
macdaddy Game profile


Mar 5th 2019, 22:21:06

Originally posted by Sherita:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
feel free to pm me and we can discuss where we go from here...

NOW your getting abit stalking and creepy ...I DONT have anything to discuss with you....argo zero response...

lol wow.. that's a little much.. grow up..

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 5th 2019, 22:29:20

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 5th 2019, 22:15:49

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Will work on killing him when I get home. His spal is garbage now and his military is thin.

Thank god Syko didn't teach him the tricks that he knows.

Syko would have better luck teaching ratski to net

I am happy with the results this set.. :) don't need anymore help..

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 5th 2019, 21:59:28

Originally posted by Sherita:
I promise you. you have farmed the wrong person/tag.

well it looks like ICDs netting days are over if that's the case..

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 5th 2019, 21:52:33

I mean no harm to ICD... I just needed to put a bit of gas in the tank.. If they don't make anymore of it I wont.

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 5th 2019, 21:39:14

feel free to pm me and we can discuss where we go from here...

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 5th 2019, 21:09:24

[quote poster=Sherita; 46580; 887017]
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by Sherita:

From: macdaddy
9.7 hours ago
To: Sherita
what are you planning to do about Yiff?

anyone have any clues a girl out WTF is he going on about?

Why don't you message me instead of being a fluff and posting on the boards.. How about I become your problem next set?

DAMMMIT! I was ready for next set ya prick! Shall I go ahead and post all your journals you written to my members ...for all of earth to seem to enjoy that!

This is a favorite:

Message from Bloodrayne Roger Mcbritz (#1895) sent on Mar 04, 14:58
Report this message
Well, it was initially intended to be classified but info leaked into LOC that ...........lemme know if you dont remember the rest...Ill refresh you...;)

Yes.. This was me telling Raz that Hawk was gunning for him.. And everything I told him has already been disclosed on this thread but nice try!!

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 5th 2019, 12:16:59

Originally posted by smegma:
You couldn't be a three year old's problem.

aww are you mad because you couldn't complete a kill run on me 2 days ago.. I actually ended up killing this fluffs country while he was trying to kill me.. lol

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 5th 2019, 10:26:11

[quote poster=Sherita; 46580; 886952]hmmm

From: macdaddy
9.7 hours ago
To: Sherita
what are you planning to do about Yiff?

anyone have any clues a girl out WTF is he going on about?

Why don't you message me instead of being a fluff and posting on the boards.. How about I become your problem next set?

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 5th 2019, 11:17:22

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 4th 2019, 17:19:14

[quote poster=DerrickICN; 46580; 886675]I didnt notice I was right btw. Totally thought you was after raz hawk hahaha.

I wasnt even wrong. He wasnt gunning for you. His target just joined gdi. Lol

Yeah Hawk.. Don't make it seem like he was running away from you. Its bad enough that you were going to blindside him to begin with.. Your making it seem like he is a little fluff.

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 3rd 2019, 3:59:34

I will be honest here... That is the extent of how much derrick "tried" to help me.. Whatever.. I wont blame him. His intentions were good.

You got lucky Hawk. Im not saying I could had wiped out your tag but at that time I did have all your countries spied and was thinking of conducting harmful spy ops on you. you only ramped up your production in the last few days.

but it is what it is.. you played a good game and managed to get the best of me.. nice job Hawk.

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 3rd 2019, 4:14:43

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 3rd 2019, 2:14:54

I left you alone because the last few sets your string has left me alone... and it was clear this set that you were netting. that's why..

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 3rd 2019, 2:00:54

Originally posted by Primeval:
You mean one of our allies had been shooting the breeze with one of our known enemies and one of the biggest cheaters in the game currently? How odd.

Oh, blow the horn up your ass primeval. We all know your gang of third world degenerates couldn't do fluff to LOC

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 3rd 2019, 1:44:18


macdaddy Game profile


Mar 2nd 2019, 15:07:19

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
They're gonna keep killing mine and ignore you for a bit. They want to turn my countries into 100k nw fighting Chihuahuas

Yeah, well like I said earlier.. you took the first major retaliation strike and its understandable that you took damage considering you were outnumbered 5 to 1...

I will however add that IMPs strikes against me have been poor at best.. I don't know how many times you can knock your head against a wall and keep on going..

