
llaar Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 17:48:27

seriously? so if i don't agree with you, then i'm supposed to get the fluff out?

dude, we all have opinions, i'm just portraying my point of view

i don't think land grabbing should be made less effective at all

i've liked how land grabbing works the entire time i've played this game.

and i've landgrabbed more land than nearly anyone else in this entire game in my history of playing, and yes that includes FFA, and i have played thousands of countries in my earth career.

i do believe that i should be able to state a respectful opinion without being cursed at

and if you want to be taken seriously with an excel spreadsheet, might want to explain exactly what 'three blind mice' and 'cloak and daggers' has to do with diminishing returns on a country. all i kinda get is that the returns from A hitting B, will go down pretty fast and stay down, even after time elapses.

problem is, what if B is an all jetter, and A is not, and A is more landfat

A will NOT be able to get his land back at all. B can make less hits and continually get more land back, since he has to incur less DR on A. whereas A would be making a futile attempt to grab his land back

llaar Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 17:28:14

theres 83 untags right now

only 19 of them are OOP and actually playing

so you're going to advocate throwing all these new formulas into play, hoping that those 19 players will keep playing?

i think the focus needs to be on the current member base of vets, making the game more fun and exciting for them, as far more vets leave per set than new guys trying it out for the first time

since even if every single new player that joined kept playing and had fun, the game would still be in decline

playing speed needs to be increased and warring needs to be made more fun for both those of warring and netting mentality

making countries lose a few less % of land from the attacker, isn't really a game changer

as other players would see the opportunity to grab and take the land

there would be more attackers, raping those untags just as bad. it would just be more spread out among the larger clans, instead of a more limited bunch that watch the times for exact moment to strike

llaar Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 17:20:52

here's a country of mine (no CS % diff from gov't):

Except for Construction Sites, you can build 267 buildings per turn.

Construction Site 1,050

Turns Taken 1947

more than half my turns on that one, have been to make CS

should CS be linear even when you have so many? the additional benefit of spending more turns is less and less worth it as you make more CS

something like after every 200 CS, you get an additional BPT for every additional 4CS, so like 200 is 50 BPT + starting 5 = 55. 204 would be 57. 208 would be 59, so 400 CS would be 155 BPT, 600 CS would be 305 BPT, 800 CS would be 505 BPT and 1000 CS would be 755 BPT

it feels if you spent like 1000 turns making CS, something like 700-1000 BPT would be expected.. since its a huge cost turnwise to make that many.

it could be an even shorter than 200 CS until each addition CS starts doing more for you, in my opinion

we all spend like 1/3rd of our turns the first week or two building only CS. and really now... isn't that rather boring? wouldn't it be more fun to get those BPT goals faster and then be able to do other things with your turns?

llaar Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 17:12:04

should be removed in my opinion

why should we reward people for not playing?

games that thrive these days are ones you can constantly play

over the years i've had to explain to so many a new player, to stop logging in all the time, to slow down, and wait for turn bonus, as their country will do better with more turns

those players found that really odd, and i could tell that it removed some of their excitement for the game, since they just wanted to be able to play their turns every hour

we're all no longer on 56k dialup with limited internet access. and the server's bandwidth doesn't need people taking a break from logging in, in order to handle the demand

so in my opinion, its a very outdated, and actually a detrimental bonus.

llaar Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 17:07:24

it seems like you're looking at such very minute details

making such extremely small changes to the game, are not going to affect the overall fun factor that everyone experiences

llaar Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 17:04:28

let everyone start immediately at 120(120) for countries created in the first 2 days of the reset

that would make the first couple days a lot less boring

llaar Game profile


Jun 21st 2010, 16:13:27

it becomes 1/10th the size it was before it died?

like if you had a 10 mill NW country, you'd get a 1 mill NW restart with 50 turns on hand with 1/10th the bushels/cash/tech etc that you had before you died

players that are killed, would have soooo much more of an incentive to restart and keep playing, rather than having a wasted set

and wars would be so much more fun, since players wouldnt be out of the war for 3-5 days, not being able to do anything, while they built back up from a tiny 4717 NW country

llaar Game profile


Jun 19th 2010, 1:51:31

hey hey, we do what we can

theres always gonna be crap that happens and members that do silly things, try not to hate too much


llaar Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 1:09:13

does it deepthroat too?

llaar Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 1:07:51


is that where you cut off a dogs tail and then use staple gun to reaffix it?

*runs after ZIP with a knife*

llaar Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 1:06:34

wild turkey 101
makes this forum more fun

and that rhymed


llaar Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 1:05:30

bomber is around?

no way

where is he so i can kick his face in?

or offer him a beer


i'll flip a coin

llaar Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 1:04:21

instant on hand stock

llaar Game profile


Jun 17th 2010, 1:03:29

nice i saw that movie earlier this year

saw where part of it was filmed last year in the dominican republic

napalm ftw

llaar Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 17:23:41

ghost acres are perfectly fine the way they are in my opinion

i see nothing wrong with these members testing stuff out

games are meant to be played

and just fyi, i'm personally running all-x this round in 1A

llaar Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 0:24:54

yea that was pretty good

obama fails equally, they shoulda thrown him in there somehow

llaar Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 0:21:13

*shakes it*

llaar Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 17:05:44

5 hits by 1 member in a clan, doesn't suddenly make the whole clan immoral...

llaar Game profile


Jun 14th 2010, 17:09:49

its good it was transferred to omac, so that they could flip a kill switch

best thing to happen

otherwise this game would have slowly died under mehul, with no one wanting to recreate it like Earth Empires team did

llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 20:32:51

next time you visit NYC, i get you one, hows that?

