the goods based on number of hits dealt during the past 24 hours.

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 17:17:48 we're getting somewhere. I love it.

Again, this wasn't about making changes to the game, it was about pointing out that people cry too much over being grabbed in a war game where grabbing is supposed to be part of growing.

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 16:23:29

It's not a real suggestion because I know it's not something that will ever get implemented.

It's more a thread to tell people to quit their crying about being topfed or bottomfed and to just play the game.

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 15:56:31

Originally posted by Marshal:
you can't do harmful spyops against dead country.

getting missiles back would get problematic if player has only few missiles unless there would be rounding up that if player would gegt x.5 or higher amount of missiles back it would be rounded upwards like 2.5 to 3 etc and x.4 or under wpuld be rounded downwards.

I said nothing of harmful spy ops against a dead country. i was speaking in terms of a RL situation. If my enemy attacked me to the point of killing everyone in my country, thus my country is dead, then they took the time to locate and destroy all of my missiles, then they would have also eaten all of my food and destroyed all my jets too.

If I am able to come back, then that would mean that i was able to escape my enemy and hide out somewhere. then, after they left my lands, I was able to recover some of my resources (any food they didn't eat or burn, any jets they didn't destroy, any missiles they didn't find).

I have no problem with the missiles being rounded to figure out how many were retained. in fact, I think everything should have some random factor to it. Its not smart to think that every jet will destroy 10 civs in the end on a BR. The jets should kill a random number of civs, say from 5 to 15. So, it's not good to say that a country died with 10 missiles, so they should get back 3. Instead it should be that they get back a random number of missiles from 1-5.

I prefer a little randomness. maybe over the course of thousands of BRs when all those countries are under 200 pop, the jets did kill an average of 10 civs per BR, but each and every single BR would show a different amount between 5 and 15 to show that people don't hide from jets in exact groups of 10.

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 15:47:12

in RL, missiles are destroyed on a regular basis.

in game, there are a max number of missiles you can have on hand. maybe i don't want 15 EMs and i prefer to make room for more chems. i cannot sell or FA missiles, so at least allow me to destroy the ones I don't want.

Currently there are only two ways to get rid of missiles: 1) launch them, 2) have a spy sabbotage them. neither is a good choice when you are not at war, and both result in a waste or turns if you don't want those specific missiles in the first place. Also, the spy may destroy missiles you didn't want to destroy.

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 15:40:32

Originally posted by BLUEEE:
I'm sorry nitro I didn't realize I was in college again and writing an essay. Did you know Siegmund Freud determined that being overly obsessed with grammar is a sign mental immaturity.

Did you know Sigmund Freud determined that being overly obsessed with grammar is a sign of mental immaturity?

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 15:39:08

bottomfeeding is usually when you farm a country that cannot possibly retal you (also, if they are in a clan, that clan cannot retal you either).

topfeeding is usually when you landgrab someone that has so much land, that when they retal you 1:1, they cannot get back anywhere near as much land as you took from them.

Anything in between is dangerous and usually not worth the grab.

Those are your three choices for landgrabbing and they all suck.

bottomfeeding can result in suiciders, makes people hate the game and quit, makes people hate your clan, usually costs more than it's worth to perform.

topfeeding has been reduced by the stupid Land:Land retal pacts that most clans use now, which means lower countries almost cannot ever catch up to the higher countries.

I think, to stimulate landgrabbing, ghost acres exist. But this is dumb too. How on earth do you magically make acres appear when an attack is made? Now you have people agreeing to mutual terms to landgrab each other, as it ends up benefiting both countries. However, "great minds" have decided that if you do this with people inside your clan, then it's a bad thing (I personally don't see the difference, because, if you do it, you do it, and if you don't, than you don't.) maybe we should create two clans, pact as friends, and landtrade with each other, so the "great minds" will find it acceptable.

The game should be designed so that all landgrabbing hurts the victim, but (to keep the game interesting), encourages the attacker to grab from those closest in size to themself for the most gains.

Maybe make it so that you cannot do a PS or SS without sending tanks and/or troops, as jets simply cannot lay claim to land. The jets could destroy the enemy on the land allowing the troops and tanks to move in and capture the land easier, thereby allowing the attacker to claim more land, but jets alone should not be able to capture land. Also, determine the amount of land captured by the amount of troops and tanks sent. surely a single troop could not capture 100 acres of land. This could make it harder for topfeeding to occur.

