
macdaddy Game profile


Feb 20th 2019, 10:45:28

I mean like a stealth division in the military.. where you can do bombing runs and land grabs without it showing up on the newsfeed, alert their defensive alliances or highlight app. Maybe have it like a 1 to 5 production ratio with normal jets in which you cant place them on market to sale.. Or you can only purchase them on the private market at a premium.

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 20th 2019, 12:06:29

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 19th 2019, 19:29:35

I know it would require too much effort but it would be cool if there were stealth forces. If you wanted to conduct a top secret operation that didn't display on the newsfeed then you could use stealth jets.. Just a thought!

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 18th 2019, 17:59:52

He hit me twice so I sent a chem his way... oh and the 50 spy ops (destroying buildings).. That may have done it.

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 18th 2019, 4:46:43

Well its most certainly a better rationale than to join those flufftards Stones!!!! I cant wait till I kill my first flufftard

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 18th 2019, 2:09:29

Way too many!! Hurry up and kill me you dumbasses so I can hide, bulk up and suicide into you.. what a pathetic clan. I only signed up to this stupid server so I can make an enemy and find someone to suicide on !!! mission accomplished!! :)

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 18th 2019, 2:22:38

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 18th 2019, 0:55:47

Originally posted by trumpoz:
Originally posted by Ivan:
Honestly most people outside of the states thinks that the republicans have completely lost their minds, if they ever had any and I seriously wonder why all republicans imagine that the past is the best thing ever and no change shall ever be made or ever exist.


As an Aussie Id laugh at the USA if our own political system wasnt so fluffed as well.

My parents in England would laugh harder except they are facing a no-deal Brexit.

As an outsider looking in - Trump is a joke and is trying to run a country like a business. Unfortunately that doesnt work. It also seems that the Dems are looking for anything to continue to make trouble and oppose him - much like the Senate did when Obama was in power.

Trump declaring a national emergency, from the outside just seems like a way for him to circumvent the checks and balances of the two-house system.

As an Aussie you would think it would be in their best interest to have a Republican Party in Power the way Australia and Britain want to project "HARD POWER" to protect their interest in the South China Sea and homeland security.

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 18th 2019, 0:59:01

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 16th 2019, 20:55:18

Originally posted by sinistril:
You clan was not planning to net peacefully that set, you were planning a set war with loc hence the war builds. I acted without IMPs blessing or backup. Of course I FSed you. You had 3x the numbers. You had played EE longer than me at that point and are still a noob. You've done nothing that shows an improvement in warring skills. And I was just pointing out that even Marshal is not going to take your fluff as he knows you can't do anything to threaten him.

Ok.. challenge accepted dumb ass. I officially declare war on marshal.

Marshal... you can blame Sinistril after you end up in the red.

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 16th 2019, 20:58:57

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 16th 2019, 20:40:13

Originally posted by sinistril:
It's not really my fault you make a lot of enemies. I think your forgetting that I hit you for things you did after smegma. ie. Using one man tags as your farm land, doing ops on me, etc. Lost turns are the worst excuse I've ever heard when you have 3x the numbers. The truth is that Makinso saw how you were acting, saw how you performed in a fight and knew that you were not worth fighting for.

Yeah. I don’t think he thought that at all. Right from the start all we wanted to do was net and we didn’t outnumber you. You both were fighting for IMP which had twice the amount of members we had. You FS”d us.. I fought well up till the last FS and this was years ago now. You tend to forget that I am relatively new to earth empires and this happened when I was still a noob. My warring skills have improved since my early days.

Anyways, this isn’t about you. It’s about marshals big mouth. Is your plan to make me make an example out of him?

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 16th 2019, 20:04:13

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by sinistril:
Talking about 10 sets ago when we were outnumbered 3:1 and still ran you off the server or?

Oh.. you are referring to when we were peacefully netting and had no defenses? Then you bulked up some war builds and launched a FS against us? That’s nothing to be proud of..

I mean, you had max war techs and high defense. Not my fault you can't use it.

Not to mention that smegma was attacking us right from week 2 in set. Killed like 30 countries of his which resulted in a lot of lossed turns. Meanwhile you were in a hidden tagged untouched and launched a second wave of FS”s.. we were already exhausted.

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 16th 2019, 20:10:22
See Original Post

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 16th 2019, 19:52:25

Originally posted by sinistril:
Talking about 10 sets ago when we were outnumbered 3:1 and still ran you off the server or?

Oh.. you are referring to when we were peacefully netting and had no defenses? Then you bulked up some war builds and launched a FS against us? That’s nothing to be proud of..

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 16th 2019, 19:41:46

Originally posted by sinistril:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
Originally posted by Marshal:
like i said, my reply to you got deleted by mods.

Oh..... and what exactly did that message consist of?

He basically called you a fluff knowing that your extortion tactic won't work (because you're full of fluff and can't back up anything you say).

Coming from a guy who hides and launches surprise attacks like a coward. I don’t really take anything you say seriously. Now go run back to your master, primeval.