i'm about 45 minutes from NYC (in no traffic)


llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 20:31:40

cause i can't count apparently


two slots then


llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 20:29:58

ah, beforehand... didn't think of that

gotta use ltrim and rtrim to check for the same name i suppose ;) (or whatever coding y'all are using, not sure the php string functions)

llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 20:28:05

i am in favor of the new country names though


just how the old mods used to fix offensive names in 2025 as well

llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 20:25:51

odd, i tried the spacebar on a different server to see what he might have done, and it didn't work for me

try in express

"blomcrat "
with a space after

it does not work

llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 20:19:24

i guess i didn't get it no... =/

llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 20:18:09

did utopia ever get recreated?

llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 20:15:04

3 player teams, 3 defense/offense slots allowed

weeklong resets, starting on monday, ending on sunday

so endgame of set is during weekend when more time

enough turns on hand for 3 to kill 1 country with just 1 days worth of turns each.

maybe two week resets or a month like tournament

a team tournament would be pretty friggin cool, i think anything the mods cook up toward this concept would be sweet

anything less than a week is too much effort to get started on and coordinate with other players before the set would already be over.... so maybe a month like tournaments been. and less members than the team server so it would be more crucial to pick a good two teammates.

the ladder style would prevent teams from haveing tag1,2,3 i think, it would be all competition between the teams as to who gets up to the top level

llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 19:55:23

walding is not donny

i've known walding a long time, and he is definitely not donny

Edited By: llaar on Jun 11th 2010, 19:55:54

llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 19:48:43

here in FFA:
llaar cheats (#2876)
llaar cheats (#3029)
llaar cheats (#3028)
llaar cheats (#3145)
llaar cheats (#3146)


i got the "The name you entered is already in use! Please select a new name!" in Free for All when making countries at start of set, so for someone to have gotten around that purposely, i do see that as exploiting a bug, cheating, and requiring deletion

from the deletions policy blog post:

"If you find a bug, please report it right away."

i just noticed this bug, so i'm reporting it, i doubt the guy exploiting it, reported it, seeing as he continued to exploit it while making 10 countries

Edited By: llaar on Jun 11th 2010, 19:49:30

llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 19:39:01

oh hai there

llaar Game profile


Jun 11th 2010, 19:24:32

you can message me here in the forums if you need me

llaar Game profile


Jun 10th 2010, 2:19:36

waka waka

llaar Game profile


Jun 9th 2010, 23:57:19

if you went to another clan you were set as guest, and then inactivated. guests didn't receive emails

llaar Game profile


Jun 9th 2010, 17:07:23

theres no place like!

llaar Game profile


Jun 9th 2010, 17:02:37

farmville? get new friends

thats the lamest fluff ever, people who like that? bleh...

llaar Game profile


Jun 9th 2010, 17:01:22

down with the tyranny!

llaar Game profile


Jun 9th 2010, 16:49:51

1. earthstats dying in between sets making it hard to contact a lot of people who didnt have emails listed on site that we were able to save from ES, or a boxcar login

2. not having access to our inactive userlist of 1200 NA vets i emailed every set and some would come back every set which perfectly balanced those vets that took a set off. that list is stored on ES

3. no new players in the game, between 20-40 members in our tag in 2025 rotated every set (when we were 160 members it was around 40, when around 100 it was around 20), as they were all n00bs trying the game for the first time. since EE started, we have 2-3 recruits per set

i've done almost all recruiting and maintenance/emailing of our inactives for NA the past 5 years... so the above is directly what has caused our tag to shrink last couple sets

ideally the game needs new players. i've messaged untags every set for years, and i've kept track of how many countries are on the server the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th days of every set for a few years now. of course all that was on earthstats which i dont have access to now... but its been a gradual decline for a long time, and every set is a new low unfortunately. theres 603 players on the alliance server right now... and like 8 years ago that was pretty much the size of just the rage clan

put those marketing gears in action mods, as we're mostly down to the hardcore vets that dont want to ever leave ;) i've always enjoyed meeting lots of new players every set, and its been a while now since i've been able to do that

llaar Game profile


Jun 9th 2010, 16:31:56

ah ha, thanks for the info :)

llaar Game profile


Jun 9th 2010, 16:20:45

noticed what?

llaar Game profile


Jun 9th 2010, 16:19:58

if this thread was moved to general why is it on FFA board

llaar Game profile


Jun 9th 2010, 16:19:49

if this thread was moved to general why is it on FFA board

llaar Game profile


Jun 9th 2010, 0:25:28

still not seeing the humor

llaar Game profile


Jun 8th 2010, 21:05:03

the purpose of another tag is what exactly? this makes no sense

llaar Game profile


Jun 8th 2010, 21:02:17


llaar Game profile


Jun 8th 2010, 21:01:46

do you think you're funny or something?

llaar Game profile


Jun 8th 2010, 20:57:12

lol, thats a funny read

stargreggrecruiter: you're pretty wack

llaar Game profile


Jun 8th 2010, 19:15:45

you can send me stuff in the forum thing here and i can forward to leader board if you need

llaar Game profile


Jun 8th 2010, 18:58:47

lol, well i think i found a place this set

thanks for the messages!

llaar Game profile


Jun 8th 2010, 15:13:55

who wants me

send me a PM on this forum

llaar Game profile


Jun 7th 2010, 18:04:51

and that is true, things that are odd to you might not be odd to me, and vice versa

what is the reasoning behind that attack pattern though? is it so that all countries maintain the same turn counts, so you can just multiply X 16 whenever doing turn counts to make kill runs run smoother? im really just curious :)