I know, this gets a bit complicated, but it makes sense. If I have 1mil jets, 250k troops, and 20k tanks and I attack you. you have 1mil turrets, 100k troops and 10k tanks. I have the gov, allies, tech, etc to break you. I have 7k acres and you have 20k acres.

currently, I send all jets on a PS and I capture some amount of land from you (i dunno the exact amount, but say 3k acres).

let's change this to my idea above. Let's say that it takes 1 tank, or 5 troops to capture 1 acre of land (these may need to be adjusted). If I sent 0 troops and 0 tanks, i capture 0 land. If I sent 10k tanks, i won't capture 10k acres. i would get the max amount for that specific grab, which I supposed would be the 3k that i would have gotten under the current rules.

Another reason why jets shouldn't be able to capture land...jets have no defense in this game. If an army attacks the land that the jets just took, the jets cannot prevent them from taking it. The jets must patrol the skies and wait until the troops, tanks, and turrets arrive to defend the land. Sending troops and tanks with the jets allows a realistic view of how warfare should work.

Anyway, i know this idea won't be implemented. My point here is more on the idea that too many people cry about being topfed or bottomfed. Really, stop the crying and play the game. If you get hit, take your retal, learn from your mistake and don't allow your country to be hit again.

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 15:02:46

it really doesn't matter what nick a person goes by...if MD allowed someone to tag up under their tag, then it is an MD country.

With that said, I still agree that it is not MDs leaders at fault for an MD country going off the rails. It would only be MDs leaders fault if they didn't respond in any favorable way to those actions. If MDs leaders responded well, then MD has good leaders.

I often wonder if a new member to our clan is just a spy from another clan. It's hard to know for sure. We don't want to turn away new members, but we also don't want to allow someone to join if they are a spy, or someone who might screw up our image (I know, some of you think our image is already screwed...pfft, whatever.)

The point is, clan leadership should not be held responsible for a members actions if that member acted without the leaders permission. The clan leadership must make ammends in some way to show that the clan, as a whole, is not to blame.

In this specific case, where Rage supposedly topfed, Rage leaders did make ammends, and thus, it is not Rage as a whole who should be blamed for this topfeed, but the one sole member alone.

With all that said, if you cannot defend your land, take a single retal and learn from your own mistake. If being topfed really scares you, find a way that it will never happen again (ex. don't be landfat, get more defense, pact out, start a war every set this happens to show you won't take being topfed, talk to the admin to make being topfed harder, etc.)

I don't landgrab much anymore because their are too many pussies whining about these type of things. I absolutely will never accept L:L if I ever do landgrab. I promise, in or out of a clan, if someone thinks I'll accept L:L on my country after a grab I made, I'll go to war with the person taking the retals. You may decide to kill me, but I'll die knowing that at least one country will be screwed by my hands, because I personally think L:L is a fluff way to ensure you never get grabbed. Take your hits, take your retals and move on.

Again, I am not speaking on behalf of any clan. Just for myself. If I ever have to speak for a clan, my views may change, as I'll then have to think about more than just myself.

Also, due to my views, I'll say again, I don't landgrab much. This helps to prevent problems for my clan leaders.

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 13:17:35

Originally posted by tellarion:
Also, why does my autocorrect just tandomly turn off? Apple really fluff the ed with their ios update last time. This new autocorrect is a joke...

Samsung Galaxy S5

The next big thing is already here


juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 13:15:53

i agree with boltar on this one. if you're giving back other resources, why not missiles too?

If the enemy took the time, after all my people are done, to go through my country and destroy ALL the missiles, surely they would have eaten all the food and destroyed all the jets too.

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 13:12:56

I would choose 98% chems, 1% nukes, 1% ems.

How about something else, like a button to destroy missiles without having to launch them, maybe at a cost, like destroying buildings?

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 12:47:33

Originally posted by Colonel Chaos:
Originally posted by iScode:

You know as well as I do that one members actions is not a reflection of leadership. Its how leadership react to that single members actions that is a reflection of leadership...


Well said iScode. MD leadership in that instance gained a lot of respect... and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that. It was beautifully handled. Likewise, it seems RAGE allowed Evo to take the land back... although I am not familiar with relations prior nor what terms were requested for the hit.