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 16th 2019, 19:12:04

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I want reps from you macdaddy!

I bet you do!! We both know that would never happen though !!

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 16th 2019, 17:35:59

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Marshal:
like i said, my reply to you got deleted by mods.

On express?

No, on alliance.. I think he is full of fluff.

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 16th 2019, 15:54:51

Originally posted by Marshal:
like i said, my reply to you got deleted by mods.

Oh..... and what exactly did that message consist of?

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 16th 2019, 15:13:24

Still waiting for my FA!!

I don't think you want to test my patience.

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 14th 2019, 11:58:37


macdaddy Game profile


Feb 13th 2019, 0:11:26

careful who you insult marshal.. You just may regret that comment.

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 12th 2019, 16:49:26


Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 12th 2019, 16:55:59

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 12th 2019, 16:48:02

horrible admin skills

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 12th 2019, 17:01:47

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 8th 2019, 15:22:26

Originally posted by Marshal:
he'd be even worse then.


macdaddy Game profile


Feb 7th 2019, 12:40:01

Great job on keeping IMP down Karnage.

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 1st 2019, 22:06:36

Originally posted by trumpoz:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
prices for everything has been horrible in express lately.. There should be more Res/business bots to generate more cash to invest in the markets.

Why woukd you care? Couldnt you just create more multies and cheat more? Seriously just go away.

How about I kill you? From what I heard about your fluff countries that wouldn't be that hard. I guess you are butt hurt because I probably farmed one of your fluff countries into the ground because it was fluff. Congrats, You just made my express kill list,

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 1st 2019, 21:38:43

prices for everything has been horrible in express lately.. There should be more Res/business bots to generate more cash to invest in the markets.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 31st 2019, 16:06:59

If there were loads of deletions last round how come I am the only one getting penalized for it????

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 30th 2019, 19:17:01

Look.. You never ever said that me getting banned from playing was an option for you.. At least give me a warning saying that if I make another multi then I lose that privilege.. At least give me a warning!!

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 29th 2019, 19:08:48

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by macdaddy:
I only had 1 cheat country last set.. not sure about the others.

Yeah, I am disappointed in you. So much so you took my niceness and ran with it. Do not expect to play here anymore.

Do not expect to play here anymore? what do you mean exactly?

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 29th 2019, 18:26:25

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Piece of fluff

Anytime you want to commit suicide in Express and fight me 1 vs 1 ill be here fluff.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 29th 2019, 16:26:12

I only had 1 cheat country last set.. not sure about the others.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 29th 2019, 16:20:44

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I have one question for you SF, since you already knew he wasn't going to tolerate late set grabs and he would retal in that manner....why in God's green earth did you grab him???


Well, that's obvious.. He isn't a scared fluff like you

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 25th 2019, 13:17:12

Originally posted by UgolinoII:
*reels in fish*

2019-01-25 13:04:10 SS mac (#78) Razor Ramon (#3) 31A (32A)
2019-01-25 13:04:07 SS mac (#78) Razor Ramon (#3) 31A (32A)
2019-01-25 13:04:03 SS mac (#78) Razor Ramon (#3) 31A (32A)
2019-01-25 13:04:00 SS mac (#78) Razor Ramon (#3) 36A (38A)
2019-01-25 13:03:56 SS mac (#78) Razor Ramon (#3) 44A (47A)
2019-01-25 13:03:52 SS mac (#78) Razor Ramon (#3) 58A (62A)
2019-01-25 13:03:47 SS mac (#78) Razor Ramon (#3) 75A (82A)
2019-01-25 13:03:44 SS mac (#78) Razor Ramon (#3) 98A (112A)

just getting my land back. that's all

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 25th 2019, 12:05:42

what?? no. My country name is mac.. Its probably that dumbass Ratski.

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 25th 2019, 12:46:38

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 24th 2019, 23:50:20

Originally posted by bug03:
I am quite worried about #99 actually

You are worried of a dem?

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 23rd 2019, 19:19:26

[quote poster=Primeval; 46309; 882448]lol. Syko just tried to call out Crippler [/quot

He didn't try. He succeeded in calling him out.

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 20th 2019, 17:10:51

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
Posting info obtained from ops is against the rules.

who cares. you aren't playing his country anymore. don't be a square.

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 20th 2019, 20:00:30

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 20th 2019, 16:22:13

If you engage in war with someone who is on GDI and he/she kills you.. Your restart shouldn't be affected by his/her GDI.

Edited By: macdaddy on Jan 20th 2019, 18:33:05

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 19th 2019, 11:50:07

I screwed over 2 people this set. you are going to have to be more specific

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 19th 2019, 11:47:50

he must have had a very low turret defense

macdaddy Game profile


Jan 17th 2019, 23:39:57

[quote poster=Karnage XZ; 46309; 880944]No I can't this reset. I don't have a restart over 1m nw. I think i'm about finished. All my support left me. Story of my life! [/quo

I fought till the end with ya too Syko!