
lolo075249 Game profile

New Member

Aug 12th 2014, 5:53:38

I know my teammates [url=]Cheap Fut 15 Coins[/url] and how much work were putting in, said the defensive mainstay. Im positive about my qualities and those of the team as a whole. Were going to give everything to make the next round. Thats what we want to do: make history. Italy 1990 was the only time weve managed it, but this team knows all about setting and achieving goals.And on a personal level, Gonzalez could not be more motivated.This is what every professional footballer aspires to: to play in a World Cup. And what better place to do it in than a football country like Brazil.At last, welcome and thanks to you to our website. I hope you can enjoy this article,and you are very welcome to our best online [url=]Buy Fut 15 Coins[/url] shop to get the cheap fifa coins xboxfor your football game to enjoy yourself at most.

lolo075249 Game profile

New Member

Aug 12th 2014, 5:53:18

As well as a collective triumph, Costa Ricas qualification for Brazil 2014 also proved a coming of age for the 26yearold defender.Also our [url=]Fut 15 Coins[/url] online store is the best place for you to get the cheapest fifa coins, fifa 14 coins, fifa 14 ultimate team coins and so on.Please do not forget that, you can also enjoy the best customer care and the most quickly delivery!Enjoy!El Profe Pinto gave me my chance and Ive been able to consolidate my place in the team because of that. I feel Ive made the most of it,explained Gonzalez, who spent the 2012/13 season with Norwegian [url=]Fifa 15 XBOX Coins[/url] club Valerenga. I also played in Europe while the qualifiers were going on, and I tried to harness the exposure I had there to raise my performance levels with the national team. Overall, it was a very important year for me.

lolo075249 Game profile

New Member

Aug 12th 2014, 5:52:48

Gerrards more immediate aim is to [url=]Buy Fifa 15 PC Coins[/url] deal with the mental scars of Liverpools failed attempt to win the English league title for the first time in 24 years. Brendan Rodgers side needed to win their last three matches to claim the English Premier League trophy, but Gerrard made a costly slip against Chelsea, gifting a goal to [url=]Buy FIFA 15 Coins[/url] Demba Ba which set up a 20 win for that Blues at Anfield that effectively handed the title to Manchester City. The Reds captain insists that mistake will not affect his performances at the World Cup.