No flaming or any 'buts'... just well said iScode. I thought with all the negative fluff here, someone should point out when you make a good statement :)

I agree with both of these guys.

Someone is just butthurt and wants to try to point out everything that may seem negative about what Rage does. Go rest your hurt bum and stop fluffing about thing you don't know. Rage talked to Evo and gave them what they wanted for the action.

NOTE: This is NOT an official Rage leader post.

juice Game profile


Jul 22nd 2014, 23:04:54

currently, my browser has to remember what I've seen, which is what marks the thread as being read. This blows because I switch computers several times a day between home, work and my phone. This means every time I switch to a different device, it seems as if things were posted on the threads I've already read, even if nothing has been.

It's just quite inconvenient and it's bothersome.

juice Game profile


Jul 22nd 2014, 1:15:24

news link within alliance game still points to game_news.

juice Game profile


Jul 21st 2014, 20:48:08


juice Game profile


Jul 16th 2014, 21:03:22

I imagine it like this:

You send your goods to market. How do they actually get there?

Is it a caravan? Do some of your pop leave your country when goods go to the market? Do you send troops to help guard your goods while en route?

In order to recall some goods, you would need to answer these other questions as well. Then you would have to decide if you can break up your troops, or the pop, or the caravan.

Using the market just got 1000 times more complicated.

juice Game profile


Jul 15th 2014, 23:39:08

Apparently the header does not pull it's code from one place.

When I am inside the alliance server, looking at my main page, the news link still goes to game_news, but after I click it and I'm looking at the old game_news page, the link goes to announcements.

I'm not sure why the header would have more than one source code, but it seems that this is more work than I thought it would be.

juice Game profile


Jul 14th 2014, 21:57:28


juice Game profile


Jul 10th 2014, 12:23:28

qz, I totally understand the need for time and I don't fault you for it. I just ask that you remove the link for now, until you do get time to make that page active again. Right now, it's a useless page since the information is over two years old. It shouldn't be too time consuming to hide the link for now.

juice Game profile


Jul 9th 2014, 1:14:41

Rage spent about a year fighting RD. We were the only clan to ever survive war with RD, without losing all our members. This was back when RD would declare war until they were able to use your tag because your clan no longer existed after they were done with you.

I think we can handle whatever comes next.

juice Game profile


Jul 8th 2014, 20:13:54

well, if the few people that I have invited over the past couple days to play have noticed this, imagine how many others have decided not to play over the past couple years due to this.

If our goal is to increase membership and this is driving people away (even if it's just a few), then let's take care of it before it drives any more away. One person could end up becoming a hundred just by spreading the word, or could result in the loss of a hundred if that one doesn't join.

I've got an email list of 1800. I've got over 400 facebook friends. I'm sure I could recruit 10 people from all those, possibly more. One of those 10 might be able to recruit 10 more, and so on.

qz, please remove the news link since it is now over 2 years old and looks dead. There is no good reason to keep it there now.

juice Game profile


Jul 8th 2014, 19:52:00

Then make a post on it stating this information or remove the News link. It looks like the game is dead, or that the admins are not active.

It's probably best to just remove it at this point.

juice Game profile


Jul 8th 2014, 19:04:39

The link at the top that goes to News, shows the last update as being June 2010.

I'm trying to recruit and people are telling me that the game looks dead because the last news update is June 2010.

Please make my recruiting easier by updating this news page.

Edited By: qzjul on Jul 11th 2014, 17:26:32
See Original Post

juice Game profile


Jul 8th 2014, 15:17:27

Originally posted by Suncrusher:
depends on your stock, land size, etc.

Thank you for stating the obvious here. Now, if you are playing every strat possible, all during the same exact set and you never take a hit (all things are completely equal between all your countries, ie. same landgrab gains, same random events, same market) which of your strats would finish with the best NW?

Originally posted by tellarion:
Mostly theo coz trading. Usually see a few demos in t10 as well.

Why does trading favor Theo?

juice Game profile


Jul 8th 2014, 14:59:29

I've been away from this game for a bit (about 10 years). Back then, TMBR was the best strat to finish top100. Granted, there were a few others that could get there, but TMBR was the majority.