Anyways.. I see players like UncleJames crying.. Don't blame us.. Blame Primeval because he chose this fate for you.

Edited By: macdaddy on Mar 2nd 2019, 16:15:23

macdaddy Game profile


Mar 2nd 2019, 14:51:38

Not many posts on here from IMP..... That's all right. I would be embarrassed as well to highlight myself and IMP if all my countries turned into a wreck.

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 28th 2019, 21:15:59

Originally posted by Marhsal:
he made a whole thread giving praise to himself, why does he need u macidiot?

You seem like a really disgruntled IMP player.. I would be feeling horrible too if I was involved with such a loser clan who cant even manage a few suiciders without going bankrupt and losing any netting chance they had.

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 28th 2019, 20:25:05

I was looking for any opportunity to give praise where its deserved.. Imp has suffered a lot of damage this set and a lot of the credit goes to karnage.. If a solo tag doesnt jump into IMP at the end of set it will be nothing short of a miracle if they manage to get 1 country in the top 100

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 28th 2019, 20:48:21

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 28th 2019, 19:39:45

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
The next Dilly in the making :)
Next teach him how to stock.

not exactly..

Karnage has been the real mvp of the fight. He has more consistent 1 minute kills and total kills than anyone in FFA this set.. Not to mention he took most of the retaliation from IMP..

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 28th 2019, 10:50:13

Thanks Karnnage..

Ive just started to plan out my attacks more rather than to impulsively go with the anger and rage flow.. lol

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 28th 2019, 10:58:05

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 27th 2019, 20:41:51

[quote poster=KoHeartsGPA; 46556; 886234]LOL good for you, treat her good. [/quote}

oh yeah.. well, she makes it easy to be on my best behaviour. most of the time that is.. lol

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 27th 2019, 21:32:46

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 27th 2019, 19:56:39

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
You have a wife?..... ROFLMAO

Yup!! I love her a lot!!! I also love spy ops on IMP members because their spal sucks!!!!!!

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 27th 2019, 14:53:10

sorry im late!! The wife needed some loving. Party on Karnage!!

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 27th 2019, 15:04:34

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 25th 2019, 22:48:31

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 23rd 2019, 22:40:10

Originally posted by DancingBear:
@Requiem - i don't remember anyone suggesting a new spy op for stealing land - and my first reaction is that this might be a good way to go ... perhaps scale the results to between10% of an SS and 10% of a PS, with regular spy op losses and chances of success or failure. Call the op "political annexation." Perhaps add a potential bad effect on failure as per biotterrorism, maybe yielding land or other assets to the target.

It might change many things, from the value of spy tech to the nature of land kills.

But mostly, implementaion should be straightforward, which is a big plus.

Anybody else like the idea?


Its not a bad idea but I would personally like the idea of stealth jets better.

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 24th 2019, 0:59:06

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 23rd 2019, 20:41:06

Originally posted by mrford:
I have made a solo kill on this server. Once. But it required a lot of planning and chems. And it was a clan mate. I kinda miss SoF.

deano isnt good enough.

Not sure.. I have never tried to do it in Alliance.

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 23rd 2019, 22:43:52

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 23rd 2019, 16:47:46

Originally posted by Requiem:
It would be like adding a Land Grab to spy ops? Spy ops can already kill population and destroy buildings.

I see what your saying but destroying buildings and killing population are 2 different operations.. At least by having stealth jets you could do both in one attack without being detected. Not to mention with spy attacks you will usually have to kill him off with military once he gets near death which will show on the newsfeed.. With stealth jets you wouldn't have those problems. I wouldn't put it under spy ops but more as a military unit where you can purchase stealth jets or produce them rather. Plus land grabbing opponents without being initially detected would add more depth to the game.

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 23rd 2019, 19:52:16

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 22nd 2019, 15:54:26

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
Still killed by turrets?

Maybe increase the amount you lose also.


Such a weapon would be a great tool for preemptive first strikes.

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 22nd 2019, 15:36:05

I'm not suggesting creating stealth tanks or troops. Just Stealth jets. the moment you use another military unit other than jets you lose the stealth capability. So it could only be used with bombing runs or 100% jets in land grabs.

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 22nd 2019, 15:39:18