What is the best now?

juice Game profile


Jul 3rd 2014, 16:35:07

Originally posted by tellarion:
Haven't read the whole thread yet, but some of those earlier references are pretty hilarious. Yes, Lincoln was a Republican, but the Republican party of his time has NOTHING in common with the modern day republican party....Ideologically speaking, it doesn't fit with the rest...

This is true. I believe it was FDR that completely swapped the Reps and Dems. So anything the Reps did before him, should be credited to the Dems and vice versa.

It kind of like talking about how much things cost in 1832, but using today's dollars for reference.

juice Game profile


Jul 3rd 2014, 16:32:07

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Ruthie:
yea Nekked, its taken 6 years to undo some of the damage that Dubya did. Still lots more to fix tho.

no silly, the economy resets itself completely when a new pres is elected!

obama started with a clean slate economy in 2008, don'tcha know?


I agree with this bit of sarcasm, although, there was one point in history when the economy did completely reset itself with the new president. While Clinton was in office, we had the only point in our history since WWII that we had a positive GDP. As soon as Bush took office (he cut taxes), our GDP went negative again.

juice Game profile


Jul 3rd 2014, 14:48:18

Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
I think we both know the amount of jobs added in any given time is not a direct reflection of the competency of a president.

I do find it funny how they get the blame or the credit, though.

agreed, however, I do like to see a post praising the president for once.

juice Game profile


Jul 3rd 2014, 14:08:59

Originally posted by Trife:
i troll AT, mainly goading republicans, intolerant christians, tea partiers and those with IQs less than 60

umm...aren't those all the same?

juice Game profile


Jul 3rd 2014, 14:07:46

I'm a Network Engineer. More specifically, a Network Platforms Test Engineer. When Cisco or Juniper come out with a new operating system for their routers, I get to test it out to find the bugs and make them fix those bugs. Once all the bugs are fixed and verified, the new OS gets sent to the production team.

Pros: flexible hours (I work any hours I want between 7am and 7pm Mon - Fri); I don't work overtime at all; the pay is the best I have ever made; My boss doesn't care about my time or clothes or when I take days off, he just cares that I produce results; I get to switch from one project to another a couple times each year, thus learning new things, and since I'm testing new technologies, I get to see what's coming next.

Cons: My job is located 2 hours from home, so I live away from my family during the week and return on the weekends (Hoping to get access to work from home someday). I'm a contractor, so I don't get holiday or vacation pay.

juice Game profile


Jul 3rd 2014, 1:42:39

Originally posted by Daz:
Encouraging people to own guns intelligently isn't a bad idea.

I DO have loaded firearms in the house, and I do make sure that anyone who isnt a regular knows that, and that they are loaded, and that theyre not toys to be played with. With parents permission, I have taken my niece's to shoot and taught them how to handle a firearm safely. My favorite niece even brought it to her parents attention when one of her friends was doing something stupid with a gun.

I happen to believe in personal responsibility, though. Which... isnt typically very high on the liberal agenda.

I commend you. This is how a gun owner should be. I just wish all gun owners were like you.

juice Game profile


Jul 3rd 2014, 1:37:17

it has been explained that troops require oil on a Gs because they use humvees, etc.

How about requiring a small amount of oil to explore for land? That should increase oil demand.

You might want to create a new thread for this.

juice Game profile


Jul 2nd 2014, 12:56:20

Yes it does.

juice Game profile


Jul 2nd 2014, 12:54:39


1) long post
2) lots of details
3) worth the read

juice Game profile


Jul 2nd 2014, 12:39:24

Dude, if you think this post wasn't funny, then let's just stop talking to each other.

juice Game profile


Jul 2nd 2014, 2:12:05

juice Game profile


Jul 2nd 2014, 2:10:34

Originally posted by qzjul:
it should redirect you directly to the post, which should mark it as read

It does redirect you, but it doesn't mark it as read.

juice Game profile


Jul 2nd 2014, 2:07:38

Originally posted by BILL_DANGER:
Originally posted by juice:

On that note, I do agree that someone who has had a lot of abortions, needs to have something else done. Maybe that should be decided, say, after the 5th abortion, you get snipped, so you cannot get pregnant again, or something like that.

BTW, I'm Libertarian. This means that I support less government regulation over my freedoms, but I do support government regulation that actually helps this country and its people.





Yeah, as I said before, I'm not 100% in any one group, but Libertarian is the one I identify with the most.

Also, I'm not really suggesting forced sterilization. I just wanted to see reactions.

juice Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 20:59:59

There are millions of good gun owners out there and you may be one of them.

However, there are also millions of bad gun owners out there. these are the people you hear about in the news when a child dies because he was playing with a gun. Also, criminals get their guns from somewhere. How many came from legal gun owners who sold or gave away their gun to that criminal?

If you are one of the good gun owners, then the bad ones are giving you a bad name too. You should be upset with them for causing these issues in the first place.

I understand your stance on the issue of gun control. Here's my question:

Liberals want to remove guns because they think it will reduce or eliminate crime and accidental deaths.
Conservatives want to keep guns because the constitution says so.

Do gun owners have any suggestions on how to reduce or eliminate crimes with guns and accidental deaths? Instead of just saying "I'm against gun control." Can gun owners come up with a reasonable suggestion to reduce or eliminate these problems.

I believe my ideas, though against your beliefs, are a reasonable way to reduce these problems. I don't believe there is any way to totally eliminate them.

juice Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 20:41:12

Originally posted by Red X:
Juice you spoke about keeping track of who owns what gun. That's not very libertarian

yeah, I may not reside 100% within any predefined group, but that is the one I most closely identify with.

conservatives don't want the government to track guns because they fear that when the government does fall, the government will know where to go to get the guns. Until that day happens, I think it's more important to be able to track down the owner of a gun that was used in a crime.

juice Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 20:35:55

oh, I'm definitely not for banning guns. I just want people to be more responsible for their guns. It may not completely solve the problems we have, but I believe it will cut it down and anyone who is against being responsible for their gun, shouldn't own one.

juice Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 20:17:06

or maybe I meant to and didn't...ahh hell...i dunno

juice Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 20:16:24

wth, I made a thread when it was at 9999 and it didn't increase.

juice Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 20:15:45

nope, just doesn't go over 9999

juice Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 20:14:59

Originally posted by sirdog:
WOW ^^^^ Stereotyping and profiling at a all time high

I tried to give a couple different examples, but yes, I was stereotyping. It's one way to get a point across and it's also quite hard to include every single possibility.

braden, I didn't say anything about having children out of wedlock, which I don't have a problem with, but again, I didn't say anything about it until now. being married doesn't magically give you enough money and time to go to college and raise a child.

juice Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 20:08:09

Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by juice:
Originally posted by Heston:
Originally posted by juice:
Also, the fed doesn't have to be the only governing force on this to enforce it. The state and local gov can step up.

I'm not saying that it'll be easy, but better than just letting everyone have a gun and not try to enforce anything.

Get caught up in current events.

You say to get caught up, but you say nothing about what is wrong with what I stated. Don't beat around the bush. Either say exactly what you mean, or I must assume that you don't know what you are talking about and decided instead to just post your own fluff.

You prolly dont know fluff about your own states gun laws, or how they differ from state to state. You dont understand what is enforced federally. Why in christs name would i spend any of my time debating fluff with someone who doesnt know wtf they are talking about. Just some stupid kindergarten ideas like having to tell people entering your home that there are weapons there. Or mandatory annual training or qualifying to own firearms. I respectfully call your ideas and opinions fluff but i wont try to change them for you.

Heston, when you have a child die in his friends house because his friend had a gun and didn't know how to use it properly, I think you'll change your mind. Until then, keep living in the dark, thinking that everyone who owns a gun legally actually knows how to use it properly and keeps it under proper control. fluff that.

juice Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 20:05:22

well, what elves said is true about it creating a new url, which the browser hasn't seen yet, so it says it's new.

It's just weird to me that posting within a thread creates a new url, and why does an old url still work exactly the same as the new url. If they both work the same, what is the purpose of creating a new url?

And I use Chrome. FF used to have a huge memory leak, so I switched.

juice Game profile


Jul 1st 2014, 19:17:04

weird. I've never seen a forum work like this before.

Why does it do this? If I put in the old url, it still goes to the same thread with all the posts.

This first url is from before I read it.

This second url is from after I read it. (first and second are exactly the same)

This third url is from after I posted to it. It is a different url, but clicking on any of the three takes you to the same topic with all the comments. If it's going to change the url, then I would think that clicking on an old url would show me the topic without the new posts.

If the new url doesn't actually change anything, maybe stop it from creating a new url for every post, which would then mark it as read after posting to it.